The Voice Of Venus ~ Audiobook

The-Voice-Of-Venus-Audio-Book-main-4-post“Very advanced human beings are concerned with the lower orders of evolution of mankind. They are concerned not only because it is the natural sequence in serving mankind—it is to serve the Infinite best.

“But there must always be, in the great Infinite Mind an Understanding, that continual movement of continual progress—that continual evolution which all things go through, not only in the atomical substances as has been shown to you here, but it follows through into the planets and into and through the solar systems themselves. (more…)

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The Value Of Concept In Spiritual Progression ~ Part II

The-Value-Of-Concept-In-Spiritual-Progression-mainby Ernest L. Norman

Every person does, from the time of death until the time of rebirth, live in some spiritual world, and to the materialist this is indeed a1-life-between-lives very nebulous, gray and hazy world wherein he finds himself without his physical body, simply because he does not have the necessary forms of consciousness to maintain a conscious relationship with the spiritual world in which he finds himself; and all of his values of life are posed upon material values which no longer exist in the spiritual world about him. Consciousness to this degree, however, is fortunately not completely justified in all intents and purposes, for overshadowing any human being in this nether world of spiritual values is that Higher Superconsciousness, that spiritual cell or nucleus, which has been created in cyclic patterns by the Infinite Consciousness. (more…)

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The Value Of Concept In Spiritual Progression

The-Value-of-Concept-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Concept is only one of these adjutants to understanding and, in understanding or realizing it in its full intensity, so far as the radiating-light-of-consciousnessindividual is concerned, man has actually eliminated all known barriers of time and space in his own immediate reactive physical world. The body, as a vehicle wherein the twelve or fifteen million brain cells have thus been impounded, means little, or is of absolutely no consequence whatsoever in regard to the fact that we are immediately concerned with objectifying consciousness in any part of the Infinite Cosmos. When this is done through a system of relationships and through existing forms of energy transferences known as vibrations, oscillations, or cyclic patterns of interdimensional relationships, it merely means we have linked ourselves infinitely to this Infinite Cosmos with anyone or a number of given points of perspection. (more…)

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House Of Glass

House-Of-Glass-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

And thus my life my thought my mind become a house of glass


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False Teachers And Prophets

False-Teachers-And-Prophets-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

EmperorCertain wise Avatars who have visited this planet have always stressed man’s perversities in distorting spiritual virtues into some subversive malfunction to obtain power and glory over his fellowman. History reveals kings and emperors have thus been born and as of today they are still reappearing in different clothing and with different names.

Not the least of those who set themselves up in some position of power over mankind is the kneeling-before-priesthoodpriest and just as are other forms so represented, the priest and his ecclesiastical dispensation is still an all powerful influence in almost any land on the planet Earth. It is a fact almost beyond analysis that the masses of people who have so lived in their time have accepted without quibble any and all claims of those who proclaim a visitation from the pervading ruling god of the times.

Moses-and-the-burning-bushAnd so, whether it was Moses and the burning bush, Mohammed, Joseph Smith or any other historical configurations, these claims have caused these believers to form a religion or cultistic pantheology which always becomes extremely rhetorical; in fact, it lives and thrives by a fanatical demand that all mankind must so believe. (more…)

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Reading The Akashic

Reading-The-Akashic-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Looking off to each side for perhaps a distance of a thousand feet each way – if we can measure it in your earth measurements – you would see that the edge of this great street is lined with very beautiful tall stately trees which look like the ones you saw on Venus. Their huge tapering trunks are of the purest transparent brown crystal and they are glowing and glittering. Looking up into the canopy of branches and leaves which tower several hundred feet into the space above, you will see that each tree bears a marked difference; and while they are somewhat all synonymous, yet, each one portrays a different type or character.

