The Road To Jerusalem: The True Events Of Palm Sunday

The-Road-To-Jerusalem-main-2-postThis is vision twenty-seven as received through the mediumship of Alexander Smyth of the true events in the story and life of Jesus of Nazareth.


Three days had elapsed since the events transpired as represented in the last vision. The sun had risen high in the heavens, denoting that it was about noon. The day was bright, clear and fragrant with sweet odors, and the foliage of the mountain scenery was beautiful to the sight. The palm tree was in its full bloom.

This was the day appointed by Judas for Jesus to make his last visit to Jerusalem under the false representation to receive the addresses and condolence of his disciples and friends – the expression of their grateful and loving hearts, and to sympathize with each other in the fears and hopes pertaining to their good cause.

Judas, under the direction of Saul, made great preparations for this day, as they intended to play their most important part, to entrap their virtuous and unconscious victim into the meshes of their iniquitous designs. A great deal of money had been expended in bribing certain persons to perform acts deemed necessary to their scheme of treachery; also for the sumptuous provision of an evening banquet, so that no labor or expense had been spared to render sure their contemplated plot. (more…)

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The Lost Chord Of Christianity

The-Lost-Chord-Of-Christianity-main-4-postby Joe Fisher

Put not off from day to day and from cycle to cycle, in the belief that ye will succeed in obtaining the mysteries when ye return to the world in another cycle.” – Jesus Of Nazareth (From the Gnostic Scirpture Pistis Sophia)

Everyone knows the annals of religious history are stained with blood and corruption. Few appreciate, however, that the ruthless expulsion of reincarnation from Christian thought and theology has left some of the deepest and most shameful stains of all time. Time has since worked its healing of forgetfulness and today most Christians are unaware that reincarnation was ever considered seriously by the church. But the fact remains that before Christianity became a vehicle for the imperial ambitions of Roman emperors, rebirth was widely accepted among the persecuted faithful.

Taught by a number of early church fathers and treasured by the Christian Gnostics, a movement in the apostolic tradition dedicated to preserving and promulgating the esoteric teachings of Jesus Christ, reincarnation was seen to be consistent with Old and New Testament scripture and complementary to the idea of personal salvation through Jesus Christ. From the earliest days of primitive Christianity, repeated earthly existences were a fact of life to many supplicants so long as they soldiered on in the quest for enlightenment. Yet they also believed that the monotonous cycle of birth and death could be transcended through the inspiration of Jesus Christ whose promptings towards spiritual perfection were able to exalt the individual to reconciliation with God and relief from the burden of the body. (more…)

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Did Jesus Die On The Cross?

Did-Jesus-Die-On-The-Cross-main-2-postThe following documentary investigates the variety of stories surrounding the New Testament account of the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, by interviewing historians, theologians and historical researchers. This exploration of the latest theories about what really happened to Jesus 2000 years ago uncovers some surprising possibilities.

At the heart of the mystery is the suspicion that Jesus might not actually have died on the cross. The film concludes that it was perfectly possible to survive crucifixion in the 1st Century – there are records of people who did. But if Jesus survived, what happened to him afterwards? (more…)

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The Beautiful Gate: Jesus Discourses On The Sabbath

The-Beautiful-Gate-Jesus-Discourse-main-1-postchanneled by Alexander Smyth

Vision Seventeenth

The Beautiful Gate is the largest and handsomest of nine which gives entrance to the Court of Israel from the Gentiles’ Court. It stands fronting the east with a colonnade and range of chambers on either side, the ground being seventeen feet above the other court, and the pillars being forty-seven feet high with the entablature making sixty. This gate is of surpassing magnificence, and is about ninety feet in height and seventy in width; the door being of massive Corinthian brass, covered on both sides with gold plates, as also the joints and lintels, with plain or fretted figures in low or high relief. On either side of the doorway is a tower seventy-three feet high adorned with columns twenty feet in circumference. All the exquisite art and ingenuity of the Jewish people seem to have been expended on this particular gate, for it was the most gorgeous of all the other parts of the temple. No one but an Israelite was allowed to enter it to the court beyond, for all other nations and creeds were excluded to the court below. When one of the true faith, as he considered himself, passed through the Gentiles’ Court and entered at this Beautiful Gate, a glow of pride and vanity ran through him to think that he was one of the privileged; he thought he must be superior to those he had passed in his way; he, therefore, could not help giving support and praise to institutions which had given birth to such vanity and error. (more…)

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Religion As Viewed From The Spirit World ~ Part III

Religion-As-Viewed-From-The-Spirit-World-Part-III-main-2-postby Anthony Borgia

For many hundreds of earthly years the New Testament has been claimed to be the inspired word of God. Opinions differ upon this one point, but there is still greater diversity of opinion upon much that is contained in the gospels. So wide is the latter divergence that literally hundreds of different Christian religions and religious sects have sprung up all over the earth world, each professing to be a true religion, if not the ‘true’ religion.

