Reincarnation: Life Returns Unceasingly

Reincarnation-Life-Returns-Unceasingly-main-2-postby Rendol Snell

The old conception of the Creator as a big, superior kind of man, who spoke face to face with wise men of old, telling them the plan of creation and destiny of the world, has been outgrown, so that it is the privilege of any person to investigate for himself the great problem, “What am I?”

Science has been making great strides to solve the mysteries of nature but there yet remain many problems unsolved. One of these is the origin and nature of life and the important question of life after death. A few paragraphs here will be devoted to explaining the theory or, better, hypothesis of reincarnation and some problems connected therewith.

To put the matter in simple words, the writer believes that life returns again and again on the earth. Not only human life but all life.

This theory, under the name “transmigration,” was taught by Buddhism in a crude form and is believed in by at least one-third of the population of the earth, who are more or less under the influence of Buddhist teaching. Like all great fundamental ideas, there are perhaps few parts of the earth where the idea has not been present in some dim fashion. (more…)

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Embraced By Angels

Embraced-By-Angels-main-2-postby William A. Burt

Out Of The Darkness

Michael Bryant’s encounter with an angel – a small, gentle Hispanic lady with a soft voice and comforting hands – was truly a life-altering experience when he was at his lowest ebb one lonely Christmas just a few years ago.

He describes his amazing encounter in a moving letter to the Miami Herald:

“For almost four years now, I can’t think of my accident without thinking of her.

“She came out of the darkness to help me out of a car wreck that should have killed me, and comforted me until the ambulance came.

“She stayed with me until the police handcuffed me and took me away. I would later be charged with DUI, my life was about to change, and I was forced to take a deeper look inward. (more…)

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Insights Into The Afterlife

Insights-Into-The-Afterlife-main-2-postQuestions and Answers on What to Expect

by Nora M. Spurgin


My interest in writing this booklet was inspired by the life and death of a dear friend. For most of the five years she had battled cancer, Linna believed that she would conquer the fearful stalker; but in the end, she accepted that she was going to die. It was the process of her preparation to die that prompted a desire in me to share with others the understandings which she gained in anticipating the next life. Linna and I were friends and colleagues. She was an educator and a woman of determination. It was a shock to all of her friends when she was diagnosed with cancer. I remember visiting her in the hospital where she joked, “We always thought I was the invincible one, so we have life insurance on my husband!”

Following surgery and a course of chemotherapy, Linna began a new life. It was a life with greater awareness of its value. She looked at her relationships with family and friends with new eyes. She pondered the things she wanted to accomplish and those things which were of less importance. She sought changes in her life and habits to bring about optimum health. She began meditating and, in so doing, found a place of peace within, as well as a greater spiritual awareness. She made changes in her diet and found friends who prayed for her and introduced her to healing music, writings on positive thinking, healing imagery and internal body cleansing. (more…)

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Over The Threshold

Over-The-Threshold-main-2-postby Dana Howard

On April 29, 1955, the beautiful DIANE made an impressive appearance upon the stage of the Planet Earth. Seventeen years previously (while functioning in my [etheric] twin-body) this same Diane had taken me aboard a gem-studded spaceship preparatory to an obviously teleported flight to Venus. On April 29, 1955, she stood before twenty-seven amazed persons in a corner of the little Church of Divine Light, Los Angeles, California. Several who were present that night have given written testimony to the fact that DIANE was neither an ectoplasmic-built entity, nor was she an apparition.

I quote from a letter from Lucille Points, Los Angeles, “I have had the opportunity of sitting through many materialization seances, but I shall never forget one particular evening this spring when Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler had one of her very interesting and inspiring seances. A beautiful, fleshly being came, rather hesitantly at first, then saying, ‘I am Diane. I come from Venus’. Truly I can say this was the most outstanding experience of my life.” (more…)

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Interdimensional Relationships

Interdimensional-Relationships-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

