UFO Realities

UFO-Realities-main-4-postby Gerardus Tros

This article touches upon the basic philosophies of the author. It is not written to discredit any human or alien force or judge them in any way. The author knows that all things are exactly as they should be. This article therefore is a report not a judgment…

Before we begin…
This is a humble attempt to give the reader a closer understanding of the UFO forces that visit our planet. However, the following does not deal with so-called UFO phenomena. Meaning, the scores of people who have seen UFOs, or the amount of people who have had missing time periods, or the women who might have been impregnated by these forces and/or how many new cattle mutilations we have had this year or last year. No details will be discussed in this article. It only deals with the how and why the UFO forces come to our planet.

There is a certain amount of repetition used in this material since the concepts discussed are difficult to understand. It will help to give the reader a quicker grasp of things, without scrolling back. I hope that I have expressed this subject plainly enough so that most readers get a clear picture of how things are in the times we’re living. I have tried to express the “Truth of Things” with the patience of an old fashioned angel and with the determination of a modern saint (Smile, I am Neither). The following also contains some metaphysical philosophies for they belong to the realities about UFOs.

Before we can explain what UFOs are, we first of all have to understand what the basic medium of the universe really is. The entire universe is a free and flowing vibration of energy that is infinite in its variety and diversity. Also, the universe is full! There are no open spaces or areas where nothing is happening. The universe is a Multi-Dimensional-Mind and all visible and invisible aspects of the universe are our own mind or consciousness, engaged in the processes of creation. This process takes place within us then and it is of a Holographic Vibrational Nature! It is also necessary to have some understanding of Time and Space before the puzzling phenomena of UFOs can be understood. We begin therefore with a discussion about Time/Space and Matter. Pleasant reading!

Time and Space or The Center Poles of Physical Reality

Time and space are a continuum…
We experience time and space when we are awake. And even then, depending on our activity, time and space are quite flexible. The duration of time and the volume of space depend on our attention or focus. The more we focus on either, the more pronounced they become! This suggests that time and space are actually created by us and when we are asleep or unconscious we stop creating them. Time and space are the center-poles of our physical world. They form the psycho-physical background of our day to day existence. They are flexible components or conditions. Time and Space are created by our conscious mind, our brain and our senses, working in a synchronizing energy field. The realities of time and space are generated by this special energy field to which we are subjected as long as we live in a physical body. Time and space, in and by themselves, do not exist, yet we become more and more aware of them when we focus upon them and thus co-create them. Time and space are each other’s opposite. Time is the result of energy-movement and space is the distance traveled during this movement. We could say that Time and space are also each other’s mirror images. There is no time without space and no space without time. Time and space are a continuum!

We experience only a small aspect of the total action…
The universe around us is like an ocean full of vibrating energy in which we swim. Different energies in this ocean vibrate in different patterns and frequencies and these different vibrations create different kinds of matter or substances. Only certain patterns and frequencies of vibration are registered by our sensory system and the surroundings we experience are the energy vibrations that particular aspect of our physical world and universe. The majority of the vibrations that take place in our environment however, are beyond our grasp. We experience only a small aspect of the total activity. This total activity -is- the universal mind or the entire ocean of vibrations! Aspects of this mind that are not noticed by us, leave openings and this gives us the false impression that these openings are empty spaces.

We create space by default…
We do not notice the energies that occupy these many openings because the energies or objects that are there, are created by vibrating energies with frequencies we cannot sense and therefore belong to other densities. We as human beings are not made to experience these other energy densities of the Universal Mind. They belong to other realities or higher levels of activity. For example – the energy bodies of our deceased relatives could be standing right beside us, but we would not notice them because we are not attuned to the frequencies of their density. However they are able to notice us! The higher is always aware of the lower. All realities, activities, objects or things are consciousness or mind in vibration. The aspects we see or experience of this ocean of vibrating mind – we call our surroundings. The things we do not sense or experience are dismissed by us. However, they are still aspects of our surroundings. Our invisible surroundings! We just do not notice these invisible energy vibrations, but they occupy the openings or room we call space. We look right through these energies and thus – we create space by default!

