An Angel’s Way

An-Angels-Way-Stanza-OneHow oft it is that high above, in some bright lighted sky
An Angel’s caught by planets rushing by
An Earthly place that spins a web of prayers that reaches out and holds Him fast
And there within its earthly coils He’s born again, and lives within a body made of flesh
And comes and goes as all men do, and called by all of them as such as they;
Yet, there remains within His heart and mind an Angel’s way
And in His hand an Angel’s touch.

An-Angels-Way-Stanza-DosAnd so He comes and goes among all men who see Him not,
Nor of the Angel’s ways or touch

Yet as He comes He brings a smile a warmer place, a better way;
And as He goes, He leaves behind a part of all these Angel’s things
That lead these men from out their murk and mire.

An-Angels-Way-Stanza-ThreeA magic Light that’s seen by none, yet changes all that’s dark to Light.
For such is this, an Angel’s way – and as He finds His way back there among the stars,
And in the brightened realms so far removed from earth –
His face will linger long in memory.

An-Angels-Way-Stanza-FourHis blessing thus bestowed, to those create an effigy of Him that lives with Light,
And breathes the scented breath from Heaven
And so He thus remains, in hearts and minds as Angels must, until it is the time
The earth will then ensnare within its web another Angel. 

Excerpt from “The Athenium”


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