Polarity Therapy

Polarity-Therapy-main-2-postby The Polarity Therapy Institute

“Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and forms.” ~ Dr. Randolph Stone 

Who Developed Polarity Therapy?

Polarity Therapy was developed by an American Osteopathic physician, Dr. Randolph Stone (1890-1981). Dr. Stone was a Dr-Randolph-Stone-2-poststudent of spiritual and mystic texts from Hebrew as well as Indian traditions. In his search for the root cause of pain and disease in the body, he was attracted to the concept of the flow of energy written about in these ancient texts.

The concepts Dr. Stone used were ancient, but he attemp­ted to put these ideas from the East into a con­text that could be absorbed by a Western audience. He used techniques from the Osteopathic tradi­tion together with Whole-Body Reflex points to release energy blockage and pain from the body.

He formulated Polarity Therapy through sixty years of successful clinical practice in the Chicago area, and research into energy healing that took him around the world many times.

What Practices Influenced the Development of Polarity Therapy?

Dr. Stone drew from a variety of practices and influences including:

  • Osteopathy
  • Naturopathy
  • Chiropractic
  • Cranial Osteopathy (predecessor to Craniosacral Therapy)
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Reflexology & Zone Therapy
  • Hermetic & Esoteric Philosophy

In Polarity Therapy, he found a bridge between East and West, and between the health philosophy of the ancients and contemporary science (i.e. quantum physics).

What Are Some Current Resources For The Polarity Community?

Prior to retirement, Dr. Stone trained a group of dedicated students who later formed the American Polarity Therapy Association. APTA continues to uphold standards for practice, and offers Board Certification for Polarity Practitioners.

The International Polarity Education Association is another group that offers support for the education and practice of Polarity Therapy.

Dr. Stone’s books about Polarity Therapy can be accessed free of charge at digitaldrstone.com.

polarity-therapy-2Sample Excerpt from Principles & Practice of Polarity Therapy

by Dr. Randolph Stone

1. Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and forms.

2. Energy precipitates all forms according to a mental blueprint pattern set forth by the Creator in His decree or Will.

3. Energy enlivens all forms and sustains them by linking them with all Nature, as the unit of substance and matter.

4. Energy in the sunlight can be broken up by the spectrum into colors which are gases and determine the presence of metals in planets far away. The secretion of chemistry in the body is a similar process. Carbons loaded with a metal iron core will produce short ultra violet light waves. Here the chemistry from energy to liquids and solids has its beginning.

5. Energy is a living breath of life, called “Prana”, from a higher sphere of the space world. The breath of life is also called “Qi” [chi] in Acupuncture. One of the concepts of Acupuncture is that of Polarity. Life exists as the result of tension between two extremes – male and female – positive and negative – yang and yin – pingala and ida – right and left breath – qualitative and quantitative.

6. The nucleus or neutron energy is the central core energy as a neutral principle in Nature, called “Prana, Qi [chi], Od, Akash [akasha, aakaasha]” or Ether. Its position in the body is the center core of fine energy substance from the top of the head to the end of the spine, like the staff of Hermes, the Messenger of God’s Energy, called the Caduceus, the Tree of Life in the human form. From it radiates the energy which flows over the three nervous systems as the airy neutral principle, and flows in the cerebrospinal fluid as its river and conductor of the Sea of Life Essence. This is the green or neutral spectrum band.

This neutron energy also flows over the circulation as the positive principle of Fire and Warmth [Yang], the river of the sustaining life substance. This is the three-fold red spectrum in the light sphere.

This same energy also radiates and flows in the lymphatic system and all secreting glands as the negative Water Principle [Yin], which is cooling, soothing and healing. This is the blue, indigo and violet in the spectrum waves.

7. Between the eyes lies the center of Consciousness, which connects the Soul as Awareness with the outside world, through the right and left breath and the ten senses – the five sensory and five motor senses – through which we function in this physical world.

8. All energy flows either from the center outward, called centrifugal – positive, or from the surface inward, called centripetal or negative. The right hand gives and is considered the positive hand. The left hand receives and is considered the negative hand.

9. Our Consciousness or Soul perceives life on this plane as sensory or motor impulses – incoming or outgoing energy flow.

polarity therapy diagram 2 post10. Life is maintained by energy flowing over the three conductors in the body: (a) The nervous system as the airy, neutral conductor for mind sensation, feeling, perception and expression. (b) The circulation is the sustaining river of life for the body as arterial, venous and vasomotor and dilator mechanisms. (c) The lymph as the secretion mechanism and the urine as the lubricating, chemical and eliminating current flow in these fluids.

