On Space Discs And More

On-Space-Discs-And-More-main-1-postby Yada di Shi’ite

On the evening of Nov. 28, 1951, a small group of people gathered in the apartment of Mark and Irene Probert in San Diego. It included Meade Layne, the late director of BSRA, Francis Ohm, business man, Dr. J.K. Christie and C.J. Sherburne, electronics engineers, F.E. Rogers, editor and publisher, Harriet Foster, secretary, and Mark and Irene Probert.

This was a special meeting in which it was hoped to obtain more information on Flying Saucers, their origin, means of propulsion, and reasons for appearing around the earth at that time. Mark went into trance and the head of the Inner Circle, the Yada di Shi’ite took over.

“Friends, for eons of time civilizations have come and gone. Great teachers have come to man, imploring him to turn from his selfish ways — but to no avail. Man now, in this civilization, is no different from man 500,000 years ago (when the Yada lived in an ancient Himalayan civilization.) It is the same self-interest — always I, I, I. This situation has brought about the destruction of other civilizations and it is going to do the same for you. Can you not smell it in the wind?

“This Korean affair is merely one of the many fuses leading to the main keg of explosives. This has to come if there is to be any peace on the earth hereafter. The world is filled with malignant growths and unless they are cut out, they will continue to eat and eat until your civilization dies of slow rot. Every turn you take in the scientific world, the religious world, the philosophical world, it is the same, ‘I, the leader, say this to you, and you abide by it.’

“Now you want to know about the Discs and other strange things seen in your skies. Believe me, I do not desire to be an alarmist. I do not like to bring this kind of thought to you — but need I? Is it not plainly observable to you? Yes, I know you are interested in doing what you can to help and there is great need for such people.

“Let me speak first of the Teacher you call Jesus the Christ. He was a great man, a great Avatar, belonging to one of the most secret orders of Egypt and India. He knew that Man was once a space being before he built points in space to move around on. Jesus said, ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions’, meaning thereby the bodies in space as well as space itself — the planetary bodies, not alone in your solar system but in the others. No matter how great your telescopes, no end shall ever be found of these bodies.”


“Now I shall speak directly. Many of these bodies in your solar system have been occupied by Man from time to time. The Moon is not much of a place and is not often used except for a most secret kind of work. Mars — the central part of Mars — yes! The interior of Mars has been used many times, by human beings from planetary bodies in outer space beyond your solar system. It is so being used, now.

“These Discs that are in your sky do not come from these material planets, although similar ships have come from material planets. It is most difficult to express in understandable terms according to your laws of physics how a material plane could move at such great rates of speed in passing from one planetary body to another, because some of your most distinguished physicists believe that matter moving at the speed of light would turn into light. But this is not so. All that is needed is to get outside and away from the pressure of your own gravitation, and away from the magnetic fields of the earth, and then you can travel at speeds up into the millions of miles an hour without any ill effect.”

“You mean that an airplane made of matter as we understand it could make that speed?” asked Meade Layne.

“Yes, that is right,” replied the Yada.

“Can you give us any idea of the type of propulsion that would be used?” asked Meade.

“There are forces that might be called magnetism if you wish, existing between any two bodies in space. Your space here is very much like a heavy oil. Two bodies never really meet, but they play upon each other through this oily or jellied substance called the Ethers. To pick up this energy flow — to come in on what you call ‘the beam’, is to follow these lines of energy existing between any two bodies in space. Some may believe that the magnetism of the earth is not very strong, but this is not so. All that is needed is an instrument sensitive enough to pick up these high rates of energy motion.”

“How would our airship be protected?” asked F.E. Rogers.

“The outside of the craft could be so made that by a method of repulsion any other body would be held off with no danger of collision.” replied the Yada.

“Is there any truth to reports of landings of large space ships?”

“In Australia,” replied the Yada, “and also in the Andes mountains (in South America) there is a plateau on which these Discs have landed from time to time. Some of them are far too large to land in any of your modern airfields.

