The Exodus


And if I go prepare a place for you, I shall come again and bring you to join me, that where I am you shall be also.” (John 14:3)


It is rarely talked about what happened after the reign of Akhnaton and his murder. There was a price for the Priesthood to pay and that price came in the form of Moses.

The timeline is as follows:

Timeline-Of-ExodusThe adventures of Moses was a very important link between the reign of Akhnaton and the mission of Jesus as both Jesus and Akhnation were one and the same person and many players in this Akhnaton saga reincarnationally reappeared again in the reign of Jesus.

The Exodus of the Hebrews happened for three main reasons:

(1) To be able to practice the understanding of the Aton, that is, to escape the Priesthood of Amun and to carry on in the teachings of Aton;

(2) To carry with them the teachings of the Aton and to protect the important ancient relics and documents that descended through and from the original Egyptians who actually did build the great pyramids including the Ark Of The Covenant and The Tabernacle.

(3) To escape the cruel environment – the slavery – the cruel conditions – they were kept under by the high priests of Amun who controlled like a iron-fist dictatorship over the people and Pharoah.

It wasn’t just Hebrews that escaped with Moses but a wide cross section of people; Egyptians and others alike who also left in the Exodus with Moses.

When they arrived in Palestine, the materials, teachings, etc., became the property of what would be the future Essenic Brotherhood of Jesus’ time under which he studied during the so-called “missing years” in order to prepare again to bring the true teachings of life to the people approximately 1,360 years later after Akhnaton but again the same souls who were the priesthood then also incarnated once again to repeat their efforts to stop the Truth – the Light – from reaching the people. Jesus’ teachings barely survived through today and in a very different form from the simple parabolistic principles that he taught then which included the concepts of reincarnation, transmigration of the soul, spiritual evolution, and much more, as can be seen here in his address to the people of Palestine on the Plain of Genesareth.

Moses-ExodusThe chapter “Revelation” by George Hunt Williamson is an excerpt from his book Secret Places Of The Lion and is included here for further review. This summary explains and solves many of the mysteries of the time of Moses and how he was contacted by space aliens who were very likely our ancestors from the time of the building of the great pyramid more then 10,000 years ago.

These ancient Egyptians (whose descendants likely still exist today) likely took to the sky enmasse upon their spaceships in order to escape the world-wide cataclysms which ensued after the last remnants of the once great civilization of Atlantis sank beneath the waves of the sea; the world-wide cataclysms affecting other colonies of Atlantis with great floods and other civilization-destroying calamities around the world.

Revelation — Excerpt by George Hunt Williamson

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