UFO Contact With Coma Berenesis

UFO-Contact-With-Coma-Berenecis-main-2-postby Wendelle Stevens

Apolinar (Paul) A. Villa, Jr., (born 24 September 1916), a mechanic by trade, of 601 Niagra, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico, Paul-Villa-imageholds a unique privilege in the annals of Flying Saucer research. He has had prearranged meetings with Space People for the specific purpose of taking pictures of their craft.

Apparently, contacts of one kind or another with Space People are not new to Mr. Villa. He says that he has been taught telepathically by extraterrestrial intelligences since he was 5 years old.

Although he did not complete the tenth grade of school, he seems to have a good knowledge of such subjects as mathematics, electricity, physics, and mechanics, and has an unusual “gift” for detecting defects in engines, generators, etc. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith no comments yet.

Early Evidences Of An Inhabited Solar System

Early-Evidence-Of-An-Inhabited-Solar-System-main-2-postby Daniel Ross

Venus, Mars, and the Moon are important in that they are our closest neighbors, and the habitability can easily be determined. Our space program of the 1960s and 70s probed and photographed them extensively, since these planets were known to be the homes or bases of the UFOs. Life beyond the Earth should have been published as an established fact years ago. Two things prevented this from becoming our rightful knowledge; the inability, and often the refusal, of the orthodox scientists to go beyond their shared perceptions; and secondly, the absolute secrecy and censorship by the top-level authorities in charge of the space program.

But what about the other planets in our solar system? Are they inhabited also? And are their environments Earth-like, or similar enough, that we could travel to them and step out on their surfaces? (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith no comments yet.

The Cosmic Reality Of Man

The-Cosmic-Reality-Of-Man-main-2-postLecture by Daniel Ross given to the Japan General Assembly
[Adamski Research Group], February, 1994

I wanted to speak today on the cosmic reality of man, as shown by Adamski. Because it is timeless; it is eternal. Wherever you might go, within this system, or out to an inhabited planet in another solar system, the truths would be the same, wherever you go. That is cosmic or universal law. Most of you here today have the many books and writings of George Adamski. Mr. Hachiro Kubota has worked hard to keep all the books in print in the Japanese language, and now has “The Complete Works of George Adamski” published in 10 volumes. So to give you something a little new today, I reviewed many tapes of his talks, where he gives examples and expressions of truth to others, often just in conversation – maybe to an individual, maybe to a small group. It can be rather humbling, I can freely admit, to hear hours and hours of Adamski’s philosophical talks and discussions over a short period of time. When you listen to the fullness and depthness of his knowledge of cosmic life, you quickly realize how really shallow most of our minds are.

The more one studies this field of Space and UFOs, the more he then appreciates the vast legacy of Cosmic Knowledge shared by George Adamski. And there really is no end to learning, if you understand it right. As Adamski often said, the principles remain the same, but the effects are continually changing, with life always moving forward.

When we speak of things of a cosmic nature, we can easily realize that a person’s accomplishments are not only measured by what he himself does, but also by how much he affects others to do things of cosmic purpose – all because of his sharing knowledge that in turn inspired them. It is then the cumulative action, that keeps going forward, and progressing. More things are discovered, or expressed, and the rippling effect continues, reaching others. And every new environment creates new challenges – new questions and discussions – which brings about an exchange of new impressions and information.

So what we mean by a legacy includes many things, because purposeful interaction and activity leads to more and more revelations of truth as events take place. On a continual basis Adamski was meeting with people from all different walks of life, who wanted to know about our advanced space visitors, and to also learn about the technology that they have. Many were interested to learn about the philosophy that they live by. And as things progressed, Adamski was giving new information all the time. Religious leaders, politicians, and people representing many different organizations sought him out. He had much contact with high-level scientists in space research, who asked for certain technical data regarding the spaceships, and space travel. Then the next day or next week he might be talking with military men, government people, laymen, or newspaper and media personnel. Then he’d have personal meetings with various groups, professionals, people in the educational fields, young people, and so forth – all wanting to know different things. Many in turn took action upon getting truthful information about space and interplanetary visitations. So you see, how everything cascades. And an enormous amount of his legacy of information came out by way of informal talks and lengthy discussions with people in all positions. Here one could readily recognize the reality that Adamski spoke of. And many could sense that this space field was not some idle speculative field, only for dreamers. But that it was really a most enlightening program of space knowledge – for the advancement of society.

Adamski was probably tape recorded hundreds of times, though he never taped his own talks or discussions. People naturally wanted to record his talks, and he gave permission freely. He never prepared speeches or lectures; he really was consciously alerted as to what to say in any kind of speaking engagement, and would follow natural impressions. Adamski was by his nature, “consciously single-minded”. I’ll come back to that a little later.

