Spirit Attachment ~ Part II

Spirit-Attachment-Part-II-main-4-postby Sue Allen

Why A Spirit May Be Attracted To A Person

When people die they may find it really hard to let go of their earthly life and the people they love just as we may find it difficult to let go of them. There are often unresolved issues. Perhaps something was left unsaid or the person died after an argument that was never settled. I have communicated with earthbound spirits who were unhappy because they had not written a will and made their wishes known. Some want to look after the people or property they have left behind. Many life partners make promises told each other such as “I will never leave you” or “I will always look after you/protect you” and so on. These promises can bind spirits to people or places after their death.

I recently released a lady who had lived in a house she and her husband had designed in the 1930’s. On her death bed she had sworn she would never leave “her” house. I used a technique I discovered some years ago where I reminded her of the house as it was in her day and recreated it with her. Using her memories and my clairvoyance which meant I could see what she was imagining.

I reunited her with her house, husband and her favorite time of year. As we know, energy follows thought and so together we had created a thought form. When this woman connected with her house and husband she was still going into the Light, but by using a different method. Sometimes it is more acceptable to the earthbound spirit for them to go to a place which holds happy memories and where they feel comfortable than to the Light in which they might not believe or in this case did not appear to offer her what she wanted. She has now left the current householders to live in peace.

I have met some spirits who were just not ready to expire and insisted on going home after their physical body died in a hospital bed. I have also met a few who felt they were not properly mourned or disposed of. One man’s body had not been buried in consecrated ground and another man felt his funeral was not “fitting.” A few spirits feel attached to their physical body or to an object that they cannot bear to leave behind.

If death was sudden, traumatic or violent then the deceased may feel angry, shocked, distressed or guilty. These feelings can bind the spirit to the earth not allowing them to let go. I have met several spirits who were desperate to seek revenge for their death. I have also spoken with others who were unable to say goodbye to their loved ones or ask forgiveness for a supposed misdemeanor before they passed. I released one earthbound woman who insisted she had killed her baby. In conversation with her I discovered that the baby had died a few hundred years ago when infant mortality was high, through an infection obtained during bottle feeding. She had obviously not intended to harm the child, but her guilt had held her to wander the astral plane.

Often it is the spirit’s original belief system which binds them to the earth plane. For example, I speak with many who believe in Hell and that when released from the person to whom they are attached they will be thrown into the fires of damnation and be in terrible pain for eternity. Others believe they have done such terrible things in their life that they need to be punished. They sometimes think that the Light will not accept them or that their loved ones also in spirit, will not want to know or forgive them. Others simply do not believe in life after death. When they subsequently find themselves living after their physical body has died they become confused and desperately hold on to their original beliefs.

If someone dies in a hospital while anesthetized, drugged or comatose then they may not realize that the physical body has died and can become confused or afraid. This misunderstanding is a very common one and can happen to anyone who dies in almost any circumstance. I have had to explain to many spirits that their physical body has died and they are continuing to live in their spirit body. I also have to explain that this is why people have not spoken to them or acknowledged their presence because they cannot generally be seen or heard. These spirits are easily released into the Light once they understand.

On one occasion I went to clear a house and met a female spirit who had been seen by neighbors looking out of an upstairs window. She was unaware of her death, but did realize that she was in a strange house. Her daily pattern while alive was to wait looking out of the window for her husband to return from work. He was frequently late and she suspected he was having an affair. As the woman did not remember her death I took her back to that time to facilitate her understanding. She had died in the hospital during an operation under general anesthetic. The hospital was on an energy line that passed through the house where she now found herself. Her spirit had traveled via that energy line from the hospital to this unknown house. Feeling very confused the woman had resorted to her old behavior of waiting at the window for her husband to return home even though he never came. Once I had explained the situation to her she was very relieved to see her parents coming to meet her and left with them. And yes she was right, her husband had been having an affair, but I didn’t need to tell her that.

Touching on a very emotive subject now, a very common type of spirit that I see with women is that of an aborted, miscarried or stillborn child. If you are a woman who has experienced this or a man whose baby has been lost in this way please do not panic and assume that your baby’s spirit remains earthbound. I generally find that this only happens when the spirit of the child has not been acknowledged or mourned, or does not understand why it has not lived. I have frequently facilitated conversations between women and the spirits of their babies in order that each achieves understanding and resolution. I then ask for someone in spirit to come and collect the baby and it is commonly the child’s grandmother, great grandmother or another family member who arrives.

One fascinating case I worked with was a woman who presented with lower abdominal problems without medical cause and an inability to gain weight. When I tuned into her I was immediately guided to focus on her womb. Inside I could psychically see the spirit of a very angry small boy. On talking with him I discovered that he had not understood why he could not be born and was extremely angry that his mother had ended his life. The client confirmed she had terminated a pregnancy twenty years previously. Since that event she had miscarried a few times. She now has a living adolescent son with behavioral problems who appears to be very angry and is unable to live with his mother as he professes to hate her. The pregnancy and birth of this son had been fraught with difficulties.