“The fireballs that have been seen in your skies do not come from Mars or any other body, but are space etheric phenomena. (In answer to a question) Yes, the Etherians have something to do with them. Mostly they are sent out to absorb the atomic radiations in your atmosphere. . . Yes, you do well to be thankful for them. Now, there are certain light-balls in the ethers that are projected by the Etherians and these act as photographic eyes. They can take, or register, lines of force, the entire inner parts of your planes; so the Etherians can see exactly how your planes are made. . . Yes, some of these photographic fireballs explode or disintegrate, but in the meantime they also pass back to certain points in space what they have photographed. Fireballs seen lately that act like meteors are those sent out to absorb the radiations of your atomic explosions.”

“Do you know about reported landings in Australia and Scotland,” asked Meade.

The Yada asks to be excused for a moment and speaks aside in the Yu language of his Himalayan time to someone on his own side of the Veil before replying.

“There is a certain secret work going on at present between the Etherians and certain high earth authorities — you understand, I suppose, that I do not use the word ‘high’ in the usual sense. I am referring to those belonging to some of the secret Lodges of Earth. This work has to do with the great possibility of the Earth’s destruction. Several miles under the Earth’s crust a very serious dissolving is going on, more rapid than ever before.

“There are also long talks concerning the use of atomic energy against the ethers — not because the Etherians are worried about your destroying yourselves physically, but it will break up the ether pressures on the earth — and it is very serious to have these stresses disturbed. That’s something for you to sleep on, if you can! These men have landed in Australia in a secret landing field. They have not only been in Scotland, but to high authorities in England, and to a few of your men and women here in high standing — I refer to the Secret Orders.”

“Are any of these men and women government officials?”

“Not many, but a few are members of these Orders. . . Yes, these Visitors are very human-like; but that does not mean that they come from any material planet, but from the etheric doubles of the planets. . . Yes, they may be said to materialize as human beings, like your own people, only healthier. Your body is under direct command of your mind. You’ll realize this after you get out of it. . . Yes, this contact has been going on a long time — ever since the world began. The Etherian world has always acted as a guardian over its material brother. . . Yes, long before Atlantis, and long before my civilization of Yu which came before Atlantis. . .


” . . . this war in Korea may come to a seeming end, but is really the beginning of a greater conflagration. And what are your people getting ready to do? To remove themselves from this planet. Not later than 1965, you will be traveling from planet to planet. . . Your scientists have not been permitted to tell you of life on other planets. A very concentrated move has been going on, to reach the moon, and it – is now possible.” (If the Yada is here referring to the successful manufacture of flyable interplanetary hardware by human beings of the U.S. and/or Russia in 1951, it is still a very well kept secret in 1966!)

“Is the Roman Catholic Hierarchy aware of this communication with the Etherians?” asked Francis Ohm.

“Yes, but they are trying their utmost to keep it from the people. In the Catholic Hierarchy you are fighting an evil Power attempting the enslavement of the people. The war of Armageddon is coming. It is a direct conflict between ‘black’ and ‘white’ forces. That war will be a space war, perhaps tearing asunder a great part of the solar system. Many will come to know that they belong with either White or Black — they will become consciously aware of it and will take up arms. Remember that Man, in moving from planet to planet, has made what are called different races on these different planets. Now these races were gathered here where the great Guardians of the Earth hoped they would come to an understanding, but no, they have not.”

“There will be seismic disturbances?” asked Meade.