1-fountain-in-the-forest-2The trees, just as all vegetation, grows with its own individual expression or life force within itself so that it portrays, not only its own character, but takes on an individuality which is so common among all things here. They are much more closely connected with the God Force. So, you might say, while we never tend these trees, nor do we plant them, yet, they spring into existence in their well-ordered places and dimensions, as part of the continuity of this whole divine scheme, where all things are so working out in a much more highly evolved integrated fashion. Trees evolve in these dimensions just as do humans or any other species that you might find of the earth plane, just as you found in landscaped gardens in other cities, or that they grew luxuriantly in somewhat of a more natural state. They are all, in themselves, depicting different stages of their evolution. (more…)

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World Of Tomorrow

World-Of-Tomorrow-main-4-postAbove Image Credit: Morgan Stanley Hero

by Ernest L. NormanCarrie_Jacobs_Bond

Dear Ones – I am so glad to be with you this evening. I am the identity of Carrie Jacobs Bond, and am most happy to greet you from this great plane of music, drama, art, and literature here in UN.AR.I.U.S.. If you recall some time ago in your former residence, during the early summer months, I made contact with Ruth and was able to impress her with a few lines which came to my mind at that time, and thus it was that we began to open up the channel with her, so that it brings us up to this present moment where I am with you again here in this great Center of UN.AR.I.U.S., which is devoted to the inspirational arts as they are connected to the great central planet of Muse and the vast city of Coralanthus which you formerly visited in one of your other books. (more…)

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Interdimensional Solar Mechanics ~ Part II

Interdimensional-Solar-Mechanics-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Our physical world, as it is composed or comprised of atom-molecule forms, and in whatever shape, manner or form you wish to look at them–the table on which you eat your meals, the bed upon which you sleep at night, the house in which you live, the entire terrestrial atmosphere and environment–is a composition of molecules, and molecules, in turn, are atoms; in other words, the central nuclei or the central polarity of a fourth-dimensional vortex.

Atoms-vs-MoleculesWell, you might wonder how all of this situation is maintained. How do atoms, for example, form a table and yet, seemingly, there will be a vacant space around the table, the nearest solid surfaces being walls or floors? Now, if you revert back to some of my original statements, you will see that I said that space–any space, the space around you in your room in which you are now sitting, or the space outdoors, when you are out on a picnic–really isn’t space at all. (more…)

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Interdimensional Solar Mechanics ~ Part I

Interdimensional-Solar-Mechanics-main-4-pastby Ernest L. Norman

Present-day theory of light and heat produced by the sun is as follows:

The following taken from the San Diego Tribune – Aug. 19, 1971

Inside the sun, gas particles, or atoms, are packed so tightly together that they break apart. An atom is made up of an inner part (or nucleus) and an outer part. Deep inside the sun the outer parts of the gas atoms have all been stripped away from the nuclei. A gas made up of atoms that are broken apart is called a plasma.

The temperature of the plasma at the sun’s center is probably 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. At this high temperature, reactions can take place between the nuclei of atoms, which we call nuclear reactions. The nuclear reactions taking place inside the sun are nuclear fusion reactions. The nuclei of two or more atoms point together, or fuse, producing a large amount of light and heat. Billions of atomic nuclei join together within the sun every second. These reactions are the source of the sun’s energy.

The energy produced by nuclear fusion inside the sun has to escape or else the sun would explode. The energy flows from the center of the sun to the photosphere, (the sun’s surface, which is a layer of gases a few hundred miles thick). (more…)

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The Kingdom Within

The-Kingdom-Within-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

It has been universally observed that the Bible is the most contradictory book ever written. This is quite 1-Bibletrue; for within the historical framework of this book, we find all known elements which relate to human conscious or subconscious behaviorisms and the beliefs which sponsor these various human reflexes.

Within the Bible there is found mingled together fact and fiction, history, superstition;2-worshiping-the-golden-calf-two and love is found side by side with murder. Altruistic idealisms are affronted in close proximity with fornication, conniving, lustful purposes; and over all there is a glossed coating of supernatural aura contrived as a build-up or preconditioning by all those who associate their life with the Bible. It is difficult indeed to reconcile or compromise a god who would slay 20,000 Israelites worshiping a golden calf, with the god of Jesus who taught and expressed the most benign and beneficent attitudes, to turn the other cheek, etc., yes, even this God has been vilified, for even in the very act of procreation as the Father of Jesus, he was guilty of adultery or that his representative priest performed this adulterous act for him. (more…)

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Missing Elements In ‘The Origin Of The Species’

Missing-Elements-In-The-Origin-Of-The-Species-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

I am a former Englishman by the name of Charles Darwin, who lived on the earth around the 1800’s. It is with1-Charles-Darwin a good deal of something more than pleasure that I have been enabled to come to you with this discussion. I might say, incidentally, that I have just within the past few days made my ascension into Aureleus. I have been laboring long and mightily in the fields of biological research in some other planetary systems somewhat more spiritual in nature than that of the earth.

