Psychic Children

Psychic-Children-main-4-postby Jessica Rach

Parents have shared the strangest things their children have said to them, in an array of stories about their child’s chilling precognition and other worldliness awareness.

The thread was kicked off by a nursery teacher on Mumsnet – a blog for Moms, who described how a toddler in her class predicted both her pregnancy, and that of her colleague.

The woman revealed the young girl had placed her hand on her co-worker’s stomach saying ‘babies’, weeks before the woman discovered she was pregnant with twins. (more…)

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Zoroaster Speaks From The Plane of UN.AR.I.U.S.

Zoroaster-Speaks-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

The Peace of God be with you. I am the identity of the one who was known on your earth as Zoroaster, or Zarathustra. Zoroaster-4-postYour history will relate me to the time of something like five hundred to a thousand years before the Advent of Jesus upon the earth. While this all seems to be a great mystery to those who study the records of the earth, yet, the time does not really matter, neither does the identity of the individual as he was so called this or that, but mostly that he lived and left behind a message – a message of Truth which was given to the people of that time and place; and as it was such that those who remain firm and staunch and adhere to the flame of Zoroaster, let them be complimented for their fidelity, and let them be blessed with the consciousness and goodness which comes to all believers, whether they follow the path of any prophet, or any Avatar, so long as the pathway leads to the higher place of God. (more…)

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The Astral World

The-Astral-World-main-4-post-1by Yogi Ramacharaka

In this lesson on the Astral World, we will be compelled to deal in generalities instead of going into minute and careful descriptions such as would be needed in a work taking up the “higher-grade” work. Instead of endeavoring to describe just what a “plane” is, and then going on to point out the nice little differences between “planes” and “sub-planes” we shall treat the whole subject of the higher planes of existence under the general term of “The Astral World,” making that term include not only the lower divisions of the Astral Plane, but also some of the higher planes of life. This plan may be objected to by some who have followed other courses of reading on the subject, in which only the lower Astral Plane has been so styled, the higher planes receiving other names, which has led many to regard the Astral Plane with but scanty consideration reserving their careful study for the higher planes. But we ask these persons to remember that many of the ancient occultists classed the entire group of the upper planes (at least until the higher spiritual planes were reached) under the general term “The Astral World,” or similar terms, and we have the best of authority for this general division. There is as much difference between the lowest astral planes and the highest mental or spiritual planes, as there is between a gorilla and an Emerson, but in order to keep the beginner from getting lost in a wilderness of terms, we have treated all the planes above the physical under the general style of “The Astral World.” (more…)

Posted in Life On The Other Side, Out Of Body Experienceswith 1 comment.

A Vision Of Osiris

A-Vision-of-Osiris-main-2-postby Robert Maxxim

1 pyramidI had a dream vision of Atlantis at a time near the end of that civilization. In that dream, I was a young man about 19 years old, had black hair and of Asian-Caucasian appearance.

I stood in front of a large four-sided pyramid covered with a material unlike limestone or Robert-Maxxim---Legacy-1granite, but more like smooth metallic alabaster squares each about a meter tall with nearly unidentifiable seams. I walked around the pyramid due north from its eastern side, went westward along its northern side, and then midway south on its western side. There, I found an entrance that could only be opened by specific technology that disconnected and rose pyramid blocks in the air to reveal an entrance. Then, it put them back down again right where they had been. (more…)

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The Place

The-Place-stanza-one-main-4-postCome not to the place where ye can say
That I am this or that, nor shall I doeth much;
And mighty are the deeds of my doing.
For surely as thou seeketh this place,


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Unmasking The ET Presence – Part II

Uncovering-The-ET-Presence-main-4-postby Timothy Good

The following report is excerpted from a lecture given by contactee Carl Anderson in 1966:


“On the night—or I should say morning—of February 14, 1960, I was ushered personally aboard a 200-foot craft on the Mojave Desert, some ten to twenty miles north of the town of Yucca Valley. I remained on board this craft for two hours and twenty minutes, during which time I was given some very important information. And I was told that I was to take this information to some great scientists. And when I questioned this, the man who told me this informed me that the way would be made clear, that all expenses would be taken care of, and that I would go to Germany and talk with some noted scientists and physicists in that country.

