Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV

Our-Story-Of-Atlantis-Part-IV-main-4-postOur Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV

by W.P. Phelon

It was a doctrine of the Atlantians that the body of the physical which enwraps us, is adapted to the need of the Ego holding it, as a manifestation of the processes of accomplishment. If the ego coming back into the lives cannot accomplish its own unfolding, save through some particular experience, it compasses that particular experience, if it is within its possibilities. From age to age, from generation to generation, that which stands behind all, is ever the same. That which overshadows all is a part of the Divine Existence, is one with the One a part of the Divine Existence, indivisible and always the same. This was the primary knowledge, taught first in the forests, amid the rocks and mountains; and afterwards in the Great Temple built into these mountains. It must be remembered that very much of the work done in the Temple was accomplished by the control of the elements or elemental forces, which the Brotherhood understood and exercised even in those far off days, for the lightening of the toil of the physical. This, you in this day and generation have somewhat recovered. But instead of saying to the force universal, do this, you chain some portion of it, and bring it under limitation of form. These limitations act for you, tirelessly toiling day and night. And so, there does not come out of the surrounding conditions and vibrations the reacting powers and forces which generally tend to the physical retarding of any great building or other work of importance, because they are made up of the groans and moans of those who toil in the physical body to accomplish.

When elemental force builds, it builds because of its forcefulness, and there is nothing to retard. In no sense is there anything for regret or reparation. There are no tears, there are no blood marks anywhere throughout the whole work. It is clean. It is set in motion and directed by the force which originates in the potency of man the created, who thus becomes a connecting link with the potency of the One who manifested as the Universe.

In the northeastern part of the Continent was a group of rocky mountains. These rocks reached far down beneath the ordinary level of the soil. They seem to have been buttressed up, apparently from the very center of the earth itself, but that it was not so, appeared by the future events. But in any event they were strong enough to hold tons upon tons of piled up rock in whatever shape it might appear.

So, first the rocks were cut down to a level, and a huge plaza was thus cleared from east to west, in such a fashion that both the rising and the setting sun could be seen from any part thereof. Also, the North Star and the Southern Cross, each low in the heavens could be seen by anyone standing upon the Plaza. The human view was unobstructed from horizon to horizon, so far as the power of the eye could penetrate. This plaza was ample enough to hold in its confines every single member of the Atlantian nation at one time. It was many acres in extent. It is wonderful how many people can stand on one acre, if they are only harmonious.

This great plaza was necessary for the Convocations, and the yearly ceremonies when all the people went up to the Temple to receive guidance and instruction for the coming year. This Convocation was always at the time of the Vernal Equinox when renewed impetus comes both to the vegetable and the animal.

Thus the mountains partly cut down, left space also for the facade which was tunneled into for the interior of the building from the front, and to this excavation additional structures were added from time to time, to meet the necessities of the Temple Colony. That is, wings were built, and additional stories added, all with regard to the symmetry of the whole. The rooms and colonnades all yielded to the unification of the whole, which was the education of the Temple Staff, and through them of the whole people.

At the northeast corner, as I have already mentioned, on the foundations of solid rock, reaching far down into the earth, was buildt story after story a tower, upon this tower’s top was located the tallest observatory that has ever been known in the world. There, they who were wise, and who were considered best, after having passed triumphantly through the intricacies, the education and unfolding of the lower degrees, kept constant ward and watch. Out of this tower, at its lower part, proceeded forth over the great area, the wall of the Temple enclosing the Great Hall of Convocation, and the Temple proper, and from the Holy of Holies at the bottom of the tower, Light, Strength and Force, at times of Convocation, streamed forth as the result of the united power of the Three, Five, Seven, Fifteen and Forty-five. But let us turn to a fuller description of the tower.

The tower was 22 ½ feet in diameter at the highest point of the coping. It was built of hewn stone in the shape of the trunk of a tree, large at its base, growing a little smaller in diameter, half way up, and then widening again.

This model from nature, was considered the strongest form. The stones, as I have said, were nicely cut and laid in a peculiar cement, found in the southern part of the Continent, which once hardened was as firm as the rock itself. So the tower bore itself aloft, as if it were one solid stone.

