Was Jesus Apollonius of Tyana?

Was-Jesus-Apollonius-of-Tyana-main-4-postApollonius of Tyana is said to have been a neo-Pythagorean philosopher, miracle worker, teacher and traveler. Some compare him to Jesus Christ. In fact, many agnostic and atheistic scholars as well as other free thinkers believe that some portions of the Gospels of Jesus Christ are actually modeled on the adventures of Apollonius. Quite possibly, due to the  lack of historical evidence for Jesus as depicted in the Gospels – some believe him to have actually been the Jesus Christ. Apollonius of Tyana may have been dropped in favor of Jesus Christ when the Christians decided who to believe was the true son of God.  The story is controversial but is it provable?

Apollonius of TyanaApollonius of Tyana

The precise birth date of Apollonius of Tyana is unknown. The birth date of Jesus Christ is also unknown historically, but speculated upon. However, it is generally thought that the two lived around the same time. The most common estimates for his birth put it around 15 CE and his death around 100 CE, though some quote his lifespan as “more than 100 years,” which would make those dates inaccurate. Some say he was older than Jesus Christ. The above dates would make him slightly younger than the commonly cited date of Jesus Christ’s birth. There are no contemporary sources for either of their births so historically speaking there is no way of knowing if these estimates are correct. Although for sure it is known that Apollonius of Tyana lived in the first century and Jesus also lived in the same century. (more…)

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How The Bible Has Been Rewritten Over The Past 2,000 Years

How-The-Bible-Has-Been-Rewritten-main-4-postby Joe Avella

The Bible is the most widely read book in the history of the world, far outselling any other book, with 3.9 billion copies sold over the last 50 years. Many believe it contains the actual word of God.

But many people don’t realize that over the past 2,000 years, this sacred text has changed a great deal. No “first edition” exists. What we have are copies, the first of which were made hundreds of years after the events supposedly took place.

For the first 100 to 200 years, copies of the Bible were made by hand … and not by professionals. This led to many errors, omissions, and — most importantly — changes. (more…)

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The True Life of Jesus of Nazareth ~ Full Book Download

True-Life-of-Jesus-Free-Download-main-4-postFirst published in 1899—This book is in public domain. Full Book download here.

His parentage, his youth, his original doctrines and works, his career as a teacher and physician of the people-the nature of the great conspiracy against him-all the incidents of his tragic death are given on Spiritual Authority from spirits who were contemporary mortals with Jesus while on Earth.

Slashing through 2,000 years of Christian fanaticism, this book presents the true biography-before and after the crucifixion of Jesus. It exposes, for all time, the great hypocrisy of the Christian religion as the culmination of a villainous plot, contrived by the arch villain, Saul of Tarsus, and his cohort, Judas Iscariot-a plot that changed the world’s history for thousands of years!

Contained in a long-hidden book, this amazing revelation is delineated by no less than Saul himself. This true-life story of Jesus tells who his mother and father were, of his truly espoused, and of his life teachings!

An Eye Witness Account, taken from the actual parchment, is the true account of the crucifixion and the life of Jesus after this tragic event in Jerusalem, 2000 years ago. (more…)

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Understanding Jesus And The Master Plan

Jesus-And-His-Master-Plan-mainIn order to understand both the intelligent God and His Master Plan, and especially in understanding Jesus, let us enter into a correct and all-inclusive hypothesis of various factors involved. Every material earth man can be considered dual in nature; that is, he has a psychic anatomy and mind, and a physical anatomy and mind which is, in actuality, one and the same in respect to the fact that the physical and psychic anatomies and their respective minds are functioning harmoniously, in all aspects of life on the basis of the oscillating principle.

