ET’s And The Gift Of Free Energy

ET's-And-The-Gift-Of-Free-Energy-main-4-postby Preston Dennett

Most UFO researchers agree that UFOs represent a technology superior to our own. Their craft perform better than ours in nearly every aspect. They fly faster and higher and are able to maneuver in ways far beyond the ability of our own aircraft.

Much research has been conducted into UFO propulsion. The most popular theory is that UFOs are able to tap into the electromagnetic field surrounding our planet, or are using some sort of anti-gravity device.

In addition, there are now scores of whistleblowers claiming that the U.S. Government has not only obtained crashed UFOs, but is actively reverse-engineering them, and in some cases, allegedly flying them around in such locations as Area 51 in Nevada and Wright-Patterson Air force Base in Ohio.

Unfortunately, these reports are largely unsubstantiated, and the average citizen has no access to this technology, which continues to be actively covered-up. The ETs may be aware of this, as it seems that they are taking their own steps to get this information out.

When someone is taken onboard a UFO, the most common experience (according to several researchers) is being physically examined. Following that, the most common procedure is being given some type of message, usually warnings of ecological or environmental disaster, messages involving healing or spirituality, and finally—and most importantly here—information about alternative energy sources.

In fact, in many cases, the ETs not only impart information about alternative energy, they sometimes take the amazed witness on a tour of the engine room, and then proceed to explain how their engines actually work! This alone is amazing enough. Even more remarkable is that some of these witnesses return from their experiences not only with a comprehension of how the UFOs fly around, but are inspired to try and build their own “free-energy” UFO-engine.

As preposterous as this sounds, there are now enough cases on record to merit a serious investigation. Take the following case from longtime researcher Jacques Valle.

Writes Vallee, “My first meeting with the woman I shall call Helen took place after she called to tell me about a particular motor she wanted to build…she told me she was bent on solving the energy crisis by building a new type of engine.”

Helen told Vallee that her obsession with building this motor was triggered by an abduction experience. Around 3:00 a.m. one morning in the summer of 1968, Helen and three friends were driving from Lompoc to Los Angeles in California when they saw a “white light” appear on the horizon. As it got closer, the light began to turn at right angles and dart around at high speed. Helen and the others talked excitedly when suddenly it came right toward them. Says Helen, “It came up over the car and in front of us, maybe 100 to 200 feet above the ground, and it was, I would say, about six lanes of the freeway in width. It was white, and it showed a very beautiful kind of glow. I seem to remember some kind of windows, but I really couldn’t be sure. It didn’t make any noise.”

Without warning, the craft emitted four conical beams of light, with one striking Helen, and the other three targeting her friends. Helen recalled being sucked up into the ship while her physical body remained in the car. The next thing she knew, she was being returned to the car along with her friends in the same manner.

Later she underwent regressive hypnosis. Writes Vallee, “During that session, she remembered going on board the ‘saucer’ and observing its propulsion mechanism. She met a man dressed in white, who showed her the amazing motor she is now determined to build.”

Vallee interviewed Helen’s friends and confirmed the incident. Ultimately he remains skeptical of the ET theory and the motor. “It has become a central point for her,” he writes, “the goal of her entire life. Yet the motor she wants to build could never run, physically, at least in the way she explains it.”

Despite Vallee’s skepticism, several cases have surfaced in which people have, in fact, built such motors, with some very interesting results.

In 1988, horror novelist Whitley Strieber stunned the world with his revelation that he was a UFO abductee. He wrote a series of books about his experiences, which began as a young child and have continued his entire life. Strieber only became aware of his experiences as an adult, following a particular dramatic encounter in his home in upstate New York. Following the incident, he examined his life and discovered a lifetime of contact.

He located a childhood friend who reminded him about the time Strieber had built an engine based on instructions from the ETs. Writes Strieber, “When we were thirteen I apparently announced to him that ‘spacemen’ had taught me how to build an antigravity machine, which I was constructing in my bedroom. This was in the summer of 1958. I do not remember the genesis of the machine, but I certainly remember building it. There was no magic to the thing; it was only an assembly of electromagnets taken from old motors. The supposed antigravity effect was based on a principal of counter-rotation.”

Despite the engine’s simplicity, the machine had a remarkable effect. Writes Strieber, “When I plugged my assemblage in, there was a great buzzing, the electromagnet at the core of the thing whirled madly, and the lights in the house began to pulsate. The whole thing whined and fluttered. There were showers of sparks. Parental cries of alarm arose from downstairs. As the machine destroyed itself the pulsation of the lights became a dimming, until the bulbs glowed orange-red. Then they burst to blazing life, a good number of them blowing out in the process.”