Space is full of energy vibrations…
In other words, space is not nothingness or empty! It is full of energy vibrations that are not noticed or sensed by us. When we live in a human body, physical reality is the main vibration of the universal mind we are able to experience. This vibration or reality includes time and space for they are the most important aspects of the scenery or stage we perform on. Also, just because we as human beings have our existence in a physical reality at this particular time, does not mean, that our reality is the only one. Physical reality is a minuscule aspect of the infinite spectrum of energy vibrations we call the universal mind. Naturally, there are many physical realities as well as none physical realities. It’s up to us to discover them! The UFOs and their occupants, for example, emerge from the invisible realities that surround us at all times.

Matter – The Beautiful – Illusion!

Some scientists think that 90% of the universe is missing…
Matter in and by itself as a solid substance, does not exist! We have given names to all material objects, but the objects are not their names and neither are they a substance called matter. Matter is an energy vibration of a specific type and frequency within a certain range of the consciousness energy spectrum. This frequency range contains all known physical phenomena that take place in our physical universe. Some scientists think that 90% of the universe is missing. They probably come to this conclusion because they are only using 10% of their brain. Which is not all that bad, for most people use only 5% of what is available. The reason why all of us return to this earth repeatedly, is to learn to use the rest of our brain. The universe is complete and not a thing is left out, except full understanding for Mankind at this period of our endeavor. Since mind or consciousness is all there is in the universe, the seemingly expansion of the physical universe is the expansion of our awareness expressed in physical phenomena.

The universe or universal mind is one…
When we are able to experience all energy vibrations or dimensions of the universal mind, we will soon discover that the visible and the invisible universes have merged. All universes are really one! Since we as human beings experience certain vibrations only, we therefore experience certain aspects of the universe only! The aspects we experience form the physical reality or the Plane of Separation. All things seem to be separated from each other. However, physical reality is basically an illusion! What we think we see is not really there as a solid substance. We as Spiritual Beings, have chosen to experience this illusionary reality by means of living in human bodies. Naturally we are not the body.

Life as a human being therefore is a celebration! We are the Essence of the universe and we have succeeded in creating a “vehicle” for our Mind/Soul that allows us to experience specific aspects of our creation. It’s an absolutely astounding achievement! All this was done by means of the Multi-Dimensional Beings or Co-Creators we are…

We have not been kicked out of paradise…
However, when Godbeings separate themselves from their Wholeness, they invariably get lost in their creation or dream. This is what has happened to the Souls or Spirits we are! We are aspects of our own universal mind and at this moment we dream that we are separate entities living in a body that is subjected to time and space. In order for us to return to our Wholeness, we must awaken and attain; the Christ Consciousness. We are one with this Consciousness, but we are not consciously aware of this! Eventually all human beings will attain the levels of awareness necessary to promote themselves to these higher levels of Consciousness. Yes, by all means, please remember that we’re not here because we have sinned and have been kicked out of paradise. We are here to experience our own physical reality! Our experience is a purposeful endeavor.

Traveling from thought to thought…
Since we are consciousness or mind and all things are different vibrations of mind; we should be able to travel from vibration to vibration – or from thought to thought. This will show us that time and space are psycho physical conditions and are created by the vehicles we live in! Traveling from thought to thought has been mastered by the UFO Intelligences. Their crafts enable them to go any place in the universe they can think of. They are the free Godbeings of the universe and the highest among them, do not even need a vehicle or craft to go anywhere. Their very thought will place them wherever they are needed. They do not really travel – they ‘jump’ from thought to thought! They teleport.

About the different levels or densities of the universe…
We live in a universe; that has at least seven densities. At this moment we live in the third density and transcendence to the fourth/fifth density is just around the corner for many of us. Most UFO forces occupy the fifth and sixth density and the highest levels or densities are occupied by the Great Consciousnesses who are in control of specific areas of the universe or Universal Mind in Action. The highest level of all is the very Source of All That Is. The Source is the Essence that lives in all Things and Beings.

Ezekiel and his Flaming Chariots…
All during the ages of human existence the UFO phenomena have been a part of our life. They are also mentioned in the Bible where they are called Flaming Chariots. Ezekiel for example, was taken for a free ride and lived to speak about it. However, many people are still not aware of UFOs and what they really are, it is so far beyond their understanding that the wildest guess would still be miles off target. Most likely UFO lights or happenings are taken for lightning, acts of the Gods, or for some other simple minded explanation. Nowadays however, a few people in the world are coming very close to understanding who and what UFOs and their occupants truly are. The occupants or intelligences are the keepers or guardians of the world and they have been instrumental in its creation. They are Mankind’s Benefactors! Some of them are the genetic engineers of the human bodies we as Spirits live in. For ages, we as spiritual or mental entities have come to many planets to have physical experiences.

