Ufonauts On The Dangers of Nuclear Energy/War

Ufonauts-On-The-Danger-Of-Nuclear-Energy-main-4-postKorendor Contact-Robert Renaud:

Nuclear War Foremost Threat To Earth:

Contact-From-Planet-Korendor-book-image-4-postOur main concern now is the possibility that your people will engage themselves in a nuclear war, which would inevitably mean the end of your race. We of other worlds cannot stop you from doing this. Our codes do not allow intervention in the affairs of man to the point of forceful action. Nowhere in the civilized galaxy are there any races who would impose themselves on another race to the extent of actually altering conditions in another world without the express consent of that world’s inhabitants.

Earth Must Disarm Or Perish:

Therefore, we can only warn you that your present course can lead in but one direction — the ultimate destruction of your people. We are somewhat heartened by your moratorium on nuclear weapons testing now being observed by your major powers on your world. However, we feel that this will not continue for long, and there is but one answer to that: complete disarmament. In future contacts we will speak of the way in which this could be accomplished. For the present we will say only that there is no alternative to this if your race is to continue.

Differences Cannot Be Settled By War:

Our researches on your past history, through the cooperation of the information departments of your local planets (Venus, Mars, and Saturn), have shown us that your race has been involved more or less continually with war in one degree or another. We note with sorrow the two World Wars which were responsible for the slaughter of millions of innocent people from many nations. This was for the same reason that all wars have been fought — the lack of intelligent leadership, and the inability to discuss difficulties and differences of opinion in a peaceful manner.

Advanced Planets Outlaw War:

In our Alliance of Planets, war is outlawed formally, but no one on any Alliance planet could seriously consider any form of fighting as the means to an end. That is contrary not only to the laws of man but to the Laws of the Universe, the Laws of Intelligence and to the Laws of the Maker of Laws.

Earth Is Annihilation Bound:

It is with great consternation that we watch you running madly along a road that leads only to your destruction. We have seen other planets follow the same route as you are now traveling. Always it has led to war and to the same racial suicide that you now face.

Love For All Men Is What Is Needed:

Your people can never hope to be awakened to the Universal Truth if they are continually stormed on all sides by talk of war, bombs, murder and strife. Only a deep inner feeling of brotherhood with all men will bring about an awareness which produces Harmony and Love.

Excerpt from UFO Contact From Planet Korendor – Vol. 2


What follows are three interviews with an EBE who says he is an evolutionary descendant of earth, from the future, mutated due to nuclear war – in three parts.

In the third video above the EBE states the following when prompted about us blowing ourselves up:

“The initial exchange only ends a few million human lives…It is the resulting radiation that will end most of your kind.”

Is this true? Here is another video from a reputable researcher/scientist and professor that would confirm that even a “small” nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan would cause one to two billion people to die in its aftermath.


Space Intelligences Contact-Sari aka Lucille McNames (including a warning on the dangers of cloning):

Startling-Revelations-book-image-4-postWe are seriously concerned about deadly emissions from your ultra-high voltage poles that is endangering your species. We are equally concerned about leakage from your Nuclear Plants, and how carelessly nuclear wastes are dumped! Surely science knows by now that nuclear radiation cannot dissipate. Science is well aware of the hazards, so why are they jeopardizing humanity?

It matters not where you test or dump nuclear radiation, it’ll find you! This reminds us of the deadly disease you call the Black Plague. Know ye not that ye stir up the proverbial black atom nest and bring forth again the Black Plague? Do you have an adequate antidote? Think on this. Nuclear radiation is so powerful that IT snakes its way in via air and electrical water currents; in the rain, wind and snow.

Earthquakes, seaquakes and skyquakes and many implosions disrupt nests of black atoms like rattlers ready to strike down humanity! Man already has created abundance of imbalanced forcefields. Why pile it on? Deadly gas implosions cause great gaping holes in your terrain. This can be repetitious! Disturbance in Nature’s rhythm is now forcing thoughtforms in thy subconscious to surface causing havoc to the awareness personality facet.

