Unariun Wisdom

Letters To You From BALORAN

by Rudolph H. Pestalozzi

Letter #8 – The Peoples’ Code of Morality

I am Baloran. Great has been our anxiety over the inner struggle which you of earth have been waging over the past years. Never have your minds been so disturbed and preoccupied in the turmoil of unformed decisions. Even now there are intermingling thoughts wrestling for control. Even now when you think yourselves somewhat eased from worries, you are caught up in the webs of intrigue being woven about you. Be calm. Listen to the peace within you. Listen to the small hushed voice at the essence of your being. Torture yourself no longer with self-doubt and recrimination. Nothing is gained in chaos and, truly, much may be lost to you. Your world is as it is because you have allowed it to become so. You now feel powerless to stop the madness; the headlong plunge which your societies seem to be taking into the sea of oblivion. Let not this one pebble impede your progress to the light of a new and enlightened society. Fear not. Earth’s societies are not due for total annihilation. Rid yourselves of the abomination of such thoughts.

Pause for a moment, if you must, to glean knowledge from that which is given you as experience but be not stymied nor mired in the trap of trivia. You have heard this before but it does bear repetition. You have certain lessons to learn now that you have taken this certain course. They are inevitable. Learn the lessons well and soon, and then be done with them. Know this, People of Earth: Progress in unfoldment is gained only with effort. It is our experience that progress can be measured in the degree of pain involved. You do know that each experience given is another opportunity for progress. Though you pause to wrestle your knotty problems to understanding, remember, stagnation is the other face; the alter ego of progress.

Trust your intuitiveness in the matters of knowledge attainment. The automatic use of your faculties and your trust in them is one part of knowing your self. Intuitively you shall gravitate toward that which is truth to you at this moment and take it as your own. Can you not see this is the reason for much of what you have received repetitiously? You shall receive, again and again, knowledge which is vital to your growth in the hope that, through repetition, a moment of acceptance shall be reached. Then, too, truth is enhanced in its chances for acceptance through repetition. Take that which you are able, people of earth, and leave the rest in peace. Be thoughtful and considerate enough to afford those about you the same grace. Are not all of those about you part of the Divine Plan? Indeed, is not all manifestation included in the Divine Plan?

It was our intention to continue, uninterrupted with the story of your planet and its present society but we shall lay that to one side, momentarily, for a discussion of the subject of moralities of the people of earth.

You have heard, I feel certain, a lingual description of a code of morality. A code of morality is a set or grouping of virtues by which one being or group of beings live happily in a society. Though I might try for some span of time to find a more suitable description, this shall do eminently well. It is a certainty that your virtues are those attributes best suited to sustain life. As you know, that code of morality which the peoples of your western world have accepted, has been termed an extension of the Universal Morality or Law. It has been an amalgamation of much ancient knowledge, brought from your earth’s eastern societies, with something of the western world to color it. It is, if you will, an extension of spirit knowledge into your seventh plane vibration.

As we said in past discourses, spiritual knowledge comes from the minds of sensitive individuals and is there bent and distorted much as a beam of sunlight is bent or refracted by a medium such as water or a prism. The beam of sunlight, broken by the prism into the spectrum and then viewed by the observer who cannot see the composed light is greatly disguised. If there be many observers, each one perceives sunlight for himself, in each case, the perceptions are individual and different. All are different from the original.

Each observer sees first that color which he most appreciates. Indeed, the tendency is to remember that particular color the most vividly and for the longest period of time. Some viewers will even become so hypnotized by their individual impressions that they will convince themselves that sunlight consists of only one color, to the exclusion of all others. So, too, it is with the perception of spiritual knowledge from which stems your interpretation of universal Morality. One person may be perceptive to but one small fragment of that knowledge and will accept that portion to the exclusion of all the rest. Who is to say that he accepts in error? True, as in the refracted beam, one color is not all of that beam but it is a vital part.

Equate, then, this example to that which you have come to know in the western world as Christianity and the morality which has come with it. Can you not see that, though the view of each splinter group or sect may not be complete knowledge, it is partial knowledge. Even though distorted in form, it is truth as you perceive it and should be so respected. Equate, too, this example to the beam of spiritual knowledge which bathes all of mankind of earth. We would emphasize all. It is not one race, one nation, one group of peoples favored with knowledge and truth. All have the opportunity of full knowledge of truth. We might say here that the adage “Many are called but few are chosen” could be best said “many are called but few choose to listen.”

Need you, as an individual, cling to the views and beliefs of another or to those of a group to partake of the feast of truth? Certainly not. No man needs to accept the views of another when total or near total truth is more nearly attained by taking the broad view of all. Accept knowledge of a spiritual nature from whatever source it may come, analyze it, test it in the crucible of your inner self and accept or reject as you feel compelled. Remember, no man’s expression of truth makes it truth because he expresses it as such. Think not to influence others to accept your views for the sake of vindication of your thinking. Each has his individual problems of consciousness unfoldment and it is distinct, unique and totally individual. You know that unfoldment is advanced entirely and wholly through that which you term experience. Each being is created with the prism of himself. Need I say more? Oh yes – you can blind another individual or group to a particular view. You can render another’s prism opaque and reflect upon him only those views which you allow through your prism. But would you be willing to be held accountable? We think not.

