UFOs -The Great Enigma ~ Part II

UFOs-The-Great-Enigma-Part-II-main-4-postby John McCoy

We have shown how the negative forces are in control of the entire Earth. It is probably obvious to most of you by now. However, some will think it is meant that there is a vast network of underlings and a vast communications system through which many receive their orders. Some will place the so-called newspaper censorship of flying saucers at the door of the internationalists. They may think that each editor of a large newspaper receives his daily “orders” from the offices of top conspirators. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Those controlling the world have their only safety in making the people think that they are self-controlled. Never would they be so public as to threaten large numbers of individuals. They are responsible for the suppression of flying saucer information from all sources, nevertheless. They are directly keeping the governmental channels devoid of any admissions of the interplanetary nature of the UFO. And they are responsible for closing the public’s mind to the existence of the extraterrestrial visitors also. Yet, they do not issue orders to editors and other individuals of a similar status. They covertly close the mass mind by cleverly inducing the dialectic materialism of Marx and Wundt—the belief that man is but mud and we should eat, drink and be merry because one of these tomorrows we may die. They subtly, over the years, beginning in childhood, initiate the individual into the concepts which are necessary for him to be enslaved.

The first and primary concept which must be implanted in the mind of youth is the idea of the mass mind. He must learn that the “majority” does indeed rule; that the person who goes against the “mob” must endure the pain of ostracism from what makes up the society today. The path of an intelligent and individualistic person is a lonely path, indeed. The youth is pounded with the idea that he must be a part of the social group, going to dances, drinking codes, striving to make the honor role, dress like the gang, and in general, conform to the mass mold. Young men, at least in many areas of the United States, are laughed at and made fun of by their more conforming fellows for the simple offense of wearing dress slacks and not the customary “blue jean”. This one deviation from the norm (so-called) can result in the complete rejection of an individual by teenage groups in the U.S. today.

One of the quickest means the negative forces have for indoctrinating youth into the ways of the “mass mind” are the so-called physical education classes in public schools. The foul seeds of regimentation which are planted in the individuals during everyday life are brought to full fruition in the atmosphere created in these classes. Here full regimentation is required in most cases and all creative urges stifled. The most savage and brutal animalistic instincts are brought out in impressionistic and pliable youth as they are placed, often deliberately, in circumstances which would be unbearable to a delicate and creative personality of any intellectual standards. Because of this and the other conditions encountered in schools and social life, the individual must completely conform or suffer the consequences, which in cases of those with high intellectual capacities can prove highly deleterious. The author has personally witnessed the progressive personality disintegration of students with near genius I.Q.’s as they went year by year through American school systems, until a condition of neurosis had set in. In other extremely intelligent individuals an attitude of apathy resulted. It was impossible to effectively rebel against the accepted codes and mass standards, so they simply succumbed to regimentation and became a part of the “pattern” losing the individual creativity, merely retaining sufficient ability to make a comfortable living. They outwardly were like all the other “normal” people, but inwardly there remained a spark of creative imaginative force which urged them to venture forth and dare to be different. But this was suppressed! They dare not express it for they know the consequences of being different in a mob obsessed with the idea that everyone must be identical in mind and action.

Perhaps you think it is harsh to lay the blame for much of this deplorable situation at the doorstep of the schools and in particular of the physical education classes. My evidence is not only from firsthand observation in a number of institutions of “education” (or would a better term be “brain-washing”) and interviews with a large number of students from all over the U.S., but from the following. A short time ago I was on a weekly radio panel which discussed subjects of timely interest. There had been some adverse publicity regarding the physical education classes in the local schools and our group had invited the coordinator for these classes for the entire city to discuss this topic with us. During a warm-up session held the afternoon before the broadcast (which did grow quite “hot”) the public official made it clear that he would not be on the program if there was to be any criticism of the classes and the methods used in them. He self-righteously declared that according to his superiors at a state level, the purpose of physical education classes was to bring as much conformity and regimentation as possible into each boy participating (and it is law that all must participate). “They must be brought to the point where they will accept the orders or ideas of their instructors without question, without thinking. This is to prepare them for war where they must act as unquestioning machines in response to the orders given. The youth of the country must be developed into a killing and destructive force so that our country, our women and children, can be protected from the devils that would invade our free land!” The idea that anyone should question what seemed to this gentleman high ideals and necessary measures for protecting the United States from foreign “dogs”, seemed completely unreasonable and un-American. He did not stop to think that his own ideas were ungodly! If you do not believe these words, spend a week or two in a school visiting all classes and observe the restrictions and conformity which are rampant. Creative thinking and imagination are taboo in American youth today.