“I asked why I had to go to another country [and] why I couldn’t see physicists in my own country, because it so happens that in 1932 or 1933 I was employed by none other than Dr. Vannevar Bush [a pivotal pioneer of nuclear weapon technology]. At that time, he was with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I lived with him in his house in Belmont, Massachusetts, for two years. I was very well acquainted with him—he’s one of our noted physicists and scientists. And I asked why I had to go to a foreign country to impart this knowledge [and] I was told that scientists here in my own country would turn a deaf ear to what I had to say, therefore I would have to go where people were capable of listening and understanding, and would accept the truth.” (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, UFOswith 1 comment.

Polarity, Pulse, And Pollution

Polarity-Pulse-And-Pollution-main-4-postby George Van Tassel

In biomagnetics and working with electrostatics (both answering to the same polarity laws), it is easy to see that molecules of fluids can be polarized to form “liquid crystals”. Once liquids become polarized, in their liquid state, they are also subject to radiations of the surrounding matrix of other elements. This is why rubbing a glass containing a drink can change its flavor, or taste. Putting a magnet in the drink does the same thing by the same polarity laws.

Polarity is the plus and minus of all unbalance, whether it be in stable or unstable elements, or in any energy matter reaction. This is why underground atomic tests may withhold the gamma destructive rays, but can create resonance in like elements. All of the mineral elements have a “water content” percentage. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.

The Egyptian


“But Ammon is a hateful god, and his priests have kept the people in darkness for too long and stifled every living thought, until no one dares say a word without Ammon’s leave. Whereas Aton offers light and a life of freedom—a life without fear—and that is a great thing, a very great thing, my friend Horemheb.” ~ Sinuhe, the Egyptian

by Mika Waltari

The Egyptian is the full-bodied re-creation of an era hitherto untapped by fiction. As such it is rich with fresh veins of fascinating lore. Entirely authentic, it is written with a literaryakhenaton with nefertiti excellence of which few contemporary historical novels can boast.

The story of The Egyptian is rolled out on a tremendous canvas. Set in Egypt, more than a thousand years before Christ, it encompasses all of the then-known world. It is told by Sinuhe, physician to the Pharoah, and is the story of his life. Through his eyes are seen innumerable characters, full drawn and covering the whole panorama of the ancient world. Events of war, intrigue, murder, passion, love, and religious strife are revealed as Sinuhe describes his often brilliant, often bitter life. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part IV

Atlantean-History-Part-IV-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

The evil influences pervading the empire, brought to this peak by the Priests of Bel-Ra, have changed the once-harmonious conditions of Atlantis to one of unrest, fear and trouble. Hitherto happy homes are disrupted because one parent or the other, or, perhaps another member of the family is a loyal Templar, while the others have fallen victims to Idolarty. Children of Templars come of age when they are free to choose their way in life, and they marry into families that are secretly allied in the worship of Bel-Ra. In the families of the most faithful Templars there may be one member that secretly follows the teachings of Ritaro, High Priest of Idolatry of Atlantis. Thus it is that estrangements grow apace in homes where all should be unity and harmony. Such estrangements bring antagonism and strife in our midst.

Since Idolatry, which began with the reign of Dionysos and has reached its zenith during the last decade, the high standard of chastity and honor always maintained by Atlanteans has fallen lower and lower. At the present time the people in general accept a state of sensuousness as inevitable. Some hope this will change and sex conditions be improved; some fear matters will become increasingly worse until the final scene is due upon the stage of the world. (more…)

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Discovering Past Lives Through Journaling

Discovering-Past-Lives-Through-Journaling-main-4-postHow To Keep A Past-Life Journal

by Michael Talbot

One of the most important prerequisites to beginning to explore your past lives is to set up a past-life journal and get in the habit of using it. The journal should be loose-leaf so that you can add pages when necessary, and large enough to accommodate a lot of material. You will also want divider sheets or subject tabs so that you can organize the journal into sections.

