Removing Prejudice/Finding Peace

Removing-Prejudice-Finding-Peace-main-4-postby James Allen

He who aspires to the bettering of himself and humanity should ceaselessly strive to arrive at the exercise of that blessed attitude of mind by which he is enabled to put himself, mentally and sympathetically in the place of others, and so, instead of harshly and falsely judging them, and thereby making himself unhappy without adding to the happiness of those others, he will enter into their experience, will understand their particular frame of mind, and will feel for them and sympathize with them.

One of the great obstacles to the attainment of such an attitude of mind is prejudice, and until this is removed it is impossible to act toward others as we would wish others to act toward us. (more…)

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Cancer Alternative Therapies

Cancer-Alternative-Therapies-main-4-postby Ralph R. Hovnanian

“Every man his own doctor.” – 1830’s US slogan

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, & which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation without investigation.” – Herbert Spencer

“The mind of the bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

“Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning; a rose is beautiful in whatever garden it may bloom.” – Abdul Baha

The most frequent criticism of Alternative, Unorthodox, “Unproven”, Therapies of Cancer is that they are based on anecdotal evidence, rather than double blind controlled clinical trials, with statistical confidence. This treatise [see link below] is intended to calm that criticism, by harvesting from the literature sundry & such statistics, & standardizing them into an assimilatable “Table I Matrix” herein. (more…)

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How Past Life Exploration Can Heal Your Life ~ Part III

Past-Life-Exploration-Part-III-main-2-postby Denise Linn


A song or musical score has the ability to transport us back to the time when we first heard it. A forgotten memory can be conjured simply by listening to a piece that was being played during the event. Just as the music can help us evoke memories from this life, it can also spur remembrances of past lives.

Matt used to always hum the fiddle song “Turkey in the Straw” to himself. He never knew where he’d heard it, where it was from, or why he even liked it until he was at a gold-rush museum and realized that the same song was playing in the background. As he listened, he had spontaneous – and emotional – memories of panning for gold during the California gold rush in the mid-1800s. (more…)

Posted in Past Life Therapy, Reincarnation, Self-helpwith comments disabled.

Achieving Peace Within

Achieving-Peace-Within-main-1-postby Ralph Waldo Trine

This is the Spirit of Infinite Peace, and the moment we come into harmony with it there comes to us an inflowing tide of peace, for peace is harmony. A deep interior meaning underlies the great truth, “To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” To recognize the fact that we are spirit, and to live in this thought, is to be spiritually minded, and so to be in harmony and peace. Oh, the thousands of men and women all about us weary with care, troubled and ill at ease, running hither and thither to find peace, weary in body, soul, and mind; going to other countries, traveling the world over, coming back, and still not finding it. Of course they have not found it and they never will find it in this way, because they are looking for it where it is not. They are looking for it without when they should look within. Peace is to be found only within, and unless one find it there he will never find it at all.

Peace lies not in the external world. It lies within one’s own soul. We may travel over many different avenues in pursuit of it, we may seek it through the channels of the bodily appetites and passions, we may seek it through all the channels of the external, we may chase for it hither and thither, but it will always be just beyond our grasp, because we are searching for it where it is not. In the degree, however, that we order the bodily appetites and passions in accordance with the promptings of the soul within will the higher forms of happiness and peace enter our lives; but in the degree that we fail in doing this will disease, suffering, and discontent enter in. (more…)

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How Past Life Exploration Can Heal Your Life ~ Part II

How-Past-Life-Exploration-Can-Heal-You-Part-II-mainby Denise Linn

Through analysis of your present strong tendencies you can pretty accurately surmise what kind of life you led before.” – Paramahansa Yogananda, from Man’s Eternal Quest

Discovering who you were in a past life can be easy and fun! There are a number of methods you can employ and learn in order to uncover amazing evidence of your previous lives without ever doing a regression. When you examine the present, you can pick up hundreds of clues that can help you glean information from the past.

No single factor can provide all the answers, but if you gather them together, you can begin to solve the puzzle of who you might have been in previous incarnations. Here’s a list of the areas of your life that we’ll explore in more detail: (more…)

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Releasing Negative Influences

Releasing-Negative-Influences-main-2-postby Dr. Jerry Marzinsky, BA M.Ed

[Although the main thrust of this article is toward relieving schizophrenics of voices that torment, the techniques in this article also help those with occasional disruption by negative voices that may appear from time to time especially in those that are sensitive or more psychically aware. I have found many of the techniques here very helpful in my own life, and with practice, tempering of the many voices that may appear suddenly out of the blue that have negative intent. It is like Marzinky has suggested, that these voices are not hallucinations and are very real negative spiritual influences. As in the quote by Stephen Tobolowsky, “Knowledge is the ultimate protection against the dark.” – Ed]


Before you can do anything about disrupting the voices that torment schizophrenics, it is critical that you know what the voices are and how they behave. This article addresses the important components you must first understand. (more…)

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Shedding Light On War, Peace, And The Brotherhood Of Man

Shedding-Light-main-4-postby James Allen

When a man enters a dark room he is not sure of his movements, he cannot see objects around him, or properly locate them, and is liable to hurt himself by coming into sudden contact with them. But let a light be introduced, and immediately all confusion disappears. Every object is seen, and there is no danger of being hurt. To the majority, life is such a dark room, and their frequent hurts—their disappointments, perplexities, sorrows and pains—are caused by sudden contact with principles which they do not see, and are therefore not prepared to deal with. But when the light of wisdom is introduced into the darkened understanding, confusion vanishes, difficulties are dissolved, all things are seen in their true place and proportion, and henceforth the man walks open-eyed and unhurt, in the clear light of wise comprehension. (more…)

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