On The Pathway Of Progressive Evolution ~ Part I

On-The-Pathway-Of-Progressive-Evolution-Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings friends: This is indeed a most joyous and happy occasion, and so far as my own personal feelings arespiritual-joy-2-post concerned, this joy is not some selfish joy in which I may be vindicated in my personal beliefs, or that I gain satisfaction in some such manner or form; but rather the joy I feel is for each and every one of you, for I know, as you are seeking further knowledge of UN.AR.I.U.S. you have taken at least one positive step forward in expressing a certain quotient in the dynamic expression of Infinite Creation.

finding-the-inner-kingdomThis in itself, is most important, and something which you should always remember throughout the coming years and in the times when you are troubled or emotionally distressed; that always there must be a consciousness of this infinite expression which is working directly in a regenerative principle, to constantly re-create for you, the form and substance of your lives, and rather than to continuously indulge yourselves in past emotional reflex experiences born from out other worlds and other times, it is most imperative that you learn to recognize this Infinite Creation which is above and beyond the immediate horizon of these various reactionary and emotional experiences.

In other words, there is always a positive and creative motion involved even though it may apparently seem to you reaching-for-the-lightthat such happenings or intents at the moment are destructive in nature. When this more positive and most necessary attunement and introspection begins to be attained, you will realize that there is infinitely much more in progressive evolution than you have heretofore imagined. Not only that, but you will actually begin a constructive evolution which will automatically, in itself, express into your outward or exterior life, the better quotients and qualities of life as they have, up until some point, only been dreamed of by yourself.

This point could perhaps be best illustrated by telling you a story, one which has daughter-asking-questionpossibly happened in innumerable cases and in varying situations. It concerns a small child who was being scolded by her father for being naughty; after the scolding, the child looked up at her father with innocent eyes and expression and asked this question: “Why can’t I be naughty, Daddy?” You can well imagine what the father thought at that particular moment and how his intelligence was taxed to come up with a suitable and direct answer to this very naive question. Perhaps he used the number one stock answer, which most fathers give to such questions: “Because God doesn’t want you to be naughty.”

Now, this is all well and good to a certain point, but it must be remembered that from that moment on, the child wouldgod-watching-you-2-post pass through life with more or less of a subconscious sense of fear that some god was looking over her shoulder at every moment in her life. In this respect we can easily visualize adults as grown-up children, and they have passed through their lives in a sense, feeling subconsciously or consciously, that some god or some deification has, in a mysterious way, been looking at their various actions.

helping-othersUnder pretense of moral codes or ethics, we can say that such constructive motivations which may arise in the daily intercourse of human beings among themselves, must, primarily be spurred and motivated or instigated by such thoughts and actions, or such visualizations as can be considered creative in nature. In the personal interpretation of thought into action, some element or quotient of this Infinite Creative Principle is expressed, rather than doing something simply because it was necessary, or it was expected of us—or that in some way we were being intimidated by an unseen deification.

It is at this point, when we evolve into that state of consciousness in inner-light-manifestingwhich we are beginning to express in our daily thoughts and actions a certain creative quotient of the ever-regenerating Infinite expression, that our lives begin to change. This consciousness will, in itself, supplant and replace the old reactionary elements which we have heretofore been practicing and by which we have been victimized in the past.

past-lifetimesTo further enlarge our introspection, let us see that humanity as a whole, has been living, not only the immediate or physical life as it so appears, but individually every person has lived many hundreds of lives and passed through the same temporal experiences and these things in themselves have only assumed new forms, new derivations, and new expressions; but basically all remained, categorically speaking, in the realm of the emotional reflex. There was not at any time a direct consciousness or a connotation to a higher and heretofore unknown principle of life.

