Your Body Is An Illusion

Your-Body-Is-An-Illusion-main-4-postby Bruce Lipton

I will show you the science of actually how the cells work in your body. And you will have more knowledge than most doctors in the world today. Because they still believe in the genes.

You are made out of 50 trillion cells. And the cells are the living entities so you are a community, not a single person!

Every cell on your body has minus voltage on the inside. And positive voltage on the outside!

Every live cell is a battery. Every cell has about 1.4 volts. 50 trillion cells times 1.4 volts is 700 trillion volts of electricity. In your body right now.

With training and meditation, you can focus this energy called Chi and you can use that energy for healing. So while you see yourself as a physical entity, the new physics says, you are energy waves. Interacting with each other right now.

All animals and all plants communicate with vibration. The gazelle doesn’t have to go up to the lion and say, “Are you my friend?”

Because at the distance, the energy can be felt. And the gazelle will not go there because of bad vibes.

If we, when we were young, we’re taught to be sensitive to the vibrations, we would not find ourselves in bad relationships and bad places. But we are usually told not to go by our feelings, but to listen to what people have to say. Language was designed to hide feelings.

The point is, all organisms communicate by vibrations, and know if they’re in a good place or a bad place by reading the vibrations. We, humans, have that ability. But are not trained to use that ability.

When we see people, if I look at the audience, or you see us. We see people as physical particles and machines. But that’s an illusion because what we are, are interacting waves.

That’s why one person can affect another person, just by being in the field. And today’s physics studies the vibration, not the physical.

In quantum physics, we don’t study the particles. We study the waves. And we study the waves’ interference! All of the waves together is called the field.

So you’re made out of atoms, but you are also the field. You are connected to everything because you can’t separate waves.

Now I’m going to show you how your thoughts go out and affect your life on the outside!

types-of-encephalographiesThis is an older picture of a new technology called “magneto encephalograph (MEG).”

In EEG, you put wires on your skin, and read the brain activity. In MEG, the probe does not even touch the head!

You can read your brain activity outside of your head. It’s not magic. Your thoughts are not contained in your head. As I’ve talked about, people are not particles. They’re waves. And waves become entangled with each other. The people that you get connected to, you are entangled with.

And many people are very familiar with if you think about someone, or you talk about someone you haven’t seen for years. I say, “Oh I haven’t seen my friend John in 10 years.” Then the phone rings, and it’s John. Or a letter comes in the mail from John. It’s like the placebo, nocebo.

When you think very positive thoughts of someone, they make an effort to get in touch with you. But it works both ways. If you have a negative thought about somebody, wherever they are, they will create negative talk about you. So it’s very important to recognize your thoughts and your judgements are not just connected to you. They’re connected to the people that you talk about.

So people know that if you hit the right frequency, you can cause a crystal goblet to explode. It’s called harmonic resonance or constructive interference. You are like a tuning fork with your brain.

And you’re broadcasting frequencies of your thoughts. Which goblet is going to respond to your thoughts? The one that is harmonically resonant with your thoughts.

If you live in fear, you are not going to activate the Dalai Lama. But you may get Scarface to show up.

So when you are having thoughts, you are exciting and activating those things in the world that are connected to your thoughts. When a mugger is trying to pick out which person he is going to attack, from the different people walking down the street. Which one do you think gets attacked?

The one who is most afraid. Because the one who is most afraid will resonate and that means that the mugger doesn’t have to do anything. Then go “Boo!” And everyone will give him everything.

While it works for individuals, it is very powerful when a whole group of people have the same thoughts. You can’t make a war unless enough people are ready to make a war. I am going to show a picture of mass action here. It relates to New York City, one year after 9/11. So this is September 11, 2002. The one-year anniversary of 9/11.

What was everyone in New York thinking about that day? The winning lottery number 9-1-1 because we collectively create the reality!

So when you look at yourself, you’re not a single entity. But you are a community of 50 trillion cells. But it’s important to understand the word: community.

Every cell is intelligent, but when they’re in a community, they give up their personal intelligence. And respond to the central voice. So that the community represents a thing. One thing, called an organism. And in that community, a cell must follow what the central voice is.

If the central voice says to die, the cells will die. So the central voice is the mind.

I will be talking about the two parts of the mind and why we have trouble sometimes controlling our life. So what I would talk about is the role of how this mind works.

First, there are signals from the environment. The internal and external environment. The brain, the function of the brain is to perceive the signals and then interpret those signals. And then send the information to the cells. To control the behavior and the genetics.

So the function of the brain is perception.

From that, creates the mind. Now, we have heard of something called the placebo effect.

The placebo effect is when you have a very positive thought. That something can heal you. Even if it’s…you don’t know it. But it’s a sugar pill. But you believe it’s the real medicine. Then, you can heal yourself with that!

So the pill didn’t heal you. It is the thought that heals you. Statistics reveal that 1/3 of all medical healings including surgery, are the result of the placebo effect.

Now the issue is that the placebo effect is when you have positive thinking. What about negative thinking? And this is what medicine does not tell you. Is that there is negative thinking, and it’s called the nocebo effect.

In the same power that positive thinking can heal you, negative thinking can kill you. They’re both the same effect. One is more positive, one is more negative. But the effects are exactly the same on your health.

One will heal you and the other can make you sick!

The point is that negative thinking can create all the effects of chemotherapy.

Now think about this. If a doctor tells you you have a disease, or the doctor tells you you’re going to die, and you believe the doctor. Because he’s the professional, the belief will give you a disease. And can cause you to die. In the United States in the south, there’s a religious group, “The Baptist Fundamentalists.” And this one group works themselves up to a state of ecstasy, religious ecstasy. They believe that god protects them. So they will work with snakes, poisonous snakes, like rattlesnakes too. They will even get bitten by the snake.

And nothing happens to them!

Now look at this though, some of them, some of them will drink strychnine in toxic doses and when they’re in that state of belief, it does not affect them. So if you can drink toxic poison, then why do we worry so much about toxins. Or the food, or the air, and all that?

Because we have a belief that the toxins can kill us. But even though I know this, I will not drink strychnine! And why? Because my belief is not as strong as their belief.

So if we were growing up and programmed with stronger beliefs, we would be more powerful than we are now.

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