How you set your journal up will depend in part on your own idiosyncrasies and on which techniques of past-life recall you choose to explore. Some basic organizational suggestions follow. (more…)

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The Cosmic Centrifuge

Cosmic-Centrifuge-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

In the foregoing article we entered into a frank discussion of certain relative problems which confronted the nuclear physicist at this present time in his attempt to duplicate solar energy, and to create for the world an abundance of power. sun-4-postThe various statistics were drawn from up-to-the-minute scientific findings and summaries of these findings. The author does not vouch for their accuracy; instead, he would like to point out these various findings of today are just as inaccurate as the findings of yesterday which have been replaced by the present findings.

For instance, but a few years ago, the mean temperature of the sun was believed to be 35 million degrees. Today scientists think it may be three or four hundred million degrees. The truth is, they do not know, simply because the temperature of the sun cannot be measured, for it has no temperature; as a matter of fact, heat itself is a complete illusion, just as are all of the various other elements involved in present-day scientific concepts. (more…)

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Physical Karma


“Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” – Buddha

“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword.” – Jesus of Nazereth

by Gina Cerminara

On Physical Karma – According to the Edgar Cayce Readings:

The lame, the deaf, the deformed, the blind, the incurable—these are perhaps the most conspicuous examples of human suffering. When we see such an affliction in another, we are moved to pity of the deepest kind. When we experience such an affliction ourselves, and know its sad frustrations, we begin bitterly to question the ways of God to man. Why has this thing happened to me? we ask plaintively. Why has it happened to me?

The belief that suffering must be due to wrongdoing of some kind has been discarded by the modern mind as a superstition of outworn religions; few people nowadays are inclined to think of suffering in terms of “sin”. Yet in the view of the Cayce readings, sin and suffering have an exact cause-and-effect relationship, even though the point of origin of the sin may be hidden from view. (more…)

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A new site is now available called ScienceOfLife.Info. This site is a revived version of which was taken down by the UN.AR.I.U.S. Educational Foundation.

The site is dedicated to Al McGowan who spent over six figures in having the main lesson courses-curriculum by Dr. Ernest L. Norman re-printed by the thousands so that they would be available freely to the earth man. Many many thanks to him. He has now crossed over but will not soon be forgotten for this selfless act.

These hard cover books are available for free – only pay shipping – from here.

Please take a spin of the site; feedback is welcome.

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The Vortex Atoms of Kelvin

Kelvins-Vortex-Atom-main-4-postby Houssem Kasbaoui

Before it was accepted that atoms are made of electrons orbiting a nucleus, Sir Walter Thomson, a British scientist famously known after his lordship title 1st Baron Kelvin, noted in an 1867 paper titled “On Vortex Atoms”, the following:

“Helmhotlz’s admirable discovery of the law of vortex motion […] inevitably suggests that Helmholt’z rings are the only true atoms. Helmholtz has provided an absolutely inalterable quality in the motion of any portion of a perfect fluid in which the peculiar motion which he calls ‘Wirbelbewegung’(i.e., voriticty) has once been created. Thus any portion of a perfect fluid which has ‘Wirbelbewegung’ has one of recommendation of Lucretius’s atoms — infinitely perennial specific quality.”

Lord Kelvin by Hubert von Herkomer (more…)

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Unmasking The ET Presence

Uncovering-The-ET-Presence-main-4-postby Timothy Good

In a publication of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in 1967, an article on the infiltration of the U.S. government by aliens, based on a lecture by one Gordon Shandley, created a stir. “Those familiar with this field took Mr. Shandley’s entertaining revelations in their stride,” explained the writer, “but the ‘newcomers’ received the shock of their lives as they listened to this Army Air Corps pilot (1941 clearance Top Secret) expound matter-of-factly on the various types of UFOs as casually as though he were discussing the latest models put out by General Motors.

Full excerpt from The Journal of Borderland Research – May/June 1967 Issue:

Because of an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings a heretofore complacent public, whether it likes it or not, is finally being obliged to take a good look at this phenomenon. Judging from the number which turned out to hear Gordon Shandley relate his experiences in flying-saucer research, the topic is attracting widespread interest. (more…)

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