Demonic Attacks And Mental Illness

Demonic-Attacks-And-Mental-Illness-main-4-postby Jerry Marzinsky &  Sherry Swiney

For tens of thousands of years, Schizophrenics have tried to tell physicians and the rest of us that the voices they hear are real. Attempts by these individuals to communicate their direct experience of this phenomenon have resulted in being shunned, labeled insane, drugged senseless, or locked up. Since inception, psychiatry and the medical establishment have miserably failed to find either a cause or cure for schizophrenia. Regardless, they ignominiously turn a deaf ear to the reports of those with the most experience and knowledge of this destructive illness: the schizophrenic patient.

Instead of coming to grips with the failure of their institutions and treatment methods, physicians continue to ram one false cause after another for this devastating illness down our throats. While feeding Schizophrenics unsubstantiated information about the cause of their illness, they also burden them with a dim prognosis and insist the voices are hallucinations. This in no way matches the actual experience of these individuals. They aren’t buying it, and neither are we.

Physicians can’t see past the programming they have unquestionably swallowed hook, line, and sinker in medical school. Unable to see out of the box they had been programmed into and chained by their belief system, they can’t conceive of an illness that has no physical cause or cure. As such, they continue to follow the established regimen of poisoning their schizophrenic patients with expensive neurotoxic drugs that cure absolutely nothing and merely temporarily suppress psychotic symptomology. As they continue to pound a square peg into a round hole failing to effect a cure, they continue to view their patients as insane, lacking any credible knowledge of their condition and unworthy of being listened to. As such, the medical establishment tragically dismisses the single most critically important and prevalent symptom of Paranoid Schizophrenia, the voices these individuals experience. Unbeknownst to them, this critical group of symptoms holds the key to the cure of this devastating disorder, yet with absolutely no proof, they insist the voices are hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the patient’s brain. They continue to push this erroneous theory, fabricated by the pharmaceutical industry, in spite of the fact that it was conclusively proven wrong years ago. Although the establishment has not produced a single iota of research into the nature of these voices and knows little to nothing about them they continue to maintain they are hallucinations. Patients who reject their unfounded decree and insist their voices are real are subjected to increasing doses of mind-numbing neuroleptic medication until they are silenced.

Decades ago, Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of “The Presence of Spirits in Madness,” began holding long, coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients. He discovered their behavior precisely matched what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits. Following up with hundreds of investigative interviews with his own patients, ranging over more than thirty-five years, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, has verified Dr. Van Dusen’s astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities that run fixed and predictable patterns. During this research, it was found that if these malicious voices could be gotten rid of by any means, psychotic symptomology vanished.  The result was the complete remission of the paranoid schizophrenic patient.

Demonic Attacks And Mental Illness Interview – Shorter Version

Full Video Interview – Longer Version

From Jerry TO ALL (in comment section of video):

“I want to very much thank you for your kind comments and your positive reactions to the truths brought forth in this and several other of our videos. I can assure you all that investigating, gathering and compiling this information came at a very high personal cost and I’ve suffered through a number of serious attempts to silence me, some of which have been extremely painful. We are all effected by these negative energy parasites although their most devastating effect can be clearly witnessed in paranoid schizophrenics. Reading the comments of viewers like yourselves who have long suspected what was going on but just needed a little nudge to verify their experiences as true makes all that we have gone through to bring this information well worth the effort. It is incumbent grass roots folks like yourselves who have the light to see these truths to awaken others. It is you guys who are critical to bringing this information to others. I can assure you we will get no help from the medical or psychiatric mafias who are raking in some 3.6 Billion dollars a year selling toxic anti-psychotic and other psychoactive medications which merely suppress symptoms and cure nothing. The one question critical to understanding mental illness and its cause continues to be completely ignored by the psychiatric mafia and the eggheads in the ivory tower. Where do thoughts come from? Within the answer to this question lies the cure for paranoid schizophrenia and many other mental illnesses. Unfortunately any treatment of mental illness that would interfere with the 3.6 Billion dollars a year they are making on the sale of expensive, toxic psychotropic drugs will not be welcomed or supported by the current medical and psychiatric mafias or their big pharma buddies. Dr. Irmak an esteemed professor in Turkey published a journal article stating that he watched a shaman repeatedly cure schizophrenics and suggested the medical mafia at least take a look at this. He was rewarded by vicious attacks of academics and the medical establishment for even making such a suggestion. We can expect no help from the corrupt establishment. I’ve totally given up on trying to tell them anything and find it much more important to spend my time talking with folks like yourselves who haven’t been so heavily programmed by the establishment as to be blind to what is staring us in the face. Getting this information out will be almost totally dependent on people like yourselves sharing it. I am very pleased to see the many positive response to this material and all the people it is helping. It is your feedback that keeps me fighting through the times when I feel like giving up. I thank and appreciate you all. P.S. – We are currently in the process of publishing a book on this topic so we aren’t totally dependent on You Tube which has a history of suppressing such information. When it becomes available we will post this information to the Keyhole Journey website most likely under the paranormal section. Again, Thank you all for your kind comments and support.”  ~ Jerry

This book has just recently come out. It is called AN AMAZING JOURNEY INTO THE PSYCHOTIC MIND – BREAKING THE SPELL OF THE IVORY TOWER by Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney

“Psychiatry maintains the voices schizophrenics hear are meaningless auditory hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Actual clinical investigation into the matter reveals this to be a false claim. Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of “The Presence of Spirits in Madness” began holding coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients decades ago. He discovered they precisely matched what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits. Following up with scores of investigative interviews with his own schizophrenic patients, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, verified Van Dusen’s astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities.” ~ from back cover of book.

