The Living Universe Is Unimaginably Big And You’re A Part Of It!

The-Universe-Is-Big-And-You-Are-A-Part-Of-It-main-4-postby Wisdom For Life

How big is the universe? Let’s take a journey from Earth to the solar system, closest stars, the Milky Way, and the observable universe. Along the way we will stop by the Oort cloud, Alpha Centauri, radiosphere, Andromeda galaxy, Virgo supercluster, and Laniakea.

After watching this video, you can think a couple things. Either — I’m this tiny, separate thing on a distant planet in the middle of nowhere special, I’ll live for several decades and that will be that or you may be thinking, Wow! -I’m a part of this unimaginably large, possibly infinite universe, that is potentially teeming with life. A part of this thing that I don’t really understand; a thing that, well, no one truly understands; a part of this planet, this node in the sea of space that is perpetuating life and things can get very metaphysical after that. (more…)

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Concerning The Eternal Omnipresent Self

Concerning-The-Eternal-Omnipresent-Self-main-4-postby Walter Winston Kenilworth

There is but One Infinite Reality in this fleeting alternation of life and death; there is but One Imperishable Substrate in this perpetual evolution and disintegration of countless solar Systems; there is but One Eternal Truth in the immensities of the universe. It is the Omnipresent Spirit.

What is meant by Omnipresence? It is meant that should you travel even with the inconceivable rapidity of light and thought, throughout endless time in the shoreless ocean of space, at every point of your unthinkable journey there would be “He at whose command the wind blows, fire burns, flowers bloom, stars shine, and Death stalks upon the earth.” He is the soul of your soul and my soul, and the soul of all Existence. “He is infinitely larger than the largest, and infinitely smaller than the smallest. He pervades the infinite space and also resides in the minutest atom of atom. He also dwells in the innermost sanctuary of the soul of every man and woman. Whosoever realizes that Divine Omnipresence, whose image the individual soul is, unto him comes eternal peace and perpetual bliss, unto none else, unto none else.” Stretch forth your hand He is there; gaze into the immeasurable expanse of the heavens, He, the Lord, is present. “That immortal Spirit is before, that Spirit is behind, that Spirit is right and left. It has gone forth below and above. Spirit alone is all this. It is the best.” (more…)

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On Space Discs And More

On-Space-Discs-And-More-main-1-postby Yada di Shi’ite

On the evening of Nov. 28, 1951, a small group of people gathered in the apartment of Mark and Irene Probert in San Diego. It included Meade Layne, the late director of BSRA, Francis Ohm, business man, Dr. J.K. Christie and C.J. Sherburne, electronics engineers, F.E. Rogers, editor and publisher, Harriet Foster, secretary, and Mark and Irene Probert.

This was a special meeting in which it was hoped to obtain more information on Flying Saucers, their origin, means of propulsion, and reasons for appearing around the earth at that time. Mark went into trance and the head of the Inner Circle, the Yada di Shi’ite took over.

“Friends, for eons of time civilizations have come and gone. Great teachers have come to man, imploring him to turn from his selfish ways — but to no avail. Man now, in this civilization, is no different from man 500,000 years ago (when the Yada lived in an ancient Himalayan civilization.) It is the same self-interest — always I, I, I. This situation has brought about the destruction of other civilizations and it is going to do the same for you. Can you not smell it in the wind? (more…)

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Invisible Light: The Electric Universe

Invisible-Light-The-Electric-Universe-main-4-postby George W. Warder

“My definition of electricity is invisible light.” ~ Nikola Tesla

In pondering over that mysterious entity known as electricity, I have evolved a new theory of the world’s creation. It will take time, research, and more perfect demonstration to place it among the exact sciences.

Yet it seems reasonable and natural, and simplifies all scientific investigation. It removes much of the supernatural element to which men in all ages have bowed in wonderment and awe. They have delighted to imagine the universe as spoken into existence from nothing by the word of Omnipotent Deity. The more marvelous and unreasonable this “presto! now you don’t see it, now you see it” creation, the more their credulity and admiration are excited.

They look upon Deity as a self-conscious prestidigitator, a proud occult magician working wonders for the special praise of admiring creation. They are prone to believe he created the universe instantaneously as he created light, not knowing that light was electricity, the only substance or entity in nature that is instantaneous. That it is the work of this same electric force under the propelling will of the creative spirit that through countless ages has evolved the universe. (more…)

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The Dark Heart Of Communism

The-Dark-Heart-of-Communism-main-4-post“The Communist ideology is to destroy your social order. This has been their aim for 125 years and it has never changed; only the methods have changed a little. When there is detente, peaceful co-existence, and trade, they will still insist: the ideological war must continue! And what is ideological war? It is a concentration of hatred, a continued repetition of the oath to destroy the Western world. Just as in the Roman senate a famous speaker ended every speech with the statement: ‘Furthermore, Carthage must be destroyed,’ so today, with every act—detente, trade, or whatever—the Communist press, as well as thousands of speakers at closed lectures, all repeat: ‘Furthermore, capitalism must be destroyed.’” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Warning To The West (more…)