He also followed universal law, that says – “Freely you receive, so freely shall you give.” The Space People gave him knowledge about the cosmos, and their civilizations on our sister planets – even trips into space aboard their ships. In turn Adamski could relate this information and experiences to the public, and to his fellowman. He gave it freely. And if you are fortunate to hear Adamski speaking – maybe on a tape that one of his co-workers recorded – and can understand his English, you will readily sense how advanced his understanding was. A man speaking from definite experience in having contact with the true Space People coming our way. It was so new, this space age philosophy, yet Adamski easily conveyed this knowledge right in terms of everyday practical matters, and tying all in with cosmic principles. Thereby showing what the cosmic life is really like.

So much came through his very expression, and in his enlightening discussions, that you can realize the upliftment that others naturally felt in his presence. Cosmic feeling is cosmic – something very different from, let’s say, happy anticipation or mind excitement when a person might get to chance meet a big movie star or rock star. Cosmic is a feeling of identity with the Cosmos, a feeling from the soul. Peaceful, and uplifting, a feeling of harmony within. The other (mind excitement) is an emotional response of the senses, of the mind, that doesn’t produce the same feeling.

The wide encompassing of Adamski’s teachings and space information also dissolved all the mystification, and false premises, that we have been living under, and laboring under, for centuries. With false teachings and age-old traditional ways, mankind has lived with a lot of fear governing his life. Adamski stated that any fear, is not only a lack of understanding, but a lack of faith as well, which is the cause behind the many unpleasant conditions we find today. He added: “It can be said that fear is the enemy that is responsible for the unhappiness found in society. It has a billion highways by which it can reach individuals as well as nations.” Why does it have such power? The answer is – fear exists in the mind, and it is the absence of faith in the Cosmic Intelligence.

The true Space People visiting our planet do not live by any fear, for they recognize the cosmic unity of all life. Adamski would always make exactly clear whenever he was speaking, that the visitors are human beings just like us. And they do not teach anything confusing. The coming of the Space People showed man on Earth his true potential, and his Cosmic identity. And they come to help man advance his own understanding, as he begins to know his real self.

This is what got the opposition going directly against Adamski – the fact that he taught the visitors were human just like us. The worldly economic powers don’t want that accepted or known. The Silence Group wants to keep confusion and mystery rampant, and that if people are going to hear or believe something about UFOs, then they are going to hear something very different. And so every kind of fearful idea has been promoted; for example, that UFO occupants are frightening creatures, quite unhuman, who are here to abduct people, or who perform weird experiments and mind control on victims. No, the mind control is being played out by the negative forces right here on our own planet, to perpetuate fear of UFOs or even disinterest in the subject, in order to hide the true reality from the public. And they put out a lot of subtle propaganda and disinformation about this subject, so people don’t know what’s what. Then they have a lot of people in the widespread “ufology business” who play right into their hands, because they accept these false promotions, in whole or in part, add their own mental speculations, and then raise up the level of confusion. The UFO subject as it is so often promoted has become so perverse, that many people don’t want to hear anything about it anymore. Because absolutely nothing of value is being talked about.

It is not a pleasant topic, but let’s address for a moment what common ufology is going around talking about. They are telling the public to fear this and fear that. That there are horrible little creatures, with wrap-around eyes and gray skin, that are coming here. These so-called alien entities are behind numerous mental and physical abductions played out on our earthly race. There are other negative ideas attached, pretty much meaningless, and everything is left as a further mystery. If man pays any attention, he is only likely to be further lost in his own mind. But it is by the constant repetition of these attitudes, that the public is being conditioned to fear UFOs, and fear Space even. This is a complete turnaround from the true purpose behind the appearance of the peaceful spacecraft in our skies. The advanced space visitors are here with a very noble purpose. Any assertion that UFOs are controlled by beings that are not human – Adamski would say, “Forget it!” Those assertions are manufactured by minds, only to keep other minds down, and away from natural understanding.

And a very big purpose for the Space People coming is purely scientific. They are watching and studying the changes taking place in our system, especially the polarity movements, and the electromagnetic fields in space and around the planets. All of this can be seriously affected if our nuclear stockpiles are set off (unleashed in warfare). We have been operating contrary to Nature’s laws for many years, and have the potential to disrupt the natural balance of the system, affecting their planets, and so the space people have to stay very vigilant. The world’s major governments are definitely aware of the space visitors’ activity, and have been informed at times if changes were detected, but the public is kept uninformed, like so many other things that go on. Yet that goes hand in hand with the fact that our authorities have kept the public in the dark about visiting spacecraft from other planets. And that for 30 years now, they have kept the public misinformed about the true planetary environments on Venus and Mars. Speaking point blank – they violated our trust, because they definitely do know different than what they have told us about the planets. How long will it be before the truth starts coming out? They may delay several years – we don’t know – but the real truths about our solar system will have to acknowledged and acted upon before our society makes real progress into space.

And when we consider that today we are still using rocket technology, and launch only “space shuttles”, which are like billion-dollar airplanes!, then something must have interfered with our proper course of research. Something like the oil industry! Because Adamski had said that our space scientists were successfully developing the natural energy propulsion designs in the 1960’s, and that we definitely would have true spaceships for interplanetary traveling by the 1970’s. And once we had the capabilities of real spaceships, he said that exploring and learning about our solar system, and getting our science and understanding up to their (Space Peoples’) level, would easily take several hundred years or more. Once we set out right, there will be a fantastic future for our civilization, and we will be taking vacations to our “next door” planets.

