Cymatic Tartaria – A Missing Legacy

Cymatic-Tartaria-main-4-post“Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, situated north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China.” – Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.

by Bennett Ross

1754 I-e Carte de l’Asie-1 - Grand TartariaThe vast empire of Tartary is a country that appears on many ancient maps.
1684_Tartaria-Map-2-postIt had worldwide influence and once covered North and South America, Australia, New Zealand most of Russia, China, Europe, Japan, India and Korea.
tartary_people_2For the most part the citizens of this country were led by their own guidance of natural law honoring truth and integrity.
They enjoyed a high standard of living and dwelt in harmony with nature.

They built amazing edifices all over the world including the early Americas.
tartar settlements in north-america-main mapThe wonderous cathedrals of Europe and the enormous aqueducts in southern Europe and in Mexico.
The Grand Canal in China and the Erie Canal in America.
The fabulous outside arenas around the Mediterranean Sea.
The Coliseum in Rome and the magnificent temples in St. Petersburg, Russia.
They lived in luxuriant villas.
They made ziggurats, star forts, dolmens and earthen mounds all of which utilized Etheric natural energy.
They created exquisite statues and crafted golden ornaments.
Great-Wall-Of-ChinaThey built the Great Wall in what is now China.
Marco Polo wrote an extensive and detailed account of Asia in the 13th and 14th centuries and did not even mention a wall.
The Great Wall is not seen on any maps pre-dating the late 1600’s.
So most of it’s construction occurred in 1700’s and it was built to keep the encroaching Chinese out of Tartaria.
The openings on the wall are on the north side towards the former Tartary not on the south China facing side.
It should be called the Great Wall of Tartaria.

We live in a virtual reality where true history is ignored and covered up.
A totally false narrative is taught.
Fantasies have replaced truth and everything is pushed way back to the remote past.
Older advanced structures are credited to local people who came later who have no idea how to build them.
This idea is used all over the world to dismiss and cover-up the ancient advanced cultures.
Many buildings in America demolished or still standing, said to be built by early pioneers or native people in America were in fact built by the Tartars.


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Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, True History of Manwith 1 comment.


  • Moriyah says:

    While looking at hundreds of maps of the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, and on almost all of them seeing Tartaryah delineated in what is now principally Russian Federation territory, but, also seeing evidence of the same architecture in North America, South America, Africa and Australia, plus on smaller islands, and possibly under the ice of Antarctica and the ocean of the Arctic, it would seem to be reasonable to conclude that all were inhabited by peaceful people of a multitude of tribes belonging to the confederacy named Tartaryah. I believe this webpage contains the most correct and succinct information on the subject, notwithstanding; the folk-lore about Tara and Tarkh, sister and brother who, apparently, founded the Confederacy in the name of Yahweh. It is my personal opinion that the only additional information on Tartaryah, other than the surviving structures, is hidden in the Vatican library. Why? Because the Vatican directed the Colonial powers of England, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and France to wipe out vast colonies of Terra natives, plunder their wealth and steal their lands while turning the children into slaves with no knowledge of their lineage or history. Only Europe, including the Middle Earth and the Mediterranean Sea, were not part of Tartaryah. Some would say what I have just written contradicts the entire history of Earth. Maybe, most of our history, is a lie to cover the sins of the Church of Rome. Since it appears we have now entered the 7 yr Tribulation known as the ‘apocalypse’ in the Book of Revelations, with the delineated beginning of worldwide disease, famine, war and death at the hands of the Four Horsemen, it makes a great deal of sense that these Sins of Rome are now being revealed by Mr. Putin in the land of Tartaryah where sits Moscow. There are some difficulties with dating events of the death and decay of Tartaryah. When, where, who, how but we do know that the foundation of the Hanseatic League led to a global system of Religion, Banking, Mercantile and Government, and a series of wars, which exterminated several billion people worldwide. Most were natives. It likely went on for a couple, or several, hundred years as suggested by the number of Star Forts worldwide.