Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part III

Our-Story-Of-Atlantis-Part-III-main-4-postby W. P. Phelon

To the Northeast of this island Continent is located the Great Temple, built both for use and symbolism. On a plateau of many acres in extent, where the gradually rising ground began to break into the foothills, the whole surface had been leveled and paved with some soft material, of which the Atlantians alone knew the secret. This hardened under the action of the sun and atmosphere, until it was like adamant. To the East, a belt of country reaching to the seacoast, but not on a level with it, had also been smoothed and paved, so that there was no obstruction to the eye, until it rested on the far-off horizon.

Upon this broad expanse of level space, close enough to the mountains to be buttressed by their mighty arms, stood the great, white-walled Temple, facing the South, and the ample areas for assemblage. The closed courts and offices, and the cloisters of the Temple faced the mountains of the North, and thus secured for the Temple Dwellers the privacy needed for the Masters and student Brotherhoods of the Temple, who were seeking to know out of the Silence. (more…)

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Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part II

Our-Story-Of-Atlantis-Part-II-main-4-postby W. P. Phelon

The Atlantians of either sex are almost perfect in their physical organizations. They are nearly all equally trained by the master of wisdom. It may be asked why they are not all on the same plane of development. The reply is the conclusive answer of all ages and times. Man never has and never will exercise his individual potency in exactly the same way. The little variation, hardly perceptible at first, is increased by every increment, no matter how small, of each of the succeeding lives. This difference is increased also by the force of intellectual power which comes to a nation and of necessity to the individuals of the nation, who will seek to occupy the best bodies and positions, as the returning egos claim place in the lives. (more…)

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Our Story of Atlantis

Our-Story-Of-Atlantis-main-2-postby W. P. Phelon

Tlana, Scribe of the Mighty Three, to whom it has been given strictly in charge so to do, herein write the history of my beloved country. This is to be for the instruction and enlightenment of my people. I demand for this undertaking, the necessary assistance and guidance from the Brotherhood of both the Invisible and the Visible, so soon to become of the Invisible; from the gods of Wisdom and Power, and from the Supreme Ruler of All, that I may secure that which is best and most instructive concerning the actions and conditions of our nation from its beginning to now. (About 29,000 B. C.) (more…)

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Story Of Atlantis

Story-Of-Atlantis-main-2-postby William Scott-Elliot

The general scope of the subject before us will best be realized by considering the amount of information that is obtainable about the various nations who compose our great Fifth or Aryan Race.

From the time of the Greeks and the Romans onwards volumes have been written about every people who in their turn have filled the stage of history. The political institutions, the religious beliefs, the social and domestic manners and customs have all been analyzed and catalogued, and countless works in many tongues record for our benefit the march of progress. (more…)

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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part III

My-Visitation-To-Venus-Part-III-main-4-postby Anne Givaudan


There was a deep silence. With the same gesture, my two guides showed me not the sphere but the walls of the vast room which were coming more and more to life, more and more translucent until they completely disappeared. The moving partitions had vanished to give way to a landscape of which I was the focal point. I felt empty, with a familiar sensation… I could see through eyes that were not mine, I was walking with a body that did not belong to me.

Soothing sounds filled me and the voice of the more feminine being reached me like an echo.

“Yes, you’re looking through the eyes of a man…” (more…)

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The Civilization Of Atlantis

The-Civilization-Of-Atlantis-main-4-postby Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater

A good account of Atlantis may be read in The Story of Atlantis by W. Scott-Elliot. The writers of the present book were among the collaborators who collected the materials therein so ably arranged and presented; so the ground is very familiar to us.

Atlantis peopled many countries with its sub-races, and built many splendid civilizations. Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, North and South America, knew them, and the Empires they raised endured for long, and reached a point of glory that the Aryan Race has not yet over-topped. (more…)

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Men Of Atlantis

Men-Of-Atlantis-main-4-postby Clara Iza Von Ravn


Atlantis was once a speck blown on the ocean’s waves, a spot upon the foam, a floating nut that gathered to itself still other flotsam through the aeons gone and grew as all hath grown.