Today our modern 20th century science has created a great paradox. This, in itself, is simply the general extraction of scientist-and-atom-2-postscience or abstraction as it so concerns our material world and is reducible into certain principles of creative and expressionary energy. Even the atoms of mass itself are so subdivided into energy particles known as electrons and protons. It is therefore a great and rather obvious mystery that man has not, up to this moment, applied the same creative principles of reconstruction and reconstructive infinity into his own daily life, as it concerns the more immediate function of such daily action and thought as can be considered psychological in nature; and here again, man is still at the present moment being victimized and is practicing the same subversive elements as he has always done.

religions of worldReligion in itself—and to define a religion according to Webster’s dictionary—is merely a code of ethics by which we conduct ourselves from day to day; this is rather a broad frame of reference and one which gives considerable latitude in interpretation. To the religionist there is somewhat of a different classification inasmuch as religion is more purely confined to such expressionary elements as can be found and seen being practiced in various temples and churches throughout the world. In analyzing these diverse religions and their backgrounds of historical interpretations, it is always found that these various religions are merely extractions and re-adaptations of older existing beliefs which had their origin in more barbaric or pagan eras of time.

So far as the existing 20th century science is concerned such deifications and the suppositions which are concurrentlyreligion-and-science-debate being expressed by the many religious orders, are purely fictional in nature, and as of this time and place cannot be verified in a scientific manner. This difference between science and religion, so far as the existing multitudes of the world are concerned, poses a great and rather confusing problem, and until the individual becomes more thoroughly acquainted with science in a more universal or interdimensional aspect, he is hopelessly lost in the maze of conflicting opinions and expressions which are so concurrently being expressed. It is for this purpose that UN.AR.I.U.S. is now being presently expressed on the planet earth; and while this movement has not yet gained the proportions or the strength which it will have in the future, it is the beginning of an era, or an epoch of time, through which man will take definite and progressive steps into a more comprehensive understanding of interdimensional factors which concern his everyday life.

satellites-and-shuttle-in-spaceEvery day we can read accounts of various rockets or intercontinental missiles being fired by our scientists in an attempt to probe space. Around the outer fringes of our atmosphere there are also numbers of satellites which have been, and are being used by science in the same effort to probe the vast unknown. These are all healthy symptoms and show man’s curiosity, in an evolutionary way, to comprehend the more fundamental aspects of a creative and universal intelligence, such as has heretofore been largely supplied by religious beliefs in their various deifications.

To serve a more ultimate purpose therefore, in the science of UN.AR.I.U.S. you are taking a direct short cut into the future, to a time and place when the scientist and the general populations of the world will understand, to some seeker-of-the-light-2degree and in some like manner, the principles of science which you are now reading in your UN.AR.I.U.S. books and lessons. It is therefore logical to assume, that by the same level of reference and in viewing your evolution, as it is concerned with so many past lifetimes, that you have been, in a sense, saved from innumerable karmic earth lives and the attendant untold suffering which always goes hand in hand with these various expressionary factors.

In this respect, in viewing such constructive evolutionary factors with which you are now primarily concerned, I can only urge you to continue in whatever manner and form is best suited to serve this purpose and with the greatest possible strength, to constantly maintain within yourselves, the same constructively minded evolution which I have tried to describe to you. Ever and uppermost in your minds must remain that principle of constructive evolution; regeneration in such a constructive manner and form is the paramount principle of the Creative Intelligence.

consciousness-2-postAlways this is a progressive, forward, dynamic movement which is constantly regenerating itself into new and different forms, yet always with the same basic similarities which have previously been manifest. This is a relationship of positive and negative cyclic forms which has been explained to you in the lesson courses. You, as individuals, in your daily lives, are constantly expressing certain quotients or various expressionary forms of these different wave lengths of energy which are not only stemming from your psychic anatomy, but which are constantly being harmonically linked and relinked, through consciousness, into your exterior world.

Bearing in mind this progressive principle of constructive evolution, it is ascension-4-posttherefore of the utmost importance that your evolution into the future shall maintain an equilibrium. This equilibrium consists of equal portions of knowledge which you so acquire in the study of these Infinite principles, compounded together into equal portions of practical usage and application. In this prescription, you will find that magic elixir of life which has long been sought after by the ancients, and which composes some very vivid portrayals of historical accounts, some fictional, some true. But in the compound of your future lives, if they are so integrated with equal portions of knowledge of the future, and of the interdimensional principle of regenerative action, compounded with equal portions of positive useful application, then indeed you will have compounded that magic elixir of life, and it will surely give you eternal life; life lived in far off distant planets and in conditions which are beyond your present comprehension. This is not to be feared, but rather it is to be looked forward to with joy and anticipation; for if this evolution is so constructively compounded, in the manner which I have described, then indeed, there is nothing to fear.

Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus

See Part II here.

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