Rock Books: Hidden History Revealed

Rock-Books-Hidden-History-Revealed-main-2-postby Richard S. Shaver

Part I – The Ancient Earth

I address this book about rock books to people who have been denied the advantage of knowing the fate of all men on Earth. Rock books describe a way out of this uncertain world which was used by total populations of Earth in the past. It is just possible we may need the guidance and information thus provided, since men seem to have the ability to transform what was once paradise into an approaching hell.

It seems probable that there were and are two forces manipulating the history of our planet. In my reading of the “Rock Books of Beginning” I find we have records from two different worlds. One of these was the moon when it was in orbit about the sun. Its rock books were all dumped upon Earth at the time of the first moon fall, along with its air and water and loose soil, and its people.

So we have two beginnings of two different worlds. One was a world of small people growing into bigger people as their world got bigger. In the other beginning, we have a world of ice, uninhabitable on the surface but inhabited inwardly by strange races of black people. It is my supposition these were the people of the dark spaces, from whence the planet came before it orbited the sun.

So there are two beginnings pictured, because there are rock books from two worlds. However, they did all sorts of books, and it is evident that some rock books were also brought from other worlds by space-farers.

There are rock books of many more than two worlds to study. It is inescapable that the libraries of the ancients include endless information about other planets in space. It is the task of future translators of rock books to get the precise facts of these beginnings of life.

From my rock book readings I deduce that the moon and Earth were very close neighbors for an age of sun-circling before the moon’s orbit came too close to Earth’s. Their inhabitants visited each other and mingled bloods and cultures for an age of shuttling back and forth. I think that is why there were both giant people and tiny people on Earth in the very earliest pictures. And there were also blacks of both sizes.

A black skin did not seem to be a result of living under a big sun but was instead a protective coloration useful to people living in darkness.

My observation is that there were a dozen races from as many planets during the long ages of space trade. To assume that the blond Finns and Mers were strictly natives of Earth is just that, an assumption.

I have come to believe we descended from the giant Mers because they look like us. There were other giant races who do not look like us at all; even their teeth are entirely different.

Let us not assume anything. Let us not accept the first efforts of the rock book’s translators, either. Look back at what they did with B.C.

* * * * * * * *

To “see” the ancientness of Earth is not an easy thing to do. You have to stretch your perceptions and all your mental faculties to grasp Earth’s vast past.

It seems to me that Earth is far older than any of our scientists estimate, and far different in its life content from anything they try to explain.

If planets start as specks of dust in space, and grow by slow acquisition of space-dust into marbles, and the marbles gradually into something like planetoids. . .then, after a long, long time of slow growing, they are caught by the whirling gravitational field of some larger body and become satellites.

If you accept this view of the beginning of Earth, then you can perhaps see that on such a small ball, caught by the whirling magnetic gravity of a sun into new movement in a vast circle. . .conditions would become very different because of the new and sudden warmth.

That age of slow acquisitive growth of space-dust is the age of Earth, really. You cannot say it in figures. You have to visualize the immense span of time, so much greater than imagination can envision.

To understand this, think of gravity as a “something”. Just because you cannot see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t a “something”. It is a very “powerful something” that flows steadily into the earth and remains there. And it remains because it becomes something else—matter, rock, what-will-you—it becomes earth!

Gravity is itself the growth of earth-matter going on and on. It is a “real something”, and it makes Earth grow. I think of gravity as the roots of a plant and that plant is Earth—the planet. It certainly is not a spirit force, real but unreal.

To grasp the concept of early life on Earth you have to see it as a marble in size, caught up by a giant sun long ago. It swung about the sun, and it was a living planet, warmed by the distant huge sun. It had air, because planets live and air is part of their life. Water condensed in the air and became oceans.

In these oceans life began to move. Earth had life, and I think of such life on a planet as a necessary part of your life.

That is what people and fish and animals and oysters, etc., etc., really are! They are the blood-cells the working parts of an immense life form. . .the planet!