Now armed with your definition of morality and aware of the universal dispensation of truth-knowledge, let us scrutinize the subject of that which you have come to recognize as your moral code. In that you are, firstly, spiritual beings, you do possess a knowledge of morality which is quite complete. As you know, when you pass over into carnate existence, your memory of this knowledge, as well as the memories of former existence, is lost temporarily. Your memory is anesthetized, so to speak. Your memory is all but smothered in the weightiness of the flesh. But is it only the memory that is missing? Yes, that is all. Your knowledge of universal morality is still intact.

As infants and children, you are as thoroughly moral creatures as is possible upon your world. What is the difference between your little children and adults? Adult carnate beings fear – and your greatest immorality is this: You teach your children to fear. Throughout the ages, this has been so. This fear may be the greatest immorality of all earth beings.

As was discussed in the earlier letter, Adam and his kin left the place of authority over earth to take charge of man and earth affairs. In carnate distortion, he then invented an angry God as reason for not returning to his rightful place. The “fiery sword” of his conscience is his alibi for remaining upon earth. This fear of God; therefore fear of all, you humans of earth perpetuated through the age. You have passed it, father to son and mother to daughter, until you fear even that which you are – Divinity itself. Morally you are created and you progress to immorality in the act of carnate maturity. In the words of your master-teacher, you will not attain happiness until you again become as “little children”. As children you loved; you were unashamed of yourselves; you were unfearful of God. You trusted intuitively in your Creator and all was right in your universe. It is sadness to observe the attainment of adulthood of most beings in your world.

You have adopted codes of morality in your societies by which all are expected to live – adaptable or not. Upon what foundation do you build your codes? All but a few upon your earth worship a distant God-being. Why? All but a few upon your earth worship parents as all but demi-gods. Why? Mostly, I think, through reasons of fear.

Through the age you have feared to lie, feared to steal, feared to kill, feared to rape, in your heart of hearts. Why? certainly you have done these in profusion in spite of the fact that you have adopted them as the code of “Thou shalt not”. You have adopted for yourselves what amounts to a code of negativeness; a code oriented toward things which must not be done. Your code of morality holds immorality constantly before your eyes. You fear to do what you term evil – but certainly you do it. You fear what you consider immoral only because of the consequences. In all of this you have arrived at your code of “Thou shalt not” through fear. It may be said that your code of morality has its roots in your civilization and does react to the “progress” there, rather than the knowledge of the morality which you have created.

Again, fear has not kept you from the commission of all that you hold contemptible. You steal, you bear false witness, you kill, you do rape. What of your world now? Do you care that it is all but ruined? Yes, you do. Again, you care because of the lash of fear – not love. Do you think the world situation in which you now find yourselves is a condition brought about by your moralities? It is not. The moralities with which you were created in spirit, and still possess, are responsible for the order of the universe. Your minds, your inability to interpret things of the spirit in proper perspective, your penchant for fear worship, has put you, your world and its societies of peoples, upon the brink of disaster.

Fear assailed Adam after his entry into the flesh at the beginning of the human race. It assails him today and is now, as then, his greatest immorality. This fear; this immorality, has turned the face of love – Adam’s greatest morality, around to expose love’s alter ego – hate. Fear is indeed, in this case, father and mother of the hate loose in your world.

Cannot you love all about you with your whole spirit; with your whole minds; with your whole bodies? Is not love for all the very reason you exist? You say you cannot love the criminal. Why? You and your code of fears have made him much as he is. There is the Divine Spark in all, more or less developed. Though you need not admire what one does with the Spark, certainly you must appreciate the Divinity there. It is the love vibration in the physical, truly so restricted that you, created as a being of love, can do little more than hate or possess. Could the immoralities of fear and hate exist upon earth except for the minds of men and humans? Could the atrocities against the morals of the universes be committed if the peace, harmony and love of the universes were permitted to shine through the prism of each upon all?

You view through the prism of fear and ignorance. Exchange that prism through the practice of love and the attainment of knowledge. Cry not to your God in the reaches of what you know as space. This One; God, is in your being. Gather experiences with the senses of your bodies, lay that before the Divinity of you. Knowledge – consciousness unfoldment to truth is thusly attained and attainable. You need no new code of morality. You need but to become aware of – to remember the code of which, by which, and for which you were created. Think for a moment of a world order which appreciates and lives by the code – the moral code of love. Could you then fear? You were created in love. You entered earth through the portals of love. You entered the earth for reasons of love. Can you not now live in love? You are faced with the simple choice of love or fear. You may live in love or die in fear and the choice to unfold either is indeed yours alone.

Stand forth in all your perceptive capabilities to the light of truth and love which bathes earth through the flood of spirit knowledge. It is there – has been there since before your time began. You have but to attune to it. You have adopted the darkness of fear and you have fed it into the generations of this age. You have adopted fear as a way of life and allowed it to distort your moralities. You are shortly to witness the transformation of all your sphere to the moralities of love and all of the natures of earth shall resound to the approach of the transformation.

Earth shall be changed. You have heard this. All is progression to love and truth. Earth humans and men, and all of the rest of earth’s tenants shall rise to the morality of love or, in merciful oblivion, avoid the transition for a time. Progress is inevitable. It is the nature of all things in all universes. All progress is obtained in experience of either positive or negative character. You dwell in the negative of fear. You have but to choose to abide in the positive of love. Know love as the code of your morality and all powers of the universe shall be yours. Choose.

Let your prisms transmit love as the Light of your world.


Excerpt from Letters To You From BALORAN

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