Crime and degeneracy are prime characteristics of the present generation. It is necessarily so if we are to breed a generation that will carry on the inhuman cruelty of war and greed and lust which are the common denominators of our culture. The straight and clear-thinking minds of youth must be warped and twisted into patterns of hate and lust if power is to be retained by those who have grown fat on the bodies of young men, children and women, all innocent of any crime save being born on Earth and being susceptible to the malevolent influence of the reigning culture. It is said that Hitler stated that if he could gain control of the educational system of a country but for a few years, he would control that country. Do not think that this important rule of control has been overlooked by the powers that be! Anyone naive enough to think that the schools of America are not polluted and saturated with the vicious and insidious specter of the godless monsters who feed upon their own kind, are in for a shock when and if they ever investigate!

Youth is forced into the mass mind or they are forced to an effective insanity! We learn we must conform, have respect for authority and act upon what authority says. If the internationalists are in control of all authority, they are in effect in control of the world. They mold mass opinion and beliefs and thus are far more effective than if they had the forces to occupy the world from a military standpoint. They control thinking and action, not just action. For example, students of modern psychology are taught that esoteric studies are “mind-meddling”. They are also taught that when they discover some inability or aberration in themselves that the best course is to “adjust” or simply learn to live with it. How much more apathetic can a philosophy become?

To see the able minds of youthful men and women twisted by insidious propaganda from schools, TV, music, cheap literature, movies, and from practically every other source of information which they contact, is heart-rending. To know the potential that man of earth possesses and to see the noble thoughts which are natural to man trampled in the dust beneath the hooves of the thundering herd, which no longer resembles humankind in any way except form, makes one understand the sorrows of Jesus as he looked out upon this deluded world. Not only are we a part of the greatest drama, but also the greatest tragedy of all time.

Why all the juvenile delinquency? A goodly portion of crimes by youth are performed by those of the higher intelligence brackets. One particular case of which the author has personal knowledge is especially interesting from this viewpoint. The young man involved had an I.Q. of 158 according to school tests. This would place him in the upper one percent of the entire nation. Yet, he conformed completely to accepted standards (and accepted standards to the higher toned and more intelligent are more often than not, criminal in nature!) and was a very difficult discipline problem. He was capable of intelligent conversation and could at will perform perfectly any scholastic task given him. Yet, most of the time his behavior was that of a ten or eleven-year-old child of bad temperament. He was rebelling against a hostile society which forced him to be what he was if he was to gain any acceptance from the “average” teenager! The public would be shocked to know the extent of criminal acts among the youth of the nation and the fact that the “well-bred” sons and daughters of well-to-do people are seriously involved in these activities in many, many cases. Genius and creative ability have been lost in the morass of conformity and amalgamation into the mass mind of materialism.

How can we expect much information on the UFOs and their message to penetrate the public mind when it has been filled from childhood with such a tremendous block to rational thinking. Look about you and see how many people are really sane and aware of things which are going on around them. How many are “hypnotized” or fixated on the trivia that makes no difference in the long run? How many of them give any thought as to why they are on Earth or what purpose there is to life? How many are really living and how many are simply the “vertical dead”? Look around you and shudder! New Age information is effectively blocked from penetration into the mass mind of man. Our only access is with the individual and then it is often very difficult.

Even in the UFO field itself, we find many people fixating on the little details. Because of the personality or personal life of a contactee, for example, some people feel his story cannot be true. They ignore the teaching and look for faults in the teacher. They look to trivia which makes no difference in the long run. They ask if the experience was physical or astral or etheric. They are concerned with the color and direction in which the UFO moved. They are concerned with everything except the most important thing.

There is a New Age dawning on the planet. Whether space people are here or not makes no difference. Whether the contactees are telling the truth or not makes no difference. Look to yourself and discover your own shortcomings and take what you can from the teachings around you to make up for and fill these deficits. When the student has prepared himself to use and accept information, it will be brought to him. This is an immutable law. Prepare yourself, look around you, and then know what is going on around you. You do not have to believe anyone, simply prepare yourself and you will know for yourself. Let us not fall victim to the fallacy of looking at the tiny details and never getting far enough from the picture to see what it is all about.

Earth is controlled by a great negative force. This force is about to bring on its own destruction. Earth is about to graduate into a new era of understanding. Visitors are coming across space to help their brothers on Earth to enter this new era. There will by many difficulties to surmount and many burdens to bear by all who wish to become a part of the new for they must be purged of the old and brought into a quick realization of that now dawning. We live in a world ruled by hate and fear, not love and understanding. If there are a few who have some understanding, it is criminal for them not to attempt to increase their own ability and to help their fellow man to achieve the same. Those of you who work for the evolution of man in love and understanding, forget your differences and band together in love and peace to learn to live so that many may be awakened and enter into the New Age.

Excerpt from UFOs Confidential

See Part I here.

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