How To Discern Between Positive And Negative Influences

positive-vs-negative“In this discussion I am going to depart from my usual procedure of acquainting you with some of the more abstract principles of progressive evolution and enter into a more personal dimension of introspection, or one which can be considered as a detrimental influential aspect. You have all heard of the Battle of Armageddon, either as it was historically depicted by Nostradamus in his prophetic poems, or as it was Biblically prophesied. However, the Battle of Armageddon is not some advent which is to be fought in some future time between certain good and evil forces. The Battle of Armageddon has been going on for some years; as a matter of fact, throughout the past histories of the world, it has been fought in different epochs of time; such as in ancient Lemuria, more than 100,000 years ago, and at later dates in civilizations, such as Atlantis some 15,000 years ago, and on down to the present time. But wherever we find various civilizations and these confluxus of migratory peoples, as they have swarmed upon the surface of the earth, we have found them armageddon-1fighting, to an extent, the Battle of Armageddon. This is not merely a parable which exists as an advent but is an actual conflict between the astral worlds and those people who have, to some degree, succeeded in placing their feet firmly upon the evolutionary pathway in a progressive manner which will lead them into higher spiritual worlds.

The conflict between good and evil has been historically portrayed in many different times, and the advent of the Armageddon has been prophesied in different civilizations. Zoroaster predicted the Battle of Armageddon in his particular spiritual dispensation, just as Buddha also described the personal conflict in attaining Nirvana or the spiritual junction of consciousness with the higher dimensions of life. It was Jesus however, who carried the greatest impact and message in personal attainment and the way in which this attainment could be achieved by any individual. He also very dramatically demonstrated His own personal Battle of Armageddon and the victorious assault of the dark forces who succeeded in destroying His physical body; and actually, through their conniving cleverness, succeeded in turning His message of life and hope into one of the most dogmatic and rhetorical religious movements the world has ever seen. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Perspectus, Spirit Releasement Therapywith 1 comment.

Liberation of Obsessions


“A question has just arisen in regard to some of the relative factors which enter into the removal of obsessions and in regard to what happens to the obsessions after they are removed. Circumstances are such that the results from such liberations depend largely upon how the obsessions are removed. As to the obsessing entity, if he is a very forceful and dominating or extremely cruel or perverted character, a great deal more Light is needed to shine upon him to bring him from his prison than if he were a less obsessive person, or one who was merely wandering from lack of orientation. Generally speaking that in the case of the freeing of an obsession from the psychic body of any individual, usually the obsessions in the majority of cases, liberate themselves. We assume that, like some mother who attached herself to the daughter for lack of spiritual knowledge, if she is not a perverted person or is not a wicked person with murderous intents in her mind, then she will, upon the liberation, feel the full impact of the Light or the freeing force; and this will be the way in which the lock on her own prison will be forced open and the doorway will swing wide, permitting her to enter into her true spiritual consciousness. (more…)

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The Science of Obsession

obsessions-main“Our present-day psychiatry is indeed crude and the practice of psychology as it is expounded in our various asylums and the so-called therapeutic treatment of the different aberrations is likewise crude; the only difference being that there is now some sort of humanitarian interest to the environment with which the mentally aberrated person is immediately concerned. In other words, the psychiatrist resorts only to a temporary change of environment hoping thereby to induce a permanent change in thought patterns. Such a procedure is extremely fallacious and will explain why it is that so little success is being concurrently displayed in our modern dispensations of psychiatric treatment.

To further expurgate any particular psychic misalignments, the psychiatrist often subjects more advanced aberrations to severe shock treatments. This therapy is indeed crude and primitive and immediately is reminiscent of many of the bygone practices from the pagan or more aboriginal days of the individual healing practices wherein holes were often scraped in the cranium to let loose evil spirits and other weird practices which subjected the individual to horrible and extreme torture. Blood-letting was a common practice in the Middle Ages to relieve various kinds of diseases in the body; and this too smacked of the letting out of evil spirits. The present-day psychologist, in subjecting the patient to a severe shock, can be likened somewhat to fixing a delicate watch with a hammer; the treatment is, as previously postulated, reminiscent of bygone practices. (more…)

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How To Perform A Spirit Depossession

Excerpt from “The Unquiet Dead” by Edith Fiore

Depossession Instructions

The most effective way to do a depossession is to record it, using the transcript that follows or composing your own, based on the principles I’ll elaborate shortly.

Playing the tape one or more times a day if necessary educates the possessing spirits repeatedly, and calls their attention to their loved ones, who will have stayed with them since the first depossession when they were called upon. Sometimes it takes a while for entities to really hear what is being said–to face their conditions and their options.

Playing the tape also gives you or the person you are helping an opportunity to notice clues that may confirm the diagnosis of possession, for sometimes spirits “hide.” Any reactions, other than neutral interest, suggest the presence of possessing spirits. The reactions to watch for are thoughts that come to mind, such as “I don’t want to hear any more,” “I don’t wont to listen to it!”

Emotional responses during the depossession, such as anxiety, fear, relief, joy and anger, are those of the entity reacting. (more…)

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The Effects of Spirit Possession

Excerpt from “The Unquiet Dead” by Edith Fiore

Earthbound entities, either discarnate or incorporated, seem to remain exactly as they were moments before their deaths. It’s as though they have been “freeze-framed”; throughout their stay in the physical world they do not change or profit from anything they experience. They have all their previous attitudes, prejudices, addictions, skills, interests, fears and hang-ups. If their deaths involved physical pain, this continues unabated, even for decades! If they were anesthetized, or drugged by alcohol, prescription or illicit substances before they died, they feel “spacey” and “out of it” for as long as they are earthbound. Possessing entities who committed suicide continue to feel desolate regardless of what their hosts experience. They remain abjectly depressed.


The possession itself can range from nearly total, in which case the original inhabitant is almost completely replaced, to a very minor influence. Some of the factors that determine the extent of the possession are the intrinsic strength of the individual compared to that of the possessing spirit, and conditions that weaken the possessee, like stress, drug abuse, illness, etc.

The more the afflicted abdicate control of their consciousness, the greater the influence of their possessors. If the possessed drink, especially if they get drunk, they are unwittingly giving control to the entities. Blackouts are examples of total–though temporary–surrender of the consciousness. That is why others say, “He’s a completely different person when he’s drunk.” He is! His role had been reduced to zero during that time. (more…)

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