A planet is alive, and its people are its blood-cells, circulating in its seas, moving over its land. When we are healthy and the life is normal, then we know what to do, just as our blood-cells know what to do, and they carry the carbon dioxide away and bring the fresh oxygen, and so on and so on. Nobody tells them—they know. It is that knowing that is really built-in to life. Like gravity, you can’t see it. We call it the sense of right and wrong, or we call it conscience, or we do not have any and call it nonsense. In the latter case, we are abnormal blood-cells of the plant planet. . .sick and burdensome to our greater life-mother, Earth.

To me, this is all built-in inherited knowledge. No one taught me. I just know it.

No one had to teach that early life on the planet Earth what to do or how to do it. It knew, and it did what the mother earth needed. It was healthy and good and not ignorant; it had the mother’s vast ancient wisdom built-in when it was born!

Church people call built-in sensitivity to the greater life above us ”soul”, or they call it “divine knowledge”, or they burden it all down with mystic references in large and non-understandable words of no real content.

But we commoners and laymen do not need telling, or teaching, or large and ponderous words thrown at us from every side. We know. . .we were born with the mother’s umbilical cord still tight fast to our minds. . .and we know what she needs of us.

So don’t blame us if we feel scornful of those with no string attached. They are orphans, and we don’t know why they are orphans or why they don’t know.

So when I talk about “This Ancient Earth”, it is of a dying mother speaking to her children, exhorting them to find a way of their own, now that they have finally slain her with their misbehavior.

Our Mother Earth is not old as planets go, perhaps, but she has been moving through some terrible times, and the dead moon has struck her too many blows for everything to be quite right with her health.

We haven’t been good children for a long time now, but she knows why. I often think she has been unconscious or things would be different. But one can’t know if that is true or not, or if she feels the pain of wrongfulness or not.

Anyway, this book is about the ancient times of Earth’s youth, when people were much larger of body and longer of life. Then the seas were not salt, and the air was not soiled with industry and its chimneys and its motor cars. Air was quite invigorating, and life was long and happy and filled with a sense of accomplishment and rightness that is no longer present.

From the rock records we can draw a picture of the whole of the past eras of Earth’s history under the domination of mankind. They can only show you the world as it was during a high state of civilization. For when the rock books were made, long, long ago, people had learned the immensely complex optical science behind the pictures in the rock books.

But oddly enough one can find rock books of a very simple, childlike kind. Were they made first, during an age of slow development of the mind and the science? It seems not. They could be the product of children in school, learning how.

One keeps looking for the oldest, the simplest, the most primitive, but this idea rises out of our utter ignorance of how things really began on Earth.

One hesitates, because of our present-day shibboleths and fixations, to say what the truth about the beginnings really may be.

Yet to me it occurs again and again that the true beginnings of mankind are dual. There was life on Earth, and there was life on other planets. . .and somewhere along the line of time and travel and the infinitudes of space the line of mankind’s origin gets hidden. I can’t say for sure mankind did NOT begin on Earth. I can’t say for sure man did not begin on Earth and develop from scratch the sciences of space research and the construction of space vessels.

We may never be sure. But it looks to me as though man may be a true son of Earth and Earth’s oceans and no hybrid of space races. For the Mers of our oceans do indeed go back to the very beginnings of Earth itself.

“The Merm”, as they called themselves, are the only genuine authorities about that earliest world, which was a world of water, mostly.

There were the Manoarfin, the Khymer, the Merfin, the Finns, etc., but generally speaking they were called the Merm.

The Merm have come down to us only in our legends of the Mermaids. The male mermen are hardly ever mentioned in legends.

Like varying species of fish they have their differences. In some, the males are larger than the females, and vice versa. One notices that some pictures of Mers show a very large female compared to the small male.

The scientists who look for a missing link among landlubber species are so wide of the mark it is laughable. They have been looking for the “link” in a tree for a good long time now. Mermen were not very expert at climbing trees!

