The Meaning of “Christ” Versus “Jesus” ~ Part II

Meaning-of-Christ-vs-Jesus-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-Lao-TzuNow that we have made adjustments, may I speak a little more please. I believe I was talking about the progression of the individual through the various material planes of existence and about his acquiring such materialistic philosophies and knowledge as pertained to these dimensions, which will enable him to progress further in his evolution into the higher spiritual domains. In order that my remarks may not be misconstrued or erroneously interpreted, I do not advocate that a person should purposely set out to undergo sinful experiences with the idea in mind that such experiences will further advance his spiritual growth. Such is not the case. The determining element is what you think is sin or error. We say that the ordinary experiences in the material world are, in themselves, largely sinful. There are many things about you in your earth life which lead to guilt complexes. We could say that things which induce such complexes are sinful in nature. Because of the 1b-veggies-or-meatcomplexity in a concept of the food which mankind eats, one man says eat flesh; another says abstain and eat nothing but vegetables; others say this is good or that is not so good. As a result, you yourself become confused and you believe that your stomach is constantly upset by what you do eat. Consequently, you have a neurosis and you have suffered sin. We might say that the association of man and woman in the field called sex is also conducive of a great number of guilt complexes and neuroses. Each person has his own concept in regard to his conduct in the relationship of sex. No two people seem to be able to agree on one or more points in their own individual translations. The various conflicts in this field give rise to some of the greatest and most deep rooted of the guilt complexes of human nature. (more…)

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Application Of Spiritual Law To Criminal Behavior

Application-Of-Spiritual-Law-To-Criminal-Behavior--main-1by Walter Winston Kenilworth

The most potent conjurers of the occult are those whose hearts throb with deepest sympathy for the lowly, the downtrodden and the sinful. They know the feelings and thoughts that cloud the lives of the unfortunate. They have climbed the great ladder of psychic progression through births and experiences innumerable. With the vision of Gods they foresee the rise of the lowly by the law of their unconquerable souls even to their own position, finally to merge with them into that Ocean of Endless Being where the manifold finds its Oneness in the Silence and Peace of Nirvana.

Criminals are gods in embryo. They are criminals only as a child is a child. As the latter has the possibilities of manhood or womanhood beneath the covering of a small form with infant expression, thus the imperfect being is imperfect because the powers and perfection of the soul still remain dormant. They exist however. (more…)

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Life As Cause And Effect

Life-As-Cause-And-Effect-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

Forgiveness of Sin Versus Karma

The belief in the doctrine of the forgiveness of sin is entirely inconsistent with a recognition of the immutability of universal law. Either life is a series of fortuitous circumstances dominated by the principle of chance, or the law of consequence bestow upon each that which is merited by previous action. There can be no compromise; the human mind must accept either law or chaos, either pattern or confusion, as the rule of action.

Frequent efforts have been made to blend the doctrine of vicarious atonement with the laws of rebirth and karma. Ingenious explanations have been offered to prove that under certain conditions and for certain people law is tempered by grace. This is only wishful thinking, man’s old theological upbringing overshadowing his philosophical attainments.

It is well within the memory of modern students that various fabricators promised to make man mightier than the Law. It has been erroneously taught that karma might be overcome by breathing through the right nostril, meditating on the kundalini, or supplicating an adept. Various schools of metaphysical philosophy have built up huge followings by assuring human beings without the courage of their convictions that karma can be dissipated with a mantra, and that the whole character and temperament can be reformed by an affirmation. (more…)

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The Meaning of “Christ” Versus “Jesus”

The-Meaning-Of-Christ-Versus-Jesus-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1l-god-on-throneIn your modern Christian theologies, most people who attend the Christian churches do so with the belief that they cannot envision God as anything except a super being who rules in some celestial palace, sitting on a throne, writing everyone’s name in a huge book, and making little x’s or o’s after each name denoting the temperament or disposition of the individual. Such is the Judgment Day of some far-off time, as written in the Book of Peter in which He shall come as a thief in the night. Why would God come as a thief in the night? Why should He destroy one of His planets with a rain of fire and burn all things from the surface? Such a philosophy and such a prediction is in contradiction to the simple 1a-monk-with-hair-braidphilosophy which was taught by Jesus who, in his own way, taught the all-forgiving, the loving, the everlasting presence of God within all things. In my most ancient China, we find even to this day, groups or individuals who shave all but a small piece on the top of the head where their hair grows out into a long queue by means of which they believe they shall be snatched into heaven by some unseen hand. We find a similarity in the Christian philosophy, in which the blood of Jesus and the belief in Him will guarantee salvation even for the blackest and most vile sinner should he call upon the name of this personage. (more…)

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Who Really Speaks Through The Bible? ~ Part II

Who-Really-Speaks-Through-The-Bible-Part-II-main-2-postby Erich von Daniken

For nearly two thousand years now the Christian has been given an unbearable burden to carry on his way through life: he is inflicted with original sin from birth and he needs the ‘Redeemer’ to free himself from it.

