Flying Saucers On The Moon

Flying-Saucers-On-The-Moon-main-4-postby Riley H. Crabb (from a lecture given in Vista, California, June 9, 1962)

The subject of this talk is most timely in view of the fact that our President has committed the resources of this nation to the race to the moon. Our goal is to put a man on the moon by 1970, something less than eight years away now. The name for the moon project is Project Apollo and I am personally acquainted with at least one person working in this project. He is one of our Associates. From what he says, and what has been released in some of the technical journals concerned with space, we may not be able to make it in eight years. Every Apollo Project problem which is solved seems to set up two or three more problems which are insoluble. We’ll get into some of those tonight.

It is comforting to know that we have successfully orbited Scott Carpenter, in the second completed flight. You know, the first time you do something like that and it succeeds, it is luck. But if you do it twice in a row and everything works, you’re in. You know you’ve proven your techniques to that point. Nevertheless, the tail end of Carpenter’s three-orbit trip indicated very clearly what a dangerous, ticklish business this is, to put someone up in space and to bring him back safely. With the astronaut moving along at 17,000 miles per hour things happen fast. In the reentry alone there is a sequence of events which, if not performed correctly and on the second — one miss in three or four items means the man doesn’t come back alive.

The other important thing made clear in Carpenter’s trip verifies what we in Borderland Science Research Associates (BSRA) already know and have known since 1946. Deep space is not for man in his normal physical body. Space scientists are aware of this and even admit it publicly at times; nevertheless, we are pushing ahead into this 4th dimensional realm of deep space. Thus — and I’ve said this before — the solving of the space travel problems will be done with what used to be called magic; and the space scientists and astronauts will become magicians.

400 years ago the Reformation separated Science from the Church in Europe because the Church had become too dogmatic. Organized religion was stifling creative thinking. Science had to divorce itself from religion if Western Europe was to progress. In doing so, science disowned all relationship with the invisible, with ceremonial magic and the abracadabra of the seance room. Now, in spite of itself, science has come full circle and is face to face with the science of the occult, with magic. In the long run this will be a good thing for mankind.

Well, we’re headed for the moon. Billions of dollars have been appropriated for Project Apollo. The demands of the space race will dominate science and industry for decades to come. But, Western Science from its very beginnings, from the founding of the Royal Society in London in the 17th Century, has taken the position that this is the only inhabited planet in the whole universe. Strangely enough this idea is identical with Church dogma, that the earth is the center of the universe and everything else revolves around it.


So the orthodox view under which science is buried today is that the moon is a burnt-out, lifeless cinder in the sky, orbiting about 250,000 miles away from the earth. One of the major points I want to make tonight is that the moon is inhabited by intelligent beings and has been for a long, long time.

One reason for my belief is that ever since astronomers began developing large telescopes about 200 years ago, they have been seeing lights moving across the surface of the moon! But because of this dogmatic, hardheaded position of the moon being lifeless, and really because no astronomer wants to lose prestige with his fellow astronomers, not a one of them will interpret their sightings this way. I believe the evidence for the moon being occupied is formidable. It is a Flying Saucer base.

We’ll present pictorial evidence later [Ed. See The Expanding Case For The UFO for this evidence]. Let’s review some of the written material now. This gives evidence that the men on the moon have signaled the earth within the past 75 years. From the writings of Charles Fort we learn that on the night of November 23, 1887, astronomers saw flakes of light moving across the dark part of the moon toward the crater Plato. “A blizzard of lights gathering into light drifts in Plato. Then the denizens of Aristarchus, of Kepler and others from the Lunar Alps, each raising his torch and marching on a triangular path, making the triangle shine in the dark.” Other formations, other figures have been seen in the crater Plato; but this formation, according to Fort, had never been seen before there, nor since. And not an astronomer in the Western world would venture the public opinion that this was done by thinking, intelligent beings.

In 1889 a black spot was seen in the crater Copernicus. On May 11th astronomer Gaudibert saw an object as black as ink upon the ramparts of the crater Gassendi. It had never been reported there before and on the next lunation of the moon it wasn’t to be seen. Who put it there? What was it? And who took it away? In 1893 a shaft of light was seen shining from the surface of the moon. Astronomers say sunlight reflecting off a shiny natural surface.

