Protection From Psychic Attack

Protection-From-Psychic-Attack-main-4-postby Sue Allen

What is Psychic Attack?

Psychic attack is a very widely used term which is often misunderstood. It means that an external energy affects you in such a way that it has a detrimental effect on your sense of well-being. Our well-being includes our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual functioning and generally denotes a sense of harmony and balance in our lives. It is possible to see from this wide definition that psychic attack can therefore include environmental energy which causes us discomfort such as bright lights, noise and pollution. The other types of psychic attack come from living people and include psychic vampirism, witchcraft, curses, black magic, and thought forms. In all cases of psychic attack we need to look at the reason for the attack and take responsibility for why we have allowed it to affect us. It is essential to recognize that ultimately someone can only attack you if allowed to. This applies to all forms of psychic attack including both the intentional and the unintentional. I personally do not include spirit attachment or possession in this area for the sake of simplicity, although the presence of entities can clearly affect our sense of well-being.

The subject of psychic attack necessarily includes a discussion of intention as some attacks are deliberate, but many are not. As we go about our daily lives we find ourselves in situations with the opportunity for our energy to be affected in a negative way. For example, you get on a train or bus and sit down on an empty seat. The energy of the last person who sat there may still be present and you could be affected by it. If that person had a wonderful, gentle, warm, loving energy then that journey could be a very enjoyable one. If however, the person was feeling upset or angry then you may well feel very uncomfortable, perhaps without knowing why. This can be extended into sleeping in hotel beds, borrowing someone else’s coat or even lying on a massage or healing couch that has not been energetically cleared between clients.

You may also find that you suddenly develop a headache or other symptom when in a crowd. Consideration always needs to be given as to whether this headache is actually yours. One very easy way to establish this is by asking yourself “is this headache mine?” You will find that you receive an answer even if you have not done this before. The answer can simply be a physical reaction of the body or a knowing or you may even hear a “yes” or “no” in your mind. If you realize that the headache is not yours then you can ask that it is removed, perhaps thinking “I release this headache into the Universe.” The headache will usually disappear and the negative energy will be safely transmuted. You do not need to try to establish whose headache it was and under no circumstances should you send it back to them. If the headache is yours then you should take an aspirin or do whatever you normally do for a headache.

We now see that these forms of psychic attack are not intended by the people involved. It is also not for us to act as judge and jury and send negative energy back to people except in exceptional circumstances. The usual maxim is one of “stop not harm.” The Law of the Universe dictates that whatever we give out will always come back to us, whether immediately or very much later. In some instances it may come back in a different lifetime when we perhaps experience a similar situation again, but from another point of view or position. What we do have to be clear about is that it is our responsibility to be aware of our own energy and to protect it from negativity.

It is also essential that we understand that we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions. You may have heard the expression “energy follows thought.” We are all energetic beings and therefore connected to everything around us. Everything that we think, feel and do has an impact and this can be on a micro or a macro level. Our thoughts leave our energy field like radio waves and therefore have the power to affect others especially if they are intensified by strong emotions. For example, you leave a meeting at work feeling particularly angry with someone who attended. For the next twenty minutes you think or even verbally express those angry thoughts about that person, perhaps fantasizing about what you would like to do to them or what you should have said. The person that you are so angry with may well feel your angry thoughts in the form of physical pain or nausea. You have, albeit unaware, just carried out a psychic attack.

We are all human and my feel angry, upset or jealous at times. When you are aware however, of the potential impact of your feelings or thoughts on others you can then do something about it. Just as you did with the headache described earlier you can ask the Universe, the Earth, your God, your Guide or Angel to remove the negative energy you have sent to the other person. You may also like to imagine that person surrounded in Light and ask that they receive healing. I suggest that you also give yourself the same healing at the same time.

Psychic Vampires

Psychic vampires can work intentionally or completely unconsciously. Instead of sucking blood as in the movies they suck our life force and energy. We have all met people or have friends or even partners and parents who act in this way. For example, you have a friend who you meet for coffee or who phones you to offload their latest problems. After half an hour they feel great and you feel completely drained. What has taken place is the process of osmosis where they have absorbed your energy. Energy like water will find a balance and flow to the lowest point if allowed to. So if your energy is high and your friend’s energy is low they may connect to you and draw on your energy to increase their own. You may feel this effect if you visit an ill, weak or older person where their need for strength and perhaps even survival causes them to unconsciously feed on your energy. Other vampires are very demanding of your time and attention and are possibly more aware of what they are doing. I have known people who have visited a healer or a masseur where afterwards they always felt completely drained and even unwell. My advice is to change your service provider.

If you are a practitioner or therapist, certain of your clients may also want energy from you. As healers we channel energy through ourselves for others – this is not the same as allowing people to take or even giving them our own energy. Maybe you are a naturally giving person or even a rescuer who allows others to absorb your energy. It is important to recognize who has this draining effect on you and to take responsibility for not allowing it to continue. Over time people who allow the psychic vampire to continue sucking their energy will probably become unwell and exhausted. At that point the vampire will invariably move onto someone else who can provide a good source of what they need.

