Dowsing The Aura

Dowsing-The-Aura-main-4-postby Bill Cox


The Original Cameron Aurameter, has long been recognized by professionals and advanced students as “the world’s most versatile and sensitive dowsing instrument.” Verne Cameron invented and field tested an estimated two hundred or more devices between 1926 and 1952. It took him 26 years to perfect his Water-Compass. It was one instrument which would replace the need for a variety of gadgets required for successful field dowsing.

Aurameter-twoPrior to the publication of The Original Cameron Aurameter Book, Max Long asked Cameron if his Water Compass could detect the human aura. Cameron answered: “I don’t know… never tried it.” When a test proved eminently successful, Max replied: “Why Verne, that’s not just a Water Compass: It’s an Aurameter.” From that day on, Cameron continued to successfully dowse for invisible energy fields with a passion. The rest is history….


The field which surrounds, and interpenetrates the human body, is likely magnetic. This auric envelope is human-aura-2-postactually a function of one’s etheric body, which has its own vibratory structure. The etheric (prephysical) body has long been known to be affected by radiant health on the one hand, and symptoms of disease on the other. The human aura also reflects one’s moods and emotions. Auras in one form or another, have always been visible to certain people with only a slight degree of clairvoyance. Clairvoyant, “second sight”, over the centuries seems to have been naturally inborn by persons who have genetically acquired this ability. Training and specific disciplines are also effective.

An aura’s general outline may be seen by conditioning one’s eyes. Kilner screens, containing an alcoholic solution of dicyanin have helped students to see the aura in detail for the first time. We’ve learned many things about auras; yet we are only in the pioneering stages. The more we learn, the more complex and bewildering the study becomes. Fortunately the Aurameter responds to subtle energy fields, radiations and rays by means of one’s “natural feeling apparatus” rather than by sight alone. Dowsing helps to validate clairvoyance.

The first time Verne Cameron brought his Aurameter within two feet of a human body, the instrument reacted from invisible forces. He reports that the spring-wand-pointer assembly was pushed away; swinging clear round through a 90 degree angle. To anyone holding the handle, a kind of pushing reaction is noted; similar to the phenomenon when the like poles of strong magnets are bought closely together. Mysterious forces resist their coming together. The resistance decreases at the outer edge of magnetic field. The same thing occurs with energy fields emanating from the human aura. But the extreme margins of the aura are more difficult to outline than the field surrounding two magnets. The denser part of the resisting human aura, however, may be accurately outlined.

With practice small shapes or auras can be detected and reasonably described. Forms may suddenly appear, change or disappear when dowsed. The method is similar to the blind awareness one quickly develops while feeling one’s way in a pitch-dark room, searching for known and unknown shaped objects and surfaces. At first, this task requires a little patience, along with some guessing, but one may succeed with a little perseverance. A new-found awareness may enter and assume control of the instrument, which allow one’s intuitional “feeling” faculties to operate beyond sensory limitations.

The idea that Cameron’s gadget might help him to perceive an “invisible something” surrounding the human body intrigued him. Cameron, soon realized that these emanations not only surrounded the body, but every other body or object as well. The Aurameter not only locates the invisible auras of visible objects, but also intangible things. For example, an object which is visualized into being as an imperceptible “thought-form” is actually composed of etheric outlines; imagined and mentally created as substance and projected into etheric realms.

The term “Thoughts are Things” is familiar to us. But a “thing” like gas, doesn’t have to be seeable and touchable by ordinary means for it to exist. Therefore, one may use a device for finding etherealized things. The “thought-image” of a box is a real “thing” – if it is an object forming or already formed in etheric matter. After years of this type of research, Cameron has become skilled in describing them.

Since the Aurameter has justified itself as a dowsing instrument in locating underground water with amazing accuracy, we initially felt a degree of confidence that the device would also react to the various energy fields composing the human aura. It wasn’t possible to check the dowsing work against laboratory instruments, yet the aura’s existence is an accepted fact. The Aurameter’s design and accuracy also offers features that are so completely new and unique for this type of research.

Clairvoyants have always known the reality of thought-forms, but who in our clever, modern world pays any attention to such gifted persons? It is often said that one has to be extremely psychic or mediumistic to perceive thought-forms. One can, however, learn to dowse and gradually improve with practice. Every act of learning and knowing belongs to the psyche. Cameron says that supernatural powers, or special gifts, are not required to use the Aurameter.

Initially during tests, Cameron began to describe the nature, outlines and position of thought-forms – such as a box on a table. For example, a mentally focused group visualized a cube floating in the air, situated in the northwest corner of the room. Cameron then entered the chamber; quickly located and described the invisible object. That is a singular incident. If I mentally place a Maltese cross or a sphere in another corner, and he also locates that particular thought-form, the score against accidental chance now mounts considerably.