Strieber pulled the plug and ran downstairs in fear. He told nobody except his friend. The next day, still unnerved by the incident, he was “seized with a fierce urge to get away from the house.” He went to his grandmother’s home in the country.

That afternoon, Strieber’s bedroom caught fire and burned down that wing of the house, an event he blames on his antigravity machine.

Strieber later discovered that other abductees have experienced similar obsessions with building antigravity engines. He writes of a man who was given “detailed instructions about how to build a motor of this sort.”

The case is remarkably similar to his own and others. Writes Strieber, “The man was given the instructions during an abduction experience during the fifties, and claims that he was told that he wouldn’t remember a thing until 1985, when he suddenly found his mind full of richly detailed plans. The exact sizes of the electromagnets and their distances from one another were explained, and there was much about the materials to be used. Not having seen these plans, I cannot evaluate them other then to comment that the idea that counter-rotating magnets of any kind would produce any unusual energies at all flies in the face of modern magnetic theory. But he claims that when he built this device, all the metal objects in his barn were instantly pulled toward it and he was knocked out by a flying automobile engine. The next day the barn burned down to the ground in an unexplained fire.”

Another case comes from leading UFO researcher, Yvonne Smith, who worked with two brothers, John and Jessie Long, both who have experienced ET abductions. After going under hypnosis, one of the brothers, John began to develop an obsession with inventing magnetic motors.

Despite having only a high school education, John had always been interested in mechanics and would look at machines and be disappointed at their deficiencies. Following his regressions, his interest soared and he began to educate himself about eletromagnetism.

Before long, ideas for new magnetic inventions poured into his mind. On May 9, 2002, John filed a patent for a device he calls a “magnetically coupled dangling apparatus.”

According to the patent abstract #6781270, the invention is “an apparatus for producing magnetically induced movement of a second member in relation to a first member.” The device, like the other cases, uses the premise of rotating magnets.

On July 1, 2004, John filed a patent (#6879076) for an “ellipsoid generator.” According to the abstract, the invention is “a dynamo-electric device that is highly adaptable to a broad range of applications while providing robust output and energy conversion.” In other words: a magnetic motor.

Following these inventions, John became inspired to build what he calls a “magnetic eccentric drive.”

Says John, “I think it was an article about problems concerning different types of motions, random motion into electrical power very easily, mechanically. So this is really most of what all this stuff is, is a way to convert motion and produce energy without having to have a gearbox. In fact, one type of motion can be converted into another type of motion without physically touching each other. And I just got hooked on that, and I was just kind of obsessed with it. You can theoretically have an engine out there that would last indefinitely because you’d have no wear and tear on parts, because they don’t actually touch each other.”

When John filed his patent for his magnetic eccentric drive, he received a puzzling response. His request was denied, and he was told his patent would be provisional for twelve months, during which time his device would be reviewed. Apparently John had stumbled into an area involving secret research. He was told that within six months he might receive “an Order of Secrecy” and that he would have to inform them of anyone who had seen or been told of his invention.

John learned that if his invention was declared secret, it could be legally taken from him by the government and used for their own purposes. He decided to take action to prevent this.

Says John, “I did a “back-door on the patent office as follows: I dissected the entire thing, split it into more than one patent, and filed again under a different title as separate applications, which it now is. “Radical Magnetic Cam.’…Two more applications will follow to reconnect the original in its previous form. There is more than one way to skin a cat.”

Like other abductees, John describes himself as “obsessed” and “driven.” He believes that an ET implant he was given during a childhood abduction is responsible for feeding him information about advanced electromagnetic devices. Says John, “I keep coming up with new devices faster than I can apply for patents. I routinely do patent searches to see what has been done before with magnets and can’t believe a lot of these things have either never been done before or are in forms that show a total misunderstanding of magnetic fields. Looks like I have lots of work to do still. Maybe I’ll come up with the ‘holy grail’ of physics: over unity, free energy. The first and second laws of thermodynamics need a good kick in the butt from what I can tell.”

Cases like these are coming from across the world. A man from the outback in Australia writes of his own encounter, which occurred on October 10, 1974.

While hiking in the outback, he came upon a lighted object landed on the ground. He approached it and came upon a being (not described). “They asked questions,” said the witness. “I asked questions. I asked how can I use less fuel. I was given answers that made no sense to me then, until lately. Well, he drew me an engine. It made no sense because some parts of it were not even made then. Or I had not seen them. Now I have seen the parts, and it all falls into place. To me it appears to be a radical new engine. I have seen many types since: piston, turbine, rotary (wankel), and many more, but nothing remotely like this. I wonder if anyone else has asked questions and got answers.”

