On Master Teachers And Their Students

On-Master-Teachers-And-Their-Students-main-2-postby Yada di Shi’ite (channeled by Mark Probert)

Yada: This afternoon our talk will be on the Master Teachers of life (Yogis) and to some extent on the nature of their association with those who seek to become students of life.

To become a yoga master requires many years of concentration and complete sacrifice of the lower self to the higher self. Therefore there is no such thing as a young yoga master.

It has been taught by some teachers of yoga that abstaining from sex and eating of meat are of absolute necessity if the student is to attain Self Realization. This of course is a wrong concept. The abstaining from one’s normal sexual drives can be harmful to both the mind and the body, and more especially those of the young, where the fires of creation burn bright and strong. Of course, somewhere along the path the student will of his own accord find the need to practice celibacy, which by the way does not mean the mere refraining from legalized sex called marriage, which practically all priests of almost all religious orders are avowed to do, but to any use of the sexual energies where the aim is to gratify the lower passions. (more…)

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Death And After

Death-And-After-main-2-postby Manly P. Hall

LIFE is more powerful then life and death itself” ~ by unknown

While in Manila I chanced to walk a short distance out into the country and stood for some time watching a slow-moving, mud-covered water bull dragging an antique plow through the ooze of a partly submerged rice field. Hour after hour the great animal waded through the mud, now and again shaking its massive head to free itself from the tantalizing swarms of flies. Behind the bull walked an aged Filipino, his tattered trousers rolled above his knees and his homespun garments bespattered with ooze and grime. To wade day after day through the half-inundated paddies constituted the life of the water bull; to follow with his hands upon the plow constituted the life of the man. (more…)

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Yogic Philosophy: Discourse On Spiritual Evolution

Yogic-Philosophy-Discourse-On-Spiritual-Evolution-main-3-postby William Walker Atkinson

The beautiful doctrine of Spiritual Evolution, that gem in the diadem of the Yogic Philosophy is sadly misunderstood and misinterpreted, even by many who are its friends. The mass of uninformed people confuse it with the crudest ideas of the ignorant races of Asia and Africa – believe that it teaches that the souls of men descend into the bodies of the lower animals after death. And under the guise of high teachings regarding Reincarnation, many promulgate theories holding that the soul of man is bound to the wheel of human rebirth, and must live in body after body – whether it will or not – until certain great cycles are past, when the race moves on to another planet. All of these misconceptions, however, are based upon the real truth – they are the truth, but not the whole truth. It is true that the soul of a brutal, selfish, bestial man, after death, will be drawn by the force of its own desires toward rebirth in the body of some of the lower and more beast-like races of man – it has failed in its class work, and has been sent back to a lower grade. But the soul that has once reached the stage of even primitive Manhood, never can sink back into the plane of lower animal life. As bestial as it may be, it still has acquired something that the animal lacks, and that something it can never lose. And likewise, although the race – as a race – must wait until certain periods are reached before it may move onward, yet the individual who has risen beyond the need of immediate rebirth, is not compelled to reincarnate as a man of the present stage of development, but may wait until the race “catches up” to him, as it were, when he may join it in its upward swing, the intervening period being spent either in the higher planes of the Astral World or in conscious temporary sojourn in other material spheres, helping in the great work of the evolution of all Life. (more…)

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Removing Prejudice/Finding Peace

Removing-Prejudice-Finding-Peace-main-4-postby James Allen

He who aspires to the bettering of himself and humanity should ceaselessly strive to arrive at the exercise of that blessed attitude of mind by which he is enabled to put himself, mentally and sympathetically in the place of others, and so, instead of harshly and falsely judging them, and thereby making himself unhappy without adding to the happiness of those others, he will enter into their experience, will understand their particular frame of mind, and will feel for them and sympathize with them.

One of the great obstacles to the attainment of such an attitude of mind is prejudice, and until this is removed it is impossible to act toward others as we would wish others to act toward us. (more…)

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Mental Attunement

Mental-Attunement-main-4-postby Ruth E. Norman

Because some have asked regarding the extent of one’s ability to conceive and progress in any one lifetime, let it be said that it is1-Ruth-Norman-a frankly very doubtful that the majority of persons would make all the headway possible in any particular earth life for, in most cases, people are too into their own physical material life.