Let us now skip down to modern times for a moment, to 1952 when O’Neill was looking at the moon in New York, an amateur astronomer. He was flabbergasted to see what looked like a gigantic bridge on the edge of Mare Crisium, one of the so-called seas of the moon. According to O’Neill the bridge was at least 12 miles long and it had to be at least a mile and a half wide for him to see it — as a black line. The sun was shining under or through the arch of the bridge. The size of the arch indicated that the bridge was at least a mile high, 5,000 feet above the surface of Mare Crisium. Apparently no one had ever seen this before. If it was erected by a race of beings on the moon they certainly put it up in a hurry. A month later the great British astronomer, the late H.P. Wilkins confirmed O’Neill’s sighting. During an interview on British radio Mr. Wilkins was asked about this moon bridge.

“Oh, yes, it’s there,” he replied. “I estimate that it is 20 miles long and from one to two miles wide.”

Wilkins thought it was an artificial structure because, from both ends, it tapered to the middle, just as many of our bridges do.

“And when you say it looks artificial,” said the radio man, “what do you mean exactly by that?”

“Well, it looks almost like an engineering job,” replied Wilkins.

The announcer was astonished to have a public authority imply an inhabited moon. This material is from page 78 of Keyhoe’s “Flying Saucer Conspiracy”. The radio interview was relayed to America by one of the news wire services, but the wire service corrected Wilkins’ Statement to conform with the government’s Silence Policy on Saucers. The news story said the great bridge on Mare Crisium was a natural bridge! Are we so immature here in the Americas that such knowledge is too strong for us? Knowledge that the moon is inhabited?

Back about the time the United States of America was becoming a new nation, the end of the 18th century, much of the startling information about the moon was developed by the astronomers Herschel, a father and son team. In South Africa they built what must have been the largest reflecting telescope in the world, up until that time, the 1890s. Herschel claims he actually saw an animal running across the surface of one of the moon craters. A hundred years later, out of the material of the Herschel sightings, a great, fanciful story of the “inhabited” moon was built up in the New York papers. To the journalist who wrote it the whole story was science fiction but many people believed it. I believe our moon project will prove those old stories true after all.


Just four years after the end of our Civil War there was a great eruption of lights on the moon. There were so many lights seen that British astronomers actually organized a moon project, financed by the British Government This survey of moon lights went on for two years, and in that time the astronomers recorded sightings of 2,000 lights! Many of these sightings were of well known geometrical figures — crosses, rectangles — familiar symbols which could be recognized throughout the solar system. In 1871, after two years of moon research, what was the conclusion, the summary of findings by the astronomers? No one would draw a conclusion, not in public at least. The British government withdrew its support of the project and the findings were filed away and forgotten.

My personal opinion is that if the British government had come out with an official statement indicating that the moon was inhabited, the effect on our western civilization would have been staggering. At that time there was a very conservative movement in Britain, one that was committed to the pitiless exploitation of the masses, to mental and physical slavery. The imagination of the people would have been freed and stimulated to an alarming degree if news of the moon sightings had been widely published, and backed by governmental authority. This same thinking by conservative leaders in the United States is behind the present day Silence Policy on Flying Saucers. They fear an uncontrollable change in public consciousness.


You might very well ask now, why was the signaling from the moon discontinued after 1871? The most obvious answer is that the signals drew no response from us, so why continue? Wait for a later time when the grip of materialism had weakened its hold on our minds.

I’ll venture another opinion as to why the communication attempts of 1869-71 discontinued. Occult science teaches that there is good and evil throughout the universe, that everywhere this endless conflict between light and darkness goes on. Reasoning from this principle, I believe there are good guys and bad guys on the moon. I believe this communication project of a hundred years ago was set up to awaken mankind by the good guys. They wanted to rend the veil of ignorance which clouds our minds. There was a struggle for control of the light side of the moon and the bad guys won out. And with one or two exceptions, the moon conservatives have dominated moon policy ever since.

Surely you’ll agree with me that we have no monopoly on evil on this planet; though perhaps it would be better for the rest of the solar system if we did; and that this was the only institution of its kind in our little universe. Time, investigation and experience will tell.

