What Would You Do If It Was Just Me And You?

What-Would-You-Do-If-It-Was-Just-Me-And-You-main-2-postI watched this video and thought nothing of it till later it hit me how profound this experience was which brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of a lecture given by Dr. Ernest L. Norman entitled “What is God?” from Tempus Interludium, Vol. III. Below is an excerpt of that lecture following this amazing video.

The following is from a letter written as a reply to a young student of twelve years of age who asked, “What is God?” Dr. Norman, the Moderator, replies as follows:

“…God and Infinity are one and the same; that is to say that all the world about you is actually God. There are trillions of atoms in your body; each one is a tiny solar system of energy or electricity, which is part of this God. Likewise, all of the flowers, trees, houses, the sun, the moon, the stars, even the earth itself are all part of this God. And there is much more than can be seen or touched, felt or heard or as Jesus said, “In my Father’s House, there are many mansions.” And when He spoke of the mansion, He spoke of a place in which people live. So that after you leave this earth in what is called death, you will go to live in one of these places or mansions, which the scientists of today call a dimension.

“A dimension is only a group of atoms which have combined together to form molecules; the molecules, in turn, form all of the substances that you are familiar with in your life today. The air you breathe is composed of molecules of nitrogen and oxygen, which in turn are merely a number of little atoms of nitrogen to form a nitrogen molecule. This is common chemistry, which you can find in any of the schoolbooks in high school or in college books.

“We must learn to understand God in this way; we should not try to look upon God as a Supreme Being or a separate person, because God is and composes all people, black, white, red, yellow, whatever race, color or whatever they believe; they are all a part of God, just as are all the animals, the birds, the fish–everything that lives on planet Earth is part of God, because they are all composed of the same little solar systems of energy which is called an atom.

“So it isn’t really too difficult to visualize if we go around with this in our minds. Jesus said many years ago that you should not worship God as does the heathen on street corners, in public places, in churches or in synagogues, but you should retire into the secret closet of your own self and seek out the Father who is within, that He may reward you openly, which simply means that we should try to start visualizing God in our own minds according to how I have just described Him. And to see this God which we now will call Father, which is a much better word than to call Father, God; we shall refer to God as the Father, because the Father is a word which means Creation.

“So that if we learn to, as Jesus said, seek out the Father who is within our own mind, then we will begin to understand the Father as He is working, creating, living, and in other ways manifesting Himself to people in the world about you. In this way then, we will not worship God, but we will learn to love Him by understanding Him, and in this way our lives will become much more fruitful; we shall be less fearful and we shall understand all people better.”

In the following video, Sharon gets more indepth with more detail about her experiences.

Sharon’s website can be found here.

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