Know The Workings Of The Unseen World

Know-The-Workings-Of-The-Unseen-World-main-2-postby Yada di Shi’ite

“For everywhere that you go, for everyone that you come in contact with, there are endless kinds of vibratory action unseen to the physical eyes; and some can be very detrimental to you. If you walk through your market places, and come in contact with the many people, you may feel when you return that you are weary from your exertion; that you have this weariness through your struggle to get through the crowds. This is not true. Your weariness is brought about by the unseen activity that is going on around you all of the time, but more rampantly and more dangerously so when you are mixing with one another in what is called crowds.

“Some of these forces sap your energies. They are like vampires. These are the true vampires. The ordinary individual has been led to believe that a vampire is one who has been evil and has died and has come back to draw the blood from certain people’s physical bodies — that this person’s physical body gets out of the grave and does these things. It is called a werewolf, too.


“But man does not need, by the power of his evil, to make things happen that are evil; they will happen to him if he does not have protection. So it is good, and it is valuable, and it is intelligent, when you know the workings of the unseen worlds, that you, before you leave your homes, say a little mantram, and ask for protection.

“This stimulates the awareness sense of the High Self, and in so becoming aware of the needs of the low self it will build a wall around the physical body. This, my friends, is good psychology, if nothing else. Only because man has not been taught to realize that there is much more going on than meets the physical eye, has he been caused to suffer.”

“What about the Law of Attraction? Do we not attract only only those of like vibration?” asked Harriet Foster.

“We do indeed, and more. Each individual has within him certain peculiar and particular weaknesses of his own, and those in the unseen world observe these particular characteristics or inner workings of the mind, of the low self, and they will flock to that individual just exactly as when a shark in the water is bleeding; this blood attracts more sharks. Now, some of you want to debate with me, please?”

“Is it certain vibrations that are around us that cause certain things to happen, like accidents?” asked a guest.

“Yes, indeed,” replied the Yada, “and your psychologists today are coming to realize that a man is responsible for even his accidents. He brings them about by certain states of awareness, by certain ways of thinking. One of these ways is called inner worrying — that is, putting their thoughts within to worry, and not doing themselves good. So they become as though in a hypnotic state; they lose, to a degree, even though a small degree, a broad sense of the outer activity that is going on; and then they walk into the many chariots that are in your streets; and they do many peculiar things that bring about their physical suffering. Then they say, ‘Why did this happen to me? I did not do anything. I have been a good person. What is the matter with God that He is not awake to my goodness?’ Then this person will say, ‘I am sorry God; I didn’t mean that. It was the devil that did it.’ Never once does this kind of person stop and think, ‘It was my fault..I was not awake. I was slightly on the zombie side.’

“All mankind suffers from this at one time or another. So we are not to condemn anyone as being outstanding and beautiful in that field. You can be beautifully evil, as well as beautifully good, you know. Beauty lies in the same direction as you are looking for it.


“I was reading through the Boy’s (medium Mark Probert) eyes that now you are able to photograph heat radiations from the body. A great advancement. And still with that and atomic energy and the many other useful things, man is suffering great agony with cancer; not only cancer of the physical body, but cancer of the psychic body; for that is where cancer and all disease originates. When a disease becomes organic it is much more difficult to stop its further progress than it would have been had you caught it while it was still in the psychic. But you will say — I hear somebody — how can we find it when it is in the psychic? If I were smart I could tell you.

“But let me say, you can find it! What puts it there? Fear, fear! Fear is the greatest curse of man. Anxiety, uncertainty, they breed heart trouble. Fear breeds lung trouble; it breeds paralysis; it breeds arthritis, neuritis. It breeds bad teeth. It breeds — ha — it breeds! That is the beginning, the entrance, the open doorway — the E-Na-Da, the desire body, is the open doorway through which it comes.”

“Often we are not conscious of having such fears, and still we get these afflictions. Is the fear operating on other levels?” inquired Meade Layne.

“The fear certainly is operating on other levels, because the physical body is a foreign thing to the self; so on entering into the world, the self — not the High Self, no, but what is better termed the low self — immediately begins that kind of action called fear. It is like one working blindly. The low self sees only through the physical activity.

