The Voice Of Orion

The-Voice-Of-Orion-main-4-postNew Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Orion is now available on Amazon!

Check it out here.

About The Voice Of Orion:

Welcome to the fourth installment of The Pulse of Creation series, The Voice Of Orion. Presented within the realm of the plane of Orion is a sanctuary of spiritual enlightenment wherein the foremost intellects and visionaries of Earth’s past and beyond labor tirelessly to teach and guide humanity in its evolution. On this captivating journey through the ethereal landscapes of Orion, where crystalline dwellings, lush gardens, and sacred temples offer solace for the soul and inspiration for the mind, learn as with other volumes of the UN.AR.I.U.S. Science, the true understanding of Science and Spirit. (more…)

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Gamaliel of Hermes: Philosophy Through The Ages

Gamaliel-of-Hermes-Philosophy-Through-The-Ages-main-2--postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, dear ones; this is Brother Gamaliel. It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am bringing you one of the last and 1-Gamalielclosing chapters from Hermes and the city of Aureleus. It has been with a good deal of pleasure that we have been able to be of some small service to you, as you have personally met and listened to the various interpreters of the earth science and philosophy, as they have existed in your more recent time. It is assumed that by now the interest of the reader will have reached a point where he will have searched the libraries and discovered to his own advantage and amazement that a great deal of wonderful history and truth can be gained by reading these books. It is also quite obvious that, numerous as our trips and discussions have been, we have presented to you only very small fragments and portions of these numerous lives and pages of historical events, as they were portrayed in the thousands of years of time in the sequence of evolution in the earth histories. (more…)

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The Voice of Hermes

The-Voice-of-Hermes-main-2-postNew Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Hermes is now available on Amazon!

Check it out here.

About The Voice Of Hermes:

The third installment of The Pulse of Creation series delves into Hermes, a realm steeped in philosophical inquiry where the minds of revered thinkers from Earth and beyond persist in their quest to illuminate humanity. Within its crystalline abodes, gardens, and sanctuaries, Hermes offers a rejuvenating experience for both the soul and intellect. Just like its predecessors, The Voice of Hermes unveils the teachings of the Brotherhood, heralding a future for those inclined towards progressivism, alongside the exploration of interdimensional science and philosophy of being. (more…)

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The Road To Jerusalem: The True Events Of Palm Sunday

The-Road-To-Jerusalem-main-2-postThis is vision twenty-seven as received through the mediumship of Alexander Smyth of the true events in the story and life of Jesus of Nazareth.


Three days had elapsed since the events transpired as represented in the last vision. The sun had risen high in the heavens, denoting that it was about noon. The day was bright, clear and fragrant with sweet odors, and the foliage of the mountain scenery was beautiful to the sight. The palm tree was in its full bloom.

This was the day appointed by Judas for Jesus to make his last visit to Jerusalem under the false representation to receive the addresses and condolence of his disciples and friends – the expression of their grateful and loving hearts, and to sympathize with each other in the fears and hopes pertaining to their good cause.

Judas, under the direction of Saul, made great preparations for this day, as they intended to play their most important part, to entrap their virtuous and unconscious victim into the meshes of their iniquitous designs. A great deal of money had been expended in bribing certain persons to perform acts deemed necessary to their scheme of treachery; also for the sumptuous provision of an evening banquet, so that no labor or expense had been spared to render sure their contemplated plot. (more…)

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Mental Attunement

Mental-Attunement-main-4-postby Ruth E. Norman

Because some have asked regarding the extent of one’s ability to conceive and progress in any one lifetime, let it be said that it is1-Ruth-Norman-a frankly very doubtful that the majority of persons would make all the headway possible in any particular earth life for, in most cases, people are too into their own physical material life.

In the case of this entity, as has been mentioned, due to the existing need, the briefness of time to accomplish all things and because of much preparation, she feels as though just about all has been worked out and conceived which has been set up to do. After man actually sets out upon the more progressive pathway, we plan while on the Inner just what we shall accomplish and learn while on this side; and it does seem this has been completely accomplished, other than the remaining testimonial books to be published. But there exists a sense of completeness and peace – a peace possible only through the severance or separation of self from past influences and ties. (more…)

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Inspirational Quotes ~ The Voice Of Venus


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The Complex Escape Mechanism

The-Complex-Escape-Mechanism-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-alcoholicPsychological nomenclature defines an escape mechanism as thought and action by any individual whereby certain psychic pressures seem to be temporarily relieved or certain justifications attained. It can be said factually that of the three and a half billion people living at this time [currently 7.8 billion today], all, without exception, exhibit all classical symptoms of characteristic escape mechanisms and can therefore be said to be to some degree, mentally ill. These escape mechanisms are always very complex and encompass all mental and physical activity, all thought and action of any human, and in any particular escape complex mechanism, there is always one dominant factor which keys the entire reactive escape processes. (more…)

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An Elder Brother Discusses Energy With A Student ~ Part III

An-Elder-Brother-Discusses-Energy-With-A-Student-~-Part-III-main-2by Ernest L. Norman

S – These jungle people sometimes seem to have prayers answered.