It is conceivable in the normal course of evolution that any individual can become spiritually quickened or alerted; that is through contacts made in the life in between lives lived in spiritual worlds, as well as in other ways, the individual becomes aware of the higher spiritual worlds and a better way of life. When this alerted state is reached, this individual then begins to incarnate, spiritually, into some of these somewhat more advanced spiritual worlds, such as are described in the books of UN.AR.I.U.S., where he will study in some respective chosen field, a higher and more constructive expression of his vocation. He will then don the mantle of flesh in an earthly incarnation and bring into the world some form of the more advanced constructiveness of his particular vocation. Sometime in the more distant future, he will advance in his spiritual world life, to a point where he, temporarily at least, and for an indefinite period of time, will no longer have need for any further continuance of earth life incarnations.

In this state he has actually passed the point of necessity for an earth life; he is also most likely to be involved in a very concerted and specialized effort in the pursuance of more highly advanced knowledge and wisdom. In this state of consciousness, he is only vaguely conscious in memory of his former earth lives. Soon, however, he is confronted with the inevitable. Knowledge must be acquired in a certain ratio proportionate or equal with usage. He can not practice, so to speak, his newly acquired knowledge in even higher worlds than the one in which he is presently living. He must, obviously practice and use this knowledge in lower or earth worlds. In this respect he is also prompted by the mass of human misery which he vaguely remembers, and so he sets up a plan whereby he can, in a manner of speaking, incarnate into the material worlds. He does not do this by the usual method – rebirth into the physical body. He is spiritually advanced to the point where the physical body would be impossible to him; that is, he could not reasonably support a physical body in the usual psychic anatomy oscillating fashion, and so he uses an alternate method. (more…)

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The True Life of Jesus – Free Book Download

The-True-Life-of-Jesus-main--4-post“It has generally been conceded by all those who have read the New Testaments that the life of Jesus was indeed the greatest life ever lived, if this life is to be judged by its most unique character, and as it is so depicted in the Testaments. Also so depicted in these Testaments, this life presents the greatest enigma and an overwhelming contradiction, for it is impossible to compromise the concept of a man able to perform instantaneous miracles even bringing back the dead — that he did perform these acts without rhyme or reason other than, either as an exhibition of power or, as he was compassionately minded, etc., all against any wise and logical coarse of action which might be attributed to such power and intellect, i.e., that, psychologically speaking, such miraculous acts would also cause mass hallucinations, an addictive dependency on such miracles; or, again, that these miraculous acts were performed with the forseeable, and the inevitable result that it would arouse the ire and wrath of the incumbent priesthood.

Furthermore, such miraculous acts are in direct opposition to the preachments of the same individual who always emphatically insisted that it was a personal responsibility of each individual to seek out the *Father within, so that all things could be added unto, or corrected. Also most apparent, in the great contradiction of this life is in the context of the mission itself, which was to overthrow the Jehovan god and to represent a true creative facsimile as posed by this Father image, which dealt specifically as the creative factor in all aspects of life; not the Jehovan god, an emotional, vindictive, even murderous god, who had led the Jews through a senseless forty-year trek through the desert, ending this pilgrimage in long years of war; to dispossess the Canaanites of their lands and homes. (more…)

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Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross According to Scholars

Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross mainThe Swoon Theories

From the September 1928 issue of The Review of Religions. A compilation of various views and opinions from scholars of the 18th to 20th centuries on Jesus(as) surviving the Crucifixion, going into a coma and being resuscitated through healing herbs.

The following eminent scholars hold that Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross. We give their versions of the story in the words of Dr. Schweitzer as far as possible – (Ed.:“R.R.”)

Karl Bahrdt (1741-1792)

Karl Friedrich Bahrdt was born in 1741 at Bischofswerda. He died in 1792.

Bahrdt finds the key to the explanation of the life of Jesus in the appearance in the Gospel narrative of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. They are not disciples of Jesus, but belong to the upper classes. What role, then, can they have played in the life of Jesus, and how did they intercede on his behalf? They were Essenes.