Cases like these are not common, but they continue to occur. Another case occurred in the summer of 1974. “Chuck” (pseudonym) was visiting Knights Fish Camp, a harbor at the mouth of Black Creek on the St. Johns River in Florida. “An orb approximately twelve inches in diameter entered the building through the door that faced the east. It was faint orange-yellow in color, and glowed. It circled the room once and then stopped directly in front of me.”

The orb hovered less than two feet in front of Chuck, right at chest level. Three other people were in the room also watching in amazement. “I thought about reaching out and touching it for a moment, but I quickly got a sense that if I did, I might be shocked or worse. The orb stayed stationary in front of me for about one minute, then circled the room again before departing through a window. No one said a word; we all just looked at each other in bewilderment.”

Chuck volunteered at the facilities in exchange for free use of the boats. He decided to grab a sandwich and take a boat out on the river to follow the orb and see where it went. He got in the boat and went to the end of the channel. There, hiding at very low elevation behind a bridge was a huge silver craft. It hovered silently just above the water. It was so close, Chuck could almost touch it.

He was entranced by the opportunity of being able to meet advanced beings from elsewhere, and he slowly revved his boat towards the craft. “I figured that if I idled the boat up to it very carefully, that I could touch it. I might even be able to board it. They or it had to have come from someplace a heck of a lot smarter than us, so they surely could teach me a lot. But as I placed the engine in and out of gear to nudge myself closer,” says Chuck, “it backed away at the exact amount. It matched my movements. It didn’t want me to get any closer. I left the engine in neutral and kept staring at it.”

Since they wouldn’t let him get closer, Chuck mentally asked them: “What can you give me? I thought if I could receive anything from you, then give me something that could help the world, make this a better place, and benefit everyone.”

“I never got an answer,” says Chuck. “No sounds, no light, no smoke, nothing. Again, I just continued to sit there and appreciate the beauty of this aircraft.”

As it hovered there, Chuck wondered what would happened if he shifted into high gear and charged towards the UFO. He couldn’t resist at least trying, “As I put it in gear and started forward, it simply rose up about twenty feet, then it moved away from me and around the corner. That’s when I really got impressed, as it took off in a blur and just disappeared.”

The craft went from perfectly still to moving at hundreds of miles per hour and it was gone. “I thought I never got an answer,” says Chuck.

Following the incident, Chuck began to have weird dreams. In fact, he says, he had the same dream every night for the next ten years. It was always the same. Says Chuck, “Somehow they were able to give me the details of an engine, or is it more than that. Every night, its details became more and more detailed. Eventually it got to the point where I could assemble it in my head. I figure that I had better put it down on paper before I forgot, or something happened to me.”

“So I did. I continued to go over it in my head, over and over again. One part was similar to a helicopter, so I enlisted in the Army and began working on them. I had to figure out how they could change direction without the main rotor changing its pitch. That answer was easy; a few of our pilots were remote control helicopter nuts. So, I showed them the plans to what I wanted to build. They couldn’t believe their eyes. They wanted me to let them hold onto my design so they could show their commander.”

Chuck agreed. The men took his plans and showed them to their commander. They returned and asked Chuck if he was willing to give them rights to his design. “I told them that I would sell it to the army, but I wouldn’t give it to them. Maybe I should have. At least by now I could have a working model.”

The engine, as Chuck describes it, is nearly identical to the engines in other similar cases. “The engine works off electromagnetism,” Chuck explains, “no fuel, no fumes, no noise. It can be placed in anything. Something as small as a power tool, or as large as an aircraft carrier. It will work on land, in the air and underwater, or even in space.”

Inspired by his dreams, Chuck decided to study physics. “I went to college and told my physics teacher that I wanted to make an electromagnetic engine. He told me it was impossible. I asked why. And he said, because there wasn’t one in existence. That’s no excuse for me. There isn’t one yet because no one has made it yet.”

Unfortunately, it’s now many years later and Chuck has still not made his engine. “I don’t have the dreams anymore, but I still have the memories, and I have my design…It’s funny, when you have the money to build something, you don’t have the time. And now that I’m retired and have the time, I don’t have the money.”

Chuck is also concerned about the possible consequences of moving forward with the alien engine plans. “What would happen to the power companies if every home powered itself? Or the oil companies if we no longer needed fuel for our cars, trucks, jets, planes, or for the military? They spend six billion dollars a year in fuel alone…I guess that’s really why I hadn’t built it yet. What happens to those who come up with ideas like that, those who put thousands out of business, or those who take the money out of rich people’s pockets?”