In the case of this entity, as has been mentioned, due to the existing need, the briefness of time to accomplish all things and because of much preparation, she feels as though just about all has been worked out and conceived which has been set up to do. After man actually sets out upon the more progressive pathway, we plan while on the Inner just what we shall accomplish and learn while on this side; and it does seem this has been completely accomplished, other than the remaining testimonial books to be published. But there exists a sense of completeness and peace – a peace possible only through the severance or separation of self from past influences and ties. (more…)

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The Complex Escape Mechanism

The-Complex-Escape-Mechanism-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-alcoholicPsychological nomenclature defines an escape mechanism as thought and action by any individual whereby certain psychic pressures seem to be temporarily relieved or certain justifications attained. It can be said factually that of the three and a half billion people living at this time [currently 7.8 billion today], all, without exception, exhibit all classical symptoms of characteristic escape mechanisms and can therefore be said to be to some degree, mentally ill. These escape mechanisms are always very complex and encompass all mental and physical activity, all thought and action of any human, and in any particular escape complex mechanism, there is always one dominant factor which keys the entire reactive escape processes. (more…)

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Inspirational Quotes For The New Year

Quotes-For-The-New-Year-main-4-postby Shi Wuling

A line drawn on water
vanishes in an instant.
Our lives are like that line on the water.
Life is short.
Do not waste it.

Ego, self-importance
keep us from forgiving others,
from forgiving ourselves.
Pride, arrogance keep us
from making peace with others,
from making peace with ourselves.


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Reincarnation: Life Returns Unceasingly

Reincarnation-Life-Returns-Unceasingly-main-2-postby Rendol Snell

The old conception of the Creator as a big, superior kind of man, who spoke face to face with wise men of old, telling them the plan of creation and destiny of the world, has been outgrown, so that it is the privilege of any person to investigate for himself the great problem, “What am I?”

Science has been making great strides to solve the mysteries of nature but there yet remain many problems unsolved. One of these is the origin and nature of life and the important question of life after death. A few paragraphs here will be devoted to explaining the theory or, better, hypothesis of reincarnation and some problems connected therewith.

To put the matter in simple words, the writer believes that life returns again and again on the earth. Not only human life but all life.

This theory, under the name “transmigration,” was taught by Buddhism in a crude form and is believed in by at least one-third of the population of the earth, who are more or less under the influence of Buddhist teaching. Like all great fundamental ideas, there are perhaps few parts of the earth where the idea has not been present in some dim fashion. (more…)

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Embraced By Angels

Embraced-By-Angels-main-2-postby William A. Burt

Out Of The Darkness

Michael Bryant’s encounter with an angel – a small, gentle Hispanic lady with a soft voice and comforting hands – was truly a life-altering experience when he was at his lowest ebb one lonely Christmas just a few years ago.

He describes his amazing encounter in a moving letter to the Miami Herald:

“For almost four years now, I can’t think of my accident without thinking of her.

“She came out of the darkness to help me out of a car wreck that should have killed me, and comforted me until the ambulance came.

“She stayed with me until the police handcuffed me and took me away. I would later be charged with DUI, my life was about to change, and I was forced to take a deeper look inward. (more…)

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Over The Threshold

Over-The-Threshold-main-2-postby Dana Howard

On April 29, 1955, the beautiful DIANE made an impressive appearance upon the stage of the Planet Earth. Seventeen years previously (while functioning in my [etheric] twin-body) this same Diane had taken me aboard a gem-studded spaceship preparatory to an obviously teleported flight to Venus. On April 29, 1955, she stood before twenty-seven amazed persons in a corner of the little Church of Divine Light, Los Angeles, California. Several who were present that night have given written testimony to the fact that DIANE was neither an ectoplasmic-built entity, nor was she an apparition.

I quote from a letter from Lucille Points, Los Angeles, “I have had the opportunity of sitting through many materialization seances, but I shall never forget one particular evening this spring when Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler had one of her very interesting and inspiring seances. A beautiful, fleshly being came, rather hesitantly at first, then saying, ‘I am Diane. I come from Venus’. Truly I can say this was the most outstanding experience of my life.” (more…)

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The Importance Of Humor In Soul Growth

The-Importance-of-Humor-In-Soul-Growth-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

There are times in the unfolding of human consciousness when the student feels and honestly believes that the entire weight of the Eternal Plan, the salvation of God, man, and the universe and the perpetuation of civilization, rests upon his shoulders. He feels that when he passes out Truth will die with him and that his life must be so filled with duties that he has little, if any, time to demonstrate the qualities of the human race. Religion becomes such a weighty problem that he entirely forgets the necessity of humor and the value of mental and spiritual recreation, or, rather, we may say that lack of use has caused his sense of humor to atrophy.