Some individuals go still further and claim that absolute belief in the contents of the book is itself sufficient for the ‘salvation’ of the soul, and that without that belief the soul is lost, condemned for all eternity to remain not only without the gates of heaven, but at a very great distance from them. (more…)

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The Crucifixion

The-Crucifixion-main-4-postby Alexander Smyth


The following night and morning after the condemnation of Jesus to death with the consent of Pilate, great preparations were made for the execution. As to the mode or manner of executing a criminal, there was none established by law, it being done in various ways, according to the will and pleasure of the authorities. But when great vengeance was sought to be wreaked upon the unfortunate victims, the crucifix was generally resorted to as the most cruel and ignominious of deaths. This mode was selected by the priests for the unfortunate Jesus. If there had been a more cruel and debasing mode known at the time, they would have chosen it; for their hatred, rancor, scorn and desire of vengeance knew no limits. They not only wished to glut their vengeance in inflicting agonies upon their victim, but they wished to set before the eyes of the people an example of their power, which was to impress them with horror, fear and submission to their wills; accordingly they strove to make this execution as terribly impressive as possible. (more…)

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The Prophetic Dream Of Jesus

The-Prophetic-Dream-Of-Jesus-main-4-postby Alexander Smyth

High up among the Judean mountains, on one of the most eastern ranges, not far from the city of Jericho, situated midway between the mountain top and the ravine’s deep abyss, there was a plateau containing a small fertile spot, being an oasis in the desert of the mountains. Several springs gushed from the mountains’ sides, and spreading over the small plain and mingling with the debris, a scanty supply of mold was produced, from which grass, shrubs, trees and moss sprang up spontaneously. This fertile spot was a miniature forest of pine, cedar, tamarisk, oak and palm trees. Interspersed with grass plats and running water near the center of this small verdant locality was a habitation or grotto, the cylindrical wall being constructed of rocky fragments, and the roof of rushes in the form of a cone; in the front of which, near to the entrance and under the shade of a tamarisk tree, was a long rude bench which seemed to be used as a seat or lounge. (more…)

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On The Travels Of Jesus

On-The-Travels-Of-Jesus-main-1-postby Saul of Tarsus (as channeled by Alexander Smyth)

Friend Alexander, from the nature of the Intelligence which now I wish to impart to you, the numerous and disconnected parts contained therein, I find it surpasses my ingenuity and skill to convey it to you in the form of a vision, therefore I shall be constrained to use the mode of simple address or relation. I shall so endeavor to impress your mind that you may re-commit it to paper from your memory. To relate all the travels and adventures of Jesus and his followers in detail would be very difficult, even if it were possible to gather all the accounts from the spirits who were concerned therein when mortals on the earth; but as Judas has informed me there was a great sameness or similarity in them, I shall not impose so heavy a task upon you, even if I were able to do so. I shall, therefore, speak of them as a whole—with the exception of the scenes and events, with which I have already impressed you—during his several tours through Judea and Galilee; and I shall then re-commence my mode of impressing you by visions with regard to the remainder of his career, where he returns to the vicinity of Jerusalem for the last time. (more…)

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Women – Disciples Of Jesus

Women-Disciples-Of-Jesus-main-4-postby Barbara Leonhard

The image I have of Jesus from the Gospels is of one who went out of his way to welcome women at the table and in his ministry. Read against the backdrop of first-century, Middle Eastern, Judaic culture, Jesus’ words and actions are strikingly inclusive.

Women’s Place: In the Home

Jewish culture in the first century was decidedly patriarchal. The daily prayers of Jewish men included this prayer of thanksgiving: “Praised be God that he has not created me a woman.”

A woman’s place was thought to be in the home. Women were responsible for bearing the children, rearing them and maintaining a hospitable home. Men were not to greet women in public. Some Jewish writers of Jesus’ time, such as Philo, taught that women should never leave the home except to go to the synagogue. (more…)

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Jesus And The Essenes

Jesus-And-The-Essenes-main-4-postby D.M. Hoover

The Essenes, as they came to be known, were said to have been formed around 500 B.C. when several masters of the priesthood formed a fraternity called Essaioli. According to early historians, such as Josephus, they lived peaceful disciplined and pious lives arising every morning before dawn for silent meditation and prayer. They were strict vegetarians who blessed everything they consumed before taking it into their bodies, for they revered all forms of life and this was a way in which they showed their respect. Their disciplined lifestyle devoid of all convenience and worldly possessions was a difficult one which required extreme devotion; consequently the number of people who chose to join remained relatively small throughout their history. Their dedication to focus solely on spiritual ideals is far different than the values most people, then and now, place on material attainment. (more…)

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The Confessions Of Saul of Tarsus

The-Confessions-of-Saul-of-Tarsus-main-4-postGiven Through The Mediumship of Alexander Smyth

“Friend Alexander, said the Spirit Saul to me, at our next communion, who, at this time, seemed to be unattended by Judas, “since I was with you, I have had an interview with ourSaul-of-Tarsus-4-post Superior Spiritual Powers, who regulate the affairs of this sphere in which I am placed. I made known to them my good fortune in having discovered you. I described your character; related some of the incidents of your life, and at length gained their assent to make you our medium and agent in the business I have alluded to. I will now give you a sketch of my true worldly career, which will be necessary in order to understand rightly the important narrative that is to follow.”

