The Water of Life

Water-Of-Life-main-4-postby Robert Charroux

Water has always been one of the mysteries most closely studied by alchemists.

Combined or mixed with various chemical substances, it has stimulated men to research aimed at discovering the “water of life”, eternal youth, or a means of purification from sin.

Rain Water

Conclusive results have been scant, possibly because the seekers concentrated too much on their retorts and not enough on the observation of nature. Marcel Violet has not made that mistake:

“Every gardener knows,” he says, “how much a really heavy storm of rain stimulates growth. It not only makes plants grow, but it seems to have a special power of fertilization that one might think came from chemicals in the atmosphere, perhaps resulting from lightning and dissolved in the rain water. . . . But all efforts to reproduce the particular properties of rain water by adding chemicals to ordinary tap water have failed; obviously the power is not due to chemicals.”

The water cannot be reconstituted artificially; to acquire its power it must, as Marcel Violet has proved by years of experiment, stand in shallow pools exposed to sunlight.

Animals make no mistake about it; they always prefer to drink water that lies in pools after a storm, because they know by instinct that it will do them good.

Plain Water

Elsewhere it has been shown that plain water has an astonishing power as a solvent, ant that on both the esoteric and the physical planes it signifies death. This idea has been questioned by some, but never by any expert in chemistry. Members of the Rose Croix know this secret, which is no doubt taught in their mysteries. Initiates are always ahead of scientists!

Marcel Violet did not know that rain water had this property, until later after much experimentation, he manufactured several pints of it in his laboratory.

“[First] I put a couple of pints of plain water into a crystallizer,” he says, “and then I dropped a tadpole into it, alive and kicking. Almost immediately the creature stopped moving—it was dead. I aerated the same lot of water strongly, and dropped another tadpole into it. The same thing happened. So then I enclosed some of the water in a glass receiver, sealed the tube, and put it out into the sunlight. This was during the summer. . . .”

A month later, Marcel Violet tried the same experiment again, using the water that had been standing out in the sun, and found that the tadpoles thrived in it . . . “couldn’t have been better”. The water of death had become the water of life by being out into the sun. The proof seemed convincing. Ordinary water, exposed to the radiations in which the earth is bathed, becomes vital and life giving.

“If it is heated to a temperature of more than 65 degrees C (148 degrees Fahrenheit) or kept for any length of time in contact with metal, the radiations fade and it becomes lethal again. And yet, it does not change chemically.

“This seems to establish as a fact that the fundamental part played by water in biology is essentially its capacity to absorb and rediffuse certain radiations that are capable, among other things, of affecting directly any living organism.”

Numbers of experiments have now been carried out by the French Ministry of Agriculture and by doctors, and the general opinion is that “this discovery is likely to have consequences that at present we can hardly foresee.”

After several years of further research, Marcel Violet, in collaboration with Michel Remy, tried to produce artificially water that had the properties of radiated rain water.

By using an antenna, he captured various radiations of biological waves, and by means of dielectric filters made of beeswax, succeeded in producing water, the effects of which in accelerating the germination of seeds were great enough to allow for measurement and registration.

Quite recently, thanks to the progress made in electronics, it has been found possible to show that “the use of dielectric filters in beeswax profoundly modifies the graph of the oscillatory currents obtained by means of condensers, by covering the initial sinusoid with a vast number of secondary waves of very high frequency. . .”

On 17th July 1957 a report on the experiments was sent to the French Academy of Science by two men name Jatar and Sharma.

Upon seven generations of guinea pigs which had been dosed with water modified by electro-vibration (V):

—-no genetic mutation was produced

—-some of the animals lived to double the normal life span

—-several of them were given injections of dangerous viruses, from which they recovered completely. At the point of inoculation a small membranous cyst developed, which remained for some months until the virus, isolated in this way from the organism, had lost its virulence.

After a race horse, whose speed had dropped considerably, was given a course of treatment with the electrolized water, he fully recovered. Sportsmen and sick persons too have found the treatment beneficial.