This leads us onto the intentional vampires who not only connect to others energetically in order to drain energy, but may also link in other ways. Have you ever had the experience of someone taking and keeping hold of your hand uninvited, often looking into your eyes at the same time? I am not talking about a loved one here, but someone that perhaps you do not know well or where it may be inappropriate to the situation. If that person holding your hand wishes to attach to you, or even program you to allow them to take your energy, this is a good opportunity for them to do so. The same can be done with your belongings such as objects or clothing. Once the program to allow the vampire access to your energy is in place, you could even keep this program running yourself. You may find it hard to stop thinking about the vampire or that it is impossible to refuse them when they make demands upon you.

If faced with a situation of psychic vampirism you must learn how to protect against it while still being able to visit your elderly parent, see a friend for coffee and generally go about your daily life. Often a vampire will attach to your Solar Plexus chakra in order to gain control over you as well as drain your energy. A visualized shield, door or some other protective symbol used with intent across your abdomen from the diaphragm down to your pelvis should help. If you need fast protection, for example if you pick up the telephone and find the vampiric person on the other end, simply place a hand across your Solar Plexus in order to protect it. Attachments may also be made to other chakras including the Base/Root chakra, which governs your physical health and immune system, and also to organs and other parts of the body.

Cleansing is another essential area and it is important to keep your energy, chakras and aura as clear as possible to prevent negativity from sticking to the blocked or darker areas of your energy. If you feel your jewelry, personal objects or clothing have been contaminated then they need to be cleansed with the intention of disconnecting the vampire or any other form of psychic attack.


It is essential that we work to keep our energy clear just as it is important to keep our bodies and environments physically clean. This means letting go of any negative emotions and thoughts which produce toxins within the body and affect your auric field and chakra system. It also requires cleansing each of the chakras and the aura on a regular basis. Some people carry this out daily, others practice it weekly or less often. During a mediation or period of relaxation you need only to focus on each chakra in turn. You might visualize or sense the color and shape of each. If the chakra feels or appears to be a good vibrant color without dark patches or irregularities then it is fine. If however, you sense that some cleansing or repair is required then focus on improving the color and shape or use Light to clear each one. While working on the chakras in this way you may find that issues, emotions or thoughts arise. These indicate work needing to be carried out in order to balance the chakras.

The aura may be worked on in a similar way. Acquire a sense of where your aura is around you. How strong or fragile does it feel? Is it regular shape and an equal distance from the body all the way around? Do you sense any holes or tears in your aura? Is there a dark patch or shape in your energy? Black or gray spots and patches can indicate a trauma or accident in this or other lives as well as emotional hurt, thought forms and spirits. Again you might decide to clear with Light. You can call upon the Light or your Guides or Angels to heal, cleanse, repair and strengthen your energy field. You might also like to sense how your aura reacts when you feel anger, fear, guilt, depression, joy or love. In which states does your aura feel stronger, balanced and protective? If you are holding a lot of anger for example, this affects your energy field and also how other people react towards you. Nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, recreational and medicinal drugs all affect the aura in some way. I am not advocating a perfect and pure way of life unless that is your choice, just an awareness that everything around and within us has the potential to affect our well-being. Regular cleansing of the energy field and releasing emotions and thoughts that are harmful to you and others is essential to your health and safety.

One clearing method I teach my students is to use a vortex of white Light either around them to clear the aura, through each of the chakras or within a room to cleanse it. You simply imagine a spinning vortex or tornado of white Light. It does not matter in which direction or with what speed it is spinning. The key to the vortex is the centrifugal force which means that as it spins it collects anything which is no longer needed. Once it has collected everything the vortex is sent off into the Universe or the Earth where the energy is transmuted. If using the tornado to clear each chakra in turn it needs to be quite small and may be used to enter the chakra from the front or back. If using the vortex to cleanse your aura then I usually suggest you start at the front; it reaches from above your head to below your feet and it spins around you before release. To clear your energy channel start the vortex above your head, spin it down through the body and release into the Earth. To clear a room the vortex should be floor to ceiling. Sometimes once is enough. Sometimes it is necessary to use the vortex three times or more to clear whatever is being worked on.

Some people do not like the spinning sensation of the vortex and prefer instead to use a disk of white Light. For this you imagine a disk of Light above you large enough to cleanse your aura at the same time as your physical body. The idea of the disk is that as it moves downwards it collects anything you no longer need on the underside and fills you with Light at the same time. As with any task your intention is important. With this exercise I suggest that you bring the disk down first to cleanse the body and then release it into the Earth. Imagine a new disk up above your head and allow it to cleanse the chakras as it comes down. Do the same to clear the aura. As with the vortex the disk can be used once or many times to cleanse each area. The disk and vortex are both quick and effective methods which may also be used to clear a room or healing couch between clients.

In conclusion, the key to the whole area of psychic intrusion is protection and having an absolute belief that you are protected, otherwise whatever technique you use will not work effectively. As soon as doubt, fear and anxiety creep in then the attacker has the upper hand as you have given away your power.

It is also essential to look at why you are allowing the vampire to take your energy. Sometimes it is a case of recognizing why you are both interacting in this way and taking the firm decision that you are not going to allow it to continue. You can tell your attacker this in meditation if you know their identity, by visualizing them in a bubble of Light, telling them that it is going to stop from that moment and sending them away in their bubble. Sometimes you find you are continually trying to stop the person attacking you and stealing your energy without success. It may be appropriate in some circumstances for you to physically talk to the vampire and point out what they are doing as it is possible that they are unaware of their attack. In others it may be necessary to cease all contact with them and still with others it may be necessary to seek a professional help.

Excerpt from Spirit Release: A Practical Handbook

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