Years after his encounter, Chuck received surprising confirmation about what he saw, “I met a young man a few years back,” says Chuck, “and he asked me if I had seen the UFO next to the bridge there in Green Cove Springs. I suppose he was in a passing car that went over the bridge. I laughed and told him that if he saw it, then he saw the guy in the boat. He said, ‘Yeah, I saw that.’ That’s when I told him that I was the guy in the boat.”

While most of these cases come from average citizens, a few involve people who seem to be uniquely qualified to act on the information they have been given, as in the following:

“I swear to you, what I am about to share with you is truth,” writes Virgil E. Atkinson, a military officer stationed at Port Hueneme Naval Base in California. While in the military, Atkinson claims to have experienced multiple encounters with apparent extraterrestrials.

His first encounter occurred in 1956. He had met a girl in Santa Monica and was driving with her to Port Hueneme Naval base when they saw two young sailors hitchhiking. Being in the military himself, he picked up the two sailors and gave them a lift. Atkinson was shocked by their youthful appearance. He guessed that they couldn’t have been more than fifteen years old and was suspicious that they were truly sailors. He asked them where they were heading.

“The Coos Head Naval Facility, in Charleston, Oregon,” one of them replied. Atkinson hadn’t heard of this facility, which was in fact, newly commissioned.

A few miles down the road, he arrived at his turn-off and pulled over to let the sailors exit. After letting the sailors out, he resumed driving. They had just gotten back on the road and turned the corner when they came upon a large UFO hovering over the center of the road just ahead of them.

Atkinson drove up to it, when it suddenly disappeared. He continued driving, and looking back in his mirror, was shocked to see that the UFO was back, and now appeared to be following them. Atkinson was about to stop when his girlfriend became frightened, dropped to the floor of the car and began sobbing in fear. He continued driving, and the UFO followed close behind. As they approached the lights of Oxnard, the object suddenly ascended at a forty-five-degree angle and disappeared into the night sky.

Atkinson called the police and reported the sighting. He felt certain that the sailors and the UFO they had seen were somehow connected, and wonders if the “sailors” were what they appeared to be.

In an apparent coincidence, one year later, Atkinson found himself assigned to the newly commissioned Coos Bay facility. He was there from 1957 to 1959, and then was transferred. While at the base, however, he had another encounter with what he believes were human-looking extraterrestrials.

Early one morning, he woke up to find himself lying on a waist-high gurney, surrounded by four men wearing blue jumpsuits. Although he had no idea how he had gotten there or what was happening, he felt strangely relaxed. His head rested on some sort of “pillow” which was able to transform his thoughts into images on a sort of computer screen.

Writes Atkinson, “One of the men questioned me about the spinning gyro and what I understood about it. Instantly an image appeared on the screen. Now I did not feel so relaxed and I tried not to cooperate. The ‘men’ looked at each other, and I sensed the session was over, whatever it had been. The next thing I remember I was waking up in my bunk wondering what had just happened. I did not mention this encounter to anyone as I did not want to appear as unstable working on this base.”

Atkinson was puzzled by the incident, and didn’t know what to make of it. He spent the next thirty years in naval service, working on secret projects, and retired in 1988.

Atkinson now believes that the men he encountered were extraterrestrials, and that the purpose of the encounter was to place information into his subconscious, information about how to build energy-free motors.

Writes Atkinson, “There were many things revealed to me…I found myself attempting to make a working motor with internal push. This idea had floated around in the dark recesses of my subconscious for years. I was basically experimenting with odds and ends of material which was on hand around the house. I knew what I wanted to build, but was not entirely certain just how to get to the end result. After several days and many failures, a small model of the motor began to take shape.”

It was while he was working on this strange motor in his small home-shop that Atkinson had another bizarre encounter. A well-dressed, middle-aged man (human-looking) walked into his backyard. Atkinson exited his shop, closing the door behind him, and went to meet him.

Writes Atkinson: “I said hello and could I help him. He looked at me and I knew at once he worked with computers. As we stood together, my thoughts returned to the encounter in 1958 at Coos Head Naval Facility. Without saying another word, I smiled and he pointed to my shop door. I knew he was well aware of what I was working on. He left the backyard and I never saw him again.”

While Atkinson’s claims may sound spectacular, the proof is in the pudding. Writes Atkinson, “Since that time at Coos Head, I have obtained a United States patent for a vehicle that operates using harmonics. Furthermore, I have just recently invented and made a working model of the world’s first hybrid boat motor that runs on a sound wave. This motor has no mechanical propeller and will not harm aquatic life.”

Atkinson is convinced that his inventions were inspired from his bizarre experience at Coos Bay.

Excerpt from Not From Here

See Part II here.

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