A Master Speaks On Mastership

Ascended_Masters2Chapter XLVI  from Tempus Invictus by Ernest L. Norman

“They call us Masters, but we come only as humble servants; for Masters are only those who have learned of life and have ceased to be slaves of life, and instead have become servants of mankind. You would ask for identity and that you would call us by name; yet it would be that ye should call us better by the virtues which we can express. For love, service, and the beatitudes of the Infinite Mind are not called by name. Each one becomes unto the other and in becoming, adding unto the all, yet knowing not of each thing that it is called by name; nor is it known for its face or of the garments that it wears, but in the way in which it brings to each and every one its own invisible blessing.

And so that it should be that ye seek all of the virtues of life, seek them not by name, for if a man does become a Master, he is a master of only one thing, and that is the mastery of himself. He who takes with him the name of his father, or of his country, or of his wife or children, or even the name of himself, takes with him a heavy burden – one laden with all of the things of the material world. For even the Infinite has no name and is not called as such, either in Heaven or in any of the netherlands. For everyone knows the Infinite by the virtues contained therein; and such of these things may be to each one, and whether he counts the lambs in his flock or that he may multiply his various blessings in many other ways, yet to each man these are, in his own way and manner of speaking, the virtues of the Infinite. Yet all of these things should pass from him, yea, even their names and of all things that they are called by for each one exists unto its time and its place, and can neither serve nor be of benefit to anyone in the morrow when all things must again be accounted and all virtues must be realized differently, each in its own way. (more…)

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Is the Brain Like A TV Set? – Is Science Finally Getting The Point?


Of course, UN.AR.I.U.S. has for some time made this comparison. First let’s hear from scientist, Dr. Gary Schwartz, then an article below,  “Man – A Living Television Mechanism” from Tempus Invictus which addresses some of the points that Dr. Schwartz brings up in his video.

Thunderbolts Project provides the video with the following introduction:

Today, perhaps the ultimate unsolved mystery of human life is: how and why does consciousness exist? Although some scientific literature still acknowledges that the question remains open, the overwhelming consensus among neuroscientists today is that the brain alone creates conscious experience. However, for decades, acclaimed scientists around the world have conducted research into consciousness that provides a very different picture. One of the most remarkable of these researchers is Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona and director of its Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. We asked Dr. Gary Schwartz for his thoughts on the mystery of consciousness. (more…)

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