Gamaliel of Hermes: Philosophy Through The Ages

Gamaliel-of-Hermes-Philosophy-Through-The-Ages-main-2--postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, dear ones; this is Brother Gamaliel. It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am bringing you one of the last and 1-Gamalielclosing chapters from Hermes and the city of Aureleus. It has been with a good deal of pleasure that we have been able to be of some small service to you, as you have personally met and listened to the various interpreters of the earth science and philosophy, as they have existed in your more recent time. It is assumed that by now the interest of the reader will have reached a point where he will have searched the libraries and discovered to his own advantage and amazement that a great deal of wonderful history and truth can be gained by reading these books. It is also quite obvious that, numerous as our trips and discussions have been, we have presented to you only very small fragments and portions of these numerous lives and pages of historical events, as they were portrayed in the thousands of years of time in the sequence of evolution in the earth histories.

2-concepts-and-philosophies-of-their-timeWe began with the Egyptian and the Hindu, or the Brahmistic, concepts and philosophies, and concentrated more or less upon the philosophies and sciences as they were expressed and contained from the Grecian era, and on into your present time. There were many of these different philosophies; and in the semantics of their own interpretations, as was pointed out to you, these ideas, theosophies, theologies, and sciences were quite pertinent and relative to the dimension and time in which they were conceived. It was also pointed out that elements of truths of a spiritual nature were also sometimes contained and existed for posterity, and were valuable for men in a future day in evolution.

Let us review somewhat your previous visits, which were conducted by Plutarch, and 3-Quetzalcoatlthe section which was devoted to the ancient civilization of the Mayans, the Toltecs, and the Aztecs, as they existed in your Western Hemisphere many thousands of years ago. You learned there that this civilization came into existence and was propagated by an Egyptian architect and philosopher of science, who migrated into this country at a period of time which antedated that of Jesus. This architect became later known as a god, called Quetzalcoatl, or the Feathered Serpent, because of his many talents and expressions of wisdom and intelligence in his dimensional world about him at that time.

4-pyramidThere are, of course, quite obvious differences in the architecture of the so-called Mayan or Toltec civilization; yet as a general rule it can be assumed that, in their overall appearance, the types of pyramids or temples and various other buildings of these civilizations were quite similar in many ways to those of the Egyptian, as well as those of the Chaldean, Assyrian, and Babylonian. Just as in your day, the architects of your time portray quite obvious differences in their interpolations of architecture in the world about you; so it was in their time that they portrayed many differences; yet, as a whole, the architecture was strikingly of a design which can be termed a period.

Because of the limited time in which you are able to maintain continuity and 5-Grecian-templeappearance here in Aureleus and because of the vast size and magnitude of all that is about us here, we have been able to convey only a small fragment of the descriptions of these vast civilizations into the lines of your books, just as in the previous transmission that there was much which was not so thoroughly described.

Going a little further along into this discussion, we will say that at the advent of Cortez into Mexico, shortly after the time of Columbus, he found the beautiful city of Mexico actually floating upon the surface of a lake; and between the peninsula of 6-Cortez-at-Mexico-CityYucatan and Mexico City, in what appeared to be a jungle, was contained a world, or an empire, of fabulous historical treasures. There were hundreds of miles of roads which had been paved with what might be called flagstone, that is, with locking sections of stone. These roads wound about through the various mountain passes and through the jungle, but were either destroyed by the erosive nature of time, or were cracked and swallowed up and broken by the creeping jungle vines and trees that covered them.

Cortez also found great pyramids, existing at that time, which were equaled and excelled only by the pyramids of Egypt. These massive stone structures towered hundreds of feet into the air; and so, all in all, it can be said to have been a very wonderful and beautiful civilization. No doubt the people who had lived at that time were very highly advanced, with a vast amount of art and science at their command; so much so that the language written into the walls, and the stone buildings, which are still standing today, is almost imperishable, and is still a mystery to the archaeologists, who have been vainly trying to solve it for many years.

It could be noted too that the previous transmission did not deal with the more specific elements of the aboriginal cultures, as 8-Indian-tribal-meetingthey existed in the tribes of Indians, as they are erroneously called, through the northern reaches of your fair land of America. The Sioux Nation itself was an amalgamated federation of a number of nations, and was held thus by a somewhat democratic system of government. Likewise were the advanced races, the offshoots of the Mayans, called Seminoles. Going into the northern reaches of your country, around New York, we find the Iroquois, or the Five Civilized Nations, whose system of democracy had a tremendous influence in the construction of your United States. It was through William Penn and his treaties that a fuller understanding and a concept of this democracy was able to bring about a factual realization of the formation of the original Thirteen Colonies, for several signers of the Declaration of Independence were well acquainted with the Iroquois Nation.