For many years, scientists in the field of biological research have been avidly, perhaps feverishly, probing the mysteries of cell 1-DNA-strandstructures, molecules, etc., trying to find out what this life force is and, as usual, they have only added to their confusion. A very important discovery was the DNA molecule, which theoretically, at least, “keys” or “codes” different molecular structures within any living thing. These coded molecules are also hereditary. What they have not found out is the energizing intelligence or life-force which activates and makes these molecules possible. For some vague or obscure reason, this very important point has been overlooked. It is a well-known law of physics that you can’t get something out of nothing. If certain atoms of a number of different elements are so arranged as a configuration, there must have been some form of intelligence to arrange this first form; even granted that succeeding forms could inherit the same characteristics. Even so, there must always be a certain quotient of energy involved in arranging any molecule from atoms, also a certain intelligence (I.Q.). If you think for a moment: any number of different kinds of atoms form different elements when they are so arranged in a molecular form, and they have a certain property. (more…)

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The Importance Of Humor In Soul Growth

The-Importance-of-Humor-In-Soul-Growth-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall

There are times in the unfolding of human consciousness when the student feels and honestly believes that the entire weight of the Eternal Plan, the salvation of God, man, and the universe and the perpetuation of civilization, rests upon his shoulders. He feels that when he passes out Truth will die with him and that his life must be so filled with duties that he has little, if any, time to demonstrate the qualities of the human race. Religion becomes such a weighty problem that he entirely forgets the necessity of humor and the value of mental and spiritual recreation, or, rather, we may say that lack of use has caused his sense of humor to atrophy.

The inevitable result of losing the ability to laugh and to relax the tension of massive thought and incessant labor is unbalance and ultimate spiritual crystalization, commonly known in the world of affairs as freakishness and crankism. The ability of the philosopher to forget his philosophies and the mystic to lay aside his religion and smile with the world over some hopelessly trivial bit of nonsense is the sign of true super physical greatness and spiritual balance. (more…)

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Achieving Peace Within

Achieving-Peace-Within-main-1-postby Ralph Waldo Trine

This is the Spirit of Infinite Peace, and the moment we come into harmony with it there comes to us an inflowing tide of peace, for peace is harmony. A deep interior meaning underlies the great truth, “To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” To recognize the fact that we are spirit, and to live in this thought, is to be spiritually minded, and so to be in harmony and peace. Oh, the thousands of men and women all about us weary with care, troubled and ill at ease, running hither and thither to find peace, weary in body, soul, and mind; going to other countries, traveling the world over, coming back, and still not finding it. Of course they have not found it and they never will find it in this way, because they are looking for it where it is not. They are looking for it without when they should look within. Peace is to be found only within, and unless one find it there he will never find it at all.

Peace lies not in the external world. It lies within one’s own soul. We may travel over many different avenues in pursuit of it, we may seek it through the channels of the bodily appetites and passions, we may seek it through all the channels of the external, we may chase for it hither and thither, but it will always be just beyond our grasp, because we are searching for it where it is not. In the degree, however, that we order the bodily appetites and passions in accordance with the promptings of the soul within will the higher forms of happiness and peace enter our lives; but in the degree that we fail in doing this will disease, suffering, and discontent enter in. (more…)

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Excursions To The Spirit World ~ Part I

Excursions-To-The-Spirit-World-main-1-postby Frederick C. Sculthorp

Before his journey began, Frederick Sculthrop was skeptical about life after death. However, the loss of his wife in 1934 prompted a quest for understanding. Encountering Sir Oliver Lodge’s book, “Why I Believe in Personal Immortality,” initiated a shift in perspective.

Intrigued by Lodge’s meticulous scientific approach, he explored the subject of spiritualism, reading extensively on both supportive and critical perspectives. Seeking firsthand experiences, he visited a local spiritualist association and had a sitting with medium Mrs. Helen Spiers. The session proved transformative as Spiers accurately conveyed details about his deceased wife, validating her presence with intimate knowledge of their life together. Convinced of the reality of spirit communication, he delved into developing his own clairvoyant abilities.

His exploration of clairvoyance eventually led to his own sessions connecting him to the spirit world through astral travel. What follows are some of his journeys. (more…)

Posted in Life On The Other Side, Other Topics, Out Of Body Experienceswith 1 comment.