In the end the piece is staged to perfection. Jesus provokes the authorities by his triumphal Messianic entry. The unsuspected Essenes in the Council urge on his arrest and secure his condemnation – though Pilate almost frustrates all their plans by acquitting him. Jesus, by uttering a loud cry and immediately afterwards bowing his head, shows every appearance of a sudden death. The centurion has been bribed not to allow any of his bones to be broken. Then comes Joseph or Ramath, as Bahrdt prefers to call Joseph of Arimathea, and removes the body to the cave of the Essenes, where he immediately commences measures of resuscitation…In the cave the most strengthening nutriment was supplied to him. “Since the humours of the body were in a thoroughly healthy condition, his wounds healed very rapidly, and by the third day he was able to walk, in spite of the fact that the wounds made by the nails were still open.” (more…)

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Up to 50 Books Were Left Out of the Bible – Here’s Why

Gnostic-Gospels-main-4-postDid Jesus marry and have children? Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute — or an apostle? Did Cain commit incest? Will there be an apocalypse or is this God’s trick to scare us? The answers to these questions aren’t found in the Bible as we know it, but they exist in scriptures banned when powerful leaders deemed them unacceptable for reasons both political and religious.

The Gospel of Peter, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Thomas and The Secret Gospel of Mark…these are just a few of the books that were left out of the Bible. The reasons why they were excluded provide astonishing insight into the concerns of church leaders and scholars responsible for spreading the faith an illuminating look at early Christian and religious history. (more…)

Posted in The True Life of Jesus, True History of Manwith 3 comments.

The Secret Family of Jesus

jesus mary mainThis is the narrative of the intrigue that Dan Brown failed to address. More important than the Da Vinci Code it’s an account of past events that has been invisible for more than 2,000 years. It takes us right back to the very root of Christianity and if accurate, could shake almost everything that Christians take for granted. It’s the account of the people who were dearest to Jesus, the people who shared his lineage.

In this film Robert Beckford will decrypt the Bible and other ancient scriptures to tell for the first time the actual story of Jesus’ bloodline because he thinks Jesus had brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles and nephews. A huge widespread family tree that was there for at least 300 years after his demise and took large part in the establishment of Christianity, that the authentic idea was too threatening for the new religion, and that the formal Church kidnapped their campaign and then made an attempt to remove them from the story. (more…)

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Was The Crucifixion A Fraud?

mary-and-jesus-after-crucifixition-main-4-postrecovered through WayBackMachine Website

Billions of Christians believe Christ was crucified, buried, and then rose again.

This is the basis for Christian faith. What if Jesus survived the crucifixion? Would this be pure blasphemy or is there reason behind this assumption? There is evidence in the gospels themselves that say Christ may have survived the crucifixion and that the crucifixion to put it bluntly was a “fraud.” (more…)

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Jesus-as-baby“There is an old adage which states, “Truth is stranger than fiction”, and if any judgment can be made upon the following story as to the veracity of truth versus strangeness, then indeed this story will prove to be one of not only incontestable truth, but the strangest story ever told!

This story concerns the true parentage and birth of the most controversial figure who has ever lived upon the planet earth – Jesus of Nazareth, a person whose birth two thousand years ago became the cornerstone in orthodox Christianity. While the life history of this man has supposedly been told in the four Synoptic Gospels of the New Testament, yet it is known and admitted that most of these depictions are of legendary nature – that they have been badly distorted and contrived. Even the Christmas pageantry observed every Christmas, which is based on the birth of Jesus, is known to have been added by a Catholic pope, Anastasius I, in the fourth century, A.D., at the behest of St. Jerome, this action being excused by the pope because no known and accurate account of the birth of Jesus had ever been found.