“Now, we have been asked, ’What about the little baby?’ Some of you know our answer to that. The little baby is only a little baby in body. The form is a baby, meaning new. The life force that occupies that baby body, or new body, is ageless, and it brings with it its endless fears, anxieties, and also its endless knowledge and understanding of life. Have you ever experimented with the effect of the mind upon the body by saying to an individual, ‘You are looking pretty sick’, and tell other individuals to tell him the same thing? By the end of the day, if he is not ill, it is amazing. This is the power of suggestion that you have over one another; and the reason you have it over one another is because you have it over yourself, or the physical self; and these — all these other-selves that you see around you, are your own expressions of yourself. Have you ever heard the term Ah-Che-Ita? It means ‘in your high state of consciousness’, or the High Self.”

“How can we bring ourselves to that higher form of consciousness? How can we develop it?” asked a guest.


“I want to say this, lady. That many things enter into making an understandable reply to that question, some of which are: What do you think? How do you think? What do you know of your past life or lives? What have you brought over with you consciously or — to use your term — subconsciously? On all these things rests the question of whether or not you can successfully attain that inner world, that inner state called the High State of Bliss, or the Awakening to your own Reality. You see, I cannot say ‘do this’ or ‘do that’, because while we may be able to give you the best of technique, it may not work for you, or for you…or for you.”

“For the beginner, what would you recommend?” asked Meade.

“I would recommend first, the not smoking, the not drinking, the proper eating, the proper rest. First, the body should be free of irritations, because as long as the body keeps the self aware of its physical vehicle it cannot escape into more beautiful realms.”

“What about diet?” asked a guest. “Should we eat only vegetables? Is it right that we should eat meat — kill lesser forms of life for our diet?”

“Lady, for those who know that not; it shall not harm to the degree of what we call harm. It will naturally, to some extent — the eating of meat puts into the individual the fear vibrations with which that animal died. Not only that, the stomach of a human being with the kind of teeth he has today — or perhaps has not — it is not advisable; for the stomach extracts the juices from the meat; and there is nothing but fibre left. There is little good, then, to the physical body through eating meat. Have you ever observed a bit of carcass under a high-powered magnifying glass? Right after it was killed? Almost immediately decay sets in. A beautiful picture! Then do you not see why so many people have high blood pressure? It is not so much the meat, but the combination of all things that go with it, that acts upon the meat. The body is a chemical composition; so you put meat into it! And you have what you call ‘cake’. . .”

“And pie!” interrupted Irene Probert.

“What is pie?” asked the Yada. (And it was described to him.) “You are catering to the taste buds that operate chemically, and thus create a pleasant sensation; and therefore you are lulled into sleep over what is actually happening. But, I want to say that neither pie, nor cake, nor meat, nor anything else will do you any harm if you understand how to use the forces that you have within your power, to keep the physical body in good condition. Did not your Master, the Christ, say, ‘Fear not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of it?'”

“We have known of some Hindu teachers who came here to America,” observed a guest, “who lost their incarnation (died) due to the fact that they had not built into their physiological organizations these lower tamasic groups of food. In order to retain their incarnations they would have had to build them in.”

“We can readily understand that,” replied the Yada. “But those of the Western world do not understand such language as we are now talking. Therefore, any of these things that are spoken to the masses are, as my honorable friend and colleague Lao Tse has said, are shining the light of your wisdom into someone else’s eyes. They are not accustomed to that kind of glare. It is blinding to them and they will turn and attack you.

“Listen, please. (The Yada demonstrates the labored breathing of his medium Mark Probert, a heavy smoker.) That is what I tell you when you put the poisons into the system; that is what the results are. We know this; but we use the Boy’s body to speak through; and we love him and respect him greatly, and are grateful to him for allowing us to do so. We also know that the Law of Life is to help if someone asks for help, and to help them to the degree that they will help themselves and no more. Therefore, we cannot do more for the Boy than we could do for you.”


Q: I would like to know about anxiety. I would like to know about the method of tempering anxiety.

Yada: You are living in strenuous times, so you say, but if you look back you will find there was never a time it was not strenuous. Always a time when things were better. Why? Because it is only natural to forget pain and remember pleasure. If we want to live more comfortably we must first try to think more. Many individuals are adverse to change. They walk about and it is classified as zombiism.