This somewhat resembled the United Nations conclave of nations as it exists in New York today, which in itself presents somewhat of a strange parallel or paradox. The Iroquois Federation, consisting of five different nations, sent to the various councils, or the Long House, the delegates who were appointed by the nation; and these delegates presented the problems of the nation to the council. However, in the voting of such issues, the delegates were never permitted to vote upon the issue which concerned their own country. Thus it was that a very impartial and a very objective conclusion was reached in the solutions of these problems.

We might contrast that procedure to the numerous interjections of negations in the United Nations, by the great nation across the sea, which has rendered your United Nations conclave almost useless, by the constant refusal of acceptance of such modification of political sciences as they exist in your world today.

9-philosophers-aSo in going into these various factions, we saw some of the works of a long line of Greek philosophers, the first of whom was Thales, who lived about 600 B.C., and who expounded the theory that the generation of all things sprang from the common substance, water. There were parallels, such as Seneca, who shortly after the time of Jesus, was forced to commit suicide just as was Socrates, due to a fancied plot against the Emperor Nero at that time. It was in the era before Jesus that we saw Aesop, as he wrote down his philosophies, which have existed as “Aesop’s Fables” in a modern version of your time. There were others, such as Euclid, who gave mathematical postulations and theories, which are somewhat basic concepts even into your time. It was Hippocrates who first concluded many of the concepts which are still quite relevant into your time and day. It was he who first disproved that epilepsy was a religious visitation and, instead, proved that it was an organic disturbance.

Here again I might point out to you that many of these recent philosophies or truths brought into realization were only 10-Egyptian-embalmingexpressions which have been conceived in different eras in past ages, not only on your earth, but on other planets. For example, Dr. William Harvey was given credit for discovering the circulation of the blood; but that was known even at the time of Cleopatra and the Ramses dynasties, when the process of embalming used was quite similar to that of your own time, in which they drained the blood from the veins and arteries and replaced it with a homogenous substance, which ossified the surrounding tissues that then took on a parchment or a stone-like structure.

11-scientist-aI might point out, too, that frequently a great deal of false credit has been given to the so-called inventions of your time. Many of the basic concepts of truth in many branches of science and philosophy have been in no wise completely indigenous to your place or time; instead, they have been postulated and brought into a form of existence in many ages. They may not have contained exactly the same elements, or combined the actual elements of existence of that time; but the basic elements of such truths have remained with man, and it is obvious by now that you will have realized that the continuity of expression in these interpolations of knowledge and wisdom on your earth have been brought over to you, and with you, from other realms and dimensions, which we call spiritual or celestial.

As in the case of Isaac Newton, the theories of calculus and mathematics and the 12-Isaac-Newton-atheory of corpuscular light, which he expounded, were later displaced and modified to a large extent by Planck and Einstein. Incidentally, I might say that the science of mathematics and calculus and the various geometrical and other forms of expression existing in your world today is in itself merely another channel whereby man reaches some form of a universal concept. The science of mathematics, as it exists now in many of its numerous branches, will progress to further heights or will disappear entirely from your concept, to be replaced by other concepts, which will be much more functional factors in your relationships to the future dimensions into which you are evolving and with which you are so vitally concerned.

13-Planck-at-blackboardI might say that to bear out the truth of this statement, we shall give an example; as Max Planck expounded the theory of transference of energy, not until his time was it universally accepted that energy was absorbed or admitted in somewhat of a regular fashion. However, Planck expounded the theory that such energy could be transmitted from one particular thing into another only according to a certain equation, which was called the Planck’s constant, or the more commonly termed Derivation of Quantum.

I would like to say that in the time of Jesus, when He approached the leper, He 14-Jesus-healing-the-blind-leperdid not say, “God, I know that X + Y over E equals Pi,” and that the leper must be healed by this formula. Nor did He say when He approached the blind man near the Well of Rebecca, as He put mud over his eyes, “25 x 8 over 29 E,” and therefore this man’s eyes were healed. This was to Planck simply a way in which he could conceive energy being transmitted from one dimension to another; consequently he must have these figures thus placed in his mind. In the future day you will see such sciences and philosophies factually replaced by others, which are much more relative to the dimension in which you find yourself.