Also, how could your science build Nuclear Plants on or near earthquake fault lines?

Here is another thing that puzzles us: Truly, it terribly concerns us and is a puzzlement why some of your most brilliant medical men act so irrationally? We would like to know why doctors cannot see how this deadly conglomerate radiation is insidiously seeping into men’s pores, food, water and apertures. Earth authorities unwittingly pull the lever on Death! It is their duty to protect their brothers. When we evaluated thousands of people on Earth, we were surprised to find little guilt in those individuals who manipulate deadly strings and make puppets out of humanity! Many times have we been witness to other planets blowing up from such carelessness and greed! Until your scientists truly know how to harness atomic power, Earth planet and Her inhabitants are in serious jeopardy! There truly exist great hordes of Legions of Darkness who are the real puppeteers. Earthmen, watch it!

Know ye not that deadly radiation and conglomerate pollutants are already seriously affecting children’s glandular and blood systems, etc.? Also, radiation is one of the chief causes of arthritis. Bones are seriously affected by calcification. Man’s overall mental and physical organism is now seriously affected; we reiterate: there is no antidote!

Memory cells in Ganglia are threatened and better left undisturbed by man. Atomic energy is little understood, else certain memory cell patterns would not now surface to lower consciousness. Misalignment of memory cell image patterns are now causing multiple and triple personality facets to surface to the conscious mind level. Some facets are very negative. Some are positive; some are malevolent doing much harm to themselves, families and others within their radius. It is wise to prevent personality facets (unorganized fragmental personality) to surface. We know whereof we speak! Of course, if you want another race of zombies, go ahead. Only those memory cell image patterns that are meant to awaken should surface at this time for the good of the soul. We advise that your medical science is not yet equipped to handle such an enigma.

As we have tried to explain cyclic components of a personality function in varying mind levels, so let them mature in their natural frequency bands, please! We see these wandering facets as displaced facets in consciousness.

Doctors wonder why there is such a pronounced increase in mental and physical aberrations. Also, will medical doctors ever get any rest? Doctors can scarcely cope with increase in illness, et al. If man’s anatomical system gets out of hand along with misaligned cells and blood plasma beyond laboratory diagnosis, man is in serious trouble! This is happening now.

Relative to earth cloning: Those who are much interested in cloning have some recall from doing same in past lifestreams and wish to complete this work. (This is why people choose certain jobs and cannot bear others.) Medical science must be aware of memory image patterns in all four mind levels if they will ever align man’s composite body. Especially now should the brain and ganglia be much better known and treated accordingly. Medical science often forgets that the four mind levels are correlated and should perfectly align with the physical component. Else, there shall always exist illness.

Back to earth cloning: You do not have sufficient recall to go about cloning properly. Technicality is not enough in this nebulous area. “A tremendous victory for planet Earth!” you proclaim. Not so, we say. Only the Creator can make man in His/Her image. What do we mean by this? When a fetus is being formed in the mother, a soul hovers about the auric field waiting for the baby to be born. Then that soul enters the psyche. Well, when you clone, millions of negative souls can enter that cloned body and take possession. Ludicrous? No, not at all. We speak truth, for we have seen this happen many, many times in other realms of consciousness. Until you evolve to the point of comprehending such things, leave clones alone. We don’t often come on so strong, for we do not wish to interfere with free will. We simply caution you in certain areas as protecting clones and yourselves and the population on Earth planet. Many of you have heard about earthbound souls but have not believed it. There are (as we said) millions of earthbound souls waiting to enter a newborn baby’s auric field, or clones. You think there now exist much evil on your Earth? Just wait until evil souls take over! Much trouble ahead unless you fully protect your auric field with protective light of Christ. We know whereof we speak. Clones can be electronically controlled but know ye not that unseen spirits can penetrate clones. How is this possible? Once you give clones an electronic brain, spirits from varying realms can take ‘possession’. Of course we are referring to clones that are so sophisticated they are ‘almost human’. This is a highly complex subject and we are not sure that a majority of our readers shall understand. You claim that only a soul can enter a body. Perhaps in future books we can better explain this. Since earth science is in its infancy relative to clones, perhaps they could be giving birth to future monstrosities. Your question?