Over the top, at the distance of ten feet from the floor at the coping was a spherical dome. It was of glass, and more than that, it was made of a single piece, as transparent as water itself. Through this all the motions of the heavenly bodies could be seen and minuted from convenient points of observation, in the chamber below. The floor of the hall was of mosaic, wrought in figures, and when it shall reappear, he who is wise may read in this a history of the founding of the temple, its date, its object and the purposes to which it was dedicated.

At one edge there was set in the wall a circular disc that was movable at the time of the entrance or departure, for him who knew the secret spring. This was known only to the Three, one of whom was constantly on duty, in attendance on the “holy of holies,” of this Temple. There was another “holy of holies” in the great Hall of Convocation, but that was the symbol of the highest person of the “Superior Wisdom.” One was the Superior Wisdom and the other the Inferior Wisdom. Over this floor so tasselated was spread to protect it from injury, a carpet of heavy linen, woven so closely that it was almost impervious to impressions from without upon it. The usual wear and tear of things earthly, did not affect it in the least. This was stretched tightly upon the whole floor. Upon the upper surface of this was drawn a circle of the whole circumference of the chamber. Within this periphery were drawn three other circles, which joined each other at their circumferences, and whose centers were each equally distant from the center of the great circle. Through these were drawn the intersecting equilateral triangles and the six-pointed star. In the center of these in scribed circles was placed a seat, one for each of the Three. In the center of the great circle was a tripod holding a censor, in which burned the Eternal Fire. In their invocations, when they were reaching out to conquer new territory in the invisible, it was absolutely necessary that the potency of the Three should be embodied in the outer circle. Co-ordinate with this effort, the potency of each must guard his own particular circle, while from the center it was essential should be wafted into space, the potency which could call and conquer. These were all used upon especial occasions. These vigils were nightly and daily and the record of their observations were carefully kept. These three were wise men, for they had risen step by step from the knowledge of earthly things and their environments to a point where they could perceive all that could or would happen, not only to Atlantis, but to all the remainder of this planet.

They had also attained the point where other furnishings were not necessary for their assistance, for in the perception of the Divine Birthright, they declared themselves one with the All Potency, and so acted, so demanded and so perceived. This perception finally engendered pride of station, which conjoined to their knowledge, was the cause of their overthrow.

I have tried thus far to give you a description of the Great Temple of Atlantis and of the Tower that was one of the wonders of the world. That which was in sight was not by any means all; even as the tree, bearing fruit after its kind above the earth, is by no means the largest nor most important part of the organic development. The organs of growth and transmutation are hidden from the curious eyes of the idle. So we have in the mid-heavens the angels and spirits of light; on earth mortals both visible and invisible; beneath the earth’s surface are the beings belonging to the lower races, who have never been subjugated by the spiritual powers of such as held sway in the upper chambers.

These elemental beings will be classed in the later day as Salamanders, Water Spirits, Koholds, Goblins and Dwarfs. They are workers in the Fire, the Water and the Earth or Rocks. It was in the internal fires of unregisterable heat, that during the latter days of Atlantis, the immense stores of gold and jewels, which the Temple Treasury held, were manufactured under PRIMAL CONDITIONS. In this also was illustrated the great law of Transmutation.

As the Great Tower flung itself toward the mid-heavens, pointing everlastingly upwards, it indicated the constant search man is making to the extent of his ability, for truth, light and potency. The part of the Tower that sank lower and lower into the bowels of the Earth, plied the material and physical uses of that which was capable of transmutation. It also held within itself the lesson of the “Descent into Matter” – man’s environments. So far as man himself was concerned, it held also the doctrine of the Three Brains. To all the world, both Atlantian and foreign the lesson was: “In the heavens above and the earth beneath, and the waters under the earth.”

It has already been said that the whole city of Atlantis was arrayed in a splendor, whose glory was never equaled. Its buildings have never been surpassed, either in the symmetry of their architecture, in the material used, or in the tastefulness of its preparation and artistic designs. There was also a marvelous exhibition of gold and jewels, in a profuseness carried up to the verge of the barbaric.

