My Visitation To Venus ~ Part III

My-Visitation-To-Venus-Part-III-main-4-postby Anne Givaudan


There was a deep silence. With the same gesture, my two guides showed me not the sphere but the walls of the vast room which were coming more and more to life, more and more translucent until they completely disappeared. The moving partitions had vanished to give way to a landscape of which I was the focal point. I felt empty, with a familiar sensation… I could see through eyes that were not mine, I was walking with a body that did not belong to me.

Soothing sounds filled me and the voice of the more feminine being reached me like an echo.

“Yes, you’re looking through the eyes of a man…”

The thought of being temporarily in the body of a man made me smile.

As he lowered his head, I could see his long, thin extremities, and only his hips appeared wider. I saw that he was naked and of a darker skin, almost black. A young woman approached him. At first, it was hard for me to make out her face because of the thickness of the surrounding atmosphere… humid and soaked in a sort of hanging mist. She drew closer and offered the being in whom I was a calabash full of a fragrant liquid which he drank in a gulp. She also had black skin and a slender silhouette. She was hardly wearing anything more than her companion, but her arms and waist were decorated with grass braids. Around us, the vegetation was dense, like a tropical jungle, which was hardly surprising on account of the humidity.

I heard voices or rather haunting, sensual chants, deep and crystalline. I had no idea where they came from because I couldn’t see any village nor any kind of buildings around. Directed by a seventh sense, the couple seemed to know where to go. We walked fast which did not seem to affect their supple bodies. Inside me, my guide’s voice resumed:

“We’re in one of the main civilizations of remote Lemuria. At the time, the black race was dominant and its culture was an example for the rest of the planet…”

At last, the couple stopped in front of what seemed to be a village. I had never seen anything like it: houses looked like giant ant hills. They were there, like big, red, cone-shaped rocks. So well did they merge with the environment, they seemed quite natural. Only a few artistically designed openings could lead one to believe that humans lived there. The man slipped quickly and agilely through one of the openings of the largest building. My eyes, through his, accustomed themselves to the light. This was a room with multiple corridors… without delay we went along one of them that brought us to a large room where a number of people of the same race were busy with diverse tasks. A group was singing and playing instruments that appeared to be complex, others were drawing on the walls and the floor of the room, some were doing artistic weaving and I understood that the place was mainly dedicated to the arts. The site was decorated by fountains and when I looked more closely at the paintings on the wall, I could even see them move as if they had autonomous life.

“That’s absolutely correct” said the voice, reassuring and peaceful. “This civilization’s function was to develop the senses. The humid, misty atmosphere largely contributed to the fact that, to begin with, these beings developed their inner senses. Their intuition is quite astonishing, they know instinctively how to apply the great natural laws and use them in all types of situations.

“Look carefully at the ceiling in this room. Can you see the extraordinary starry vault painted on it?”

I looked at what I had first taken to be an opening onto a real sky.

“Their knowledge of the stars and heavenly bodies is immense and they have frequent contact with us.”

“You speak about this past using the present tense. Is this intentional?”

“Absolutely and you will gradually find out why. Their sensibility gives them much sensuality and great sexual needs. On the other hand, where their physical bodies are concerned, they don’t feel much, which makes them more insensitive to pain and more resistant to effort.

“The frescoes you saw earlier can help you experience their story, or the story the artist wanted to portray.

“All you have to do is stand in front of these paintings in a state of vacuity and they will envelop you and tell you episodes of their life.”

I did not have much time to go any further into the implications of these words because the man’s companion led him off to another room and, laughing, pushed him onto a large bed that I felt to be very comfortable. He offered no resistance and gave way willingly to the muscular pressure of the young woman who, with one hand, nimbly grabbed hold of a bowl at the foot of the bed, similar from all points of view to the one she offered him earlier. This time they shared the drink before lying down side by side. The reassuring voice only reached me from far away…

“Don’t worry. This beverage has been extracted from a plant with hypnotic properties and will enable them to enjoy an experience through an animal soul. This is how they open doors to a sensibility they keep under control with the advice of the great instructors.”

I became numb and could not feel the body I had borrowed anymore, but I could smell a musky, animal odor that choked me. Something acrid and harsh wanted to come out of my throat, a roar, yes that was it, I ran, climbed and roar with an intense sensation of life flowing through me, with the impression of being one with surrounding nature… My surprise was such that I lost my concentration and found myself back once more in the information room. I regretted I was unable to continue the experience, but my guide reassured me:

“You cannot extend an experience that doesn’t belong to you for too long, and it’s better that way. You see, Lemurians developed their sensuality to excess and like all civilizations it had a peak and a decline. It’s difficult riding the crest of a wave forever, you have to accept the down ride if you are to reach higher peaks. This is what no civilization on Earth has accepted so far and which turns the logical period of rest into a decline which is difficult to experience, marked by excesses and violence.