This situation of biblical legendry and false Christian pageantry has then, existed since the first cell of the Christian Church was formed by a man known as St. Paul – actually Saul of Tarsus, the same man who was to ‘come back’, so-to-speak, more than 1800 years later and, through a number of revelations given to Alexander Smyth, this same Saul did reveal the true parentage and birth of Jesus, and how he, Saul, together with his henchman, Judas, did successfully plot and contrive to raise this man Jesus to the position of a Messiah, a godlike man who could heal all diseases and raise the dead; then, also contrived to have this man crucified in martyrdom and afterwards, in a false revelation, donned this man Jesus’ mantle, assumed a messianic position, and started the first Christian Church! (more…)

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A True Teaching of Jesus


A sudden commotion was now seen among the people. All those that were reclining upon the ground suddenly sprang to their feet when their attention was drawn to the slope of the mountain before them. They then saw a body of men descend from a copse above, and when they came to the verge of the declivity they took up a position on the ledge of rock close to the edge, so that they were in view of the people beneath and around them. As soon as they took up their position, there was a loud shout of acclamation by the people and much commotion for a little while, but it gradually subsided as Jesus, standing alone in front of them, waved to and fro a branch of cedar, which intimated that quietnesJesus-teaching-1s and order were required; then the multitude soon became as still as death.

Jesus appeared in his usual long blue garment open at the top, exposing to view the beautiful curves of his neck, throat and shoulders. His head being bare, displayed his glossy dark hair as it played around his neck and shoulders. He stood erect, with an air of the noble dignity of true manhood; his broad, high, spotless forehead, which seemed so expressive of majesty and wisdom, crowned his dark, fascinating eyes, which beamed with serene love and satisfaction with all around him. On his right side stood Judas, with due deference and humility expressed on his countenance, and John his personal attendant holding his tire and mantle, with James his brother by his side.

When quietness was perfectly established, Jesus commenced to address the people in a mild and melodious voice. His enunciation was slow and distinct at first, but as he progressed with his subject, he became more animated and rapid, more impressive, more eloquent and fascinating, so that people seemed to lose all consciousness of their identity and their locality so absorbed were they with the interest of the theme. (more…)

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Little Known Facts of Jesus

jesus-walking-4-post“Biblical historians and other historical sources believe Jesus was actually born in the temple, His birthday the 2nd of April – His true paternal father was Ananias who appears in the book of Acts as the judge and prosecutor of Paul. There is strong circumstantial evidence to support this belief.

It is well known that Jesus spent many of His boyhood years living in the temple grounds with His mother Mary and His foster-father, Joseph, a carpenter, whose task it was to keep the temple in repair.child-jesus

No doubt it was this close contact with the workings of the temple in His boyhood, which later powered a tremendous incentive to overthrow the tyrannical hypocracy which He witnessed as the daily practice of Rabbinical dispensations. (more…)

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“Seek Ye Within”

You Are God main 4 postYou Are God: The True Teachings of Jesus

by ChristusBuddhaBrandon West

In this article we will explore how the true teachings of Jesus can be summed up by three little words: you are God. Some missionaries came to my house the other day and I was given the opportunity to come face to face with the religious mind, to discover their relationship to God, and to remember my own (non-voluntary) experience with religion.

In such a short time though it was, it was absolutely clear that the foundational flaw of religion based off of the bible as it is primarily taught today (and in general, for the past 2000 years), is that it teaches first and foremost that we are separate from this force called God. But that is a contradiction because the bible, specifically the teachings of Jesus as I will clearly illustrate, teach that you are god, and that we are all God.

So, I have taken it upon myself to convince those missionaries, and you, that you are not only equal to God, but that you are God.

Now if you think it is blasphemy to believe that you are God, not only does that contradict what the bible says, but that is a major preconception you have been imbued with that will restrict you from ever experiencing directly that you are god, which in essence is what a spiritual awakening really is: an experience that you are intimately connected with God, that you are love, that you are loved, that you are unlimited, and that you are God, because that creative consciousness is within you.

According to a recent study done by Cambridge, around 88% of the worlds population believe in God. 88%! That is 6.16 billion people around the world, according to this study, who believe in God. That is not a trivial number. (more…)

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