These things lie ahead for our civilization. How long we delay is up to us. One thing that has not changed since Adamski brought out information about the interplanetary UFOs at the beginning of the space age – the majority of the spacecraft seen in our skies are coming here from Venus. And that if the general public were well informed as to the true activities of the Space People and their way of life, there would be much more society understanding and progress, because the Space People live and do things very much as we do. In his book he wrote: “As to which planets the Space People consider higher or lower, they make no such distinctions. Each is a classroom of the Cosmos in which specific lessons can be learned better than elsewhere. Yet all lessons are important in a complete life.” If we on Earth keep a correct balance in our endeavors, and strive to live a little more like the people coming here, he added, then we would find ourselves very well occupied. These are the realities that will in time be accepted by all.

How can we live like the Space People do … individually, and as a society? During the rest of my talk today, I want to relate several topics, directly from George Adamski’s recorded discussions, that do answer this question. To live as they do, one of the first steps is to really know who we are.

It was exactly 20 years ago, that I first heard Adamski on a recorded tape. The complete talk was highly enlightening, and I remember one thing that really stood out, and impressed my mind that first hearing. It was a simple but remarkable analogy he shared, to illustrate the true nature of man:

“We will say there is a drop of water. Everybody knows what water is. Whether that water comes out of the faucet, by rain, or out of the ocean, it’s WATER, made up of the same original elements. Alright. Now a drop of water may be a small one, or it may be a big one. If it drops on a surface, it will have a flat bottom to it, and it will have a dome-like top. So, it is personified. It is a form, an individualized form of its own. If it could speak our language it would say, ‘See me? I have a flat bottom and a rounded top. I’m made up of crystal pure liquid known as water. You can look through me, and all of that.’ Now that water may stay there for a long time and evaporate, and finally become invisible, because it came from the Invisible to be visible in liquid form. Yet that drop of water is experiencing only what is now present. But that same drop of water can do this also. That drop of water can start rolling down a little hill, and lose itself in that rolling and the struggle – by being active, by picking up all the dust, the debris and stench, and everything else that might be in its path – and finally lose its appearance as a drop of water and form a sphere of mud. See? A mudball. So you no longer see the water. The mudball now becomes personified, and says, ‘Now look! I’m mud.’ (So you say to it): ‘No, you are water. Water made you.’ But it tells you: ‘Oh, no! Where do you see any water? I’m not water, I’m mud! Can’t you see me? I’m made up of all this debris, all this matter. See?’ Then this ball may stop and stay in place for a while. Finally the moisture, which is the water that made it up in the first place, dries out, or evaporates, and the mudball goes back to the dust from which it came. See … The only experience it had was the experience of being created by the drop of water into a ball of mud and rolling awhile, and being made up of different minerals as it picked them up out of rolling. It never did recognize, that it was the water that was the parent of the ball. Never did recognize it! It separated itself right there, when it became the ball of mud. And that’s what we do. Alright, now another drop of water will keep rolling, and desire to know the truth. ‘Now if I am water, as they tell me,’ it says, ‘well, I can’t see myself as water. I can only see myself as a ball of mud. But if I really am water, I want to find the original part of myself from which I came. It must have come from some source to be a drop of water.’ So it keeps on rolling.

“That’s the way we are searching for Truth, see? To return to the Creator, to find our real Self. So it keeps on rolling and finally gets to the seashore. The moment it gets to the seashore, and the first wave hits it, that drop of water is absorbed completely into the body of the ocean, and the mudball too. No matter how much stench and debris was part of that mudball, or how badly perverted it was, once the vast body of water – the ocean – took it in, it purified the mudball almost instantly. Purified it almost instantly. Then the drop of water again lost its little dome idea which it had in the beginning, and its little ego there, which had said, ‘look and see me, a drop of water.’ It lost itself in the sea, or in the ocean. Now, since it has come there, it is now as powerful as the ocean and the sea, and will live as long as that ocean will live. And anything that takes place in that ocean, from shore to shore, that drop of water will become aware of all that action within that ocean.

“So we as Cosmic people – your real self is the cosmic identity – are also everywhere like that drop of water is now. Everywhere simultaneously. Anything that transpires anywhere, we should be alerted to it, if we permit our minds to become cosmic with it. That is about the nearest you can explain it. You see the drop of water vanished completely into the ball of mud. The mud said, ‘Now I’m not water, I’m a ball of mud.’ Yet it was the drop of water that made the mudball possible, see? You may call the drop of water pure spirituality, and the mud pure material. Once the two united, both were equal in every respect, except you divided them and lost yourself in the division. Naturally each one wanted to get together, and so confusion followed. Maybe a lot of unhappiness to yourself too, through feeling yourself separated.