11. Accordingly, the old Ayurvedic Medicine and Acupuncture ascribed three modes of motion to energy in the three dimensions of space, and called them the three “Gunas” – “Satwa” [sattva, sattwa] the neutral, “Rajas” the positive, and “Tamas” the negative mode of motion. The Chinese called them the “Qi” [chi] (neutral), the Yang (positive) and the “Yin” (negative) poles of action. These became the Air, Fire and Water elements [Principles, Neutral, Yang, Yin] of the Hermetic Philosophers, who obtained this information from the Orient.

12. This is the foundation of the mystery of the link of Consciousness with Matter and functioning therein through step-down energies and electromagnetic currents which motivate the three conductors of Energy and transmit them to organs and tissues for function and sensation, as expression and feeling of awareness in life.

13. Acupuncture classifies all organs as either positive or negative, with many qualifications and points of contact for inserting the gold (positive) needle for disbursing and distributing excess energy; or the negative pole, the silver needle, for toning areas as specific spots. The balancing of the two extremes made a blend in which the neutral “Qi” [chi] energy could flow again and link these poles to the Life Current of the Universal Essence, by tuning in; even as male and female are united in the child, the ever-becoming neutral youth of Life.

14. Acupuncture balances the two currents in their function and polarity with each other by means of needles, so they will flow in and out of the form freely in normal action and expression, called Health or Well-being. When there is no obstruction to the energy current flow, there is no pain or stagnation in the circulation.

15. WHAT THE NEEDLES CAN DO, THE HANDS CAN DO BETTER, with a battery of consciousness behind them plus intelligence for direction of currents. The right hand is the positive sun action, radiating, disbursing, outgoing golden energy. The left hand is the negative cooling moon energy, toning, soothing and inhibiting or concentrating the current for sedimentation and use. The negative current is the mother principle of the nest builder in Nature, for perpetuation and repair.

16. Isometric or Isometros (equality of measure, balance) is the trend of action and exercise today. In the Hermetic art they did this by magnetic passes, and the laying on of hands on the positive and negative areas, instead of using the gold and silver needles.

17. In the body, the pulse beat is the measure of life waves going out and flowing in, carrying air and nourishment to all cells. Circulation follows the energy current in its movement. When there is an energy block, the heart, as a regulator, is helpless.

18. All tissues, even the brain and nerve tissues function in proportion to their blood supply. Physically, it is most important then, that all therapy should balance and improve the blood supply to the tissues.

19. Symptom relief and blood supply are positive checks and proof.

20. Even in the down-to-earth physical realm, we have the functioning of the law of Polarity, of expansion and contraction, upon which all function and motion depends.

21. The vasomotor dilators and constrictors are the real regulators of the circulation. If the brain cells and the cord cells do not get their needed blood supply, they cannot function.

22. Hypertension, caused by arterial vaso-constriction [vasoconstriction] in excess of the dilators, causes an excess flow of blood to the brain and the spinal cord, producing a hyperemia there and an anemia on the outside surface of the spinal muscles.

23. Any therapy or treatment of manipulation that will stimulate the spinal muscles will draw the excess blood from the stagnant central area and balance these two functions. Improvement will be seen at once and can be felt in the right pulse as more compressible and less tension.

24. All manifestation of excess energy and drive is due to hypertension. In symptomatology, it will be fevers, redness, swelling, heat beyond the normal in any area or organ. Active and acute diseases come under this category of too much blood and energy in the vital centers.

25. HYPOTENSION is the excess of vasodilation in the control centers of the brain (due to emotions), the spinal cord and the sympathetic centers. The centrifugal fiery energy [Yang] is in excess, without the centripetal balance of resistance necessary for stability and balance of function. It is this over-expansion which causes exhaustion.

26. A weak right pulse and a stronger left pulse wave are the physical signs of polarity energy expenditure. It is like the male energy going to war, without the feminine checks, causing devastation and famine. The brain and the spinal cord and sympathetic centers are in a state of hunger or anemia for lack of oxygen and food supply of the normal circulation.

27. Any therapy which can turn the tide of this outgoing wave of energy by reversing the polarity current flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and the circulation back to its central area, will relieve the symptoms of exhaustion and anemia in the control centers, which govern the vasodilation and constriction mechanism of blood supply to the areas.

28. By placing the left hand on the pole of the agitated center, it acts like the silver needle of Acupuncture, for stability and toning. The right hand is placed on the opposite side anterior, lateral or inferior to it. This draws the current to the area of excess dilation and congestion, which needs disbursing and distributing so the centers are again supplied with energy, circulation and normal secretion.

