The Kingdom Within

The-Kingdom-Within-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

It has been universally observed that the Bible is the most contradictory book ever written. This is quite 1-Bibletrue; for within the historical framework of this book, we find all known elements which relate to human conscious or subconscious behaviorisms and the beliefs which sponsor these various human reflexes.

Within the Bible there is found mingled together fact and fiction, history, superstition;2-worshiping-the-golden-calf-two and love is found side by side with murder. Altruistic idealisms are affronted in close proximity with fornication, conniving, lustful purposes; and over all there is a glossed coating of supernatural aura contrived as a build-up or preconditioning by all those who associate their life with the Bible. It is difficult indeed to reconcile or compromise a god who would slay 20,000 Israelites worshiping a golden calf, with the god of Jesus who taught and expressed the most benign and beneficent attitudes, to turn the other cheek, etc., yes, even this God has been vilified, for even in the very act of procreation as the Father of Jesus, he was guilty of adultery or that his representative priest performed this adulterous act for him.

Attempts to separate the two dimensions of the Old and New Testaments only defeat the validity of any 3-bible-history-bookand all spiritual values which it may contain and any person with an ounce of brains and the ability to use them, would discard the whole book so far as its moral influence was concerned and to regard it as it should be regarded – a historical compilation of fact and fiction – and to leave it up to those who fanatically mesmerize themselves into believing its contents as a way and means of their own personal salvation.

4-lost-soulsThis presents a great mockery and a great hypocrisy. Those countless millions of poor souls, past, present, and future, who have, or will become so mesmerized and accept this book verbatim as a way of life, have found, or will find the hollow mockery of this miasmic mysticism. They will wander through the ages, living life after life, yes, living death after death; suffering untold tortures in their self-inflicted purgatories until they learn to discard the influence of this book, and the ecclesiastical systems which it has fostered and supports.

Yes, even the words of its greatest single character, Jesus, have been mocked and from them there has 5-crusadesbeen compounded the greatest of all hypocrisies which lives and enslaves the untold millions who believe in and express this hypocrisy. And yet, far worse and far more reaching, are the damnable effects of this false hypocrisy, when the expressionists attempt to carry it into the far corners of the world and enslave other countless millions; for in this traumatic fanaticism none of these believers and expressionists can rest or sleep as long as there is a single living soul who is not fanatically mesmerized as they are, and so, with their Bible and cross, they have pushed themselves into the palaces of kings and the huts of beggars; they have ridden camels and donkeys, walked the continents shod or barefooted in the insatiable desire to convert all mankind to their false ideology.

The existence of God is never denied; yet this God must never become a personal entity endowed with various human frailties, vicissitudes, and temperaments; instead, within the dimension of your personal life, your God should be the Infinite Creative Intelligence which has created, and is a part of all things.

Instead of trying to form your own course of action along the pathway of life and evolution from the torn 6-spiritual-doorwayand twisted and distorted fragments of fact and fiction which exist in the Bible, and which have been further torn, twisted, and distorted by those self-deified religious expressionists, begin to learn of the true Infinite Creator in your daily life; through the doorway of your mind will come a great flood of creative information. You will begin to see the plan, purpose, and expression of the Creative Intelligence in all things. These will be your first steps into the Kingdom of Heaven within; a message and principle from Jesus which has been so completely vilified in the ecclesiastical systems and expressions which have completely exploited and capitalized upon all human frailties and weaknesses and which have been expressing their own particular hypocrisy even in contradiction to other hypocrites.

Jesus taught one simple principle, self-emancipation, which every individual attains when he begins to 7-spiritual-connectionlearn of the Creative Intelligence in the dimension of his own mind, when he can connect his present existence with the past, present, and future as it exists in the timeless dimensions of Infinity; when he realizes that he is, even now, a star dweller and that in the future eons of this timeless interdimensional Infinity, he will wander from planet to planet, from galaxy to galaxy, always attracted to these places by the appearances of those things he can conceive and believe in within his mind. This is his immortal heritage, not given him through the eyes of another person who cannot see as he does; for all things of which a man is and does, are always products of his own mind, as he relates his position to the Infinite Perspectus.

8-jesus-knock-and-the-door-will-be-opened“Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened,” were the simple philosophical utterances of Jesus; simple direct ways to attain all unknown dimensions of understanding wherein could be found the true solution to all enigmas. How then can anyone hope to achieve immortal salvation or personal emancipation by reading a historical archive which was almost totally compounded by people caught in the tremendous forces and pressures of their own past worlds; people whose inner lives were nothing more than delirious fanatical dreams of their own past worlds; and whose daily lives were nothing more than unrealistic attitudes which found outward expression in psychotic mass subjugation in which the vilest and foulest demoniac expressions were given the sanction and sanctity of a false god.

For, if ye seek in these false archives such as the Bible; if ye seek through the doorway of a church or a 9-religious-persecutiontemple, then you, too, will be equally vilified even as those who have gone before. You will be diverted and perverted from attaining either the true cause and purpose of your existence or in freeing yourself from your present insecure disease-ridden position; you will not find the true creation and its purpose by following the false doctrines compounded from the Bible. For almost 2000 years it has been responsible, either directly or indirectly, for all of the wars, individual and mass murders, human misery and derelictions, self-diefications, and crucifixions, sins, iniquity, perversions, adultery, complexes, and a countless number of other degraded human expressions which have been done by those who have carried the Bible and the cross and who justified their actions, just as did the expressionists in the Bible, by the fancied sanctity of their false god.

Excerpt from Infinite Contact

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