Men Of Atlantis

Men-Of-Atlantis-main-4-postby Clara Iza Von Ravn


Atlantis was once a speck blown on the ocean’s waves, a spot upon the foam, a floating nut that gathered to itself still other flotsam through the aeons gone and grew as all hath grown.

At first a clod of earth on which no life existed, but the birds of air found rest for weary wings, and sore distress of thirst was quenched in the low pools which caught the water from a weeping sky. Wrecked ships gave matter for its shape and size, and elements in motion added much towards the building of that ocean isle—a grain from out the granary of the deep. (more…)

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Atlantean History ~ Part VII

Atlantean-History-Part-VII-main-4-postAs given by a Templar Seer On The Future of Atlantis

Substance is that spiritual power and presence that must come from Its own Source, to supply the individual tapping that point of Spirit. It is conceived by the Law, impregnated by the mind of Christ, brought forth in the Light, and given birth in the individual desire and soul of man. From the infinite source of Substance issues all life, power, force, quality and quantity of supply which creates the expressed idea—expressed in an object, or in a condition. It is back of everything, of any name or nature whatsoever. It comes to consciousness from the Law, and Its supply is great or small according to the individual ideals and desires of one that draws upon It. Some will express negation, others will express harmony and all good.

The ideas of an individual’s consciousness are molded by thought forces according to the pattern radiated by that one’s Light within the Shrine. If one’s Light is clear and bright, the pattern given is good and enduring. If the Light be clouded and diverted, the pattern shown will be poor and miserable. After the pattern is held, consciousness must be prepared for the molding; it is urged on to the mind, where the thought forces begin to shape it into outline, form and color, of the mental plane. Now it comes through desire of an individual soul to the time of birth. And this is the time when the perfect model of the Spirit is apt to become deformed and anything but the thing of beauty and a joy forever. Many a perfect idea loses quality and character, hence its power to give harmony, by premature birth or by abortion. Self-will and impatience and lack of faith produce these two dread conditions. The parent of the idea places more trust in his five senses and in false laws, than he does in the One Law, hence he clouds his Light, and chaos results at birth of his idea. (more…)

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Atlantean History ~ Part VI


Atlantean-History-Part-VI-main-4-postAs given by a Templar Seer On The Future of Atlantis

Dear ones, because of unexpected recent revelations, it is has become most necessary for this gathering here tonight, that I have wisdom and advice from the Light of Spirit. Therefore I shall silently make my wants known as soon as we enter the Silence, and I desire you all to heed the Vision, or the Voice, perhaps both, which may come to us here. Since entering this sanctuary in advance of you I have felt the vibrations of the nearness of a Presence, which I trust is waiting to guide me through the tortuous maze which has been opened before me; and which the emperor Atlas has seen fit to make me enter, to lead his people forth from confusion. I accept the burden, but I ask you for cooperation tonight. I may enter a trance state and not remember all the Spirit will say to us, but you will be alert and remember, should I become unconscious.

Beloved Children, Qoka speaks to you. I am he that was sent to your earth plane a time aback, to address the people in the Temple of Neptune, at the time of the convocation. I then warned all of the swiftly oncoming doom of the world, unless you returned to the recognition of the Law of One. My warnings failed of their loving intent. Now I am come to you few faithful ones to urge the accomplishment of certain unpleasant duties, which must be fulfilled without delay. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part V

Atlantean-History-Part-V-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

The City of Paradise cont.

After leaving the Grove the visitor is invited to refresh himself in the Guest House, which is maintained for the entertainment of strangers. It stands between the Grove and the Gardens, which form the entrance to the Seven Gardens of Eden—the vast Gardens belonging to the imperial palace.