It was with a good deal of chagrin that I learned that my philosophies on the earth have caused so much controversy and friction between the ecclesiastical 2r-Darwin-controversyphilosophers and those of a scientific nature. In my writings at that period, I left two different books, one, “The Origin of the Species”, in which I set forth very definite principles, after some scientific research which made it necessary for me to journey around the earth and to visit various archipelagoes and continents; and thus I set forth these principles of evolution in the specifications of plant and animal life on the earth. I did, as many other philosophers and scientists also have been doing and are still doing. I was not clairvoyant nor did I have the knowledge of looking into the spiritual dimensions around me in order to integrate factually the necessary conclusions of these evolutionary sciences. Therefore, my work was somewhat incomplete in its nature as you will see farther along in our discussion. (more…)

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The Voice Of Eros-Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition

The-Voice-of-Eros-main-4-postBook Two of The Pulse of Creation

by Ernest L. Norman

Illustrated for the first time!

(Could this be your afterlife? Or your nightly experience?)

The-Voice-Of-Eros-book-coverContinue the visionary tour of the legendary Seven Shamballas in Book Two of The Pulse of Creation, in company with the Advanced Masters who live and teach there.

“There’s science in everything,” Leonardo da Vinci tells us from his vantage point on Eros. From tiny ballerinas to full-scale operas, from new inventions to advanced cosmology, this is a dazzling, eye-popping journey into the higher-dimensional worlds you won’t want to miss.

Enjoy reading psychic, mental “transmissions” from Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Hilarion/Krishna, Iona, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Robert Louis Stevenson, Confucius, Helena Blavatsky, Lao-Tse, Maha Chohan, Michael Faraday/Pericles, Rene Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gamaliel, and more.

With brand new, full-color illustrations from visionary artist Roslynn E. Moore, the Collector’s Edition will bring you even closer to these luminous classrooms on the Inner worlds. (more…)

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To Be Or Not To Be

To-Be-Or-Not-To-Be-main-4-postby Ernest L Norman

Man has through the ages been duped by innumerable religious systems including Christianity plucked-from-earth-1which have all promised to those who believe, that some gods or master will someday pick them up in a basket, so to speak, and transport them to a land of plenty and eternal bliss. Such teachings and beliefs are not only fallacious but are also destructive.

Under the great universal principle of cosmic regeneration, all spiritual-evolution-2forms and substances must progressively evolve. From the inner plane the hydrogen atom evolves into the helium atom and finally into uranium; likewise in the same manner the human must progressively evolve. This is reincarnation. Unless this evolution is sustained progressively and constructively all past dispensations which are evil, selfish, malicious and negative (destructive), will remain as part of any human and in subsequent evolutions will snowball in effect to the point where the human becomes mentally and physically sick from any one or dozens of incurable conditions. (more…)

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Staying True To Your Inner Pathway

Staying-True-To-Your-Inner-Pathway-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

telescope-1The scientist has until quite recently been prone to limit the span of life as it is found upon the earth to something which is relative and indigenous only to this planet despite the fact that through his telescope he sees a small fraction of this Infinite Cosmogony about him.

Nuclear science, too, has propounded for the scientist, new equations in the term of Infinity, yet here again, he is prone to laynuclear-scientist-2 down the lines of demarcation and thus stamps himself with the same seal of abysmal ignorance as his contemporaries from the more material realms and dimensions of earth existence. In a true spiritual sense—and realizing the proportions of Infinity as so compounded in the extractions of the Superconsciousness and its conjunctive relationship with the Infinite—man becomes a man only when he realizes his own particular position in respect to this Infinite and when he has destroyed completely the illusion of self from his own particular position to this Infinite. (more…)

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Jungle Law – Survival Of The Fittest

Jungle-Law-Survival-Of-The-Fittest-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-frustrated-courtThere is, as of today, a generally acknowledged legal concept that ignorance of the law is not a legitimate excuse which can be used by any person who has committed some transgression against moral and legal codes of his community; and to those who have and are being daily tried for various crimes which they claim were innocently perpetrated, there is a feeling of frustration and injustice when sentence is passed upon them. (more…)

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