We all learnt in school and church that God was the beginning and end of everything, alpha and omega, that God was almighty, infinitely good, all-righteous, omniscient, omnipresent and eternal.

So far I accept the concept of God without reservations. But because he is eternal God is also timeless: he knows no yesterday, today or tomorrow. Eternal and omnipresent God does not need to await the results of his measures. He does not need to ask how they are going to turn out, for he already knows the answer. (more…)

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Planetary Empaths

Planetary-Empaths-main-1-postby Rob & Trish MacGregor

An empath is a person who has an ability to tune into another person’s emotions, and sometimes literally assume those feelings. “They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world,” writes Dr. Judith Orloff in The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success, and Well-Being. A planetary empath, on the other hand, is someone whose whole being reacts to major events that are about to unfold and affect the planet and large numbers of people.

These individuals are so attuned to the planet that they experience physical, emotional and psychic symptoms hours and sometimes days before a natural or man-made disaster. They come from different countries, from different cultural, ethnic, and spiritual backgrounds, and most seem to be women. The intensity of their symptoms appear to be connected to the severity of the disasters and often subside once the disaster has occurred. (more…)

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The Living Universe Is Unimaginably Big And You’re A Part Of It!

The-Universe-Is-Big-And-You-Are-A-Part-Of-It-main-4-postby Wisdom For Life

How big is the universe? Let’s take a journey from Earth to the solar system, closest stars, the Milky Way, and the observable universe. Along the way we will stop by the Oort cloud, Alpha Centauri, radiosphere, Andromeda galaxy, Virgo supercluster, and Laniakea.

After watching this video, you can think a couple things. Either — I’m this tiny, separate thing on a distant planet in the middle of nowhere special, I’ll live for several decades and that will be that or you may be thinking, Wow! -I’m a part of this unimaginably large, possibly infinite universe, that is potentially teeming with life. A part of this thing that I don’t really understand; a thing that, well, no one truly understands; a part of this planet, this node in the sea of space that is perpetuating life and things can get very metaphysical after that. (more…)

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Concerning The Eternal Omnipresent Self

Concerning-The-Eternal-Omnipresent-Self-main-4-postby Walter Winston Kenilworth

There is but One Infinite Reality in this fleeting alternation of life and death; there is but One Imperishable Substrate in this perpetual evolution and disintegration of countless solar Systems; there is but One Eternal Truth in the immensities of the universe. It is the Omnipresent Spirit.

What is meant by Omnipresence? It is meant that should you travel even with the inconceivable rapidity of light and thought, throughout endless time in the shoreless ocean of space, at every point of your unthinkable journey there would be “He at whose command the wind blows, fire burns, flowers bloom, stars shine, and Death stalks upon the earth.” He is the soul of your soul and my soul, and the soul of all Existence. “He is infinitely larger than the largest, and infinitely smaller than the smallest. He pervades the infinite space and also resides in the minutest atom of atom. He also dwells in the innermost sanctuary of the soul of every man and woman. Whosoever realizes that Divine Omnipresence, whose image the individual soul is, unto him comes eternal peace and perpetual bliss, unto none else, unto none else.” Stretch forth your hand He is there; gaze into the immeasurable expanse of the heavens, He, the Lord, is present. “That immortal Spirit is before, that Spirit is behind, that Spirit is right and left. It has gone forth below and above. Spirit alone is all this. It is the best.” (more…)

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Life Is Magic

Life-Is-Magic-main-2-postby Lao Tse

My honorable friends, before giving talk on “Life Is Magic”, want to say that when I, Lao Tse lived, never gave any writings at all. I was a seeker after understanding of the nature of life and was taught that I was ‘seeking’.

A seeker knows nothing! Therefore, what could I have to write? Listening to life’s moments I acquired, after many many years, a little understanding that brought peace of mind to my way of living. For a time I talked much on what I thought I knew and many others listening to me accepted my thoughts and wrote them on tablets. I wrote nothing.

After a little more than ninety years I passed from the physical world with smile on my face, showing I had contentment. I came to the realization, one who forces life finds life trying to force them, bringing much trouble. I find this desire to force life is to acquire material possessions. I found more material possessions, more trouble. I found more laughter, more tears. All things equal themselves in the course of time. To want nothing brings peace of mind. To have nothing means you shall never be envied nor your life threatened. (more…)

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What Would You Do If It Was Just Me And You?

What-Would-You-Do-If-It-Was-Just-Me-And-You-main-2-postI watched this video and thought nothing of it till later it hit me how profound this experience was which brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of a lecture given by Dr. Ernest L. Norman entitled “What is God?” from Tempus Interludium, Vol. III. Below is an excerpt of that lecture following this amazing video.