“Japan stands near the top of the list for almost complete destruction by quakes and tidal waves, perhaps in a short time — maybe not longer than two years. . . Yes, the reason lies in the collective Karma of the people. . . Yes, also in the volcanic structure and in the deterioration I spoke of far below the crust. But we generalize too much. The Sun is going to have a great flare-up before long; there will be huge sunspots this coming year, some of the largest seen in the history of man. . . No, there seems no immediate probability of quakes in Korea, but Formosa is due for one. Any spot along the great fault is in constant danger of destruction. Of course, the disturbances that will hit the Japanese Islands will affect your coast here, with possibly a heavy tidal wave along the whole Pacific Coast. . . There is no danger of the San Andreas fault opening up again, except in case of a heavy Japanese quake. All faults along the line will probably be activated. Now perhaps this will not happen right away and you will be disappointed. I would like to bring a nice big quake to please you.

“As you know, we do not like to make predictions; because, after all, Man’s mind governs the so-called acts of Nature. And he has the power — and only he — to change his way of thinking. So Man is the most unpredictable of shall I say? all God’s creatures.”

“Man’s mind governs the so-called acts of Nature,” said the Yada fifteen years ago. Since then millions of men and women must have shifted their feelings from war toward peace. If not, how can we explain the fact that the Korean war didn’t expand into World War III? And at this writing the Japanese islands have still suffered only the usual quotas of earthquakes and tidal waves. Someone’s hand is on the brakes of destruction!

Excerpt from The Journal of Borderland Research, November – 1966

A Space ContactA Space Contact (mid-1960s)

by Ellen Zigler

We have been asked to write a short synopsis of our experiences with what most folks refer to as UFOs. In 1965 my husband became involved in a series of events which led eventually to contact with flesh and blood personages from another Solar System. Ours has been a continuing and very revealing friendship with these people whose home planet is more than four light years distant. Their world has a written history of more than 30,000 years, compared to our 6,000. Even so, they long since have been required to live more simple lives because all, or almost all, of their minerals, oils, coal, etc., have been used up. They are plagued by over-population and must utilize all of their land resources in order to provide for their people.

From the beginning these folk have impressed on us, the fact, that the laws of physics are constant throughout the universe, and that if something does not meet all requirements of the laws of physics, it is impossible. They also point out that each planet was made of the same materials and in the same manner. There are no mystery minerals or materials on some other planet. Space is orderly, they say, and when one has learned this secret, space travel is safe. Our space effort is, as was theirs in the beginning, far too complex. When we have learned to simplify we will enjoy much more success in our space travels.

These people are very much like us in appearance, with subtle differences not easily recognized, but they cannot mix their races with those of this world. It is genetically not possible.

Their first landfall on our world was about 1745. Our world was of little interest to them because it was peopled by crude and cruel people. Samples of ore, water, soil, etc., were taken for study. They next came here about 1870 when more samples were taken. In the mid-twenties another ship arrived, as forerunner of one which came about five years later equipped to take certain minerals from our seas. They arrived with a force of men and women numbering less than 500 and do not exceed that number today. They brought with them a number of small craft resembling a straw hat. These are but another type of helicopter and are not capable of high or fast travel.

We have been assured, and it well has been proven to us, that certain men high in our government circles are well aware of their presence here and of their nature and purpose.

As a matter of courtesy, and they are a most courteous people, they refuse to take part in our religious, political or social life in such a manner as to bring about change. If change is to be made it must be our acts which bring it about, independent of theirs. They refuse to use their craft either to entertain us or to educate us. Their craft are used for their own purposes and needs. At the present time not one of their craft has been within the boundaries of the United States since late 1968.

Our one friend says this: “We are not angels. We are not devils. We are men, nothing more nor less. We are not something to fear; and if we were, it is now many, many years too late. We are required to live in accordance with our own laws; and when we have done this, we certainly have broken none of yours. Besides, it would be most discourteous of us to transgress your law in such manner to wreck havoc or terror upon your people. It is not our nature.”

There are some questions we cannot answer because we do not know the answers. There are some we do not wish to answer because we feel it might endanger our friends. (From the August 1969 Bulletin of the Portland Flying Saucers Club.)

Now with the many new discoveries of the James Webb telescope it is very much
easy to see that we cannot be alone in the universe.

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