Walking In Space – A Contactee’s Account

Walking-In-Space-Contactee-Account-main-4-postby Robert Renaud

The morning of February 4, 1964, started out like most others here in Massachusetts. Outside, bitter cold, and a myriad of stars sparkling overhead in the profusion of the winter day.

To the west, the huge figure of Orion dominated the sky, and one could easily see in this constellation the form of the Hunter. Below it, Sirius, the Dog Star stood out singly among those of lesser brilliance. The rest of the winter’s star-figures occupied their places in the celestial panorama–Auriga, Gemini, Taurus and, to the northeast the king of the heavens, Leo.

Inside the house it was just another night. I was listening to Bob Diamond on WKBW in Buffalo and reading through my account of the January 4th contact, looking for the mistakes one doesn’t see immediately while writing. (more…)

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Governance And Leadership

Leadership-And-Governance-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, brother and sister.

In going through my previous transmissions I have found that, while I have covered many subjects, I have notnations-of-the-world-4-post  yet discussed government and leadership of the nations of the world. And while we here in this city of Azure do not relate ourselves in our service to you in this capacity, yet it was deemed essential that this very important topic should be discussed.

Throughout the ancient and modern civilizations which have existed on your planet, and these have been many and varied, yet in a broad sense leadership-2-postthey have all had many common basic elements and flaws. The theory of government is based on a natural desire of the many communities, states and peoples existing as a nation to factually integrate their many diversified ways of life into a harmonious combination with a peaceful expression of their life, as best suits their needs. I am speaking, of course, of such forms of government as you call democratic, socialistic, or communistic. In the later form, I am not referring to that great country across the sea which calls itself communistic, but which is really totalitarian. I am referring to the pure and basic concept of government by the people. (more…)

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Antiquitech of Tartaria: A Missing Legacy

Antiquitech-of-Tartaria-main-4-postby WeeWarrior

So, I’ve always had this funny feeling about those fancy classical stone structures covered with fussy carvings, intricate aerials, colossal columns and enormous entryways — was all that really necessary?

1-worlds_tallest_buildings_1884Why would our forefathers exert such a Herculean effort back “in the old days” with only human/beast power aided by pulleys and levers? (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, True History of Manwith 5 comments.

Dreams That Heal

Dreams-That-Heal-main-4-postby Rosemary Ann Guiley

In ancient Greece a man who has been chronically ill is on the most important journey of his life. Agares has been granted permission to make a pilgrimage to Epidaurous, one of the largest healing temples in the known world. Actually, it is a dream-healing temple, for while Agares is there, he will try to dream his healing. No earthly doctor has been able to help him. This is his last hope.

Agares is part of a group of pilgrims who are all seeking dream healing. They take offerings of coins, food, and animals to the temple. They are amazed by Epidaurous. It is like a small city, with numerous buildings. There are houses for the dream priests, dormitories for the pilgrims, baths, and a huge outdoor amphitheater for lectures and entertainment. The pilgrims are shown their tiny cells, where they will sleep on mats and dream. (more…)

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LEGACY: Q And A With Author Robert Maxxim


Q) Why did you choose the title “Legacy”?

RM) Legacy is our past, the inescapable persistent reaping of what we sowed. It is our invisible inheritance that we feel, not always see. It is the memory of tribulations past and learning through the ages. It describes who we were, now are, and what got us to this point. Legacy represents the sealed compliment of countless events lived in long ago past times, inherited memories and emotions from those olden lives influencing the present, and the enslaving consequences emanating from those lives. This is the heart of the Legacy episode series; an outline of our enduring past, and a snapshot of what we have become. (more…)

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My Awakening On Another Planet ~ Part II

My-Awakening-On-Another-Planet-Part-II-main-4-postby Orfeo Angelucci

When I awoke light was streaming brilliantly into the room. One entire wall had miraculously vanished revealing an outer balcony. I sat up and looked out beyond the balcony upon an incredibly wonderful and fantastic world. It was radiant with light and yet there appeared to be a heavy moving cloud bank overhead. A kind of continuous sheet lightning flashed through the rainbow-hued clouds and the constant rumble of distant thunder was slightly louder. Also, I saw brilliant slow-moving fireballs, bollides, vari-colored flares and showers of brilliant sparks.