Speaking of investigation, isn’t it strange that since the development of the larger telescopes in the last 25 or 30 years astronomers have tended to bypass the moon as beneath their notice, and have concentrated on the planets and the galaxies. But now we need detailed knowledge of the moon and the space between the moon and the earth, This is called cislunar space. We have this interesting quotation from Clyde W. Tombaugh, a leading space scientist and astronomer at the Army’s White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico. Tombaugh distinguished himself by discovering the planet Pluto back in the 1930s. We quote:

“It is strange that with all the thousands of years man has been studying the heavens he has almost ignored space right around the earth. What I am doing is exploring this unknown area between the earth and the moon.”

Mercury is supposed to be the closest planet to the sun, but the Herschels claimed to see one even closer and called it Vulcan. Constant search of the heavens close to the sun since then has not verified their claim. Modern astronomers have seen many unidentified objects between the earth and the sun, in their search for Vulcan. These sightings have stirred much bitter controversy among the experts. The researches of M.K. Jessup, author of “The Case for the UFO”, indicate that astronomers were seeing gigantic space ships operating close to home, in the area between the earth and the moon, cislunar space. Astronomers cannot believe these are space ships operated by intelligent beings because of their hidebound dogma that this is the only inhabited planet! But listen to Jessup’s view:

“It is no longer necessary to explain the Visitors as coming from Mars, Venus or Alpha Centauri; they are a part of our own immediate family, a part of the earth-moon binary system. They didn’t have to come all those millions of miles from anywhere. They’ve been here for thousands of years. Whether we belong to them by possession, like cattle, or whether we belong to each other by common origin and association is an interesting problem, and one which may soon be settled if we keep our heads.”

So here we have two reputable researchers, Tombaugh and Jessup, keenly concerned about what is going on in cislunar space. This area is tremendously important to us and may already be inhabited by a race or races who make it their normal environment. Judging from Frank Edwards’ story in the July 1962 “Fate” Magazine, these creatures resent our intrusion into their happy hunting ground.


In the “Fate” article Edwards says a pair of astronauts, man and woman, were launched from a Russian space base on May 17, 1961, and orbited for seven days. Tracking stations in the free world followed them and monitored the voices of the man and woman from the capsule. Reports from them were routine until the last day when they were reporting, on May 24th, the sighting of something that at first startled them and then terrified them. . . the woman’s voice interjected:

“I’ll make it and hold tight with my right hand! Only this way can we maintain equilibrium! Look out the peephole! Look out the peephole! I have it. .’

“A few seconds later the male voice yelled: ‘Here! Here there is something! There is something! It’s difficult..’ After a pause of several seconds he continued, ‘If we do not get out, the world will never learn about it! It is difficult . .’

“At that point a Soviet Station cut in to announce that it was 3 pm Moscow time. When the Soviet Station ceased transmitting the hour the transmissions from the space capsule had ceased and were not renewed.”

In the same article Edwards reports the launching of Russian astronauts, a male and female, on a voyage to the moon, October 17, 1961. Routine transmissions from this capsule ceased after seven hours, with no explanation. These two items sound like interception and kidnapping, especially the first one. Certainly there is something going on above us and we are finally getting equipped to find it out.

Back in 1954, after Tombaugh had developed some high speed tracking equipment there at White Sands Proving Grounds, it was discovered that we already had two artificial satellites orbiting the earth, one at 400 miles and one at 600 miles! How long have those satellites been there? Nobody knows. Who put them there? Nobody knows. Are they still there? Those in our government who do know aren’t talking. The information is classified, secret!

But in 1955 two amateur astronomers watching the moon, at the same time but from two different places, saw a huge shadow on the moon. This was reported to M.K. Jessup and you’ll find it in the introduction to his “UFO Annual for 1955”: “Two observers saw a spot on the moon, the night of July 5, 1955. One reported the spot at the exact center of the moon’s disc; the other said it was at the moon’s edge. That established two base lines, one on the earth, one on the moon. With these two lines and the known distance from the earth to moon it was at once possible to locate the UFO in space — 95,000 miles out toward the gravitational neutral. But one observer gave the apparent size of the UFO in terms of comparison to the lunar crater Tycho, and from that known unit of measurement our mathematicians deduced the approximate size of the UFO: 48 miles in diameter! How do we know it was a UFO? The answer is simple. One observer saw it hover for three minutes and then move off the moon. That’s controlled motion, and control means intelligence!”