The Riddle Of Aging

The-Riddle-Of-Aging-main-4-postby Leon J. Ricks

One of the most baffling mysteries of modern science is the question of why a living organism ages. According to all scientific observation and deduction it cannot happen — yet it does. When an independent section of tissue is maintained in the proper laboratory environment its cells continue to divide and aging does not occur. But tissue which is part of a living organism begins to age once full growth, as specified by the heredity-carrying genes, is reached.

If the answer to this riddle could be found youth and experience could be combined. Leadership would be improved. Old maids would be a thing of the past. The frustrating “over-40 employment problem” would be gone. The degenerative diseases (heart disease, cancer, etc.) would be largely eliminated. Women would retain their full beauty for a reasonable time instead of starting to lose it almost as soon as they get it. (more…)

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How Past Life Exploration Can Heal Your Life ~ Part II

How-Past-Life-Exploration-Can-Heal-You-Part-II-mainby Denise Linn

Through analysis of your present strong tendencies you can pretty accurately surmise what kind of life you led before.” – Paramahansa Yogananda, from Man’s Eternal Quest

Discovering who you were in a past life can be easy and fun! There are a number of methods you can employ and learn in order to uncover amazing evidence of your previous lives without ever doing a regression. When you examine the present, you can pick up hundreds of clues that can help you glean information from the past.

No single factor can provide all the answers, but if you gather them together, you can begin to solve the puzzle of who you might have been in previous incarnations. Here’s a list of the areas of your life that we’ll explore in more detail: (more…)

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Flowers Of Spirit


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The Sasquatch Message To Humanity ~ Part II

The-Sasquatch-Message-To-Humanity-Part-II-main-2-postby Sasquatch Elder Kamooh


Kamooh said: “Less than a year ago, you were transcribing our message, which directed Kelly and Kewaunee to connect with you, and through them and the circle then created, many others who talk with us have been connecting and sharing their experiences. You have witnessed in the last year all along your journeys many of your people who have come in contact with us and have developed spiritual connections with us. We have been gathering you all worldwide through the contacts and messages of our clans ambassadors, towards a great spiritual convergence to bring out the truth and disclosure about who we are. We the Sasquatch People now rejoice, for this time has come of our great cosmic reunification.” (more…)

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The Etherians: A Matter Of Urgent And Critical Importance

The-Etherians-main-2-postby Meade Layne (Borderland Sciences Research Associates – BSRA)

[Ed. -This was written in 1952 but seems just as relevant today.]


– AND TO –


– AND TO –


Your attention is Respectfully drawn to a Matter of Urgent and Critical Importance.


According to the daily press of the week of July 24, 1952, orders have been issued by military authorities to pilots and other operators of armed aircraft to pursue and, under some circumstances, to attack with gunfire, as opportunity offers, the so-called Flying Discs or Flying Saucers. THIS IS, IN EFFECT, AN ORDER TO COMMIT SUICIDE AND TO INVITE RETALIATION IN A MOST EXTREME AND DISASTROUS FORM. (more…)

Posted in Life On The Other Side, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.

Shot Dead – Documentary

Shot-Dead-Documentary-main-1-postThis is the movie we wish we didn’t have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of COVID shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children. Shot Dead premiered on November 9, 2023 – the one-year anniversary of 18 year-old Trista Martin’s death from the shot, in her hometown of Tulsa (Trista is featured prominently in the film).

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children so this doesn’t happen to one more child. (more…)

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Dreaming In Time

Dreaming-In-Time-main-2-postby Rodney Davies

Our traditional view of time as a river inexorably sweeping us along like flotsam from the past towards an unknown future is wrong. Time, in fact, has no existence outside ourselves; rather, its presence is suggested to us by the positional changes of physical objects around us, most notably those that occur regularly, like the earth’s rotation which brings about the rising and setting of both the sun and the moon, and thus time’s seeming reality. In this respect we resemble the prisoners in Plato’s cave who mistook shadows for real things.

Indeed, what we call time is apparent only because our consciousness, informed as it is by our sense organs, is normally only aware of consecutive ‘moments’ in our lives, which we call ‘the present’. This naturally suggests that if our consciousness could be widened, we would be able to view what we call ‘the past’ and ‘the future’ now, because both are as much ‘now’ as now is. (more…)

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