At first a clod of earth on which no life existed, but the birds of air found rest for weary wings, and sore distress of thirst was quenched in the low pools which caught the water from a weeping sky. Wrecked ships gave matter for its shape and size, and elements in motion added much towards the building of that ocean isle—a grain from out the granary of the deep. (more…)

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Proofs Of Atlantis

Proofs-Of-Atlantis-main-4-postby Robert Charroux

The submerged continent of Atlantis is best known from Plato’s story, which is corroborated by numbers of other Greek and Latin authors, such as Homer, Hesiod, Euripides, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny, Tertullian, etc., who either repeat old traditions or add important details.

The most plausible story is that this continent was situated in the Atlantic; but it has also been sited in a number of other places. For a long time the very existence of Atlantis was doubted, but one may say that nowadays few would challenge its authenticity. (more…)

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The Rise And Fall Of Atlantis ~ Part II

The-Rise-And-Fall-Of-Atlantis-Part-II-main-4-postby Edgar Cayce (edited by Lytle Robinson)

From this time on, although material civilization rose to great heights, there was growing unrest among the Atlantean people. In a land of plenty, strife rather than peace became the rule. The altars came to be used for human sacrifice by those turning away from the original concept of the One God. Sun worship became prevalent. Only the dedicated, inner core of the Children of the Law of One remained firm.

Low standards of morality, sex indulgence and perversion became rampant. Poverty and hunger were widespread among the peasantry and working classes. There was a deteriorating of the physical and spiritual bodies, just as there was a wasting away of the mountains and valleys into the seas. In spite of material advancements and many scientific achievements, inner decay was to bring dispersion and finally annihilation to a proud, wicked, adulterous people. (more…)

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The Rise And Fall Of Atlantis

The-Rise-And-Fall-Of-Atlantis-main-4-postby Edgar Cayce (edited by Lytle Robinson)

Ever since Plato wrote his startling account of a sunken continent, men have debated the reality of its existence. Indeed, no historical subject has produced more controversy and been of such persistent duration. Long since lost in antiquity, here is a land and a people about which history officially knows nothing. In spite of Plato’s story and some 25,000 volumes subsequently written on the subject, only the bravest of modern scholars give any credence to the Atlantean theory.

The first recorded mention of such a land is in Plato’s Timaeus, written in the fifth century before Christ. Here the great philosopher describes a conversation between certain Egyptian priests and Solon, an Athenian statesman of the seventh century B.C. The priests represented Atlantis as a great island larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined, lying just beyond the Straits of Gibraltar. It had been a powerful kingdom 9,000 years before the birth of Solon, in 638 B.C., and its invading hordes had overrun the lands which bordered the Mediterranean. (more…)

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It Has All Happened Before

It-Has-All-Happened-Before-main-4-postby Andrew Tomas

Civilization is largely the product of human intelligence. From caves to skyscrapers, from boomerangs to space satellites, is a jump achieved by the power of mind. Deprive man of one half of his present intellect, and the whole social edifice of today will suffer a setback comparable with a planetary disaster. Culture the mind, and you will have a sky-rocketing civilization. Develop the moral nature of humanity, and you will have a utopia to live in.

Intellectual development in human society is not unlike a chain reaction in nuclear physics. Jean Sylvain Bailly, the French astronomer of the eighteenth century, summed up this process like this: “Ideas have been successively gathered together, heaped up; they have mutually engendered each other, the one has led to another. It remains therefore merely to rediscover this succession, to begin with the earliest ideas; the path is traced out; it is journey that one may make again because it has already been made.” (more…)

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Atlantean History ~ Part VII

Atlantean-History-Part-VII-main-4-postAs given by a Templar Seer On The Future of Atlantis

Substance is that spiritual power and presence that must come from Its own Source, to supply the individual tapping that point of Spirit. It is conceived by the Law, impregnated by the mind of Christ, brought forth in the Light, and given birth in the individual desire and soul of man. From the infinite source of Substance issues all life, power, force, quality and quantity of supply which creates the expressed idea—expressed in an object, or in a condition. It is back of everything, of any name or nature whatsoever. It comes to consciousness from the Law, and Its supply is great or small according to the individual ideals and desires of one that draws upon It. Some will express negation, others will express harmony and all good.