The Merm were very bookish, and they made so many of them one knows they were as numerous as any other fish in those early oceans. Pondering on the vast numbers of rock books, one only begins to understand it when one thinks, “What would New York be like if newspapers would not burn?”

It would be buried under its own newsprint! They wouldn’t survive very many Sundays of some of those big Sunday editions.

The Merm made very durable “newspaper” rock books and they saved all of them, for they were a practical people. They even built houses out of them!

People, in that far-off beginning that was not a beginning, for there is no beginning and no end, were both bigger and smaller than now. The largeness of the big ones, and the littleness of the littlest ones is very hard for one to get straight in one’s mind. We are of this modern world of one size of people, and we tend to want everything in this scale of size. It is hard for us to think of things for which there is no comparison in size, especially men and children and women, and mers and mermen and pogs.

But the great ruins they left, many of them once undersea castles, and still others the launching ramps for space vessels, and all the vast ruins call Cyclopean (for want of any real knowledge of what to call them) tell us they were larger of body and more capable of mind.

To speak at all intelligently about the ancientness of Earth means to refer to the scientists’ texts with their Jurassic, Triassic, etc., and the endless oughts, preceded by a one, which no one can visualize or grasp as a reality in time.

So, as a sensible man, although I respect all the patient work they put into their classifications of time past and all the fossils they have reconstructed and placed in their proper strata, it is not really of much use to me except where I can see some of their fossils in a rock book and so gauge the age.

Usually I have to fall back upon my layman’s status and say, “Well, they may be right about their ‘mylodont’ but what good does it do me when man isn’t in the picture?”

It doesn’t do much good to know just when the mylodont hitched his carcass about if you can’t place man relatively. Man was there, you know. All the way along that back trail, man was there.

Then I refer to Velikovsky’s books and find the vast discrepancies in their dating systems. . .and toss it all out and start doing my own thinking again. They really forced me into this; let them take the consequences.

When I first found the rock books I had no intentions of doing anything like work with them. I thought all I had to do was tell about them, and others would go to work on them and tell me all about them.

It was then I found that present-day American science was not receptive to being informed of the presence of rock books in the farmer’s rock piles. They couldn’t be told. It was like trying to wake the dead, or get the President on the phone, or like a postman trying to get a raise.

I really came to it then. I knew that if I had to move Heaven and Earth aside to tell people about rock books, I would start looking for a lever.

So you are getting a layman’s Atlantis instead of a learned encyclopedist’s report on rock books.

Mer book-rock were shaped to be put together. There are little ledges and keys so that properly fitted they make their own shelves, and will stack in a certain shape. That is, a stack of Mer rock originally was formed to fit together in a figure, a sculpture of some significant shape. These most ancient of all libraries were stacked so, under water, like so many sculptures arranged in the Mer idea of order.

Other rocks were shaped as they are to fit into the projector axle. The projector had a shaft with a socket into which the rock fitted, and turned slowly, the pickup eyes of the device scanned in a certain spiral sequence.

All this forgotten gadgetry of the forgotten peoples will have to be recreated from the rock-book pictures if we are ever to read them properly.

This is a new field, a new science. I started it. There are few quotes because there are no others to quote. There are no experts in pre-deluge artifacts; so far as I know I am the only one who ever really looked at any rock respectfully.

ROKFOGO can tell you all about the Elder World, the Elder Time, the Elder Peoples, if you let it. But you do have to let it, and you have to help a little by looking at your rocks.

It does need its own optical devices, but the specifications and the designs and plans are all there, in the rocks, if you can get a few of our technical wonder-mills to turn out a few students interested in really looking at another world, a world far more important to us than any other alien planet such as our far-faring space ships will eventually reach. Even without knowing consciously about our own past, our future astronauts will build and reach out, for it is in their minds as an inherited drive.