I explained to her that there was a spirit of the baby she had terminated still residing in her womb. I asked her to talk to him about that time and explain why she had made the decision to abort him. After a while he seemed to understand, she asked for his forgiveness and immediately I felt her womb start to contract. It was with great surprise that the two of us realized she was going to give birth. Having never done this before I did wonder if we needed hot water and towels! Within a few minutes she felt something coming down the birth canal and the spirit baby was delivered. I then handed him over to a very beautiful woman in spirit whom I have since come to recognize, as she often arrives to collect children.

My understanding of this situation was that in the surgical abortion of the fetus the etheric part was left behind in the womb. Every time the woman became pregnant this etheric part would cause a miscarriage. The intention being that if she did not want him why should he allow another baby to live in “his” uterus? The son that she did give birth to had probably spent his time in the womb in conflict with the spirit which might explain why he was so angry and full of hate and why the pregnancy was so difficult. It is also possible that on his birth, part of the etheric of his brother may have attached itself to him thereby causing an angry and difficult child who didn’t like his mother. After the clearance the woman’s health changed for the better. She asked me to see the son to clear him as well, but he never came for an appointment.

This raises the discussion continuing in some quarters that during surgical procedures involving abortion or organ transplant a healer should be in the operating theater. Each cell holds the memory of the whole and therefore a spirit or the memory may be trapped within. There are many cases of organ transplant where the recipient of the donor organ starts to have memories that are not theirs or cravings for certain food and drink that they did not have prior to the operation. There are other cases where the recipient’s behavior changes and certain personality traits of the donor appear. Rather than have to release the spirits afterwards a healer in situ could do the work with both the donor organ and the recipient’s physical body to cleanse and prepare both for the surgical procedure. There would probably be far less organ rejection as the body would more readily accept the cleansed organ as its own. In regard to abortions the healer could ensure that the spirit of the fetus understood what was happening and was released safely.

I have also seen the spirits of children who have died young around their parents. Usually these are simply visiting and may appear the age they were when they died. Very occasionally the parents have been unable to let go of the child who has then remained earthbound. Once these children are released they tend to grow up in spirit to the age they would have been if they had lived. Sporadically I have found children that have been sacrificed in another lifetime and are attached to their killer as a reminder of their actions. Often these adults will report a sense that they have done something terrible or express feelings of guilt without a known cause.

I have also met spirits who have attached to a living person with the intention of helping them. This can happen to children and adults who are in distress, scared, lonely, depressed and very ill or who have been in an accident and ended up in the hospital. The spirit wants to take care of them and may have been a natural rescuer in life. There are of course spirits who do not wish to help the living person, but instead have negative intentions. Like attracts like and as we have seen in the previous section a spirit may be attracted to a living person who holds a lot of fear, anger, guilt, despair, jealousy, resentment, depression or addictions. If a spirit is angry it feels at home in the angry energy field of an incarnate person. The spirit feeds like a parasite from the angry feelings and also from the person’s physical energy. Many people with a spirit attachment feel tired or even completely drained most of the time.

If the spirit has been addicted in life to drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, cigarettes or food for example, then this can continue after death even if they are aware of their passing. In order to feed their craving the spirit may attach to someone with a similar addiction. Sometimes the attachment may be made to someone who does not crave alcohol, but starts to do so once the spirit attaches. Many chronic drinkers have a number of spirits with them which may be seen psychically in their energy field. The drinker will often be heard talking to their “demons” and may have lost their home and relationships while feeding the needs of the spirits. Some alcoholics do not appear to get drunk and this is literally because the attached spirits drink the alcohol. The alcoholic often has to increase their intake in order to get an effect from their drink.

Some spirits attach because they recognize and want to harm the host. It is said that sex abusers on their death will sometimes attach to their victims in order to continue the abuse. I have spoken with many entities who have tracked down their victim sometimes over several centuries in order to wreak revenge. They have been attracted to the spirit energy of the person and often fail to recognize that this spirit now inhabits a different body in another time and has no conscious awareness of the events that took place several centuries earlier. These revenge-driven entities can do enormous harm to the physical body causing illness, disability and sometimes death.

I have also found spirits who have tracked and attached to the host who they claim is a close sibling or partner. They are often quite difficult to dissuade from their attachment even though they might come to accept that the incarnate person no longer remembers them. I sometimes have to resort to “if you truly love them then you will want the best for them and let them go.” This usually tests whether the spirit is telling the truth or not. If indeed they do feel a strong bond and love for the person then they will accept they are inadvertently harming them and allow the release. If this is a trick or a lie they will disclose their true intent and are dealt with in another way. Unfortunately not all spirits suddenly become truthful in death!

Sometimes a contract has been made in another lifetime and the spirit arrives to continue that contractual arrangement. This frequently involves non human or dark entities who announce that they are working for a master, not least the Devil in his many guises, and that it is time for payback. There are also the spirits that have been sent by a living person in the nature of a psychic attack as covered previously. These latter will often acknowledge the attacker as their master and agree to return to them.

The last type of attachment which I will cover here is the extraterrestrial. While working with clients I have found a number of these attached. The ET’s are obviously different to the human, non human or dark spirits as they are still very much alive. Their usual reason for the attachment is to collect information and to experience something of what it is to be human. Some however, have attached in order to hide or to steal energy. Quoting Universal Law often does the trick and they will withdraw.

Excerpt from Spirit Release: A Practical Handbook

See Part I here.

Part III coming soon.

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