Five Quotes By The UN.AR.I.U.S. Moderator

Quote-1-4-post“How blessed will be the day of morrow
That brings forgetfulness of all the past
And yet the past is but the way
The morrow grows.”

Quote-2-4-post“To learn is an achievement in wisdom,
And each learning is a milestone
Upon our pathway into eternity.”

quote-3-4-post“Fear is the ghost of the past
Which haunts us in our future.”

quote-4-4-post“How well is the victory won, not in
conquering the foe – but in helping him
conquer that which made him a foe

quote-5-4-post“Soon the midnight hour is upon us
and there in sweet repose
I’ll find my path among the stars

By Ernest L. Norman
Excerpt from Infinite Contact


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