On another occasion, I mentally selected and touched one book on a shelf row of fifty. Again, Cameron came in with his mysterious gadget and chose the right book on the first trial. Now what would your own inferences be in such a case? You’ll perhaps consider telepathy, trickery or sheer coincidence is involved. What is one to think? When one puts seven or eight objects on a table, and only “charges” one of them; later to discover that the Aurameter in Cameron’s deft hand, dips down precisely over the correct one?

This unusual subject also connects with the research field of “psychometry”, a marvelous human faculty, also considered taboo in orthodox scientific circles. For centuries, psychometric sensitives have been able to pick up vibrational knowledge and reveal amazing information associated with a particular object, without using any instrument at all.

“Psychometry” at its best, shows that a person so gifted or trained in the art, can hold a single object in hand for several seconds, and from the tactile vibrations, provide extraordinary information about one or more of the following: 1. The person who made the object, or found it. 2. The original and subsequent sites where the object has been located. 3. Surroundings associated with the object, regardless of time considerations. 4. Episodes or incidents connected with the artifact. 5. And other useful – at times startling – information concerning various persons who have been in contact with the object. Psychometry has been validated by skeptics throughout the world for centuries.

Consider the experiments with thoughts-forms: We discovered that it is difficult for several persons to create an identical mental image and hold it in steady focus for more than a few seconds. The composite form mutually created tends to shift around, rotate, fluctuate and fade in various ways. There are metaphysical reasons for this phenomenon. A thought form does not really occupy an external space. Instead, it uniquely exists in the psyche of each person present. Any two persons may not actually visualize the same thing in wholly identical ways regardless of how carefully it is described and agreed upon beforehand. Endless complexities, forces and ever changing conditions challenge our objective modes of thinking. Thus the investigator invariably encounters many confusing and seemingly contradictory results. In this regard, one pays the usual price for new knowledge.

I now want to present certain findings reported by Verne Cameron’s, and Max Freedom Long’s investigations of the human aura, finer etheric, astral and mental bodies. The newcomer cannot expect to immediately reproduce all of their skills. Neither is one asked to accept these results simply because they are reported here. Tests of this type are often incapable of empirical proof. In most cases results can only be demonstrated by prolonged, careful and inventive experiment. The repeated test, giving identical results under replicated conditions, is seldom attained with metaphysical phenomena.

Max Freedom Long, too, is a hardy and courageous pioneer. But when he reports his experiments with Verne Cameron and the Aurameter, he is doing just that – reporting them. Mr. Long, a scholar and writer of distinction, is impressed by Cameron and his Aurameter’s possibilities. Max has published numerous findings in his various bulletins, but he offers no finalities because these explorations delve into relatively unknown territory. Max Long, is well qualified. His internationally acclaimed writings and, indeed, preservation of the nearly lost Polynesian Huna (Kahuna) mysteries, take their place among the great research works of history.

VERNE CAMERON REPORTSVerne-Cameron-map-dowsing

The shapes of the aura and the various abnormalities which indicate diseased areas was first discovered in creatures. It was a byproduct of my efforts to develop highly sensitive instruments to locate underground water. During my years of experiment, someone present at a test once asked jokingly if I could detect any water circulating within his body? When I first tried this out, I found that the Aurameter’s spring-coil-wand pointer, was definitely repelled abut two inches distant from his body. This initial test naturally led to further investigations, with many details coming to light. The area of repulsion over the chest, for example, extended outwards from five to eight inches for men, and from eight to eleven inches from a woman’s form. The Aurameter in my hand outlined a subject’s lungs and pulsated in-and-out with the individual’s breathing rhythms.

Auric-EmanationsThe illustration also indicates a curious extension of the human “aura” resembling “wings”. I knew very little about auras at the time, but suspected that some kind of force, or energy magnetism was definitely emanating from humans. So I called this field of influence aura, for lack of any other term. It existed for me, because I could actually feel an invisible energy atmosphere repel my instrument when I traced the body outline. Neither did I have any preconceived ideas about wings, bulges or any other features. All became new discoveries, based upon factual experiences using the Aurameter, and not as any intended, dogmatic interpretations. A number of persons using the Aurameter have confirmed my findings. Scientific proof has also been supported by clairvoyants during controlled, scientific investigations.

With “wings”, the Aurameter indicates lines of force which protrude from one’s shoulder-blades, down to the hips. These extend horizontally along the top from the center of each shoulder-blade and usually project straight back from four to twenty feet. Their under edges are strangely curved, similar to a shark’s fin. Each wing eventually thins down to a rounded point or tip. Except in one test, both wings followed parallel tracks, with the tips spaced about three inches apart. In one case, however, the left wing of a scientist projected outward at a sharp angle to the other. I named the incident, “The Case of The Crippled Angel”. I believe that the length of these wing-like appendages depend on the character of the individual. But wing lengths also depend upon one’s age. The wings of small children manifest as mere “nubbins”. The human aura constantly fluctuates with one’s thoughts, emotions, pains, pleasures and vitality.