Marcel Violet himself—he is now eighty-two—having had a heart condition diagnosed in 1942, recovered all his former powers of work by drinking one liter (about a pint and three quarters) of his “sun-tanned” water every day. Four months after he began the treatment his electro-cardiogram was practically normal. He believes that the virtues of the water, analogous to those of torrential rain, reconstitute in living organisms the exceptionally favorable conditions that prevailed on earth when life first appeared there. It is a fascinating theory, which prejudices one in its favor because it seems so logical, and opens up such wonderful possibilities. ~ Excerpt from The Gods Unknown

More On Water and Marcel Violet by Jean of Praia Da Luz

In 1961, Marcel Violet, recognized inventor and scientist of his time, gave the only public lecture of his life during which he revealed his discovery of vitalized water. This revelation was later published as a book: “The Secret of the Patriarchs: Essay on the Nature of Biological Energy – Perspective on its Use in the Field of Self-Defense and as a Factor of Rejuvenation”. In regards to his work, and after successful experiments, Rene Bartholomew himself exclaimed: “We may find ourselves in the presence of the greatest discovery of the century”. It is not enough for water to be clean to be healthy.

The water that we drink is biologically dead because the information-bearing structures have been destroyed by friction on its journey through miles and miles of pipes or month and month in bottle. That is why it is extremely important to purify water using suitable physical processes. Our body listens to our thoughts all day and responds accordingly. It is the hormonal activity directly related to our thoughts that will influence the secretion of a particular hormone….dopamine if you are happy but cortisol if you are in a permanent state of anxiety.. etc..

Water has physical, chemical, electromagnetic, electrical, immaterial and virtual characteristics so everything we live from thought. If we consider that we are up to 70 to 80% of water depending our age but up to 90% in term of molecules, then you easily see the relation between our thoughts, the water we drink and the water contained in our body.. we are water. The water that we are talking about, we need to meet her, that is to say that we talk to her, we think about her, and then she is going to think about us. Really, it is not that the water thinks but she contains all sorts of information coming from different worlds.

We know that our cells communicate between each other through a light beam comparable to a laser.*(Albert Fritz Popp). All of our cells including our DNA produce light (photon) and an electron is full of photons. An interesting finding from bio-photon researcher Prof Dr Popp is that “only in structured water can the cells pass on information from DNA molecules, with the help of structured light”. Each cell from all parts of our body, from all the different organs is aware of what is going on everywhere else. They are united, vigilant, they help one another without stop, and yet they are between 60 to 100 billions. If one cell doesn’t have the capacity to transmit an information or to receive an information, the body becomes ill. So now that we are little bit more aware of how things work we could ask who is going to transmit information? The answer is structured water. This beam will go through our cells in our entire body and even reach our DNA. In order to optimize this communication we need to drink a very light water, not loaded with lead, and all sorts of harmful components. In fact the body is asking to be reconnected with the cosmic element. To facilitate this communication we need a purified and energized water. How do we energize water? Now we know that we are animated by bio electricity and by the way what the ancient Chinese called for thousands of years Qi. Indeed, they knew, by observing nature that there was something else. In India, they called it Prana, and it is only recently that in the Western world we have started to understand how these things function.

Vortex: Vortices are the energy transformers and energy accumulators in nature. A vortex can increase the vibrational state of any electromagnetic frequency and it can restore the natural energy patterns to something that has been corrupted. Vortex flow in nature and also mimicked in our water structuring units provides the ability to remediate all forms of pollution in water by transforming the electromagnetic frequencies of the water back to their healthy state. There is plenty of information out there on how to create a vortex, or cool devices to buy, or to do it manually by moving a ovoide shape jar resulting in a vortex.

Solar: What we do know is that both water and sunlight are critical components of biological function. Sunlight is the main element from which all physical life originates and is energized.
 In fact, the essential life process is a “little electrical current sent to us by the sunshine,” according to Dr. Szent-Gyorgi, Nobel Prize Laureate. How to charge the water with sunlight? The process is simple and inexpensive. You can use tap water, but ideally it should be filtered of contaminants. Find a clear glass container (preferably no larger than 1 gallon). Broad containers will provide more surface for direct sunlight contact. Ideally, the container should have a clear glass lid. Do not use plastic containers or lids since plastic can leech harmful chemicals into the water when exposed to heat and light. Fill the container with clean water and cover the container with the lid. Place the container in direct sunlight on bare earth. If you do not have bare earth, put it on cement, sand, or rock, but not grass since it will inhibit charging. Leave the container untouched for 5 to 8 hours.

More on Marcel Violet’s work here.

The Benefits of Solarized Water:

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