The inevitable result of losing the ability to laugh and to relax the tension of massive thought and incessant labor is unbalance and ultimate spiritual crystalization, commonly known in the world of affairs as freakishness and crankism. The ability of the philosopher to forget his philosophies and the mystic to lay aside his religion and smile with the world over some hopelessly trivial bit of nonsense is the sign of true super physical greatness and spiritual balance. (more…)

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Achieving Peace Within

Achieving-Peace-Within-main-1-postby Ralph Waldo Trine

This is the Spirit of Infinite Peace, and the moment we come into harmony with it there comes to us an inflowing tide of peace, for peace is harmony. A deep interior meaning underlies the great truth, “To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” To recognize the fact that we are spirit, and to live in this thought, is to be spiritually minded, and so to be in harmony and peace. Oh, the thousands of men and women all about us weary with care, troubled and ill at ease, running hither and thither to find peace, weary in body, soul, and mind; going to other countries, traveling the world over, coming back, and still not finding it. Of course they have not found it and they never will find it in this way, because they are looking for it where it is not. They are looking for it without when they should look within. Peace is to be found only within, and unless one find it there he will never find it at all.

Peace lies not in the external world. It lies within one’s own soul. We may travel over many different avenues in pursuit of it, we may seek it through the channels of the bodily appetites and passions, we may seek it through all the channels of the external, we may chase for it hither and thither, but it will always be just beyond our grasp, because we are searching for it where it is not. In the degree, however, that we order the bodily appetites and passions in accordance with the promptings of the soul within will the higher forms of happiness and peace enter our lives; but in the degree that we fail in doing this will disease, suffering, and discontent enter in. (more…)

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The Sasquatch Message To Humanity ~ Part II

The-Sasquatch-Message-To-Humanity-Part-II-main-2-postby Sasquatch Elder Kamooh


Kamooh said: “Less than a year ago, you were transcribing our message, which directed Kelly and Kewaunee to connect with you, and through them and the circle then created, many others who talk with us have been connecting and sharing their experiences. You have witnessed in the last year all along your journeys many of your people who have come in contact with us and have developed spiritual connections with us. We have been gathering you all worldwide through the contacts and messages of our clans ambassadors, towards a great spiritual convergence to bring out the truth and disclosure about who we are. We the Sasquatch People now rejoice, for this time has come of our great cosmic reunification.” (more…)

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On Compassion

On-Compassion-main-4-postby Dan Millman

The universe does not judge us; it only provides consequences and lessons and opportunities to balance and learn through the law of cause and effect. Compassion is the recognition that we are each doing the best we can within the limits of our current beliefs and capacities.”

Gazing over the small fire, I could see the flames reflected in the sage’s eyes. Her face now illuminated by the firelight, appeared ageless, except for a few lines around the eyes – from smiling, I supposed. She smiled often, so that even when she seemed deeply serious, I could detect an underlying sense of humor and perspective. (more…)

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Heaven Descended!

Heaven-Descended-main-4-postby Ruth E. Norman

Although the reader may feel that too much already has been said of the Luminosities, the Personalities of Worlds of Light, yet ancient-master-of-wisdomthe comparatively few mentions have been only one small fraction of all that has really taken place. And again, last night was to me another wonderful and memorable occasion. As accustomed as I have become to these Luminaries as They make contact in this way into this earth world and into our consciousness, and due to the newer and higher state to which this person has been climbing – a more compatible state of consciousness with them – the trance state has been but slight, a scarcely noticeable difference occurs anymore when their Presence is sensed.

water-fountains-4-postIt was a different story last night! A certain television program portraying the ‘Sea World’ was shown and a large portion of the film was devoted to the ‘Dancing Waters’ there. I have seen other such displays, one they exhibit at the Music Center in Los Angeles, and other times at the large Ice Shows, such watery displays have been quite pretty to watch, but the collection of fountains shown in this film was truly unique. These glorious fountains of dancing waters were so numerous, the configurations which the water took were seemingly infinite in variety but the color was the outstanding element. Colors from within the fountain patterns, then others with great color beams projected onto them from all angles, and the entire display served to tune me into the wonderful Energy Fountains on the Inner! (more…)

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