The Saucers Speak

The-Saucers-Speak-main-4-postby George Hunt Williamson


This documentary report on communication with space craft in the Earth’s atmosphere covers the period from 2 August 1952 until February 1953.

Communication was also established with several planets in our own Solar System and with space craft in our atmosphere from other Solar Systems.

For the most part, all messages were received in International Morse Code through radiotelegraphy. There was one instance, where radio telephony was employed by the space craft intelligences.

The egotistical idea that our puny Earth is the hub of the universe should have died out with Ptolemaic or Earth-center theory. If we believe in Infinity then there must be billions upon billions of earths and solar systems. It can be concluded by reason alone that other planets, many exceeding this Earth in magnitude, are not vacant masses, created only to be borne along and revolve around the Sun, and shine just for the pleasure of men on Earth. The Creator has created the Universe for no other end than that the human race may exist. Wherever there is an earth, there are or will be men. (more…)

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Epochs of Ancient Time

Epochs-of-Yu-main-4-postby Thomas Miller

Narrator – 800,000 B.C.

The crystal cities of Shamballa existed upon the earth plane for two-hundred thousand years!

With beauty and majesty, the upper echelon of creative Minds endowed man with the vast learnings of energetic virtue and wisdom.

The Higher Ones’ intelligence flowed like great rivers unto the lower basins where dwelt their primitive audience.

Like desert nomads, the peoples of Earth drank thirstily of the purest waters of Spirit

And quenched that thirst with the knowledge that their future was one of immense cellular growth.

They continually sought out the Illumined Ones for advice in the matters of everyday life,

And received great childlike pleasure in the surety that their questings proved to enhance the world about them with glorious abundance. (more…)

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The Myth Of Medicine

The-Myth-Of-Medicine-main-4-postby Herbert M. Shelton

What most distinguishes medicine in the twentieth century from medicine in the preceding centuries is its burgeoning into a giant industry. Particularly the pharmaceutical and hospital industries have grown to gigantic proportions during this century. At the same time medicine has donned the bright robes of science and has succeeded in hypnotizing mankind with the illusion that it is a scientific evocation. With its great show of research and its vast array of statistics, which are made to order, today’s medicine fools the unwary into believing that, with its stronger poisons, it achieves successes which the past hardly dared dream of.

In its issue of December 31, 1910, The Lancet (London), is an article entitled “The Annus Medicus,” which said: “That medicine has advanced during the last twelve months, we have no doubt, though the time is too early to pick upon any given piece of recorded work and point to it as the beginning of a new principle or the embryo of a method of treatment with which great things will be wrought.” (more…)

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Banishing Demonic Entities

Banishng-Demonic-Entities-main-4-postby Dr. Jerry Marzinsky, BA M.Ed

Schizophrenia is not caused by any genetic abnormality or the fabricated chemical imbalance lie – it is caused and driven by the voices these individuals hear and which psychiatry and the establishment completely ignores as unreal hallucinations. Problem is hallucinations don’t run fixed repeatable patterns.


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Dowsing The Aura

Dowsing-The-Aura-main-4-postby Bill Cox


The Original Cameron Aurameter, has long been recognized by professionals and advanced students as “the world’s most versatile and sensitive dowsing instrument.” Verne Cameron invented and field tested an estimated two hundred or more devices between 1926 and 1952. It took him 26 years to perfect his Water-Compass. It was one instrument which would replace the need for a variety of gadgets required for successful field dowsing.

Aurameter-twoPrior to the publication of The Original Cameron Aurameter Book, Max Long asked Cameron if his Water Compass could detect the human aura. Cameron answered: “I don’t know… never tried it.” When a test proved eminently successful, Max replied: “Why Verne, that’s not just a Water Compass: It’s an Aurameter.” From that day on, Cameron continued to successfully dowse for invisible energy fields with a passion. The rest is history…. (more…)

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The Veil Has Been Lifted

The-Veil-Has-Been-Lifted-main-4-postby Brian Weiss, M.D.