“Call that self-awakened awareness. Yes, you have to awaken the mind to that reality. The mind is the separator, or the wedge in there. The ego. When you finally have that mind, which is the mud, acknowledge that it is made by something better – that it has a parent behind it, and if it wasn’t for that, it would not be a mudball – then drive for the Cosmic Sea, then you get it. And once you touch the fringe of it, you are part of it. That individualized intelligence which was represented by the drop of water unites with the total intelligence of that sea. So whatever goes on anywhere, in any part of it, depth, height, or width, that drop partakes of it like the mind.”

We can see from this excellent story, what it means to become single-minded. Our great teachers in the past had taught that a double-minded man is unsuitable in all of his ways. One is double-minded when his ego is acting separate from his real self, the real self being the water in this analogy. The ego acting on its own, makes all kinds of mistakes, and lives a life of habits, a life of likes and dislikes, serving only that which pleases him.

But in a single-minded person, the ego, or the mind, blends with the cosmic Self, and they act together as a single unit in expression. There is no separation. And without separation, there will not be judgment or dislike towards any part of creation. This is the way Space People live. When they look upon a form – be it a tree or a man or any form life – they not only see the form, but they also recognize the Cause that supports and gives life to that form. That is the difference between us and them. They not only see the effect, but they recognize the invisible, the Cause that produces the effect. And they respect all creation, for they know that all life is interrelated. Even the tiniest insect that you can see – it was made for a definite purpose.

The Space People learn by always studying Nature. If you find something working in Nature, then you know it is true. A man’s idea may be tested for truthfulness or not, by studying Nature. Because all the universal laws are expressing, or manifesting, through Nature, and most of the laws that She executes are contrary to man’s ways of thinking, until he learns the right way. Man usually thinks he knows better, but in the end Nature teaches man, either the hard way, or the easy way (by man’s willingness to learn.)

The-Cosmic-Reality-Of-Man-dividerFor an example, Adamski spoke of this incidence some years ago in California:

“The farmers got poison spray and sprayed all the farmlands to kill off the little ladybug insect, because they said that it was doing a lot of damage. What happened? They did not have oranges, did not have fruits, did not have anything. The farmers had not known, that little insect carried pollen from one plant flower to the other, just like bees do. So the government had to pick it (ladybug) up from somewhere else and start it again in that area. Today you can get them by the pound (1/2 kg) – there are millions of ladybugs in a pound – and let them loose into the orchard, so to have a better production.

“Another example shows you how foolish man is. He thinks he knows things, but he does not. A man plants 50 acres of corn, and loses a yield of 5 acres by insects eating that corn. So he gets 45 acres yield. He goes to a chemist and asks him what he can find to save him that 5 acres also. The chemist figures out some kind of chemical spray and sells it to him. So the farmer now gets the 5 acres extra corn, but then he has to go to a drugstore and buy vitamins in a bottle, that cost him, let’s say $100. Whereas the extra 5 acres may bring him maybe only $40. So he spends $60 for nothing because the vitamins that were in that corn are no longer there. The insects that brought the vitamins were killed off.

“But that’s only part of the figures. Because all the people who eat the corn from the 50 acres have to buy vitamins too, and maybe they eventually buy medicine too to combat a sick condition in the body brought about from effects of pesticide. So that’s how we created a whole new industry that is unnatural drugs to counteract the effects of bad chemicals in the environment. And it’s big business today. First we poison the environment, then we poison the body. And we wonder why we’re often sick.”

Adamski wrote a whole article about this – chemical reactions, and its effect on the body. See, the Space People don’t do that. They don’t use pesticides, nor artificial fertilizers. They do not fight Nature.

“The Space People studied Nature and learned the purpose of small life forms and insects, how they helped to maintain a balance of fertility. The farmers on their planets also return a certain percentage of Nature’s produce to the soil, and give land periodic rests, so that it is always fertilized naturally. As a result, the food they grow contains all the natural elements so vital for good health.”

When we return to a study of Nature, and learn the purpose of all the small life forms instead of making a poison war against them, then we will have the true health conditions and environment we want. But not before.

We have to bring our understanding up towards the cosmic way of living. Now for instance, let’s take a worm. You might say, a worm is just a worm. But Adamski’s explanations will give us a little better insight, so let’s look from that angle:

“The worm is just as important in its life as you are. And more so, for if it wasn’t for the worm, we wouldn’t be here. The worm does quite a job bringing up the vegetation and things like that, aerating the soil, helping the earth to bring up plant life, without which we could not live. So you see, everything fits in. A form of intelligence is in every living thing, and all of these things have been created for a reason and purpose. Each one does his little bit to bring about the fulfillment of Life’s Purpose, every day. So all of it is important.

“Insecure man looks for things to stay permanent, because he knows not what changes might bring. He often even wants to see permanence with forms, as his mind puts so much emphasis on effects, not understanding the Cause behind the effects. But matter must change. It is part of universal law – things being transmuted and elevated.”

