Interdimensional Solar Mechanics ~ Part II

Interdimensional-Solar-Mechanics-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Our physical world, as it is composed or comprised of atom-molecule forms, and in whatever shape, manner or form you wish to look at them–the table on which you eat your meals, the bed upon which you sleep at night, the house in which you live, the entire terrestrial atmosphere and environment–is a composition of molecules, and molecules, in turn, are atoms; in other words, the central nuclei or the central polarity of a fourth-dimensional vortex.

Atoms-vs-MoleculesWell, you might wonder how all of this situation is maintained. How do atoms, for example, form a table and yet, seemingly, there will be a vacant space around the table, the nearest solid surfaces being walls or floors? Now, if you revert back to some of my original statements, you will see that I said that space–any space, the space around you in your room in which you are now sitting, or the space outdoors, when you are out on a picnic–really isn’t space at all.

It is infinitely filled with oscillating wave forms. They are so dense and solid that it would be incomprehensible to your physical, third-dimensional mind. Even more incomprehensible is the facteverything-is-vibration that all of these wave forms of oscillating energy can exist as they do, apparently within each other and all oscillating at incredible speeds far beyond the comprehension of your mind, just as it was with the motion picture film passing through the projector, and you were looking at the picture on the screen. You walk through these infinitely dense, oscillating, cyclic forms of energy without being aware of them, simply because the atoms which comprise your body are harmonically in tune with them only on the basis of their own individual vortexes, of which they are the nucleus. In all other ways, however, so far as these interdimensional cyclic wave forms are concerned, you haven’t the slightest idea that they are there and you would be astonished if you could, say for example, by some comparative means, weigh them on some sort of scale. As I have said, some stars in our galaxy are so heavy that a cubic inch will weigh 20,000 tons, or even several million tons.

atom-earth-sun-vortex-emf-diagramAgain we think back to our analysis of what gravitation is; simply the pull of certain atoms and their electromagnetic fields toward other masses of atoms and their electronic fields. The earth can be likened to one huge atom, having at the north pole a magnetic pole and at the south pole a magnetic pole. Every atom is quite similar in formation to this particular situation as they too have a north pole and a south pole, or a positive pole and a negative pole. Within the structure, as I will call it, of the atom, there is many millions of oscillating wave forms which are counterparts of the centrifuge or vortex of which they are composed.

As these particles are madly gyrating around the central nucleus of the atom–which again are only railroad-train-trackssmaller atoms on a sub-miniature scale–there are certain places where they cross each other and form parallaxes, just like when you go to the railroad yards, you will see many places where the different rails cross each other and are switched back and forth. So it is with atoms. As these different wave forms oscillate positively and negatively back and forth across each other, they produce certain pulses of energy, just as it was in the fluorescent tube. It is these pulses of energy which, in the net sum and total of all these impulses of energy as they appear and reappear within the atom, generate and maintain this very strong electromagnetic field which surrounds the atom and makes it impregnable and impervious to almost any but a superhuman effort to break it apart.

You could hammer on an atom all day long and you wouldn’t hurt it, simply because the atom is too hammering on an atomsmall to be affected by the concussion of molecules. The shell is absolutely impervious except on the basis that we can some way, interdimensionally speaking, actually interject certain electromagnetic forces within the structure of the vortex which forms the atom and which will change this atom’s characteristics. So this “stripping off” a neutron from an atom is a bit of poppycock; something like this atom somehow caught itself on a nail going by somewhere.

What actually happened, as it would in the bevatron or the cyclotron; the extremely high electromagnetic fluxes–which were generated and which were synchronously attuned so that they propelled the atom very swiftly–were of such nature that certain harmonics were formed which were more fourth dimensional in nature and could affect the centrifuge of the atom to the extent that other different harmonic regenerations occurred which changed the characteristic of this atom and temporarily left it “un-glued” so that it flew apart.

linear-acceleratorActually, you don’t bang atoms together to make them separate. They have to be changed electromagnetically, which is done, to a certain degree, by this bevatron or cyclotron.

This same process is going on in the photosphere of the sun all the time. As they are attuned, the suncountless trillions of vortexes of energy which form helium atoms, or any of the other atoms on the surface of the sun, undergo certain synchronous changes from within the fourth dimension itself as the synchronous pulses. As these changes occur, they change and affect the electromagnetic structures and the properties of the hydrogen atoms so that as they are changed, they can be recombined by the same process of synchronous pulses and form helium atoms. When this is properly understood, then this business of stripping a neutron from the nucleus will indeed look very silly, stupid and elemental–which it is. It is the same in all different processes which involve atoms, molecules, et cetera.