I don’t mean simply that we pass on our genes, our beliefs, our mannerisms, and our “ways” to our children and they, in turn, to their children, though of course we do. Nor do I mean that our accomplishments–the work of art, the new way of making shoes, the revolutionary idea, the recipe for blueberry pie–live after us, though of course they do. I mean that the most important part of us, our soul, lives forever…

I believe that each of us possesses a soul that exists after the death of the physical body and that it returns time and time again to other bodies in a progressive effort to reach a higher plane. (One of the questions that comes up frequently is “Where do the souls come from since there are so many more people now than when the world started?” I have posed this question to many patients, and the answer is always the same: This is not the only place where there are souls. There are many dimensions, many different levels of consciousness where there are souls. Why should we feel that we’re the only place? There is no limit to energy; this is one school of many schools. Also, a few patients have told me that souls can split and have simultaneous experiences.)… The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming and to me unassailably conclusive. I have seen it virtually every day in my patient Catherine as she takes me with her to past times as disparate as Arabia in 1863 B.C. and Spain in A.D. 1756. (more…)

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Flying Saucers On The Moon

Flying-Saucers-On-The-Moon-main-4-postby Riley H. Crabb (from a lecture given in Vista, California, June 9, 1962)

The subject of this talk is most timely in view of the fact that our President has committed the resources of this nation to the race to the moon. Our goal is to put a man on the moon by 1970, something less than eight years away now. The name for the moon project is Project Apollo and I am personally acquainted with at least one person working in this project. He is one of our Associates. From what he says, and what has been released in some of the technical journals concerned with space, we may not be able to make it in eight years. Every Apollo Project problem which is solved seems to set up two or three more problems which are insoluble. We’ll get into some of those tonight.

It is comforting to know that we have successfully orbited Scott Carpenter, in the second completed flight. You know, the first time you do something like that and it succeeds, it is luck. But if you do it twice in a row and everything works, you’re in. You know you’ve proven your techniques to that point. Nevertheless, the tail end of Carpenter’s three-orbit trip indicated very clearly what a dangerous, ticklish business this is, to put someone up in space and to bring him back safely. With the astronaut moving along at 17,000 miles per hour things happen fast. In the reentry alone there is a sequence of events which, if not performed correctly and on the second — one miss in three or four items means the man doesn’t come back alive. (more…)

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Atomic Science From Eros

Atomic-Science-From-Eros-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman1-colorful-atom

You have heard it said that God can be likened to a Universal Intelligence that is all-pervading, omnipotent and omnipresent. This is quite true in the generally accepted understanding. However, God is the expression of Infinity and, in such an expression, must manifest Himself, not only in Infinity but in every finite way. This is done on the generally accepted equation of the atom. The scientist of today knows of about 101 basic atomic structures which he calls elements.* This he has placed in an atomic scale, ranging from the lightest to the heaviest. He has theorized that this lightness or heaviness is determined by certain minute particles known as electrons or, as they are sometimes called in their relationship of positive or negative charges, neutrons or protons—the latter being the generally accepted idea of what composes the nucleus or core of this atom. (more…)

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Religion In The Darkest Age

Religion-In-The-Darkest-Age-main-2-postby James & Dr. Margaret Marshall

Harry now starts up another phase: “If I’m not presuming too much on your good nature, Mr. Brierly, what have you to say about Religion and its effect upon the wars in the Darkest Age?”

“You are not presuming at all, Harry, my lad, for really it affords me much pleasure to talk about those olden days. So come along with your questions.”

“Well then, first of all I have always understood that Christianity used to be a wonderful power, particularly in Europe, and had a vast number of adherents. If that were so why was it not powerful enough to stop the wars?” (more…)

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Life Is Magic

Life-Is-Magic-main-2-postby Lao Tse

My honorable friends, before giving talk on “Life Is Magic”, want to say that when I, Lao Tse lived, never gave any writings at all. I was a seeker after understanding of the nature of life and was taught that I was ‘seeking’.

A seeker knows nothing! Therefore, what could I have to write? Listening to life’s moments I acquired, after many many years, a little understanding that brought peace of mind to my way of living. For a time I talked much on what I thought I knew and many others listening to me accepted my thoughts and wrote them on tablets. I wrote nothing.

After a little more than ninety years I passed from the physical world with smile on my face, showing I had contentment. I came to the realization, one who forces life finds life trying to force them, bringing much trouble. I find this desire to force life is to acquire material possessions. I found more material possessions, more trouble. I found more laughter, more tears. All things equal themselves in the course of time. To want nothing brings peace of mind. To have nothing means you shall never be envied nor your life threatened. (more…)

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