Vivenus From Venus On The Swoops

Vivenus-From-Venus-On-The-Swoops-main-2-postby Vivenus

Spaceships, I call them “swoops” because I’m a Venusian. And Venusians, if they name a thing, name it for what it does rather then for how it looks. A spaceship does swoop, as a bird swoops, silently.

The swoops on Venus are all colors and all sizes and many shapes. There are several giant swoops that carry many smaller ones inside, to let them disembark over the lands they must keep vigil.

At home, there is a special part of our land to house our swoops. We do not have need of them on our world but only to other worlds, especially to the planet Earth.

There are many on Earth who have seen and many who felt pure love from the experience. And that is the way it should be.

We are here to help lift the Earth to light. We are not here to add the fear that already permeates the Earth’s atmosphere, the fear that keepeth away perfect love.

There are impostors flying your skies, O’ Earth. There are objects made to look as our ships look. And there are even entities trying to masquerade as us.

Be not fooled. And be not frightened. They cannot harm you, not who you really are. At best, at worst, they can only delay you from trusting us, we who love you and who come to help.

Who are these impostors? They are not from any other world but your own, O’ Earth. They are from your atmosphere. They are not physical beings but souls who deliberately seek to cause mischief and havoc on your planet. And they are allowed to continue their folly until they see the light.

This is darkness, some of which manifests into what seems real objects, even real “people”, but it is the craft of the darkness to make its illusions seem real.

So it is with your emotions, O’ Earth. What you feel and cannot stop feeling and do not like feeling, may not be you at all. And your thoughts, the voices inside your mind, reminding you of despair and sorrow and pain and hopelessness. These thoughts may not even be you. Trying to “get over” an experience and somehow you can’t stop “thinking” about it. And so you do things to make you forget, things painful to your soul – so painful it leaves you, leaving an empty house, wherein, a soul lost in darkness, can enter and live and find his or her expression of misery prevail.

It is this darkness that is sending up the clouds of smoke from planet Earth. It is this darkness that seems to be destroying the planet and many souls who try to live upon the planet. And it is for this reason that swoops hover over your skies.

What do you do too much of, that you secretly wish you didn’t do? Why can’t you stop? Are you not in charge of your ship? Who has taken over your house and made it theirs? Who do you want to represent, the light? Or the darkness?

This book may never reach your hands. Most of my works in these twenty-one years have not. I know not who stops it, whether it is the darkness or it is the plan. Herein, is the truth to set you free from your “moods”. Herein, is the awareness you need to combat the darkness.

The swoops in your skies can make themselves visible or invisible. They are piloted by two usually male souls. They are trained their whole lifetime to maneuver these swoops. They know how to form clouds around themselves. They know how to instantly appear and instantly disappear. And the swoops that are in your skies, O’ Earth, are there on a mission of love: to polarize with the light the negativity that is in the Earth atmosphere.

So much fear, so much doubt, so much gloom and despair floods your skies with a volatile chemical – dangerous. And were my space brothers not in their swoops above you, what havoc that is on the Earth would reach the heavens. Your earthquakes and volcanoes and floods and hurricanes and intensities of seasons and disasters upon disasters are the results of darkness. The darkness has claimed so many minds on the Earth, that the hearts are not able to function. Awareness is a light. And with a light there is no darkness.

The swoops in the sky not only block what is rising from the Earth but also ray down light in crucial places to protect your planet from complete self-destruction.

We bide our time, while love allows the children on Earth to find their way back to the light. It is strange: though the darkness is the enemy on Earth, it also speeds those of light to the arms of love, of God.

My mission is not spaceships, not swoops and I do not know as much about their workings as you would like me to know. And if I did, I am confident that I would not be allowed or given permission to reveal all. The Earth has a way of misusing the gifts of love, using what is of love for a wrong purpose. I know you will understand why perhaps my knowledge of swoops is limited only to my own personal experience and observation.


The swoop I traveled in, to journey to planet Earth from Venus, was silver inside and out. Shaped like a bell and about as large as a small bungalow. A swoop needs no fuel, no water and has no parts that will break.

In flight, you feel no motion, no motion at all. And yet, as you look through the little windows, you see the colors of the changing atmospheres and you know you are en route. Swoops make no sound and they do not leave the ground like a rocket. There is no force but love, it is like a magnet that directs the flight.

Inside the swoop I traveled, were two decks, an upper room and lower room and on each of the eight wallings. There is what resembles a steering wheel in the lower cabin and instead of turning it around, it is pulled first up then down. There is what looks like a gear stick-shift and this seems to be what actually steers the swoop, for instead of going up and down, it moves in a circle.

There is a pedal for lowering, a pedal for gradual ascend, a pedal for hovering, a pedal for quick flight, a pedal for gradual descend and a switch for continuous and steady flight. There is what looks like a large compass and there is a button for various colored lights for the outside to ray.

In a swoop, one must wear a space suit. Some are silver, some are white or pale blue. They are soft and comfortable and made of a substance resistant to grounding. They are also insulated for warmth.

When a swoop returns from a mission, it is serviced. It is a service of cleansing and purifying.

The spaceships, swoops are the transportation of all worlds but some. From world to world some soar. God made every star and there are souls to would explore every one.

There are people on Earth who have kept their minds open to every aspect of my life I have to this date shared and then when they hear of the way I arrived here, the door to their minds, shuts. If they “like” me, they will try to translate my events into something they can live with in their minds. But when it comes to the part about the space travel, on a real space ship, there is no way they can interpret that into their own language.


What I have and am sharing in this book, I have not shared before except in essence and briefly. I am surprised that I am able to share this much. I am surprised that I am able to find words to communicate a wordless existence. If this book turns out not be be detailed enough, if you wish it were “longer”, forgive that I can only give what I am given to give. And though I was asked years ago on planet Earth, to do what I am doing now, it is only now that love has sanctioned it.

Is now the time that you are ready? Is now the time that I am ready? Or is this too. . .to be put aside until after I am gone? Love knows. And I rejoice in love who knows what is best for its plan for you, O’ Earth.

Spaceships . . .swoops, do not fear them. They are your friends. Without them, O’ Earth, you would not still be an Earth.

If you who read this, have witnessed one of our swoops in your skies, know now you were deliberately selected to see. A special mission awaits you if you will not fear what is not real. If you who read this, have not seen, but want to, know now: a special mission awaits you, too. And if you who read this don’t care about swoops at all, but only to make your world a better place: tune in to your assignment. Perhaps now is the time when all shall be revealed. Perhaps now is the time, those who believe will not shut out those who do not.

There are children of light who believe with all their hearts that they have to “succeed” in this world and thus they have no “time” to pursue the dreamings in their hearts. Do not shun them though they may laugh at you. They are love’s children trying to help their world by more love but only in the ways the Earth says they can.

They must be awakened for they shall be a great strength to us.


Excerpt from Vivenus: Starchild

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