The ideas of an individual’s consciousness are molded by thought forces according to the pattern radiated by that one’s Light within the Shrine. If one’s Light is clear and bright, the pattern given is good and enduring. If the Light be clouded and diverted, the pattern shown will be poor and miserable. After the pattern is held, consciousness must be prepared for the molding; it is urged on to the mind, where the thought forces begin to shape it into outline, form and color, of the mental plane. Now it comes through desire of an individual soul to the time of birth. And this is the time when the perfect model of the Spirit is apt to become deformed and anything but the thing of beauty and a joy forever. Many a perfect idea loses quality and character, hence its power to give harmony, by premature birth or by abortion. Self-will and impatience and lack of faith produce these two dread conditions. The parent of the idea places more trust in his five senses and in false laws, than he does in the One Law, hence he clouds his Light, and chaos results at birth of his idea. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part V

Atlantean-History-Part-V-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

The City of Paradise cont.

After leaving the Grove the visitor is invited to refresh himself in the Guest House, which is maintained for the entertainment of strangers. It stands between the Grove and the Gardens, which form the entrance to the Seven Gardens of Eden—the vast Gardens belonging to the imperial palace.

The Guest House, with its environing park, its pergolas, its walks and seats, its fountains and bird baths, its gorgeous flowers and shade trees, presents a picture impossible to describe. The building itself is of white marble, trimmed with green onyx and black Liberian stone. Within, the floors are of white marble, also trimmed in green and black. The woodwork of arches and windows is of cypress and olive, the relieving strips being of black oak. This building, as well as most public edifices in the City, is planned to stand square to the four points of the compass—facing North, South, East and West. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part IV

Atlantean-History-Part-IV-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

The evil influences pervading the empire, brought to this peak by the Priests of Bel-Ra, have changed the once-harmonious conditions of Atlantis to one of unrest, fear and trouble. Hitherto happy homes are disrupted because one parent or the other, or, perhaps another member of the family is a loyal Templar, while the others have fallen victims to Idolarty. Children of Templars come of age when they are free to choose their way in life, and they marry into families that are secretly allied in the worship of Bel-Ra. In the families of the most faithful Templars there may be one member that secretly follows the teachings of Ritaro, High Priest of Idolatry of Atlantis. Thus it is that estrangements grow apace in homes where all should be unity and harmony. Such estrangements bring antagonism and strife in our midst.

Since Idolatry, which began with the reign of Dionysos and has reached its zenith during the last decade, the high standard of chastity and honor always maintained by Atlanteans has fallen lower and lower. At the present time the people in general accept a state of sensuousness as inevitable. Some hope this will change and sex conditions be improved; some fear matters will become increasingly worse until the final scene is due upon the stage of the world. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part III

Atlantean-History-Part-III-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

An empire so advanced in civilization as Atlantis must have a government on a par with her other standards of progress.

Every citizen of age has the right to vote. Voting age for both male and female is twenty-five. Every State, city, and town, or mere settlement, has its representation in the government. It has its own Censors, Officers, Rulers and Governors. All the representatives come to the City of Paradise to convene and voice the opinions of their people.

Individual States are independent of each other, but are subject to the Capital Seat of government. All individual cities, towns or settlements are independent of each other, but subject to the laws enforced by the State Capital City, the Seat of Government. Every individual living in a city, town or settlement is independent of another, but subject to the laws enforced by the Censor of the place. (more…)

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