The Guest House, with its environing park, its pergolas, its walks and seats, its fountains and bird baths, its gorgeous flowers and shade trees, presents a picture impossible to describe. The building itself is of white marble, trimmed with green onyx and black Liberian stone. Within, the floors are of white marble, also trimmed in green and black. The woodwork of arches and windows is of cypress and olive, the relieving strips being of black oak. This building, as well as most public edifices in the City, is planned to stand square to the four points of the compass—facing North, South, East and West. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part IV

Atlantean-History-Part-IV-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

The evil influences pervading the empire, brought to this peak by the Priests of Bel-Ra, have changed the once-harmonious conditions of Atlantis to one of unrest, fear and trouble. Hitherto happy homes are disrupted because one parent or the other, or, perhaps another member of the family is a loyal Templar, while the others have fallen victims to Idolarty. Children of Templars come of age when they are free to choose their way in life, and they marry into families that are secretly allied in the worship of Bel-Ra. In the families of the most faithful Templars there may be one member that secretly follows the teachings of Ritaro, High Priest of Idolatry of Atlantis. Thus it is that estrangements grow apace in homes where all should be unity and harmony. Such estrangements bring antagonism and strife in our midst.

Since Idolatry, which began with the reign of Dionysos and has reached its zenith during the last decade, the high standard of chastity and honor always maintained by Atlanteans has fallen lower and lower. At the present time the people in general accept a state of sensuousness as inevitable. Some hope this will change and sex conditions be improved; some fear matters will become increasingly worse until the final scene is due upon the stage of the world. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part III

Atlantean-History-Part-III-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

An empire so advanced in civilization as Atlantis must have a government on a par with her other standards of progress.

Every citizen of age has the right to vote. Voting age for both male and female is twenty-five. Every State, city, and town, or mere settlement, has its representation in the government. It has its own Censors, Officers, Rulers and Governors. All the representatives come to the City of Paradise to convene and voice the opinions of their people.

Individual States are independent of each other, but are subject to the Capital Seat of government. All individual cities, towns or settlements are independent of each other, but subject to the laws enforced by the State Capital City, the Seat of Government. Every individual living in a city, town or settlement is independent of another, but subject to the laws enforced by the Censor of the place. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part II

Atlantean-History-Part-II-main-2-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

Another marvelous invention evolved by Atlantean genius during the first decade of the reign of Atlas is the Water-Shoen. It is a queer looking pair of small boats that fit to the feet of one who wishes to skim over the water. They are readily adjusted by slipping the feet into the toy-like boats and fastening the straps and snaps. The top is then covered by a folding radial roof, which closes snugly about the ankle. Once the radial lid is locked no water or air can gain admission inside the Shoen. The wearer is then ready to start his journey. He strikes out with the feet just as a skater glides upon the ice. But a voyageur upon Water-Shoen can travel faster than a skater upon the ice. The motors used to provide power for the Shoen are constructed similarly to the motor of the Bird-Wings. The batteries are automatic also, as in the Bird-Wings.

Inventions such as described must have scientists that understand mechanics, electricity, the principles of water, air and fire, as well as the great forces and power forever pouring forth from the sun. If our inventors knew nothing about the laws governing gravitation and levitation their devices would be harmful and useless for man. But the Templars of Atlantis do understand these laws, because for ages past they have understood the Law of One! Whence issues all sciences, all ideas, all laws for the welfare of its communicants. The Law of One, which is the Light radiating in the Inner Shrine of man’s consciousness, is the only Source of Inspiration, revelation and demonstration in the world, because It is the one Source of all Substance. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part I

Atlantean-History-Part-I-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

In this abbreviated account of the eons of civilization of Atlantis, it must be remembered that such statements made, which refer to ancient times, may be verified by the records kept in the Museum of the Temple of Literature, of the City of Paradise. In this volume of current history, beginning with the coronation of Atlas, and continuing through to the present day—more than two decades since Atlas began his reign—the space is too limited to give more than the merest hint of events that were most important in ancient days. Hence we will say here that Ancient Atlantean Records prove conclusively that at the time of the First Deluge, 800,000 years ago, the Atlanteans led the entire world in civilization.

It is now generally known to Atlantean Templars that the awful cataclysms, known as the Second Deluge, 200,000 years ago, and the Third Deluge of 80,000 years ago, were caused by the chemicalizations of Nature in this physical world; they were the direct result of the vibrations of evil upon this earthly plane, conflicting with and resisting the relentless spiritual forces. Therefore it may be said that the frightful upheaval 80,000 years ago was brought about by the indifference and recklessness of mankind on earth, to the higher and inexorable Law of One—the spiritual Light that is the only Causation. (more…)

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