Adamski’s example looks at the experience of an apple:

“An apple tree is blooming in the spring of the year. Its first bloom, with beautiful flowers. If you had your way about it, you would say, ‘I never want to see those flowers drop; it is such a beautiful sight.’ You want it there STEADY – all year! It creates a beautiful scenery. In spite of what we want though, Nature drops those petals to earth, and the petals become a fertilizer. As it drops them, a tiny little bud shows up on that branch, that finally grows into an apple. Now it goes through many experiences. It doesn’t take much out of the earth to grow, but the earth acts as a conductor for the things this apple must have to grow, to be a full size and mature apple.

“It grows, and at a certain time if you eat it, it is going to give you a stomach ache. But if you let it mature, it’s going to be good for you. It takes on color, and it takes on its true Essence. A wind shakes the tree and the apple drops to the ground, and that’s the time the apple gets its first hurt. It’s now been released from its Mother and Father Principle when it drops from that height to the earth, and it’s on its own. Well, the side that hits the earth is injured, and if it is allowed to lie there it will decay from there on. Then all the experience it will have had, is when it was a flower, and then as a growing apple, finally falling to the ground. It would decay, and that’s all the experience it would have.”

Adamski continues, “I come along. I see that apple on the ground, and I pick it up and eat it. I destroy the apple. So, it is no longer an apple. I destroyed the form, see? Yet, if that apple could speak in the language we speak, it would say, thank you for picking me up and eating me. While I am no longer an apple, I am now part of you. I am walking around in your body, and I am going to enjoy further experience from here on. Otherwise its experience would have ended there with the decay, as a fertilizer.

“Yet if the apple had the mind of a man, it would so identify with its apple form, that it would never want to give it up, even though it knows that it will eventually decay. It would say that its highest expression is being an apple, and not wanting to go on to a higher phase, the same as the mudball we talked about before, exalting its form, apart from its cosmic identity.

“The essence of matter is eternal. It can never be destroyed. You can change a tree into a chair, a table, a piano, a house. The life, the essence, is manifesting through that new form. These are the laws these people have learned. We call them natural laws. So take a tree for example. Sure, it would be a crime to cut a tree down, for no rhyme or reason. But if you cut that tree down and make boards out of it, and then out of those boards you make a violin. You have really elevated the matter of that tree now, to a service that it could never serve as a tree. The tree gave itself up unto the violin. The violin gives itself up unto the will of man. And the will of man now brings out melodies that elevates the hearts of men, out of that violin. One after the other.” This is another example from Adamski’s same talk.

In the past we have made too much of forms. Glorified the form, but not the essence of the form. The same with ourselves. We have exalted the form and the ego, but not given recognition to the cosmic intelligence of that form. Which is the eternal – the true life that supports that form. “When we recognize that eternal part in all form, then we will begin to really understand the laws under which we live. And once you understand them, you don’t live under them, you live above them. Really this means in harmony with them. And that is what these people have done.”

They are people like you and I, but they have gone further than us on their planets, because they adapted Nature’s ways of doing things and living by natural laws, instead of using man’s ideas. In other words, a set mind, or an egotistical mind, cannot progress. But everything calls for a little tolerance, as man works within himself to willingly change, because he is fighting age-old habits and conventions that have predominated here as a way of life. And today, more than ever, you could say that almost everything is perfectly set up to steer man away from his cosmic purpose. Men’s ideas are promoted as factual truth, leaving as their legacy so much doubt and conflict, that man is disoriented and feels obligated to nothing. Life in the main, then, becomes one of following only trivial and materialistic self-pleasures. And placing value, along with giving all his time, to things that are constantly ephemeral – not eternal.

What the Space People brought – the Knowledge that man can use, both here on Earth, and as he ventures out into Space – is eternal. And Adamski taught that we are not really that far behind. We have a large segment in society who are up to 5% in mental development; they use that much of their mental abilities. The masses are at 1%, using their mental capability. But the best among us, intuitively accomplishing things and living, are 5%, some maybe a little more. Some of the Space People visiting here, or those living here, may be at 10%. Then there are many Venusians, that if we used the same yardstick, would be 5 or 10 percent higher than that.

But, we do not want to put a particular emphasis on any figures, because things are really relative. There is a wide variance among society, and even up or down changes as life’s tests and environments affect others. Of course, the “down” change would be lesser progress, what we want to avoid. One might be intuitively creative and a free thinker early on, but in later life the mental abilities could stagnate and slide back, if the individual accumulates bad mental habits. The way we have been brought up, it’s easy to take the wide paths of least resistance, and become creatures of habit, unless a determined effort is made to go ahead. And it takes real learning, and as Adamski commented, it sometimes takes lots of time, and lots of effort, to open up our brain cells and to eliminate the habit cells, which will fight to stay dominate if we let them.

How do the Space People advance their mental abilities, and how would we do the same? They study themselves first, how the cells work, how communication operates with all cells in the body. They learn how all parts of the body function together perfectly as a single unit. They get to know their Real Self. That truth has come down through the ages. “Man know thyself, and ye shall know all things.” All knowledge lies within man. So they let their mind follow the guidance of the “Knower” in man, the Real Self.