This kind of sighting, repeated many times by many astronomers, both amateur and professional, has led Jessup to his bold and logical conclusion: We don’t have to look to the other planets for the origin of our Visitors, cislunar space is their normal habitat!

To get back to those satellites discovered in 1954, five years before we had the opportunity of launching one, Aviation Week magazine released the information. In doing so the editors claimed they were natural satellites! This drew an indignant denial from Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, who had apparently originally discovered them. Dr. LaPaz, being tied to the government’s security program, refused to say anything about those orbiting UFOs of 1954. To say that they were not natural objects, meteorites captured by the earth’s magnetic or gravity field, would leave only one other conclusion. But this conclusion would shatter the philosophical base of Church, State and Science. No responsible official in any of these three foundations of our society today, will assume responsibility for stating publicly that we are property, that outer space is inhabited. When it does happen, as happen it will in the next few years, the information will shatter our civilization as it is presently constituted. This new idea, this change in consciousness, should be absorbed slowly over a whole generation, perhaps longer, if it is not to destroy us. The saucer phenomenon broke on the public consciousness via the newspapers in June, 1947. If we reach the moon by 1970 that’ll be just about right, twenty-three years.


I’d like to refer to another item from Jessup’s research on the moon. The large craters there are of course fixed landmarks. There’s no question about their size and location; however, our telescopes have picked up numerous smaller craters, four or five miles in diameter. These little, so-called craters have a disconcerting way of disappearing at times. Instead of being a black hole in the moon, the little crater suddenly appears to be a low, dome-shaped structure that casts a shadow on one side! A brilliant white spot has replaced the black one. Jessup believes these white domes are actually great space ships sitting on the ground there on the moon. The so-called crater is a saucer-shaped depression, a landing base. When the Flying Saucer takes off, the base then becomes a hole in the ground, or merges into the flat landscape.

In “The Expanding Case for the UFO” Jessup reproduces moon drawings from a 19th century astronomy magazine. These are of the Hyginus region 24 hours apart, by the same observer. A large, ring-shaped object on May 24th disappeared a day later, but two smaller ones appeared. This kind of activity doesn’t fit astronomy’s claim that the moon is a lifeless satellite of the earth. In connection with thousands of moving lights and the geometrical pattern of streets or canals in certain craters, this indicates intelligent life on the moon.


The possibility of intelligent life on the moon doesn’t even come up in current research. The other night Mrs. Crabb and I watched a review of the moon Apollo Project on television. It was the “Science In Action” program. A space engineer from Hughes Aircraft was the guest. He reviewed the moon program, and told of the Surveyor project and the proposed soft landing of an instrument package. This would send back much-needed information about the surface of the moon.

All through this space engineer’s talk, however, it was implied that there would be no interference with our equipment once it is landed. The scientist wasn’t even questioned about the possibility that our own Flying Saucer would be picked up and carted away to a moon laboratory for examination, or that false information might be beamed back to our receivers by the man in the moon!

Yet we have astronomers like Schroeter, for instance. As far back as 1750 he noted a smoky appearance above Hyginus N. How can astronomers claim the moon has no atmosphere when definite smoke and haze sometimes obscure certain areas? Later astronomers have hazarded the guess that Hyginus N was the “Pittsburgh” of the moon, because considerable industrial activity was going on there.

Lights seen moving across the dark side of the moon appear to be well above the surface. We say these are space ships in flight. The only explanation given by astronomers is that these moving lights might be meteors. But this is a contradiction and the astronomer knows it. If the moving light he sees is a meteor, that means the moon has an atmosphere, or the meteorite wouldn’t burn! To this also the astronomer refuses to agree.

Speaking of lights, in 1822, astronomer Gruithuisen saw a regular formation of gigantic ramparts 23 miles long. This area also was obscured by clouds at times and couldn’t be seen. Beer and Madler saw an even larger square enclosure near the crater Fontanelle. The walls of this gigantic structure were 65 miles long, a mile wide and 250 to 350 feet high. Regular rectangles like this are not natural formations.