Here are two reviews regarding this book:

A must read for any psychiatrist, prison ward, ER personal, or any nurse, doctor or personal working with mental illness patients. Also indispensable for their family.

So mind-opening and well-presented subject for anyone who cannot get out of depression, negative states and constant fatigue. For anyone taking drugs or drinking alcohol. Who is inside your head? Who is vampirising you? Are your thoughts really yours? Are the people around you alone inside their skin or are there several “hitchhikers” in there, making their life, and your life difficult? Are your decisions really yours? Why do feel drained? Is “someone” draining your sexual energy without you being aware of it?

Our Western conventional medical system is so arrogant and ignorant, and is creating so much suffering to the patients and their family because their narrow minded dogma. I have witnessed similar phenomena as a doctor and we need to include well-trained spiritual practitioners into the realm of mental healing.

The book is not only for people with mental illness or those working with them, it is for everyone because at some point in our life, we may be weaker, and some opportunistic forces might hook our mind, opening it wider and wider until it takes possession of our whole being, its thought process and its actions.

The part about the cell phones is really interesting. Besides being very unhealthy, we are now discovering that they also have strange possibilities… ~ Dr. Lavie

Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney expose the the Big Lie behind psychiatry’s treatment of schizophrenics. The voices they hear in their head are not hallucinations they project outward. Rather they are incoming from sources that are alien. They’re exactly what their victims have always claimed but that psychiatrists have denied. They emanate from earthbound spirits. Some can be encouraged to leave and do. But too many are bent on destroying their victims, with suicide their ultimate goal. Marzinsky and Swiney show in case after case how validating the schizophrenic’s interpretation and working with them on that basis results in healing where drug therapy fails.

The nefarious and highly profitable tie-in between psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry is exposed. Marzinsky and Swiney deserve a Nobel Prize for their systematic exposure of the sham that so much contemporary psychiatry is and the deep suffering it causes. I cannot exaggerate the importance of this book for anyone wrestling with demonic voices so typical of schizophrenia. ~ Stafford Betty (renowned Author of many life after death books).

Scientific References (With Excerpts) Showing How
Chemical Imbalances of The Brain Does Not Exist

“Charles E. Dean, M.D., says that people are “convinced that the origins of mental illnesses are to be found in biology, when, despite more than three decades of research, there still is no proof…The absences of any well‐defined physical causation is reflected in the absence of any laboratory tests for psychiatric diagnoses—much in contrast to diabetes and many other physical disorders.”
The Chemical Imbalance Fraud

“The benefit of the chemical imbalance theory for insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry is primarily economic. Medical insurers are primarily concerned with cost, and they want to discourage treatments (such as psychotherapy) that may involve many contact hours and considerable expense. Their control over payment schedules enables insurance companies to shift treatment toward drugs and away from psychotherapy.

“The motivation of the pharmaceutical companies should be fairly obvious. As mentioned previously, the market for antidepressant drugs is now $12 billion. All publicly traded for-profit companies are required by law to increase the value of their investor’s stock. Perhaps it goes without saying, but it is a simple fact that pharmaceutical companies will do anything they legally (and sometimes illegally) can to maximize revenues.”
The “Chemical Imbalance” Myth

“In 1948, “neuropsychiatry” was divided into “neurology,” dealing with diseases, and “psychiatry,” dealing with emotions and behaviors. If there is a macroscopic, microscopic, or chemical abnormality, a disease is present. Nowhere in the brains or bodies of children said to have ADHD or any other psychiatric diagnosis has a disorder/disease been confirmed. Psychiatric drugs appeared in the fifties. Psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry authored the “chemical imbalance” market strategy: they would call all things psychological “chemical imbalances” needing “chemical balancers”—pills.”
There Is No Such Thing as a Psychiatric Disorder/Disease/Chemical Imbalance

“The hypothetical disturbances of neurochemical function that are said to underlie “mental illness” are just that: hypothetical.  No experiment has ever shown that anyone has an “imbalance” of any neurotransmitters or any other brain chemicals. Nor could any conceivable experiment demonstrate the existence of a “chemical imbalance,” simply because no one, least of all the biopsychiatrists, has the slightest idea what a proper and healthy chemical “balance” would look like.”
There Are No “Chemical Imbalances”


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