There are basically two different kind of UFO Forces…
There are also UFO beings who are not friendly towards Humanity. They have influence over the population of the earth by trying to dominate them and trying to make the whole earth their dominion of slavery! They work by means of inspiring (read possessing maybe) the Rulers of Mankind! So, at this time, there are basically two different kind of UFO Forces that have influence over the population of the earth. However, more than two different kinds of UFO Beings visit or have been encountered upon the planet. It’s a big universe with many many planets with different species. Many are curious about our progress in climbing the Ladder of Awareness. They come to observe.

The masses are kept completely in the dark…
For as long as 60+ years, world governments have been aware of the UFO phenomena and what certain UFO forces were all about. These government or rulers however keep many things hidden from the people. The masses therefore, are completely in the dark as to what these “flying-things” are and what they are doing. The most popular rumor suggests, that they are Beings from other planetary systems that visit here. Space travelers. Well, maybe so. Other aliens however might live right on our planet. This is kept secret by the Rulers of the world. In any case, UFO phenomena are the activities of aliens who live in our environment. They are not necessarily aspects of our 3D reality. Again, the alien presence is two-fold! There are Beings who serve and love mankind and there are Beings who dominate and exploit humanity. These exploiters live off our emotional energies – like the energies of fear and suffering. That is why there are so many wars! Both these forces are interested in the orientation and energies of mankind. It’s either Love or Fear so to speak and mankind is either the receiver or supplier.

The Nature of Our Soul is Cooperation – Sharing – Understanding – Love

That is what the real battle is all about…
However, Armageddon is not about our country, properties, bodies or any other material value or possession. The battle is about the nature of our Inner-Self and the values we practice. Are we servants or lovers of Humanity or are we brainwashed egos who could care less about others? The very nature of our Soul – that is what the real battle is all about! The many religions in their teachings and dogmas have similar views of things but their understanding of what really is going on is misleading. They have some of the truth, but the real truth of things, will put them out of business. This is not to say that Cooperation, Sharing, Understanding and Love will disappear. On the contrary; these are the four corner stones the New Age of Mankind will be based on!

Do they have more right to the earth than we have?
When we are engaged in serving mankind there is very little that will stop us. But when we are busy serving ourselves, most likely we fall victim to the forces that try to seduce us to a level of interest that is so far below human capability, that it would scare any person who is still capable of thinking. The secrecy that is perpetrated by our governments, is the very same type of delusion and/or seduction our governments have fallen victims to themselves. At the present, the world is in the grip of what could be considered a negative alien force. At one time there were negotiations between the USA government and this force that stressed technology over honesty and/or peace. Advanced technological information was traded for the allowance of abductions of human beings to further the alien force’s experiments. The result was that the governments were deceived.

We do the same thing the aliens do…
The trouble also is, that the more technological we become, the more we wander away from our Source. It is assumed that a considerable amount of aliens are/were present at underground locations all over the world. The question arises, do they have more right to the earth than we have? I do not know. In any case, the whole world becomes upset, when people are abducted, the farmer’s cows are stolen and are cut to pieces by very sophisticated means. However, we do the same thing the aliens do, when we take milk from the cows and honey from the bees. We also eat cows and kill the bees when we are finished with them. The aliens probably only use us and do not kill. Besides, who is going to stop them from doing what they want or need? Most aliens are far superior in certain aspects than we are. In the mean time, the entire world has been taken for a ride!

Man still is a fighter instead of a lover…
What to do now? Apparently the late president JFK wanted to enlighten the people of the United States and the world, but never got that far. It is assumed that the real and secret government of the world stopped him in his tracks! The entire world is suffering from the results. The deals that were made favor the almighty dollar and warlike policies over peace. There is some evidence that the same government was also approached by the forces that serve us. They promised that help would be available if all nuclear weapons would be abandoned. These weapons would be made inoperable by them in the first place in case of a nuclear war. However, they never said so, naturally! There is no way that they would let the Earth School be destroyed by a group of ego-maniacs that happen to be in control of our little world. The things that happened in the past are almost beyond belief, but here we are; the UFO situation still has to be dealt with and the masses are becoming very restless. They know that they have been lied to and they would like to hear the truth for a change. They are entitled to it, enough is enough!