One other bit of poppycock which scientists have to get rid of is the proposition of particles, which vortex-torus-atomimmediately suggests a tiny grain of sand or a pebble, or some such object. Well, there are no solid particles, either third-dimensionally, or fourth-dimensionally speaking and I am making this statement on the basis that all third-dimensional mass forms are composed of atoms and therefore aren’t solid, even much more so in the fourth dimension where all these different cyclic wave forms, as they so infinitely fill Infinity, are not solid on the same basis. Here again this brings us to the term “time”, and the time differentiation as I have pointed out is quite similar in our everyday life to that of the film passing through the projector.

film-cameraIf we use the camera and slow down the process of picture taking to say, twelve frames per second, then run it through the projector at a normal eighteen frames per second, then all motion on the screen will appear to be very greatly speeded up and the reverse process is true. If we take the pictures with the camera at the rate of thirty-two frames per second, then run them through the projector at eighteen frames per second, then all motion will be very, very slow; people walking will look like they are going at a very slow, crawling pace, with each step carefully measured.

That is very analogous to atoms versus the molecules, which form our terrestrial, third dimension. We are, to this degree, just as it was in taking the pictures with the camera and showing them with the earth-resonance-atomprojector, what could be called a synchronous attunement. We too, as part of this time element, maintain a synchronous attunement with atoms, molecules and the infinite cosmogony. This was, I will say, conceived in the Infinite Mind of Infinite Intelligence as a way and means in which the more primitive and more elemental life forms on a planet, such as the earth, could first begin to form certain cohesive elements in their life; that is, a certain chain-like series of reactions would form the life experience of, say, a human being and which would be retentively retained within the fourth-dimensional psychic anatomy. This fourth-dimensional psychic anatomy too, had been developed and synchronously attuned to the physical anatomy.

hands-holding-atomSo here again, you must be impressed with the obvious fact that it is all extremely important that we first understand energy. The proposition of such an understanding will give us a key and an insight to the creative processes which have not only engendered or, shall I say (and using the word loosely) created the earth and all life forms but also the galaxy, the universe and the total interdimensional cosmos.

What is beyond the interdimensional cosmos would be, of course, quite ridiculous for us to try and contemplating-the-universeform some sort of an analysis or create an hypothesis, as it is, even with our relationship to the third dimension and its relationship to the fourth dimension in its constituents of atomic forms and other such electromagnetic phenomena, as is part of our daily life. And as all this phenomena is almost totally unknown to all mankind at the present time, we would indeed supersede the outermost precincts of even our strongest imaginative processes to try to envision what is beyond the interdimensional macrocosm.

The same situation is quisubatomic-particleste true to go into the microcosm, and we have already partly explored the nucleus or protons, as they are called by the scientist, which form every atom. And yet, each of these, too, is again a subminiature solar system of energy which, in all counterparts, is analogous to the parent atom of which it is a part. We can go on down, and down, and down, into sub-infinity and never come to the end of it. So how small is small or the smallest? It’s much like saying that the people in Australia are walking upside down. Well, what is up, and what is down, so far as our terrestrial earth is concerned?

Again, it’s simply a proposition of relationships and the vortex-cycle-pathwayintegration of such facsimiles as we have developed in our evolutionary consensus in going from one life to another. We have immediately associated all of these atom-molecule forms into our daily lives and formed some sort of a sequence, a pattern, a chain-like day to day situation wherein each day is subdivided into hours, minutes, seconds, et cetera, and each participle of time, as we understand it, has its own particular connection with certain reactionary elements within the periphery of our life. These again are integrated and form cyclic wave forms within the psychic anatomy, which all adds to the total development of this psychic anatomy in either a forward or a retrogressive movement into the infinite cosmogony.

evolving-consciousnessAs I stated before, we are all just going about, making contacts every second of our lives with a certain number of these oscillating wave forms from infinity, each containing its own little oscillating idiom of intelligence or information and which, harmonically attuned through the electromagnetic fields, forms our own life experience and the world about us.

Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. 1

See Part I here.

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