Man is a thought in action. Knowing this then, what thoughts is man going to permit to be part of his daily living? If it does not elevate and carry the feeling of harmony, he should reject that frequency of thought or impression. Thereby he gives it no power, no expression. We should make it our habit in daily living to entertain noble thoughts. Follow cosmic impressions. That is the way they do, and why they are traveling in space. We can get to that level. It’s up to the individual.

George-Adamski-at-a-radio-interviewQuestions & Answers by George Adamski

This Q & A was published by George Adamski in 1967 and sent to his coworkers all over the world. This contains much valuable information on UFO issues even now.

Q: How can I recognize a space person if I should meet one?

A: I honestly am unable to answer this question. Those whom I have met have no outstanding features that would distinguish them from people of Earth.

For example, at Palomar Terraces people come and go constantly. On the first and third Sundays of each month, between the hours of one and four p.m. it is my custom to talk with the public at my home; give a lecture on topics of interest and answer questions. Space travelers occasionally are amongst these guests, and there have been times when I did not recognize them; nor did they identify themselves until sometime later. It is rare for my closest associates to recognize these space people, even though they meet and talk with them.

Because all of my life I have endeavored to understand myself from a universal sense, I do keep my mind open a far greater percentage of the time than most people. For instance, while in New York a couple of years ago, I was idly window-shopping my way down Fifth Avenue. While admiring the display in one window, I became aware of a young man and woman who passed slowly and smiled at me. My first thought was that they probably had seen me on TV or had heard me lecture somewhere. But this was followed quickly by the impression that they could be space people. My next thought was that if they were, they would return and identify themselves. This, they did.

As they reached my side, the man said, “Your thoughts are correct.” They then invited me to their apartment, where we spent several hours together in pleasant conversation.

However, even their response to my thought would not have been sufficient identification, for any good mentalist could have picked up my thoughts and acted similarly. But it was my inner feeling that assured me these were space people and later they presented unquestionable proof.

At the same time, I strongly advise others to be on guard against impostors, for they are on the increase today. Unless a person has an understanding of himself and is alert to his impressions – this does not mean personal desires – I would never advise him to accept an invitation from a stranger to go anywhere.

Q: Can you tell us more about the educational system of the people you have met from our neighboring planets?

A: The people never reach the age where they cease attending institutions of learning; not full time as they grow older, but off and on that they may keep abreast of the latest information.

They do not believe an arbitrary age should be set before they can start their education, nor that their instructor need necessarily be older or more “educated” than themselves. Neither do they continue to use textbooks that go unchanged for decades. They employ a mechanism that could be compared to our TV for instruction, but that also have printed material to which they can refer when needed. Yet, because the “fact” of today may be disproved by the new development of tomorrow, they do not hold rigidly to any theory, but continue study and research with an open mind, looking for the deeper, truer meaning behind all things. We might compare their books of learning to our loose-leaf notebooks to which new pages can be added; and from which old ideas can be easily extracted. This extracted material is not destroyed, however, but is kept as a matter of historical record to show the progress made step by step.

They respect and humbly study all life, knowing that they can learn even from a newborn infant. They guard carefully the workings of their own minds, and are alert to the thoughts which they host; welcoming those of a Cosmic nature, and discarding those containing divisions and personality which would create misunderstanding and conflict.

Cosmic Philosophy (pamphlet) by George Adamski available here.

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Star Wards: Welcome Home Earthman

Star-Wards-Welcome-Home-Earthman-main-2-postby Richard T. Miller

[These events took place in] Detroit, Michigan in the summer of 1954. This fellow, George Hunt (Rick) Williamson, came to Detroit to talk on communicating with space intelligences by short-wave radio. He told a story about how he and a fellow who was a telegrapher with the Santa Fe Railroad in Arizona, also a ham radio operator, had gotten in touch with UFOs using this fellow’s ham radio equipment. They had communicated by International Morse Code and had received intelligent replies.

My ham radio buddies and I went to hear Williamson’s talk. Afterwards, we introduced ourselves and said we were interested. Could he tell us what frequency they had used. He gave us a list of the frequencies. We said we would listen for any type of communication on those frequencies. He asked if we would let him know if anything occurred. I said he would be the first to know; just let us know how we could reach him. He gave us his itinerary, as he was on a lecture tour. (more…)

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Over The Threshold

Over-The-Threshold-main-2-postby Dana Howard

On April 29, 1955, the beautiful DIANE made an impressive appearance upon the stage of the Planet Earth. Seventeen years previously (while functioning in my [etheric] twin-body) this same Diane had taken me aboard a gem-studded spaceship preparatory to an obviously teleported flight to Venus. On April 29, 1955, she stood before twenty-seven amazed persons in a corner of the little Church of Divine Light, Los Angeles, California. Several who were present that night have given written testimony to the fact that DIANE was neither an ectoplasmic-built entity, nor was she an apparition.