15-reading-roomIn case that by now you are throwing up your hands in a somewhat fearful or horrified manner and saying that we are telling you that your philosophies and understandings are of no value, and you are wondering what you must do to replace them; to you I say, dear brothers, even if you tried to tear out these philosophies and understanding of the nature of the world about you at the time in which you live, if you should begin this very instant and continue for the rest of your life, you would be very unsuccessful. With a moment’s thought you will see that you are in this world and of this world simply as a product of your own conception; and you will not evolve into another dimension until these concepts are further enlarged upon or have been replaced. These concepts which you have with you now relate to your own dimension and to your own time; and you have conceived them from numerous reincarnations in similar dimensions. They are as much a part of you as your arms and legs. Just as the crab and the lobster will grow a new claw if one is dislodged by an accident, so you too, in your evolutions, must displace all of these elements in your thinking by others.

The point I am trying to make is simply that you should not make demigods of16-scientist-a the sciences or philosophies of the life about you. Likewise should you not misconstrue the elements of the material world in which you are living, as being the dominant and factual elements which will be in your life in future evolutions. Your life, as it exists today, was not the life of your grandmother or your grandfather. The average city or suburban dweller goes to the grocery store frequently; in fact, he literally lives from paper bags. Not so with your grandparents; they tilled the soil and milked the cows and took the vegetables directly from the soil itself.

You see thus that, in an overall pattern or a sequence of evolution, things are arrived at rather slowly. It would indeed be very harmful to you, to attempt to replace the 17-evolutionary-pathwayphilosophies and ideologies that you have conceived in your own dimension at the present time. However, it does not mean that you cannot begin to form elements of universal concepts and perceptions within yourselves. You can begin rightly to place all of these philosophies and elements, as they exist with you today, in their proper relation to you, in their factional orders of sequence of evolution. They should in no wise be misconstrued as the integrating elements which will be with you at your arrival in some future evolution, by which you can call yourself a spiritual being of some highly evolved nature. In that day and in that age, you will understand all of the elements in which you are now in, in a much broader and more universal fashion; and they will be interrelated and interwoven with other dimensional factors, so that you will instantly perceive, to a very high degree, a great deal of the tremendous cosmic and celestial universe around you.

Never attempt, however, in the postulation of concepts in your mind at this time, to think that you ever arrive at a concept in 18-contemplation-awhich you will instantly perceive all things at all times; only God can do that. It might be that in your return to God, you may be an integrational faction of conceiving a part of this universal concept. However, as this is beyond your realm of understanding at this time, do not attempt to go into these extreme abstract orders of concepts. They would only induce a neurotic pattern of frustration in your mind. Accept only the things which come to you from day to day, in the value and in the order in which they are received and as they are manifested. You might say that they are the blessings of God, and He is the actual, the ultimate, who is the originator and the conceiving force in all of the elements about you. It is down through the many dimensions in which we have arrived and concluded, that we are trying to explain to you that you will have, as we say, mailmen or delivery boys who will help you to arrive at some more of the concepts in your own personal philosophies.

19-contemplationYes, you may pray to God, and you may believe that you are actually receiving a message from God, or that you may actually be seeing Christ. This is in itself a difference of opinion. As has been pointed out, God is completely universal and the originator of all things, and He lives in countless and numerous dimensions. It is quite obvious by now that He is not a personal God, nor is He contained in a personal being, as you might visualize in your mind. This obvious concept must necessarily conclude you to believe that we must all participate in the general and unified theology of the cosmic universes. The acceptance of man into these different dimensions is such that he does so with his own will and volition, and with the understanding and with the elements of preconception which will enable him to make the various transitions or evolutions or reincarnations into these dimensions.

20-enlightenmentFor the future, shape the destiny of your thinking into whatever channels that you may feel intuitively inclined to pursue. Always be conscious and cognizant of the great spiritual force within you, which is sometimes called the Still Small Voice. In the pursuance of your daily life, accept the various orders of experience as they come to you in a proper related concept, knowing that they are necessarily only elements of the experimental nature of life, as it exists with you in this terrestrial dimension. If your concept contains the elements of future evolution into higher dimensions, the possibility that you can become something more than what you really are, a creature sometimes called a victim of circumstance; do not let the false doctrines of this fatalistic concept enter into your mind. You must and you do, in all sequences of your experience, actually dominate to the utmost degree all of the proper integrational factors of dimensional precepts and concepts into your nature, and with the inception of these concepts, it is quite likely that you will incarnate into these dimensions.

Excerpt from The Voice Of Hermes

See Part II here.

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