The following is from a letter written as a reply to a young student of twelve years of age who asked, “What is God?” Dr. Norman, the Moderator, replies as follows: (more…)

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Spiritual Partnerships

Spiritual-Partnerships-main-2-postby Gary Zukav

The world as we know it has been built without a consciousness of soul. It has been built with the consciousness of the personality. Everything within our world reflects personality energy. We believe that what we can see and smell and touch and feel and taste is all there is to the world. We believe that we are not responsible for the consequences of our actions. We act as though we are not affected when we take and take and take. We strive for external power and in that striving create a destructive competition.

The introduction of consciousness into the cyclic process of creation through which the soul evolves permits the creation of a world that is built upon the consciousness of the soul, a world that reflects the values and perceptions and experiences of the soul. It allows you to bring the energy of your soul consciously into the physical environment. It allows the consciousness of the sacred to fuse with physical matter. (more…)

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Proof Of A Winter Solstice Energy Projection?

Proof-Of-A-Winter-Solstice-Energy-Projection-main-4-postAs explained in On The True Nature Of Christmas – Part I regarding the Winter Solstice:

“…winter solstice is on the 21st day of December; in the concept of pure science, it can be said that the earth passes through a large line of magnetic force on that particular day, so that with the conjunction of this magnetic force with the earth, we are enabled at that time, during the brief period of several earth days to project into the earth much energy of the Radiant nature, which is sometimes called spiritual, which means so much and is of such great value to the dweller in the lower terrestrial dimensions.”

So did Earth receive an energy projection around Winter Solstice? (more…)

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The Secret Behind The Great Religions


by Paul M. Vest

From the dawn of civilization the Great Sphinx of Gizeh has crouched in the burning sands of Egypt propounding to the world the formidable mystery of man.

With the cruel claws of a beast of prey but with godlike countenance and mystic eyes fixed in spiritual contemplation, the Sphinx seems to ask of all who gaze upon it, “Man, what art thou? From whence do you come? Whither are you going? Have you crawled up slowly and painfully from the primordial slime or are you an immortal Being whose home is with God?”

All the religions and philosophies of the world have endeavored through the centuries to answer these riddles. Many organized sects have authoritatively claimed a monopoly of truth and denounced all other teachings as false and idolatrous. (more…)

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The Unfoldment Of Life

The-Unfoldment-Of-Life-main-2-postby Prof. Michael Faraday

Ever since the creation of the world, man, animal, bird and vegetable kingdom existed. They have all been developed to a higher plane of sensibility; man’s finer faculties of intellect are also responsible in a great measure, for the alertness and intelligence of animals; for in his progression he causes all forms of life to do likewise. You see in the spring time the unfoldment of the grass, the leaf and the wild flowers that nature has planted with her own will. Can you conceive of anything more pure and innocent than the flower? Many writers tell you that man evolved from the lower form or type of the animal kingdom; such is not the case, for man has always existed as man, but through the spiritual unfoldment alone he has become civilized; in a great measure, men have been brought to realize that through their own efforts, they are powerful to free themselves from their barbarous and uncivilized condition. Nature did not intend man to war against his brother, for all life evolved from the one great Source of all Intelligence; and that is Love! The same elements that are required to make one piece of machinery, must be also used to make others, and so with the human being, the only difference is that the elements in the machinery are of grosser matter than the millions of atoms in the human being. Did you ever stop to think what a wonderful piece of mechanism is man! First, the atomic stage, the embryonic condition, and then the earthly life of man. All life is unfolded in darkness because darkness is negative, and light is positive. These two forces are essential in all forms of life; therefore, it requires the same elements to produce any spiritual manifestation. (more…)

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Mental Illness: The Presence Of Spirits In Madness

Mental-Illness-The-Presence-of-Spirits-in-Madness-main-4-postby Jerry Marzinsky, BA M.Ed

I offer this essay to affirm and update Dr. Wilson Van Dusen’s research on the voices schizophrenics hear which he presented in his chapter called The Presence of Spirits in Madness in his 1974 book “The Presence of Other Worlds”. His book validates the work of the eighteenth-century Christian Mystic, scientist and philosopher, Emanuel Swedenborg who produced volumes of profound documentation as a result of reaching into the depths of his own mind and spiritual worlds beyond. Van Dusen’s book inspired thousands to look more closely into Swedenborg’s work.

In their combined works both Wilson Van Dusen and Emanuel Swedenborg acknowledged that these Voices are conscious spirit beings and not hallucinations or the result of brain malfunctions. My clinical findings corroborate their work. In the process I have discovered important new information about the voices schizophrenics hear and how to weaken and get rid of them. These findings contradict the commonly held belief that paranoid schizophrenics suffer from hallucinations which are a result of a brain misfiring due to a chemical imbalance. (more…)

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