That was a 19th century sighting by Beer and Madler. The interesting thing about the gigantic square today is that it is incomplete. Someone or something has destroyed it. Was it a space base destroyed in some lunar war between the good guys and the bad guys? And broken down so that the modern myth of the “lifeless” moon would be preserved? If there is an evil relationship between the earth and the moon, as I suspect, then this makes sense. Those who control evil and profit by it on this planet would not want the fact of their moon base made public. Such knowledge would help destroy their control over mankind.

There seems to be some indication that small areas of the moon do have vegetation. Astronomers have watched the floor of the crater Plato night after night. In the first quarter, the floor of Plato will be quite bright, like bare ground. Then as the moon comes on to the full, the floor of Plato darkens; within 60 or 70 hours it changes color considerably. Some observers are bold enough to guess that this may be vegetation. Remember that the moon’s day is 14 of our days long. It may well be that moon vegetation sprouts, grows, reaches maturity and dies within that 14 day period. The technicians are willing to admit that there may be concentrations of air and moisture on the floors of some of the moon’s deeper craters, a condition which would not be true out on the vast plains of the moon, called “seas”. The crater Eratosthenes is 8,000 feet deep.


One night in 1760 astronomer Schroeter was watching the crater Cleomedes. He was surprised to see what appeared to be a cloud of dust swirling along the surface. Then suddenly there appeared a well formed hole on the floor of the crater. This hole must have been several miles across for Schroeter to have seen it from the earth. Astronomers come up with the limp answer, volcanic activity. This in itself is an admission by them that the moon isn’t as lifeless as they claim. But we say a giant space ship took off from Cleomedes at that time and Schroeter saw the after affects. Thus we can say that the moon has been inhabited or used as a space base as long as 202 years ago. Occult science says the moon has been inhabited for millions of years and that in fact we lived on the moon when it was a planet in orbit around the sun.

M.K. Jessup had some interesting observations to make on this point. Here’s another paragraph from “The Case for the UFO”: “It is relatively unimportant whether we decide that civilization was brought to us from space, perhaps from the exploded planet between Mars and Jupiter, or whether civilization reached space from some earthly development in a previous, prehistoric up-surge. Such relics as the Great Pyramid indicate the advancement of that forgotten age. And it is perhaps a little less strain on our sensibilities to assume that space life, especially if limited to the earth-moon system, originated right here on earth. Our two greatest mental hazards at the present moment are to overcome the blows to our racial ego, and to free ourselves from the idea that the saucers and space life now reaching our cognizance necessarily come from a planet.”

That’s one of the main conclusions Jessup came to, that in the Flying Saucer phenomenon we are dealing with a human race which has learned to live in space, the space right around our planet. I wouldn’t be surprised that some people right here in the United States know this for a certainty. These could be people in official places, technicians and scientists who just aren’t saying anything publicly yet. They may very well be in touch with these space dwellers. Jessup is inclined to agree with Richard Shaver. If you read those stories in Amazing Stories in the 1940s, you’ll remember Shaver’s hypothesis that atomic wars made the surface of our planet uninhabitable for two reasons: the radioactivity from the bombs and the shattering of the ionized layers above us; this let in too much sunlight of a destructive kind, causing rapid aging and so forth. This was before the Flood. Shaver believes that the advanced members of this ancient race took to space in their Flying Saucers, and the slaves fled to the caverns and stayed there. Jessup suspects that some violent change on the surface of the planet forced our prehistoric ancestors — advanced in science — to take to the skies and learn to live there. Most records and all memory of their presence have long disappeared from our histories and from our memories.


A young astronomer of Cleveland, Ohio, became interested in the Flying Saucer phenomenon years ago, Tom Cornelia, Jr., and he charted the sightings to see if they would point significantly to specific areas on the moon. And they do as confirmed from a drawing in George Hunt Williamson’s book, “The Saucers Speak”.

Cornelia didn’t identify the areas so his chart will have to be compared with one of the standard astronomical charts containing the names of the so-called seas and the craters. Cornelia charts three kinds of lights:

  • Blinking Lights
  • Star-like Lights
  • Streaks of Light

The greatest concentration of star-like lights, a blinking light, and streaks of light are in the Mare Crisium. Significantly, this is where O’Neill discovered the gigantic bridge in 1952! Many streaks of light have been seen at that edge of the moon also. Then way over to the right is a concentration of star-like lights at the crater Herodotus. Then back toward the lower middle of the moon, the famous crater Plato, a concentration of star-like lights. In the upper right edge of the moon there is also a concentration of streaks of light.