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Interdimensional Science: Cosmic Rays Demystified

Cosmic-Rays-Demystified-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

No work of this kind could be considered complete without including the much talked of present-day physical b-cosmic-rays-simulationphenomenon called cosmic rays, for in the precincts of various concepts which involve cosmic rays, their origin and manifestation, will be found several of the most important equivalents in the Infinite Creative Cosmogony. At the present time, science knows considerably more about cosmic rays than it did at the beginning of their discovery but it is commonly admitted by scientists alike, that their source or origin is still unknown. Present scientific terminology classifies many types of cosmic rays and, while these are primarily of interest in an academic sense to the scientist alone, we shall therefore not discuss them categorically or in such lengthy presentations, as further study along these lines can be pursued by the student who wishes to do so, from such concurrently publicized concepts existing at the present time. (more…)

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Reincarnation Proof From The Bible

Reincarnation-Proof-From-The-Bible-main-4-postby William Walker Atkinson

The doctrine of Metempsychosis or Reincarnation has its roots deeply embedded in the soil of all religions—that is, in the Inner Teachings or Esoteric phase of all religious systems. And this is true of the Inner Teachings of the Christian Church as well as of the other systems. The Christian Mysteries comprised this as well as the other fundamental occult doctrines, and the Early Church held such teachings in its Inner Circle.

And, in its essence, the doctrine of Rebirth is the only one that is in full accord with the Christian conception of ultimate justice and “fairness.” As a well known writer has said concerning this subject: (more…)

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The Earthbound

The-Earthbound-main-4-postby Edward C. Randall

There were few nights during the years of scientific investigation that I did not talk with earthbound spirit people, usually with several, and I have learned much of their condition.

“What creates the earthbound condition?” is the first question properly asked. I answer, as I have been answered thousands of times:

“The lives they led, and the conditions they created for themselves, for as a man sows so shall he reap.”

The laws of nature, the laws under which we live, are not only fixed and definite, but eternally just. (more…)

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The Role Of Hygiene In Medicine ~ Part II

The-Role-Of-Hygiene-In-Medicine-Part-II-main-4-postby Herbert M. Shelton

The conservatism of the ancient priesthoods preserved for ages the hygienic practices of an immemorable past. These normal factors of life continued to form vital and important elements of the care of the sick throughout that vast period during which the priestcraft held sway, and they continued to constitute a part of the mode of care during the early part of the evolution of leechcraft. Although both priest and leech taught man to rely upon artificial adventitious and harmful processes and substances, neither of them were able to completely divorce man from reliance upon his primitive requirements; indeed, the priests made no effort to do so. Neither the prayers and magic of the priest, nor the poisons of the physician could dispense with the normal needs of life. Western man made no attempt to abandon the primal mode of care of his body, in both health and illness, until a few centuries after the rise of the medical profession. The struggle between those who would rely upon drugs to restore health and those who would reject drugs and rely upon regulation of the ways of life, continued right down to the ushering in of that long night of intellectual darkness which we know as the Dark Ages.

Under the sway of anti-naturalism and super-naturalism, with its condemnation of the body and the “works of the flesh,” hygiene was neglected and the sanitary systems broke down. Europe degenerated into a continental pig stye. Epidemics and plagues abounded and a people who thought so much more of a hypothetical postmortem existence above the clouds than they did of life in this “lowly vale of tears” found their way to heaven in great numbers. Superstition took the place of learning, the people forgot to bathe. Compared to man in the Middle Ages, the life of the savage is a heavenly Paradise. (more…)

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Contact With Extraterrestrials: A Message Received

Contact-With-Extraterrestrials-A-Message-Received-main-3-postby Orfeo Angelucci

In the first issue of MYSTIC, November 1953, I told of my first eerie contact with the flying saucers and subsequent trip in a saucer hundreds of miles into outer space.

But in neither of those astounding experiences did I actually have personal contact with a saucer being. In the first incredible instance I saw their images projected on a kind of vast, luminous screen which appeared above an open field, between two small fluorescent green discs. During my entire trip in the saucer I was, I believe, entirely alone and heard only the voices of a space being apparently transmitted from a huge mother ship.

Since that first article appeared I have received a great number of encouraging letters and many phone calls from people who assured me of their whole-hearted belief in my story. Also, as a direct result of my story in MYSTIC, I was asked to give a series of talks concerning my experiences, in the Eastern States, which I did. Everywhere I found people tremendously interested and receptive to the message of the saucer beings. But everyone wanted further knowledge and more information about our mysterious visitors. (more…)

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