What is it that is so entirely important that destroying your own self is needed? You say ‘I have all those things but I have not enough of green god’. So if we are not provided with enough substance we create pressure on the nervous system, muscles; pretty soon nervous system not work, heart feels badly, and then you pass away and leave everything here, leave wife here, house, children, still there with the same problem that has been your difficulty. If you would think this way you must realize that you have time to do all that is necessary in the hours that you work. Work a certain amount of hours and no more. Then go and have a change, working in what you call play, for that is work but is more pleasant and you relax completely and you say to your mind – tell your muscles to relax – and you search around for the various muscles. Now in doing this you cannot think of tomorrow or the next hour or two so you think only of muscles and tendons – to relax nerves – to quiet down and stop beating your body to death. Fifteen minutes every day and you will not have to go to a psychiatrist, and you will not have to go early to the undertaker.

Now man necessarily fears that which is called death, but in my language there is no term for death. The word is life – and that is consciousness. And you must seek to keep, to stay conscious in all that you do. You may go into what is called the sleep state but this does not mean that you are unconscious – it means simply that your state of awareness has stepped to another field of action, and if you can hold your consciousness right on through to the dream state, then you may also travel all through space time. Now because I am aware of your interest in what is called projection – in the dream state there is no aka cord attachment when one makes free into the dream world and then enters the physical awareness still in the dream body. There is no aka cord. What do you think of what I have said so far?

Q: I know it all – but can we consciously know it?

Yada: But you cannot do it? Do you know why? On coming into the physical world you create for yourself a sense body and in this sense body lies the attribute of what is called hypnosis. Suggestion and senses. All of them are subject consistently to suggestion and so you have taken this suggestion, and not only you but the greater majority have taken the suggestions that you cannot do this or that. You can do it. If you can then you can live, and the best way to live is to clear your consciousness that you cannot do this or that. Give this to yourself. Many want to live our lives for us but no one wants to pay for it. All of life in the physical world is a matter of suggestion.

Sometimes that which is called the mind – controller or psyche – wants to escape from the tyranny of the physical world and the pressure that is brought to bear on the physical machine, it does that by closing off the communication with the physical vehicle. Perhaps only in that part you will have a breakdown. A disease which in time will attack the whole organism.

Q: I have a genuine interest in knowing – is there any value in psychotherapy? Are these real memories?

Yada: They are real memories. In that which is called spirit communication which is what we are now doing, there is really no two worlds, only one world. You are living in it and so am I. It is consciousness, this is a creation of the one world. A manifestation of the one world. And many things come to take place in its endless forms of phenomena. By that I mean to say a medium or sensitive can cause himself to become in rapport with a thought form created by another, or created by himself, and then a certain part of his mind, his thinking mind, will close off, and not tell him that it is his own creation and this creation can attack him.

You can create a thought form that is so solid you can make out of this a servant, or you can turn it into what you call a devil and it can attack you. You are so many of you interested in what you call sex – you can create a thought form that you can be attacked by sexually. You can also call upon a discarnate being and carry on sexual relations with that one. You may not possibly say the inner truths to the general masses, for they would abuse them. The power of man as a creator is beyond your present fondest dreams. You can contact and converse with the dreams of the so-called dead, for there are no dead except those that refuse to learn. You go into sleep state – your sleeping body can communicate with beings in my world – in the highest realms. They can move to or also go into a form of sleep, and go into your world and communicate with you, and they can do it consciously or you can do it consciously. It is better for you all to do it consciously.

Q: The technique of control of discarnate beings – why can some of them be under control and not others? How would you suggest a more dominant control of other discarnate beings in the projected state?

Yada: I would like to understand you fully so I can be careful what I say, because it is serious. I do not want to say anything that may lead astray. Do you have wish to control or dominate another’s psyche?

Q: Well there are times when other discarnate personalities wish to control you, and if you do not wish them to control you, how can you control them so they cannot control you?

Yada: Psychic self-protection. First always keep control of yourself. Keep a positive thought – do not let your mind keep a negative thought at all. In this you are constantly making suggestion for proper control – to protect yourself.

Concentrate only on love – on understanding one another and you will go a long, long way in what is called consciousness.

Excerpt from The Journal Of Borderland Research

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