Above the puzzling little crater Linne, there appears to be a bright spot near the right hand edge of Mare Serenitatis. Distinct and sudden changes in Linne have been noted and exclaimed over for two hundred years. At times it has appeared to be a simple crater, a black hole in the moon. At other times it has the appearance of a brilliant dome structure, and still again it is totally obscured by a gray cloud! Jessup devotes a chapter to Linne alone in his “Expanding Case for the UFO”. There he reviews the data of two centuries of close observation by astronomers, includes a recent photo of Mare Serenitatis in which Linne shows as a mist-covered area devoid of detail, and a copy of the detailed drawing of Linne in H.P. Wilkins’ book “Our Moon”, Wilkins viewed the moon through the “best telescope in Europe”, at Meudon in France.

Jessup writes: “Before 1866, all acceptable maps of the moon indicated a small but prominent crater located at lunar longitude 11 deg. 32 min. 28 sec. West, and latitude 27 deg. 47 min. 13 sec. North, on the extensive plain named Mare Serenitatis. But the existence of this crater, with a diameter of approximately six miles, has not been serene. Situated on a low, broad ridge, it was prominently isolated. . .”

But three-quarters of a century earlier, on November 5,1788, Schroeter saw “not a crater but a darker spot, diffused and without a sharp border.” Jessup points out that this observation by Schroeter went unnoticed by other astronomers until late in 1866, when Linne disappeared.

“Schmidt, who had known Linne since 1841, saw in October 1866 nothing where Linne should have been except a glimmer, a small whitish cloud. This persisted through November. So Schmidt announced the first authenticated disappearance of a lunar crater… Almost uniformly, the (astronomical) literature of 1866 to 1870 refers to the ‘obscuration’ of Linne as being a ‘white spot’ which, on December 15, 1866 had no defined edges, was almost eleven miles in diameter, and cast no shadow. If Linne was still there underneath, it was a changed Linne.”

Compare these observations picked up by Jessup in his researches. The German astronomer Lohrmann on May 23,1823: “… (Linne) is the second crater on this plain. . . near a ridge beginning at Sulpicus Gallus; it has a diameter of somewhat more than a mile (German mile, about 4 1/2 English miles) is very deep and can be seen under every Illumination.”

English astronomer Webb on Jan. 12, 1867: “On the site of Linne nothing but a small ill defined whitish cloud, not quite so large as Sulp. Gallus. There seems to be some slight marking as from a small shadow, towards its center, but far too indistinct to say whether caused by a hill or a hollow. The white cloud was by no means bright or conspicuous, although perfectly distinct.”

Then Jessup includes several papers of charts and observations by astronomers indicating the changes in the size and appearance of Linne. Here is his final summary: “The consensus of Schmidt and most of the other observers was: (1) in the first half of the nineteenth century, Linne was a crater somewhat deeper than average; (2) sometime between 1842 and 1866 it disappeared; (3) after 1866, at sunrise, when shadows are longest and nearby craters are most prominent, Linne was invisible; (4) at high-angle sunlight, Linne became a bright spot of variable size and brightness, sometimes well defined, sometimes nebulous, sometimes convex, sometimes with a minute crater in the center of the cloud, sometimes with a small hill which cast a shadow; (5) Schroeter, in 1788, saw Linne in about the same condition as after 1866; (6) there are other bright spots on the moon which have similar characteristics, sometimes including the same minute black crater. . . It is especially notable that while the new Linne was constantly altering its appearance, at no time did it revert to its original deep cup shape. . . In 1954, Wilkins said: ‘Today Linne is a pit on the summit of a low dome, and situated in the center of a white area. If Lohrmann, Madler or Goodacre correctly described it as it really was in their time, then a change of some sort certainly occurred for today Linne is the reverse of a crater, being in fact a hill or dome with a minute pit on it’s summit.’”