I quote from a letter from Lucille Points, Los Angeles, “I have had the opportunity of sitting through many materialization seances, but I shall never forget one particular evening this spring when Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler had one of her very interesting and inspiring seances. A beautiful, fleshly being came, rather hesitantly at first, then saying, ‘I am Diane. I come from Venus’. Truly I can say this was the most outstanding experience of my life.” (more…)

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Flying Saucer Pilgrimage

Flying-Saucer-Pilgrimage-main-4-postby Byrant & Helen Reeve

“Knowledge is cosmic honey’’ — Yada Di Shi-Ite

The story of an amazing private research which took two year’s time
and over 23,000 miles of travel.


Henry was talking. “Here’s a man who claims he saw a ‘flying saucer’ and talked to the pilot. He says the pilot was from Venus!”

Henry is a fabulous person. He had, as usual, without the slightest warning burst into our home in Detroit, Michigan. Anything new, exciting, beautiful, imaginative — physical or metaphysical — in this world or out of it would excite Henry to a fever pitch.

It was November, 1953, and we were entertaining guests. Although the hour was late, it did not deter dear Henry.

“How insane can these fellows get?” said I, not a little annoyed.

“How gullible do they think we are?” exclaimed one of our guests.

“No! Honestly!” cried Henry. “This is serious! This man has written a book on it. I sat up all night reading an advance copy. It is called Flying Saucers Have Landed and was written by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski. Here it is!” (more…)

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The Moon Is Inhabited

The-Moon-Is-Inhabited-main-2-postColumba-Krebs-2-postColumba Krebs’ The Moon Is Inhabited (at 129 pages) is an amazing read.

No one would ever know that Columba Krebs was a major contactee of her time were it not for this work which has been newly reprinted and made available by her granddaughter.

Below is a short excerpt from the first five chapters with a link for purchase. (Note: Unariun Wisdom is not an affiliate and is not compensated for sales.)

We are just very happy that another hidden gem has been revealed in the contactee world of the 50s and 60s with information just as relevant today as it was then.

The information is just amazing and a highly recommended read for anyone interested in space relations with our Brothers and Sisters from other worlds. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts ~ Part XVI

Venusian-Contacts---Part-XVI-main-4-postby Dana Howard


Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.

Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes. (more…)

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The Secret Of The Saucers

Secret-Of-The-Saucers-main-2-postThis is one of the best contactee accounts of the 1950s. Mr. Angelucci’s Secret of the Saucers is a memoir of a more innocent time, and a tale of spiritual growth. It was edited by Ray Palmer, the main force behind FATE magazine, the publisher of the first flying saucer accounts, and the Shaver chronicles before that.

Orfeo was, like Shaver, a regular working guy, a swing-shift employee at a Lockheed factory in southern California. On Friday, May 23, 1952, by this account, he was strangely drawn to a remote location in Griffith Park in Los Angeles. He was contacted by an alien entity named ‘Neptune.’ Later he is taken aboard their spaceship and visits their paradisiacal home planet.

As Angelucci relates, there was a being named Lucifer who lived on a planet between Mars and Jupiter. His hubris led to the planet being shattered into the asteroid belt. Humans were imprisoned on Earth, to work off the karmic debt. There is a ‘prime directive’ which prevents the UFO builders from interfering in Earth’s affairs. However, humanity’s spiritual evolution is helped along by extraterrestrial, godlike entities such as Jesus and other wisdom Masters. Angelucci is instructed to spread the UFO visitants’ message to the world at large. (more…)

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UFO Whistleblowers Drop Bombshell On D.C.

UFO-Whistleblowers-Drop-Bombshell-On-DC-main-2-postby Scott Waring w/Steven Greer (testimony)

On June 12, 2023, Dr. Steven Greer held a stunning UFO disclosure press event at Washington’s D.C. press club. Led by renowned researchers, members of the military, defense contractors and former government officials, this conference revealed shocking testimony about the secrets of an Antarctica station, the secret space program, reverse engineered alien craft, and massive crimes and cover ups.


Michael Herrera former US Marine who witnessed a (deep state) UFO in Indonesia. (See our article, dated: June 9, 2023 – Former Marine witnessed UFO being loaded with weapons by unmarked US forces in Indonesia.) (more…)

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Selected by Extraterrestrials

Selected-by-Extraterrestrials-main-4-postby William M. Tompkins

“We must prepare ourselves for the most earth shattering news the world has ever known.” — CARL SAGAN


At the outset, it’s important I note that while this book is my autobiography, it does not tell my entire life’s history. It onlyWilliam-M-Tompkins addresses my personal work in, and my knowledge of, the field of aerospace technology from 1950 to 1969. It was a microscopic period of space-time, but one in which a massive change in man’s understanding of his place in the universe occurred. The subject matter contained in this volume is so important that it cannot be covered in just one book alone. The story of the rest of my fantastic life, and corresponding adventures, will be included in subsequent volumes.