29. In these HYPO CONDITIONS the blood lies in pools of stagnation in the abdomen, due to excessive capillary dilation. This needs disbursing and distributing by the right hand current of opposite radiation and stimulation to start action locally again. Manipulation of the abdomen with the patient sitting up will release the inhibiting gas pressure and relieve the headaches due to it.

30. Also, hot fomentations to the abdomen are the physical means for thermal action. Cold to the spine by a direct stream of water or rubbing an ice cube up the spine a few times, will drive the excess blood on the surface inward to the cord and relieve the spinal anemia.

31. These are physical means, while the hands work through the electromagnetic currents and fields for balance there.

32. You may say, why not give a chemical tonic or stimulant to accomplish either action? This is true, but in general over-all reaction alone. While by manual means it can be made very selective, to apply to any one specific area or spot only, where the cerebrospinal fluid is stuck. Thus one can “put the finger on the spot” exactly where it is needed, which is the real science and art of healing. In this manner one can find the sore vertebra and the specific spot on that lesion which controls the symptom and the pain. Place the thumb of the left hand on the most painful point on that side of the vertebra, and the whole right hand above it, or opposite to it, to balance and move the cerebrospinal fluid current.

33. To illustrate: This morning I had a case with a severe frontal headache, indicating gas pressure from the intestines, which must be released first before any checks are reliable. Bending the head forward increased the pain, indicating a stagnant hyperemia in the brain, which needs draining.

Treatment: The patient sat on a chair sideways for easier access to the neck and shoulders. I placed my left hand on the back of the neck, under the occiput, with the hand resting on the shoulder area for support. My right hand was placed on the forehead, and the head tilted back into the left hand for a lifting drainage motion, and held that way for a moment.

Next I checked the pulse and pushed my right hand fingers under the sternal area with a lifting motion, for gas release.

Then I looked for the major block in the neck, as the sorest spot where the cerebrospinal fluid pressure recorded itself. I found it on the left side of the axis and over the laminae and muscles. I placed my left thumb against the sore spot firmly, and my right hand on the forehead, then relaxed to let the electromagnetic energy current (of the molecular motor in the body) work and polarize the excess front of the head with the anemia in the axis center for one minute or so.

This balanced the current and relieved the pain, and and brought up gases and a gurgle in the small intestines as a sign of release of the stagnation there. The currents were rolling and so were the gases. I further released them by working over the trapezius and on some kernels in this digestive center, then polarized it with the fifth dorsal [thoracic, T5] for stomach release. The relief was complete and balance was established, all in about fifteen minutes. Truly an ISOMETRIC TREATMENT!

34. Such is the tracing and balancing of the cerebrospinal fluid energy and the circulation which depends upon it. We start out with physiological tracing and end up with the electromagnetic balancing of currents. Thus the patient is pleased and the doctor is occupied physically and mentally every moment, which takes the work completely out of the routine class and makes it creative and interesting.

35. RULE: In all hypotension cases, with an anemia of the spinal centers and brain and sympathetics, do not work on the spine by any manipulation, vibration or heat, and do not let them take hot baths, because that will draw more blood to the surface and make the condition worse.

36. In such cases manipulate the abdomen to disperse the stagnation there, and vibrate or work from the feet up, to increase the central energy and blood supply. Use cold on the specific spinal centers and hot on the abdomen.

37. Use your left hand where you would use the cold, and the right hand for the hot application area to balance the energy currents.

38. This type of treatment is used in all atonic conditions, exhaustion, mental instability, hypersensitiveness and talkativeness. Hypotension is the energy aspect of the symptoms. Arterial vasodilation is the physical aspect, which is called by various names like valvular collapse, an irritable heart with fast and jumpy pulse and skipping beat [cardiac arrhythmia], etc.

These are the types of problem cases that will not respond to the best physiological manipulation, because the polarity is opposite to the usual hypertension cases and their therapy, which has become a routine procedure. Even the alternate hot and cold applications to the spine does not work in hypotension. That therapy defeats itself as it helps the end circulation process in hypertension and balanced arterial type circulation cases, but not in hypotension.

39. Summary: The hypotension type cases are on the wave of an excess centrifugal output with exhaustion and confusion. Passes with relaxed hands from the feet to the head are helpful to reverse the flow of electromagnetic currents. Tonifying the vasomotor and spinal centers by applying the left hand on them and the right hand opposite, is useful.

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