Unariun Wisdom

The Drama Of Earth’s Great Delusion

by John McCoy

Earth has been spoken of as the “prison world”. One might also term it the great lunatic asylum! Perhaps some will take this statement wrongly as unfair criticism or judgment of the people of this planet. It is not that the people were psychotic and placed in this asylum so much as it is that the conditions of the planet enforce and propagate the insanity. Of course, we are not on what has been termed by some as “trash can No. 7” for nothing. There are reasons. In reality, however, our plight is not so bad for we are “envied” by many people living on highly advanced planets. To some this is inconceivable. The facts of the matter are this: As we put strain on a muscle—as we use it over and over again to overcome the power of gravity in lifting a mass—we build that muscle. As we bring into play our spiritual and other “muscles” to overcome the tremendous negativity around us everyday, we become correspondingly more and more powerful and developed from this viewpoint. Man on earth has a tremendous opportunity if he will but take advantage of it. Particularly in modern times as we near the end of the age, does man have this opportunity. All things are extremely speeded-up and we may make in a single day, perhaps, the progression that might have required months or even years at a less opportune time. Therefore, we are guilty of great negligence when we permit ourselves to lag behind and not do as much as we can to enable ourselves and others to take advantage of this present condition.

We have said that the earth is an asylum. Truly many people have been overcome by the negative conditions that reign here and have lost awareness of reality. Perhaps this could be the best definition of any type of insanity. It is merely the loss of ability to view a thing or things or all things with any degree of accuracy. When this happens, an individual loses agreement with his fellow man and he is placed apart from society. Now what happens if all society loses its sense of balance, its ability to view things as they really are? It is obvious that those few who remain who are able to be aware of basic reality will be outcasts of society if they try to express their view to those who are deluded.

If you wanted to absolutely control a world, how would you go about it? Obviously, the best type of control is hidden control. If the people were convinced that they were free, that they controlled themselves, that others on the other side of the planet were enslaved by dictators, they would never give any thought to the person or persons who pulled the puppet strings. If a country were thoroughly convinced of its “freedom” and that it had to protect this “freedom” from “aliens”, then we could find the great insanity of war—men killing their brothers. We find, then, the problem of control being not so much the necessity of having great power and many men to do your bidding, but convincing all that you are not in control—that they are free to make their own choices—but then behind the scenes, controlling them completely! How fantastic. How could this possibly be accomplished? First it is necessary not only to have the smoke screen of people thinking that they are free, but also we must focus their attention on something which they will think is a real danger or threat to them. If we can convince them that they must be very careful and watchful of a certain group in a part of the world remote from them. Then all their attention and fear will be directed toward this group and never toward the real controlling power. This also makes wars possible and wars are a very important part of our scheme of world slavery. If we are to present the illusion of freedom we cannot make the people do things that they do not want to do! Our problem is to control the people’s desires. Economics are the method we shall use for our system of control. If we develop an advanced technology with all sorts of work-saving devices which sell for large amounts of money, and if we create a desire for a great many of these products, we find that people are willing to sell themselves to others in order to gain sufficient money to purchase these objects. This is an economic slavery. A person, for example, wants to buy a TV set. In addition to the cost of a TV set the individual has continuous living expenses of food, shelter, and clothing. It is possible for the individual to purchase the TV set on time payment plans. In other words one does not have to have cash in hand to pay for an item if he is wiling to pay a little more for use of the device until he pays for it completely. Therefore, we get this picture. A man goes out to work all day in order to earn enough money to eat and have shelter and clothing so that he can go out and work and have enough money to eat and have shelter and clothing. Then he is told that he must buy a TV set, a refrigerator, a new car, a washing machine, etc., ad infinitum. Thus he works harder and harder to meet these payments on these various mechanical devices which entertain (?) and save labor. (He labors harder to purchase devices which save labor—it doesn’t quite make sense.) TV is an excellent method for us to use to indoctrinate our captives. They are kept busy all day at the office or the factory so that they can come home and enjoy the luxury of watching TV for a few hours. On TV we see to it that they are bombarded with more orders to buy this or that and that also on most of the shows, materialistic propaganda is propagated openly and with subliminal projections.

The whole crux of our plan is seeing to it that the public becomes inured with basic materialistic ideas. It is through their desire for material luxury that we control them. People go to college in many cases so that they can make more money. This money will buy them the things they want. They in any case must spend most of their time and energy in pursuing and taking care of this money. Their main intentions in life are directed towards the goal of making enough money to have the things they want to have. We determine what they want to have by telling them over and over what it is they want and by making the more general desires simply accepted by everyone so that little children grow up with these opinions. By placing an enemy on the horizon who will, we will tell them, enslave them if they get a chance, who will take away their TV sets and jobs and so forth, we place any attention that might remain after chasing the dollar all day and watching TV all evening, on this threat.