These means for personal adornment, were also used by all the people, even those in the humble walks of life, if Atlantis could be said to have had any such, the relations of poverty and riches long since had ceased to press on the attention of the nation. It was evident in the latter days that some source of almost limitless supply must be easily accessible. The Tower which lifted proudly its head on high, went down into the mountains the same distance, and the cellars and sub-cellars were occupied by beings who belonged to the lower races, who had been subjugated by the spiritual powers of those who held sway in the upper chambers.

None of the uninitiated knew for a certainty of that which was going on within the mountain. Only to the Three was this knowledge fully confided by the Builders. To them, long ago all material things which are deemed of any value by mortals, or of any use or importance whatever, had ceased to be of consequence, only so far as they might adorn or make beautiful, either the Temple or the City.

Underneath the Sanctuary, entered by a door opening into the solid rock, at the rear, was a flight of stairs leading down into a chamber hewn out of the rock. Out of this another staircase led into a similar chamber, and still another, and another, and yet another staircase and chamber.

Within these chambers were curious implements, fashioned for use in the operations of the workers. These operations required the use of certain materials, to make the manifesting and finishing of their work more easy. Their projected spirit power brought back the results produced by the various combinations. Many of these implements and operations will come into the hands of the re-incarnated Atlantians, from time to time, and more of them will not be given out except into the hands of the most trusted few.

In the First Cellar, Spirits of the Air labored and toiled, doing the will of the Masters.

In the Second Cellar, the Spirits of the Earth moved to and fro, intent on carrying out that to which they were set.

In the Third Cellar, Elementals whose forms but thinly clothed the fierce, blazing fires within, solved the varying problems of metallurgy.

In the Fourth Cellar, the lowest of all, the Spirits of the great, watery deep, fashioned whatever man needs and lays hold upon from their realm, either for use or adornment.

Vast tunnels led into the interior of the mountains and the Continent, from each of these cellars. The spirits of the air by a spiral course, ascended to the highest points of the mountains, and here communicated with their fellows in the outer world, receiving supplies.

The tunnel from the Cellar of the Earth Spirits opened into an inaccessible part of the mountain, on a little plateau, which was constantly guarded by an impenetrable veil of fog.

The tunnel of the Fire Spirits led under the Continent, diagonally down to the volcanic fires of the Earth.

The tunnel of the Water Spirits communicated directly with the seas by the shortest feasible route.

In the center of the mountain was a cave-like room, which was the Treasury of the Temple. This storehouse communicated with all four of the tunnels, and by a secret entrance, with the Temple itself. It was not only the Treasury of the Temple, but of the nation as well.

He who knew the secret of the Treasury would stand in the rear of the Moly Holy Place, at the hour of high noon, on a certain day of the year, and watch until by a peculiar arrangement of the polished marbles, a single ray of sun light thrown from the chambers above would be reflected upon the wall at the back. This could only be seen when the observer was in a particular position, and then but for a period of three minutes. Having perceived this, he would turn one quarter to the right, and move seven steps in a straight line, then turning to his original position, he took five steps more, and then turning one-quarter to the left, three steps brought him to an apparently blank wall, highly ornamented. But to him who had the key, a slight pressure on a jewel of immense value, apparently placed there for ornamentation, opened a huge door of rock, weighing tons, but so balanced that it moved easily and without noise, and was screened from view by the shrine which stood in front. Entering boldly, as soon as he stepped upon the flagging inside the door, the great stone settled back into its first position. It could be opened on the inside by pressing upon a slight projection at the back. Thirteen times thirteen steps brought him again to a blank wall, through a high, arched passage, lighted by the never-dying lights produced by the action of positive and negative earths combined with the rock, which gave out an electrical phosphorescent light, the secret of which perished with the nation, but which may be recovered at a later day by the chemists, as those who are expert in safes, recover the forgotten combination of the locks thereof. Once more, he who knew the secret spring, might open and pass within. The Treasure Chamber opened to the Temple Inspector on the day of the Vernal Equinox, when the sun went down in the West.

Excerpt from Our Story Of Atlantis

See Part III here. Part V coming soon.

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