“As Lemuria declined, morals became increasingly dissolute. On account of their great insensibility to pain, beings from this civilization thought that this could be useful to them. This was when they started to conquer and reduce large sections of the population to slavery. Little by little, laziness and lasciviousness transformed Lemurians with their astonishing psychic capacities into an impulse-driven civilization. The heart had lost its place and natural elements, including water, swept everything away.

“Only the wise were able to save a little bit of their knowledge which they passed on orally and that persists in a deformed way on the African continent.”

I hardly had time to catch a glimpse of the shiny walls of the information room before feeling myself projected to the center of another décor, not this time in natural surroundings but in a city.

The body I borrowed this time felt denser than the first one.

I was walking in the street of a strange, modern town where it seemed pleasant to live. The air was purer than in the most remote countryside. We seemed to be in the center of town but traffic was light. Small devices were moving a few feet off the ground, as if sliding on invisible rails.

“You could say these are like your collective taxis. They are waiting to be rented or borrowed at the entrance to the town, where everyone leaves their vehicles for one of these. This helps for a more fluid traffic flow,” said a voice inside my head.

“I’m not talking about pollution because this civilization already solved that problem a long time ago. Their energy source is unique, eternal and non-pollutant. It is used for everything, heating, propulsion for machines or whatever.

This is Atlantis, the civilization that is still so enigmatic for many of your people on Earth and certain remains of which have already been discovered and kept secret.”

The feminine voice continued…

“Don’t worry, in a few of your years, upheavals of the ground and water will bring many things to the surface.”

I continued walking along buildings made out of a material similar to that in the mothership: a kind of diamond-hard crystal.

“Entire cities were constructed with this material for which you have no name. Contemporary technology and science were very advanced.

“The being, in whose body you are temporarily living works in one of the city’s important research laboratories. Genetic experiments are underway and that is what is preoccupying him. His current work is to graft negative thought forms onto living organisms. He has just made a surprising discovery. The man is not concerned by the dangers his discovery might represent, but rather by how to make it more active.

“He is like certain scientists who derive great pleasure in researching, understanding and finally finding.

“These intelligences sometime forget the consequences of their discoveries.”

The scientist stopped in front of a crystal door. He opened the palm of his hand. A code seemed to be written into the skin, a recognition code, because the door opened. He is in a perfectly white room filled with light, even though there are no windows or any apparent source of electricity.

“The source is the same as that used for vehicles… It is generated by a flame. A flame guarded by a college of wise people. Everyone can receive a bit of it for their personal use. Look.”

The man took a kind of tube in which something was moving which I couldn’t make out clearly. He brought the tube up to his eyes, which allowed me to see a little creature with a white, puffy abdomen. It was a creature I knew well.

I could not help an inner exclamation.

“It’s a tick, isn’t it?”

“That’s right, the tick is one of the genetic experiments that have survived the fall of Atlantis. It is created from negative thoughts it picks up in its environment.”

The scientist put the tube down and left the room. I felt a vibration inside of him, like a feeling of victory. He then walked nimbly toward a small taxi waiting at a pick-up point for possible customers.

We took the cab which gave the pleasant, strange sensation of moving at high speed but very smoothly and silently. The man was on edge.

After what seemed to be quite a while, the small vehicle stopped in front of a beautiful place. A driveway with pink and mauve fragrant flowers led to a a sort of palace with numerous domes. It was something like the great Angkor Vat temple, more transparent, more crystalline, and even more majestic.

“The researcher is going to give an account of his progress and discovery to an administrative college.

“Each colony of Atlantis and Atlantis itself were governed by precise legislation. A college of 12 people, with six men and six women presiding, helped by 12 other people with the same gender distribution, whose aim is to advise on a more subtle level and maintain a general harmony with their thoughts, meditations and visualizations. The first legislator of Atlantis was the being Jesus. It was he who drew up the first essential laws that ensured harmony and the smooth operation of this civilization for thousands of years.

“At its peak, the function of this era was to develop the potential of sciences and knowledge within human beings.

“Once again, science and knowledge were such that they obscured the functions of the heart. Gradually, the thirst for power and power games developed.

“Technology and science were taking the place human beings had lost…”

“This leaves me with a terrible impression of how each great civilization is as if doomed to failure. Is there no way of avoiding these excesses and overflows that seem inevitable…”

“There’s no failure nor inevitability…”

This time, I recognized the firmer voice of the head of the information room.