Q – Do you indicate that very sophisticated clones from other realms could take over earth clones?


Q – Well, I know by now that ‘silence’ means for me to change the subject, or vice versa.

A – Just realize that Nature has Her own cyclic rhythm. Chaos is the result of mankind’s interference with Father’s Divine Plan! Ye have brilliant psychiatrists, psychologists, parapsychologists and counselors but none are sufficiently evolved to that degree of understanding clones. We do not condone cloning on planet Earth at this crucial time.

About personality facets: Make no attempt to surface them. Many facets did not fulfill their roles in one mind area (realm) or another, so they do all in their power to surface in that they may complete the role. Some facets have good intentions; some evil. Analogy: ‘Three Faces of Eve’ could become a continuing nightmare! So doctors, why stir up the hornet’s nest?

Strong language? Yes. This recorder’s imagination gone wild? No. She simply records for us. Scientists; your present awareness’ cycle is busy enough trying to make the world fit into your framework of human reasoning, so until you too can evolve, please do leave well enough alone. Pay attention to the LAW OF EVOLVEMENT. The Creator shall always run His own show, so why interfere? Interference with God’s Plan has caused world chaos, has it not? Your souls are now playing dark tones upon the Harp Body and the Harp Body (High Self) resists this. Too many negative color-tones are precisely what gets mankind all mixed up. Through millennia man has interfered with the Father’s Plan for Earthman. So what happens? You fizzle right back to a low plane again. We do not have all the answers to your many problems, but we pass along what we know. Most scientists mean well, but not seeing beyond edges of the human framework they unwittingly set the Earth clock back millions of years!

We urge science and layman to break through intellect in that ye nullify human ego. Not everything that you test in a human laboratory can save lives. Truth beyond earth conception of truth can save millions of lives!

This is indeed the time in man’s development to protect thy whole being with the light of Christ. You have been told this many times but wear IT like a protective cloak day and night. This is your only real protection. Become stronger than you ever imagined possible.

We are the Light Forces. Our Leader is Christ just as your leader is Christ.

Since you do not know just how to fight Legions of Darkness, we help. But do not expect us to fight your battles for you. When we see cooperation we go all out to help in any way that’s possible. Hopefully ye shall all decide to join the Forces of Light.

Excerpt from Startling Revelations


Pleiadians Contact – Billy Meier:

Contact-from-the-Pleiades-book-image-4-postNuclear fission and fusion as employed today for energy production and military uses are killing this planet, and no one in the scientific community has any idea why it’s dying or how to save it. The reason for this is simple – they do not understand atomic structure, solar structure, or the complete dynamics of falling bodies. Physics textbooks erroneously declare our sun to be, in effect, a nuclear reactor. It is not. Because the scientific community feels confident that nuclear power is a part of nature they, as a body, have ceased to consider the possibility that perhaps they do not have all of the answers. Due to this arrogance, they are not even looking at nuclear technologies as possible causes of the damage we see occurring to our ionosphere, and if they do not look they will not see. Our planet is very sick and is weakening daily. It has reached a point where Earth’s own mechanisms can no longer heal the wounds as quickly as they’re being inflicted. In other words, we have reached a point of no return in that if nuclear fission and fusion are not abandoned and salvage operations begun immediately, the ionosphere will continue its rapid disintegration until life on Earth ceases to exist.

In this paper we will attempt to explain in brief what is happening and why, but most particularly we aim to warn the reader of what the future holds if this insanity is not stopped – and soon!!! – See full monograph here.

Excerpt from UFO Contact From The Pleiades


Every Nuclear Bomb Explosion In History (Not Including Most Recent In North Korea And Some Other Countries):

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