Of all drawings or photos of the surface of the moon, the one most impressive was made by British astronomer H.P. Wilkins looking through Europe’s largest refracting telescope. It is the interior of the crater Gassendi. To my unprejudiced eye it looks like the layout of a university campus or a small town, as any map reader would agree. Certainly those geometrical lines, ruler straight, and with rows or regular structures alongside, were not laid out by animals! The shaded areas are ink-black shadows. There is a grouping of large structures in the center, and the massive shadow they cast. True the kidney shapes little resemble our rectangles but they could be artificial structures, nevertheless! Yet there isn’t a professional astronomer in the Western world who will stand up on a public platform and admit the crater Gassendi contains a town, a community of streets and dwellings.

Several years ago George Van Tassel, operator of Giant Rock airport, received a close-up picture of the surface of the moon. It was sent to him from Europe. It was released in Europe as having been taken through our giant reflecting telescope at Palomar, but no such photo was released here in America. The photo shows a huge, E-shaped structure on the surface of the Moon, with lines leading to it which could be roads.

It is this kind of evidence which leads me to say that certain people here in the United States have irrefutable evidence that the moon is inhabited. This information is being deliberately withheld from us. Our taxes pay for the collecting of such information. Public donations were sought and accepted, to help with the erection of the great glass at Palomar. News headlines here in California proclaimed that Palomar would solve the secrets of the Universe. I believe the secret of the Man in the Moon has been solved by the great telescope, but we aren’t benefiting from the information.


One of the best movie films of a Flying Saucer was taken by a young Marine, Ralph Mayher. He was living in Miami, Florida back in the early 1950s, at the time one of the Miami TV stations offered a prize of $100 to the first person to come in with a bonafide picture of a Flying Saucer. Ralph won the prize. He and his wife and child were outside one night, watching the skies, and sure enough they saw a glowing object moving silently along, several thousand feet above them. Ralph ran inside, got his 16mm movie camera with telephoto lens, came back out and shot a 100ft roll.

Later, when the film was developed, it was found to have quite a few feet of film of this fiery object, with the well defined saucer-shaped leading edge and a fiery corona trailing off behind. This is a typical shape seen and reported by hundreds who have seen Flying Saucers. A confirmation of the Mayher Saucer came from two Navy pilots who were flying in to Miami that evening from Pensacola. They reported seeing a glowing object in the sky above Miami about the same time that Ralph took his pictures — about 3,000 feet altitude as I recall.

Mayher’s story and pictures were in one of the men’s magazines — after he left the service. He probably wasn’t allowed to say much about his sighting until he was a civilian. He took a job with TV Station KYW, Cleveland as a newsreel cameraman, and also became a Special Adviser to National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Major Donald Keyhoe’s UFO research group in Washington, D.C.

Mayher told Keyhoe that in November 1957 an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Hazen, took his Flying Saucer film from him and turned it over to the United States Air Force. There were two government agents involved in this and both warned the ex-Marine not to reveal that the film had been taken from him! Nevertheless, Mayher did reveal it to Major Keyhoe and on March 13,1958, Keyhoe wrote to the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles, asking for an explanation of their behavior. All he got for a reply was an evasion, not from Dulles but from the CIA Executive Officer J.S. Earman, who wrote, among other things: “Since this subject is of primary concern to the Department of the Air Force, we have referred your letter to that Department for a reply. This was on April 4th.

On April 10th Keyhoe received a similarly evasive reply from Major Lawrence J. Tacker, an Air Force Public Relations Officer. In fact, Tacker ignored Keyhoe’s query about the CIA’s attempt to silence Mayher but instead sent him a classified UFO report made five years earlier in 1953! I’ve taken this information from the NICAP “UFO Investigator” of June 1958.

This is only one well-documented example of an attempt to cover up or eliminate factual proof of the reality of Flying Saucers. We have dozens of others in our files. To the average American this is beyond his understanding. He has no conception of the secret forces which rule the world. Nor is he aware of the network of espionage and the barrage of propaganda by which that secrecy is maintained.


I don’t know but I’m sure of one thing, the CIA is not run for the benefit of the people of the United States, even though we pay the bills! I’ll tell you this, though, if we pick up the threads of this super secret organization and follow therm, they’ll lead us to the moon. Then we’ll know why our government has a “silence policy” on Flying Saucers. Certain vested interests here in the United States don’t want the existence of that moon traffic to become known. It means the end of their power and influence.

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