“You have to understand,” he said in a softer tone.

“When energy is emitted, by thoughts translated into acts or words, it always has its own consequences. This energy corresponds to a function, a mechanism, a habit, a belief of the person who emits them. It is a reality for the person or group of people, like a country or a civilization who emit such. There is no notion of failure since the response will always correspond to the initial energy.”

I was puzzled.

“I know there’s no failure and that each step is an experience to accept and understand. But how come thousands of years later we are repeating the same pattern over and over again that will lead us down the same road – the end of a civilization?”

I felt the sound of his voice becoming cheerful.

“No, nothing is ever the same. At each stage of the Earth’s development, at each period of civilization, at each moment of human life, more and more understanding is acquired.

“Lemuria enhanced everything to do with sensuality, intuition and art.

“Atlantis heightened our knowledge and experimented in the fields of science, genetics, knowledge of crystals and the power of sound.

“The former civilization brought greater knowledge of the stars, as well as the human psyche and emotions.

“The second one valued the sense of organization and power. Both left their knowledge to our current civilization but also their counterpart of excessive thirst for power.

“Toward the end of its era, Lemuria developed a disease related to love. This disease called Aids has today been reactivated, because today’s human beings have awoken in themselves and around them memories that were lying dormant. The planetary state of affairs and the disturbances at personal levels, as well as aspects of social life have re-awoken this disease entity. Today, you will be able to heal it, because your heart has opened in a different way.”

“Could you explain more precisely the planetary re-awakening of some diseases and some behaviors?”

“Of course. When in therapy you look at another person’s aura and suddenly scenes of a past life appear, you know that the problem for which the person contacted you originated in that life and in those scenes. You also know that if these scenes appear, it is because the time has come for the problem to be settled. Well… for the Earth, it is the same thing. The planet contracts diseases through the civilization that lives there. What the planet wasn’t able to heal at one time reappears, as soon as a civilization has the same elements – morals, planetary situation – as a past civilization with this disease. For the Earth and part of its civilization in contact with this problem, this is a great opportunity to resolve and understand what wasn’t understood previously. The same way, in some of you, Atlantis left a higher scientific knowledge, but also a strong taste for power, expressed in particular by chaotic genetic manipulations and magical acts concerning the power of crystals.”

“So are we, as a civilization, the sum of past civilizations? And if we are, how can we solve everything at the same time?”

“You are much more than the sum of previous civilizations because you are YOU, a divine being in your own right, both autonomous and unique, but also included in each piece of the creation… in a time and also in all times that you can conceive. Today, you have awoken everything that was lying dormant in you from past great civilizations; you are facing a unique, unprecedented moment. The time has come to cleanse the sum of what you picked up from the past and why you left there, for many lives, putting off till… later. And don’t forget that what you experience at an individual scale, the Earth also experiences at its own level.”

Absorbed by what my guide was saying, I didn’t realize I was once again in contact with the information room. I wanted to hear more.

Facing me, the Great Being continued:

“You often say to the people you meet that they are amazingly lucky to live at the present time and it’s true! You are currently at the end of a great cycle of 25,000 years and, at the same time, at the end of a shorter cycle of 12,000 years. These two communicating cycles are simultaneously helping your planetary environment to open up significantly. It’s a little bit like an airlock through which you can glean a different understanding of how you function at all levels, from the most subtle to the densest. It’s also a moment when great axes of subtle communication are opened up in each being who begins to listen.

“These circulation axes will soon allow an easier and more regular contact with other planets and fields of consciousness to those who use them.

“We know that interpretations of what is perceived through these means of contact are diverse and, sometimes, contradictory. This is not important! What is essential for the moment is to reactivate your subtle channels. If you pay attention to what your heart is telling you, the effects of interference will not be very important.

“The main aim of your current civilization is to open the way of the heart. Clearly this includes smiling, compassion, listening, respect, non-judgment and tenderness, all of which are small sparks of light of the great word Love which human beings so often have difficulty in understanding.

“You are going through a time that demands a lot of you, but which also gives you a lot. In this way, you have the possibility to contact all beings and all situations that you left behind in your past lives without solving them. So, a good many of you are saddened by the significant obstacles they encounter in their lives, without realizing that, somewhere, before they came back, they signed a pact of love with the most beautiful part of themselves. This is a pact to accept the great cleansing on all levels, so as to renew contact with the essence of their being, their own heart, the heart that is only asking to open up and breathe deeper.

Excerpt from Alliance: Message From The Venusians To The People Of The Earth

See Part II here. See Part IV here.

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