The drawing also shows a triangular-shaped, horizontal fin extending from the back of the head at all times. It is approximately 22 inches in length. If the subject’s head is inclined far forward, the etherealized fin is absorbed into the body. But when the head is tilted back, the top edge of the fin remains horizontal. Blisters of force about three inches thick and six inches in diameter are outlined over a woman’s ovarian region and the corresponding areas of men. From the navel down a shape extends forward, resembling the visor on a cap. It projects outward about 10 to 12 inches from men. Also, a bulb-like area of force is measured around the genital area and emerges from four inches, up to four feet in diameter, depending on one’s thought focus at the time.

A woman’s field of energy is similarly traced out as a triangle, extending about fourteen inches long on the side and about four inches thick at its base. From there it is measured from the hips forward, to a point being about two inches in thickness. All areas appear to be positive in polarity down to the knees. Blisters of force about three inches thick and six inches in diameter are outlined. A spherical field of force radiates from the knees outward and upward to the breasts. This configuration is about six feet in diameter and is centered in the solar plexus. As two people approach one another, their balloon shaped auras coalesce into a figure-8 contained within an oval. It is no longer possible to define individual auras with any precision, especially while persons are dancing or when their bodies are close together.

Prior to my own discoveries, I was completely unaware of the existence of auras. Later I was surprised to find extensive literature available, describing how auras are seen by clairvoyants. They consistently described seeing halos which backlighted the heads of avatars and saints. Once my work in this field began, I was privileged to have cooperative subjects for testing with the Aurameter.

During the same period, I read many books on psychology, psychiatry, hypnosis, magnetic healing and other subjects. The fund of information amazed me. With all of the writings available, I never saw my descriptions referring to such things as wings, the powers emanating from cones and flat coils or of numerous other rays, radiations and energy effects revealed by my Aurameter. Therefore, it proved to me that had not worked with preconceived ideas. Neither did I create thought-forms in advance, and then go on to discover them. Nor did I hypnotize myself into all kinds of delusions. I am well aware that personal encounters such as these are of little scientific value until they can be verified by thorough and qualified scientific experimentation. So far, various tests devised by others have occasionally corroborated my findings. These welcome investigations have been made patiently and carefully by persons accustomed to borderland investigations.

Angel-painting-2-postWings naturally recall to mind one’s conventional idea about Angels as traditionally portrayed in famous artworks. It’s highly probable that there may be a direct connection with the auric wing-forms of humans. Clairvoyants and sensitives with extended vision have reportedly seen angelic entities for centuries. In fact, artists’ interpretations were sanctioned by religious leaders. We have all seen evidence appearing in old teachings, scriptures, books, paintings and sculptures. Portrayals of holy men and spirit-beings – many surrounded by light – were likely derived from visual perceptions of auras, requiring only a small degree of clairvoyance. The “nimbus” (the saintly glory) has been depicted hundreds of times in ancient artworks.

Nearly everyone emanates a halo, or a circlet of force made up of auric matter. This halo hovers over one’s head at a normal distance of about six inches. The Aurameter shows the halo to average about three and one-half inches thick, by sixteen inches in diameter. It also contains a four-inch diameter hole in its center. This disc-like shape is more easily visualized as an auric doughnut, especially when there’s been a presumed heavy drain of vital force from one’s nervous system. After “laying on of hands” or healing by magnetic, or mental processes, the halo seems to rest on the subject’s head. It then changes into a flat pancake-like form, being about three and one half inches thick and some ten to twenty feet in diameter.

The human halo is easily outlined by the Aurameter’s refusal to penetrate the shape’s force-field. Many manifestations of forces are not perceived directly by the senses yet, these energies are regularly picked up by radar, radio, television and other types of delicate instruments.

I first discovered the halo when I was experimenting with a science graduate. He was greatly interested in locating underground water. I then showed him how the instrument reacted against the chest aura and the wing emanations. But there wasn’t any reaction over the crown of his head. He then asked me, “Why?” I said, “I do not know.” I then tried to get a reaction about six inches higher up with the instrument, which at once outlined the elusive halo formation. The diaphanous ring maintained its position relative to the head, so that when he stooped over I was able to find and measure the center opening within the loop.

The outer 26-inch diameter for the ring itself seems to be average in most persons tested. But in the case of one young woman, the diameter was about 22 inches across. I was later advised that she was pregnant. Whether or not this was related to the size of the halo I cannot say….

One of the most important books I ever read in my new studies was the Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max Freedom Long. His is highly regarded for his research concerning ancient Polynesian systems of healing and nature magic. Max, was also the first person to take an active interest in a cooperative effort to experiment with my Water-Compass. Likewise, he is responsible for renaming my dowsing instrument: “The Cameron Aurameter”. In spite of the heavy pressure of his own work, Max dedicated countless hours to the study of this instrument and published several articles concerning his findings. His interest and support, along with specialized knowledge, made exciting, new discoveries possible. Since the time we discovered the human wings and halos, our continuing research has become more diversified.

Excerpt from The Original Cameron Aurameter Book

For more information see The American Society of Dowsers

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