The spirit gave vent to a deep sigh, and paused for a few minutes, as though he were endeavoring to overcome some violent emotions. At length he said in a saddened tone of voice:

“It is a sad thing, my friend, to confess that which I am about to do. To speak of one’s self, concerning things and deeds, the remembrance of which fills me with horror; but such is the result of a sinful life, and therefore, however loathing and repugnant to me, it must be done. Bear with me, then, my friend, during my recital. Let not your just indignation break with me, but wait patiently to the end, and bear witness to the only atonement I can make to outraged humanity for my past wickedness and follies. (more…)

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The Early History of Jesus ~ Part II

Early-Years-of-Jesus-Part-II-main-4-postby Saul of Tarsus channeled by Alexander Smyth

“This sleep,” added the recluse, “is very different from the ordinary one of mortals. The mind and all the powers of life are totally abstracted from the corporeal senses, and his individual existence is quiescent to all influences, save that of your own. In fact, his body is totally insensible, and his spirit is subject to your will in all respects, as I will convince you.”

The recluse then took a small stick, with which he beat the sleeper over the shoulders and legs, without eliciting any signs of sensibility or motions. Then he gave Jose some directions how to exercise his will-power over him. Jose then stood in front of the sleeper, and with the concentrated energies of his will, commanded the latter to arise and follow him. Immediately the sleeping John arose and stood erect; then, with a fearless step, he followed Jose around the hut, passed out of the doorway, and for a few minutes walked to and fro in front of it; then returning to the hut he was restored to his former position by the side of the fire. (more…)

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The Early History of Jesus

Early-Years-of-Jesus-main-4-post-3by Saul of Tarsus channeled by Alexander Smyth

Friend Alexander, I will not insult your intellect by supposing that you believe there is any truth in the vile and ridiculous account that Luke and I concocted when we wrote the history of Jesus, concerning Mary, the virgin mother–the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove, acting as a proxy for the God of Heaven, in begetting a son who was to be equal to himself, and had existed through all time before he was begotten. I will not insult your reason, by supposing you to believe any part of these silly lies; but I will give you the true account of his youthful days as far as I received it from Jesus himself.

A short time after I had passed into the spirit world, being exiled from all society, in dreary exclusion, I received a visit from the spirit of the much injured Jesus, whom I had caused to be sacrificed to the hatred of the Jewish priests. I quailed before his benign and noble presence, feeling myself unworthy to meet his gaze. He gently rebuked me for the many evils I had done him, saying that he was informed of all by Judas, whom I had sent to the spirit world the same night that Jesus died. He told me that he forgave me for all my wickedness in regard to him, and then he spoke in sympathizing tones of my suffering condition. He said he could not mitigate my agonies, or he would, advising me to repent, aspire after righteousness, and strive to renew my nature for the better; that my wretched exclusion would be terminated in course of time, and I then would be allowed to mingle with the blessed. He then spoke of many parts of his history, enlightening me on many points I knew not before. (more…)

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The Lost Gospels

Lost-Gospels-main-4-postThis documentary presented by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones explores the huge number of ancient Christian texts that didn’t make it into the New Testament. Shocking and challenging, these were works in which Jesus didn’t die, took revenge on his enemies and kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth – a Jesus unrecognizable from that found in the traditional books of the New Testament.

Pete travels through Egypt and the former Roman Empire looking at the emerging evidence of a Christian world that’s very different to the one we know, and discovers that aside from the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, there were over seventy gospels, acts, letters and apocalypses, all circulating in the early Church.

Through these lost Gospels, Pete reconstructs the intense intellectual and political struggles for orthodoxy that was fought in the early centuries of Christianity, a battle involving different Christian sects, each convinced that their gospels were true and sacred. (more…)

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Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross – Biblical Scholars Claim

Jesus-Did-Not-Die-On-The-Cross-main-2-postBy Sean Martin

Jesus did NOT die on the cross but fainted and was RESUSCITATED, experts say.

The theory known as the Swoon Hypothesis suggests that Christ did not die on the cross, but simply fainted. The Swoon Hypothesis began to gain traction as far back as the 1700s, when historians first began questioning religion and looked for logical answers. Biblical scholar Karl Friedrich Bahrdt first established the theory in 1790, when he claimed that Jesus potentially faked his own death. However, as medical knowledge improved over the past centuries, some experts have begun to theorise that he collapsed on the cross due to fatigue and was later revived.

In a blog titled Review of Religions, Dr Muhammad Masudul Hasan Nuri, of the Tahir Heart Institute, explains how it is possible that Jesus survived the crucifixion. Dr Nuri first points to the average length of stay on the crucifix before death – which was three days some 2,000 years ago. Jesus, however, only reportedly lasted six hours. (more…)

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