But, if they know, if such a book as this can reach our active young lives and fertilize them with the way, the know-how of our own ancestors, then the way to space and the future will open for them. For the plans and the space charts lie waiting for them in their own scattered rock books.

That is, if the moon doesn’t teach the astronomers that magnetic forces have to be considered, and that orbits and velocities are not quite enough to hold a moon aloft.

Rokfogo can tell them all about that, seven times over. But only if they look for it in the rock books.

The optics of rock books are tricky. They need study to be appreciated. But, in spite of that, one can with almost no help but a couple of reading glasses over each other get a great deal out of any rock books.

It is that great deal I have to give you—a simple man’s first look at a heretofore hidden past. The first man of our line, the “missing link” between man’s evolution and the beast world, has been sought by antiquarians all over the world. And all that time he was staring at them from the rocks they ignored!

Here in this book you can find his portrait made at the time he dominated his environment rather than polluted it!

No other books about pre-history can offer you anything one fraction of the value.

What other books about pre-history offer are very imaginary portrayals of ape-like humans supposed to represent early man.

Early man was never ape-like at any time! The reconstructions of “Piltdown Man”, “Neanderthal Man”, and “Cro-magnon Man”, no matter how accepted they have been, are at fault when assumed to be direct linear ancestors. Except for Cro-magnon man, they are not.

Most of the writing about such races as the Neanderthals are assumptions about the total picture of man in the far past. These assumptions are for the most part proven incorrect by the facts revealed in the most summary examination of rock books.

Cro-magnon man was an “interim” man, one arisen between disasters. That is, he was post-deluge in his habits and his knowledge, if not his blood-lines.

He was post-deluge, as were most of the remains upon which so much and so positive theorizing has been based.

After each world disaster man rose slowly again to new civilizations. The blood-lines were survivor mixtures, not the original blood-lines. These interim civilizations were not all barbaric, by any criterion, but none of them were at all comparable to the original.

Barbaric cultures erected upon the ruins of the first great civilization sometimes had steam, mechanics, printing presses and such things as phones. Still, they perished when the moon fell again.

The original first great culture, a vast slow growth over an immense period of time incalculable, that is the science and the wisdom offered by the first rock books. There are no words to describe the powers and talents and deep-dredging wisdom of the first and greatest races.

That there was more than one world deluge, more than one almost total disaster wiping out almost all of the mankind is only the most striking fact we learn; it is not the most important one.

The important thing we learn is that there is a wisdom and learning available to us today. That it is as vast as space itself, as all-embracing as the arms of a God, and that we can embrace it!

We learn that after each of the great disasters man rose again, with new cultures and new ways and new kinds of people.

We learn that our present civilization is but one of these interim cultures and not “the only civilization,” as we think of it.

We are not the first, we learn, but apparently the eighth!

Thus, we learn that such people as the Neanderthals were not original first man, but regressions. Neanderthals may have existed as primitives all through those early vast periods of growth and world-wide teeming of cultural growth without change and without progress, but it hardly seems likely. They have to be classed as regressions, if they are not theoretical creations based upon a few singular remains.

One wonders, after the Piltdown fiasco.

Due to terrible privations and an unfavorable environment in every way, generations grew up without the benefit of educated parents. . .AGAIN became primitive. This is assumption based upon more evidence than most assumptions.

Because of such primitive conditions, their remains and their artifacts have been assumed to be those of primitive first men, steps along the path of progress, as we quaintly call our present precarious position beneath an enigmatic moon and the threat of an atomic war.

No one can rightly say when or if the next atomic holocaust will hasten the doom the moon will most surely visit upon us once again.

Did I say the next atomic holocaust? I was recalling that the green glass of atomic explosion sites has been found of very great age, indicating there have been other atomic threats that materialized fully, in the past!

Excerpt from The Ancient Earth – Its Story In Stone

See Part II here.

The Merms (Mermaids) Past And Present Evidence Of Their Existence:


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