Freedom basically means being able to do what you want to do when you want to do it. We do not mean here an Aladdin’s Lamp must be given to everyone, but merely that one should be able to in a reasonable amount of time accomplish the things which he desires to do. Most people say, “If I didn’t have a job to keep and a family to support, I’d do such and such.” The controllers of humanity have set up a great materialistic doctrine by which men are to govern their lives. They have also set up a great economic system which most are forced to enter and to which they must confine themselves. Those who do not are considered to be to one degree or another insane and are generally outcast from any position in the society. The person who controls the money of the world controls the people. By creating demands and supplies, by creating enough problems for everyone to worry about, he insures first continued control by money and secondly continued security for one’s own position by a cloud of secrecy. How can one, after all, be deposed if no one realizes you are there to be deposed? The goal is to keep people fairly comfortable but to keep their time occupied with mundane things and inhibit their individuality and awareness. Set up governments and various agencies which think for them. Let a certain agency pronounce that a thing is thus and so and if enough prestige and “officialness” is given to the organization, their statement will be accepted no matter how absurd or foolish it may be. For example, people consume deadly poisons in their food each day of the cumulative variety (a poison which is cumulative will build up in deposits in the body until it eventually will cause death of the individual in one way or another; perhaps deposits such as arthritic conditions, gallstone, etc., are a result of consumption of poisons which are of the cumulative variety.) Yet, when the average person is told this he responds by saying, “If that were true our pure food and drug people would not allow it to be sold to us!” It is inconceivable to him that it is possible that the agency he refers to is unreliable. He refuses to look at the chemical facts of the situation. His trust is with vested authority. It has been indelibly traced in his mind that these things (governments, agencies, etc.) are infallible. He can believe nothing else.

There is one other little point to be brought out here. When war becomes expedient to boost a failing economy and to get rid of excess population, etc., then it is simple to arrange an incident which will cause one. War is a handy little tool. First one must lay the groundwork of materialistic concepts and desires, and then we work from there. When man learns to love unselfishly, he will no longer be able to kill another of his fellow creatures. But as long as hate can be instilled in his heart, the beast can control his thoughts and will.

Give thought to the foregoing paragraphs. Could this have happened on our planet? What do you think? The answer should be rather clear.

When we have close contact with the space people we will find that the materialism and negative concepts which have been cultivated on Earth will show up greatly. We will find their ideas to be very much different than those of Earth. They actually have no economy as such and their ideas on the basic factors of social living are vastly different. Many Earthlings would be shocked and surprised to know of some of the ideas of the space people. They would be considered odd, indeed. Man must gradually come out of the many negative concepts with which he has grown up. As we said, each individual must rid himself of the old if he is to enter into the new. On Earth most things which look black are white and those which look white are black. (This is from the standpoint of the average man.) When we get to a certain point in our search for truth, we suddenly find that we are no longer able to converse with many people on a level that they understand. We find that we have gotten to the point that we cannot say everything we think to everyone or they would believe we were mad! With some it is only possible to discuss the weather without coming across points which would bring violent differences of opinion if we expressed our views. (Even the weather can be a touchy subject.) This is an asylum, all right, but as we become more and more aware and more and more sane, we become the ones who are considered insane!

Perhaps psychology is one of the greatest examples that we might give of the propagation of the materialistic, atheistic, or communistic doctrine that is so enslaving. To begin with psychology means a study of the soul. However, no one operates on this basis in the “science”. In leading texts we find that psychology must be defined in terms of its “history”. Actually we find that the existence of a soul is debunked in psychology and man is simply considered a machine operating as the effect of outside stimuli. Perhaps some would like to reduce us to that state, but this is not the true nature of man.

On earth a great drama is being acted out. One force hopes to hold its control over man, the other hopes to liberate him. It is up to each man to choose his way. “Either your are with me or you are against me.” There is no halfway point. Men would not believe the truth if it were presented to them. It is too fantastic.

As more and more of this information comes to light, and more and more people are aware of it, the leaders in the New Age fields may undergo serious trails. If they become dangerous to those who would keep man a beast, the hidden rulers may take action against them. In times past this has happened when someone has said too much to too many people. At present the authors in the flying saucer field are still considered lunatics, liars, etc., by most people, so they pose no threat to the powers that be. As soon as they do, however, we will see proof of some of the things herein stated.

As these new things begin to work out, be not surprised at the very unusual ideas and opinions which are brought to light. Changes of a revolutionary nature are going to be made in our concepts from diet to economy! Let’s wake up and look around us and find out what is going on and seek some new ideas and understanding of life.

The drama is a fantastic one, but it becomes even more fantastic in a moment. Two forces are vying for life on this planet—one that makes men slaves and one that makes men free. Yet, there is a third force which evidently is detached from the other two, at least to the extent that it would aid one simply because it was against the other. It has a bearing on many of the seeming contradictions in some of the more controversial contact stories. In our next phase (future article) we will take a look at the things which are in space ships which might not have such good intentions toward our planet as do our Venusian and other friends from this solar system.

Excerpt from UFOs Confidential