Mystifying Properties of DNA

Mystifying-Properties-of-DNA-main-4-postFirst of all, what is DNA?

This short video will help you understand so that we may understand the significance of what is to follow.

The following three experiments, done by three different teams of scientists revealed some astounding unexplainable properties of DNA:


Light particles and DNAThe first experiment was done by Dr. Vladimir Poponin (The DNA Phantom Effect), a quantum biologist and associates.

In this experiment, first a container was emptied (i.e. a vacuum was created within it), and then the only thing left – photons (particles of light) in which they measured the distribution (i.e. the location) of the photons and found they were completely random inside the container. This was the expected result.

Then some DNA was placed inside the container and the distribution (location) of the photons was re-measured. This time the photons were LINED UP in an ORDERED way and aligned with the DNA. In other words the physical DNA had an effect on the photons.

After that, the DNA was removed from the container, and the distribution of the photons was measured again. The photons REMAINED ORDERED and lined up where the DNA had been!

Scientists who were studying this, described the photons’ behavior as “surprising and counter-intuitive”. They went on to say that “We are forced to accept the possibility of some new field of energy!”


DNA transcends time and spaceThe following experiments were done by the military.

Leukocytes (white blood cells) were collected for DNA from donors and placed into chambers so they could measure electrical changes. In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to “emotional stimulation” consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor. The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in real time.

The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time.

The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time inherently indicating that living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized form of energy. This is a non-local energy that is not affected by space or time.


Human emotions affect DNAThe third experiment was done by the Institute of Heart Math and the paper that was written about this was titled: Local and Non-Local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational Changes of DNA.

In this experiment, some human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container from which they could measure changes in the DNA.

Twenty-eight vials of DNA were given (one each) to 28 trained researchers. Each researcher had been trained how to generate and FEEL feelings, and they each displayed strong emotions.

What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the emotions of the researchers:

1. When the researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded by RELAXING and the strands unwound. The length of the DNA became longer.

2. When the researchers FELT anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by TIGHTENING UP. It became shorter and SWITCHED OFF in many DNA codes!

If you’ve ever felt “shut down” by negative emotions, now you know why your body was equally shut down too. The shut down of the DNA codes was reversed and the codes were switched back on again when feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation were felt by the researchers.

This experiment was later followed up by testing HIV positive patients. They discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they had without those feelings. So here’s the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter what dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and appreciation!

These emotional changes went beyond the effects of electromagnetics and defy conventional laws of physics as individuals were able to change the shape of DNA. Essentially we are able to influence this web of creation somehow through just vibration alone.


How to summarize this would be difficult because scientists have not yet allowed themselves to step beyond into the next dimension of reality. This dimension in which the etheric counterparts of life reside, where no time and space exist which would explain the results of these experiments and more.

This would also explain some of the quantum conundrums the scientist is currently wrestling with right now and also how our interconnection to our etheric bodies which reside in these other dimensions would account for all paranormal phenomena as well. And as is so well aptly explained in the Unariun texts, many of these mysteries could be so easily solved. It is only hoped that the scientist will wake up soon and step beyond that demarcation point that has kept him so enslaved in the narrow confines of his material world.

More Interesting DNA Facts here.

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