Are These Beings Our Heavenly Creator or Are They God’s Helpers?

They are our guardians and benefactors…
The Force of Service to Others (STO), our benefactors, are the force that millions of years ago engineered the species that now is known as mankind. Yes, you and I – our bodies that is. These Beings are not God the Almighty. They are to us what a modern genetic engineer is to the creatures he or she experiments on, or what the zoo keepers are to the animals, or what a modern farmer is to his cattle. In other words; they are our guardians and benefactors since the very dawn of mankind and our endeavors upon this earth. We ought to see them as God’s helpers if you like – or as co-creators. God-like decisions are made by them, as well as by mankind, day in day out. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that all of us are God. In the mean time, it is well possible that the Service to Self Forces (STS) have changed our DNA structure and lowered the level of our awareness for example. There are teachings that proclaim that this is the case. More investigation must be done in order for us to know the truth. To all of us this is an individual job…

A united world is easy to dominate…
So there are forces who are instrumental in creating fear and divisions among mankind and thus influence us to become more interested in weapons and war than in peace. They are the ‘service to self’ aliens. Their earth representatives are working toward a complete world domination via our systems of governments and institutions. These alien forces have been successful in contacting many government bureaucrats of the world and the domination processes are well on their way. This is noticeable by the uniting and standardizing efforts of the trades and banking systems of our world by the real forces that govern. A united world is a lot easier to dominate than hundreds of different systems and peoples. The modern media is the very means of enchanting our great diversity into one dull type of human being more robot than preliminary God! Basically, one could call these two forces Good and Evil, however it should be remembered that all the entities involved in any of the two groups, are but temporary manifestations of the One Infinite Force or Infinite Creator. All this Creator does is play the Game of God as Man. Mankind and all other species in the universe, including the UFO intelligences, are actors on the stage of creation. In other words, it makes no difference on which side of the ledger one is scripted on or engaged in. In the end, all of us are One Energy in the first place.

We are able to create a better reality for ourselves…
In order to have a universe or a world at all, certain scenarios or games have to be created by opposing polarities. The Creator or God is both! This does not mean however, that we have to create a reality of slavery and other conditions far below our capabilities. We are able to create a far better reality for ourselves, by means of diversified and plain old fashioned individual ingenuity and individual freedom! The old fashioned American Dream can still be brought to fruition, but not with a united world of slaves indoctrinated by the nonsense they are being told today. However not to worry, our real benefactors are forever watchful and all will be well in the end. This does not mean however that our present system of government will be maintained. No doubt in the future we will be able to govern ourselves, without the influence of the almighty buck! It’s high time for a more realistic democratic government to replace the shambles of the present day manipulations.

The subliminal or subconscious control…
So, specific UFO forces are man’s benefactors and others are a group of very smart entities, who are trying to dominate and exploit mankind via “Secret Government Organizations” the ordinary masses have not got the slightest notion of. Most likely there is a movement afoot to condition the entire population of the world into some kind of robot-like existence by means of TV and other media. The masses of this world are totally ignorant of these procedures because they are busy consuming and watching their TVs. The big question is – are all TV signals interlaced with subliminal instructions to consume and stay dumb amidst the pretensions of happiness? Are the masses put to sleep? In the future we might end up with 3 billion robots and the rest of the people dead because of known, as well as unknown diseases, yet to be spread among mankind. There might even be some kind of evidence suggesting that the AIDS virus was created by the you know WHO in the first place. Who knows? Are these Secret Forces also the brains behind the drug smuggling? Well, it’s hard to believe or prove, but so are UFOs and their phenomena. Remember however, I have a lively imagination and all this might be private nonsense. Truth is an individual Thing!

Two big questions are:

1) How long are our Benefactors staying in the background? …and…

2) How can we help our brothers from becoming slaves or robots?

It is possible however, that the changes in the world will unite mankind and their governments and we’ll all sail into the future on a bed of roses in the moonlight as reborn lovers. That would really be nice. However, things might be a bit rougher than that. One thing is for sure, we create what we are able to think of. So, let’s become aware of that power and reclaim it. That in and by itself is the ultimate choice…

Part II coming soon

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