T – We will refer again to the two polarity patterns. It makes a much closer affinity to that at the present moment of consciousness, because it does this: they are energizing or ringing a certain set of energy formations which link them back through many past lives of consciousness where they prayed and prostrated themselves in the temples or before the priests, and various other different things which is a closer affinity to them and only because they do have that affinity. There is something else that has been entered into which most people are not conscious of and this is in the realm of psychokinetics. (more…)

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Interdimensional Relationships

Interdimensional-Relationships-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

For many years, scientists in the field of biological research have been avidly, perhaps feverishly, probing the mysteries of cell 1-DNA-strandstructures, molecules, etc., trying to find out what this life force is and, as usual, they have only added to their confusion. A very important discovery was the DNA molecule, which theoretically, at least, “keys” or “codes” different molecular structures within any living thing. These coded molecules are also hereditary. What they have not found out is the energizing intelligence or life-force which activates and makes these molecules possible. For some vague or obscure reason, this very important point has been overlooked. It is a well-known law of physics that you can’t get something out of nothing. If certain atoms of a number of different elements are so arranged as a configuration, there must have been some form of intelligence to arrange this first form; even granted that succeeding forms could inherit the same characteristics. Even so, there must always be a certain quotient of energy involved in arranging any molecule from atoms, also a certain intelligence (I.Q.). If you think for a moment: any number of different kinds of atoms form different elements when they are so arranged in a molecular form, and they have a certain property. (more…)

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Flowers Of Spirit


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Heaven Descended!

Heaven-Descended-main-4-postby Ruth E. Norman

Although the reader may feel that too much already has been said of the Luminosities, the Personalities of Worlds of Light, yet ancient-master-of-wisdomthe comparatively few mentions have been only one small fraction of all that has really taken place. And again, last night was to me another wonderful and memorable occasion. As accustomed as I have become to these Luminaries as They make contact in this way into this earth world and into our consciousness, and due to the newer and higher state to which this person has been climbing – a more compatible state of consciousness with them – the trance state has been but slight, a scarcely noticeable difference occurs anymore when their Presence is sensed.

water-fountains-4-postIt was a different story last night! A certain television program portraying the ‘Sea World’ was shown and a large portion of the film was devoted to the ‘Dancing Waters’ there. I have seen other such displays, one they exhibit at the Music Center in Los Angeles, and other times at the large Ice Shows, such watery displays have been quite pretty to watch, but the collection of fountains shown in this film was truly unique. These glorious fountains of dancing waters were so numerous, the configurations which the water took were seemingly infinite in variety but the color was the outstanding element. Colors from within the fountain patterns, then others with great color beams projected onto them from all angles, and the entire display served to tune me into the wonderful Energy Fountains on the Inner! (more…)

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The Pulse Of Creation Series


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Treasures in Heaven

Treasures-In-Heaven-main-1by Ernest L. Norman

And there was a certain Wise man
who was learned of many things
above that of most men.

Yet he desired to learn much more,
and so constantly set within himself
the goal to learn of the mysteries of life
and why men behave as men.

And as he slept one night a vision came to him
and an Angel descended and said to him,
“Come, and I will show you many things.”


Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, Spiritualitywith 3 comments.

Understanding The Nature Of Good Versus Evil

Understanding-The-Nature-Of-Good-Versus-Evil-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-evolutionary-pathwayTime, therefore, is of little importance; we shall find that only in the material dimension does time become a separate property in the transmission of life about us. Basically our main concern is in the primary purpose of evolution itself, in the creation of the Spiritual Ego to such proportions that it becomes a reciprocating element in the Infinite Mind and the Creative Force, not as a selfish and self-centered agency designed primarily from its own selfish instincts as they were garnered from energy wave forms in more primitive lifetimes, but into constructive evolutionary patterns of thought which are concerned in constructive processes in helping to completely regenerate the Infinite Cosmos in its normal functional activities. (more…)

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Reincarnation Concept – Becoming Widespread

Reincarnation-Concept-Becoming-Widespread-main-2-postby Ruth Norman

Now, due to another book just received in the mail titled, “Here and Hereafter”, by Ruth Montgomery, (published by Coward McCann, New York) Here-And-Hereafter-book-image-2-postwhich is similar in content to various others being published in these ‘latter days’, and because some students have written to us regarding such writings, they feel here are similar teachings to that which UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches. It may be helpful to point up to the sincere seeker that only a slight similarity exists in such comparisons. We are always glad to see more and more of this type of publication come to light (past life realizations), for they are all healthy signs of the times. These people are seeking; they are all more or less beginning to agree with the fact that man lives again and again, that he reincarnates into many different embodiments, that he is, in the present, the result of his past acts, deeds and thoughts, but the vital, and ever-present, and inescapable scientific principles of how and why, he does not know. These important basic concepts are missing! It is of little benefit to read these beliefs or speculations if we cannot learn why and how! We can resolve nothing within our consciousness unless it can be followed through in principle and sequence—cause and effect! (more…)

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