My dad was good with a camera – he’d taken a lot of photos for his high school yearbook and he became an excellent photographer. While he was developing movie film at Universal Pictures in Hollywood, California, he conceived a major breakthrough for processing film. It was so brilliant that nearly every movie director in Hollywood insisted that he process all of their movies. By 1920, the demand for hundreds of movies to be distributed worldwide became so great that dad built the Standard Film Laboratories, situated on Hollywood Boulevard. This massive production laboratory employed hundreds of technicians, as well as language interpreters to convert English-language versions. These foreign language versions were distributed worldwide to more than 140 countries. Dad remained at the helm of Standard Film Laboratories until his company underwent a financial takeover and he was no longer involved. (more…)

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Aztec UFO Crash: The Worst Kept Secret

Aztec-UFO-Crash-Worst-Kept-Secret-main-4-postby Robert Carr (Special Advisor to NICAP)

[Transcription begins]

Moderator- “It was Professor Robert Carr who sent shock waves through the Pentagon and the Air Force on October 14th, when he accused the Air Force of not telling the truth about Flying Saucers. At a news conference in Tampa, Florida, Professor Carr said he had information that the Air Force had two flying saucers and the bodies of twelve (12) spacemen on ice in a refrigerated building at Wright Patterson Field in Dayton, Ohio.

“At the Flying Saucer symposium Professor Carr talked for an hour about what he calls the ‘worst kept secret in the world.’ The discovery in February, 1948 of two flying saucers in northwestern New Mexico, near the town of Aztec.”

Robert Carr- “It is known throughout the academic world, the medical world, it is known throughout the Air Force, and above all it is known throughout the CIA, ah, that the Air Intelligence at Wright Patterson Field has in its possession a spacecraft, thirty-one (31) feet in diameter, and it is entirely undamaged, except for a hole…small hole broken in the plastic dome…the transparent plastic dome that covered the cockpit. And because of this accident in space, the twelve small human beings….ah….died suddenly of decompression, in the purely mortal way that our…that the Russian astronauts perished last year in a similar accident of decompression during re-entry. They were not shot down by our fighter planes, they suffered an operational loss. (more…)

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Contact With Extraterrestrials: A Message Received

Contact-With-Extraterrestrials-A-Message-Received-main-3-postby Orfeo Angelucci

In the first issue of MYSTIC, November 1953, I told of my first eerie contact with the flying saucers and subsequent trip in a saucer hundreds of miles into outer space.

But in neither of those astounding experiences did I actually have personal contact with a saucer being. In the first incredible instance I saw their images projected on a kind of vast, luminous screen which appeared above an open field, between two small fluorescent green discs. During my entire trip in the saucer I was, I believe, entirely alone and heard only the voices of a space being apparently transmitted from a huge mother ship.

Since that first article appeared I have received a great number of encouraging letters and many phone calls from people who assured me of their whole-hearted belief in my story. Also, as a direct result of my story in MYSTIC, I was asked to give a series of talks concerning my experiences, in the Eastern States, which I did. Everywhere I found people tremendously interested and receptive to the message of the saucer beings. But everyone wanted further knowledge and more information about our mysterious visitors. (more…)

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The Saucers Speak

The-Saucers-Speak-main-4-postby George Hunt Williamson


This documentary report on communication with space craft in the Earth’s atmosphere covers the period from 2 August 1952 until February 1953.

Communication was also established with several planets in our own Solar System and with space craft in our atmosphere from other Solar Systems.

For the most part, all messages were received in International Morse Code through radiotelegraphy. There was one instance, where radio telephony was employed by the space craft intelligences.

The egotistical idea that our puny Earth is the hub of the universe should have died out with Ptolemaic or Earth-center theory. If we believe in Infinity then there must be billions upon billions of earths and solar systems. It can be concluded by reason alone that other planets, many exceeding this Earth in magnitude, are not vacant masses, created only to be borne along and revolve around the Sun, and shine just for the pleasure of men on Earth. The Creator has created the Universe for no other end than that the human race may exist. Wherever there is an earth, there are or will be men. (more…)

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Flying Saucers On The Moon

Flying-Saucers-On-The-Moon-main-4-postby Riley H. Crabb (from a lecture given in Vista, California, June 9, 1962)

The subject of this talk is most timely in view of the fact that our President has committed the resources of this nation to the race to the moon. Our goal is to put a man on the moon by 1970, something less than eight years away now. The name for the moon project is Project Apollo and I am personally acquainted with at least one person working in this project. He is one of our Associates. From what he says, and what has been released in some of the technical journals concerned with space, we may not be able to make it in eight years. Every Apollo Project problem which is solved seems to set up two or three more problems which are insoluble. We’ll get into some of those tonight.

It is comforting to know that we have successfully orbited Scott Carpenter, in the second completed flight. You know, the first time you do something like that and it succeeds, it is luck. But if you do it twice in a row and everything works, you’re in. You know you’ve proven your techniques to that point. Nevertheless, the tail end of Carpenter’s three-orbit trip indicated very clearly what a dangerous, ticklish business this is, to put someone up in space and to bring him back safely. With the astronaut moving along at 17,000 miles per hour things happen fast. In the reentry alone there is a sequence of events which, if not performed correctly and on the second — one miss in three or four items means the man doesn’t come back alive. (more…)

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