I was puzzled for all of this phenomena did not seem at all familiar—as had so many other things in this world. I jumped up from the couch and ran out onto the broad balcony, marveling at the marvelous feeling of lightness and vibrant strength in my body. (more…)

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My Awakening On Another Planet

My-Awakening-On-Another-Planet-main-2-postby Orfeo M. Angelucci

This experience occurred in January, 1953.—Orfeo Angelucci.

It was Monday, but I did not go to work as I was just recovering from the flu. During the afternoon, while Mabel was at work and I was alone, a rather strange, detached feeling came over me. I was aware of a familiar odd prickling sensation in my arms and the back of my neck which usually announced the proximity of space beings.

But I discounted the strange symptoms thinking they were the result of my illness. I suddenly felt so drowsy that I could scarcely keep my eyes open. I recall starting toward the divan to lie down for a nap. But I have absolutely no recollection of ever reaching that divan! Apparently, I blacked out! (more…)

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Discovery Of A Parallel Universe Going Backwards In Time?

Discovery-Of-A-Parallel-Universe-main-4-postBizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica’s Ice
And They Might Shatter Modern Physics

by Rafi Letzter (LiveScience)

There’s something mysterious coming up from the frozen ground in Antarctica
And it could break physics as we know it.

Physicists don’t know what it is exactly. But they do know it’s some sort of cosmic ray — a high-energy particle that’s blasted its way through space, into the Earth, and back out again. But the particles physicists know about — the collection of particles that make up what scientists call the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics — shouldn’t be able to do that. Sure, there are low-energy neutrinos that can pierce through miles upon miles of rock unaffected. But high-energy neutrinos, as well as other high-energy particles, have “large cross-sections.” That means that they’ll almost always crash into something soon after zipping into the Earth and never make it out the other side. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Science For The New Age, Voice of Eroswith comments disabled.

The World In The Afterlife

The-World-In-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

The World in the Afterlife According to Consistent Reports by Spiritualistic Mediums

1. The Afterworld is not some fantastic vision of infinity where souls are locked in poses of permanent rapture gazing at the face of God. And no one floats on a cloud, while playing a harp. Rather it is a place with landscapes and seas and houses and cities reminiscent of our own world—a material world, but of higher vibration insensible to us earthlings. There are gardens, universities, libraries, and hospices for the newly dead—but no factories, fire stations, sanitary landfills, or smokestacks. There are no dirty jobs to do. “We have no traffic, and our roads are covered with the thickest and greenest grass, as soft to the feet as a bed of fresh moss. It is on these that we walk,” says Msgr. Hugh Benson. All accounts describe a world of exquisite natural beauty. (more…)

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More On Tartaria: A Missing Legacy

More-On-Tartaria-A-Missing-Legacy-main-4-postSimilar Style Buildings Exist All Over On Every Continent

Tartarian-BuildingsAesthetic and style preferences aside, the general architectural components are the same, i.e. elaborate roof cresting, copper domes topped with tall gold finials or large gold statues, multiple pinnacles, pillars and loggias on multiple levels, massive stonework, etc. Everything is grand! And they’re everywhere… all around the world.  Were they built by our civilization? (more…)

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My Trip To Mars ~ Part II

My-Visit-To-Mars-Part-II-main-1-postby William Ferguson

In the two hours Earth time that I was on Mars I had an enlightenment given to me that would equal four years of intensive study on the planet Earth, because I was functioning in four dimensions. After I had arrived on Mars, then I was given the answers to so many things I wanted to know concerning myself. (more…)

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The Philosophy Of Hermes

The-Philosophy-Of-Hermes-main-2-postby William Walker Atkinson

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding”–The Kybalion.

From old Egypt have come the fundamental esoteric and occult teachings which have so strongly influenced the philosophies of all races, nations and peoples, for several thousand years. Egypt, the home of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, was the birthplace of the Hidden Wisdom and Mystic Teachings. From her Secret Doctrine all nations have borrowed. India, Persia, Chaldea, Medea, China, Japan, Assyria, ancient Greece and Rome, and other ancient countries partook liberally at the feast of knowledge which the Hierophants and Masters of the Land of Isis so freely provided for those who came prepared to partake of the great store of Mystic and Occult Lore which the masterminds of that ancient land had gathered together. (more…)

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Cymatic Tartaria – A Missing Legacy

Cymatic-Tartaria-main-4-post“Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, situated north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China.” – Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.

by Bennett Ross

1754 I-e Carte de l’Asie-1 - Grand TartariaThe vast empire of Tartary is a country that appears on many ancient maps. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, True History of Manwith 1 comment.