Unariun Wisdom

Venusian Contacts – Part XV

by Dana Howard


Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.

Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes.

DIANE (Val-Deena Thor) Appears

The sentinel peaks were serene and calm; a shadow veil of violet gently hugged the tall cliffs of San Jacinto Mountain. Across the valley in a secluded idyllic canyon, a sacred plot of earth had been set aside for The Altar in the Wilderness shrine—a nucleating center for the healing of the ills of mankind. I had come here often since that day when I was first inspired to carry out the plans for the healing sanctuary.

Lying flat on my back on the very spot where the cornerstone had been laid, I could see through the golden effusion of the sunlight, The Angel of San Jacinto. Perhaps since the very beginning of time, the angel had rested there, a “symbol of health” to the valley of destiny.

I could feel the electric fluids of the cosmos flowing through my body when all of a sudden I became intensely introspective—the desert sands, the prong-studded flora—the scampering lizards—they were all a living part of God’s Great Plan. In that moment I knew, as the immortal Shakespeare had known: “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.”

It had been almost three years now since the prophets had decreed that this plot of earth should serve as a focal center for healing consciousness. Here blind and stumbling humanity would one day be led out of its chaos into the promised land of the New Tomorrow.

It was no mere happenstance that this region had been chosen as a place of healing. Centuries before, the ancient Cahuilla Indians had made it one of their sacred landmarks. Indians came from far and near to bathe in the sacred springs of thermal waters—the same curative waters that today flowed beneath the shrine location. Here on this clean spot of nature’s soil, new values would be found and new values are ever the coil-spring of a more promising life.

The clean desert air caressing my senses, I felt vibrant, magnetic alive. My heart was hammering with the exhilarating contact. Effervescing with new enthusiasm, the regrets I had known only moments before had disappeared. The lonely canyon was like a hushed cathedral entered for the first time for prayer and devotion.

From behind a misshapen Indigo Bush about ten feet distant, a wraith-like shadow came into being. It was more like a vision than a specter—and I knew it was DIANE.

DIANE Speaks On Healing

“Child of Earth,” she intoned . . . “today I come with the most important message yet delivered in this series of discourses, for right here on this hallowed ground the long-dead centuries will again be revived. On this sacred earth the veil between the worlds is very thin, so thin it is difficult to separate the material from the divine. Think well of the great words of your Prophet Isaiah; ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’ Here on these singing desert sands humanity will listen to the song of the soul. Many hearts will be opened up to the universal flow of God’s divine energy.

“This is not new to you, Child of Earth. Some years ago when you returned from your strange journey you were told to come to this desert country. You came and you stayed though many times you suffered great privations. You have known many heartaches, but that was part of your conditioning; a necessary requisite for the reception of things to come. Before life can be directed into new channels, my daughter . . . before science can create anew . . . the environment must be adapted to receive it.

“Intuition paves the way to new horizons. Intuition opens the doors to higher dimensions. We of the Greater Planets have been quietly working toward a more perfect earth manifestation. A telescopic consciousness must be created in the heart of all mankind.

“In the evolutionary advance of the earth in the days ahead, the healing arts will be stressed. When earthman is surfeited with the so-called miracles of science—when these many panaceas for healing fail to heal—then investigators will be guided toward the higher realms. Your scientists will then learn that earthman has a natural body and an etheric body . . . that there must be a mutuality in equilibrium if a healthy state is to be maintained. Your men of science will learn that it is useless to treat the body so long as the auric envelope is filled with psychic debris. Perfect balance must exist between both planes. Poisonous plasms must be constantly replaced by life-giving substances.

“Your scientific men have not searched beyond the superficial. They have failed to apply the same pragmatic principles to all planes—to know and realize there is a perfect reciprocity between all creation. Where only the pure essences flow in and out there can be no such thing as a sick body. There will one day be instruments to check these balances—to measure manifestation on all planes.

“Child of Earth, human ills are caused by going too far in one direction—not far enough in another. One individual carries too heavy a load of material substance; another too great a degree of spiritual plasm. Since time immemorial earthman has sought for a way to health. The early religions taught the art of healing, but this art has been lost in the march of civilization. When spiritual quest is undertaken in earnest, then the ills of mankind will disappear. In that day the needs of the soul will be realized. Science will have learned how to harness the universal harmonies. Your scientific men will no longer be guessing . . . they will know, that all things are bound together by the same invisible cord. That all elements are compounded one from the other.

“Child of Earth, true essence is primordial substance—the seedlings of God’s vital life force. You will read in your gospels, Kings 5: 4: ‘And his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.’

“Before the close of your present century, my daughter, you too will see the discovery of LIFE. You will understand the laws of universal gravitation. When the clock of the new destiny strikes, science will have touched the soul of civilization. Your scientists will know how to apply the principle of vibration and rhythm because they will have found it at the hub of all things.

“Humanity must be made ready for the new state of health. In the wake of scientific progress solidified habit-molds must be broken up, for in the last analysis, disease is only a crystallized habit. Unless this is done quickly the result will be a virus in the bloodstream of humanity. A virus that will lead to earthman’s corruption and decay.

“Spiritual healing is a true science, my daughter . . . the truest of them all. When the thinkers of earth turn from the atom to the life-giving plasms, then the greatest strides in your long histories will have been made. In that day bodies will not be weighted down with imprisoned poisonous atoms. The lifespan will be lengthened. The true spiritual healer is the surgeon of the soul.

“You ask, when will this take place? The outer world moves slowly, my daughter. The inner world moves with the speed of light. When it comes it will be in ‘the twinkling of an eye’ as you earthlings say.

“Today your world stands in awe of miracle healings. This despite the clarity of the message left by the Master Jesus. Your men of science look to the physical vehicle as a medium of illness, while this is only the crystallized counterpart of a distorted sheath beneath, the etheric body. The state of health of the physical body is wholly dependent on the state of health of the etheric body. Your scientists are unwilling to investigate. They will not try to grasp the relationship as it applies to life and living. They refuse to believe that all real healing must take place outside the body. Earthman functions in and through a body, but he is not a material being.

“The principle of spiritual healing is simple indeed. Could I but take you behind the scene I would show you the framework . . . or the structure that carries the life substance. You would see it is constructed with the art and skill of a spider’s web, and not too unlike it in appearance. It is made up of infinitely fine silken wires through which flows a substance slightly heavier than the consistency of milk . . . whitish in color with a slight tint of blue in the auric emanation. The most attenuated psychic sense of earthman has not been able to discern the miracle that takes place. Until proper precision instruments have been created this mystery will remain. If it were possible for earthman to view the invisible mechanism surrounding the physical body, or perhaps I should better say, surrounding the web-like framework, you would be able to see the fine, golden grating that acts as a filter through which the rarefied substances flow in, and the poisonous unwanted plasms flow out. This grating is reinforced with pinpoints of delicate fuzz designed to collect the debris. From this point electrical energy is drawn from the universe.

“To explain it another way, my daughter . . . it is through the tiny openings of this grating—the surround—that the life force is admitted. For the life force is no more, no less than the plasms that are always existent on higher planes. The secret of instantaneous spiritual healing is dependent upon these plasms. The body is only sickened when the plasms have lost their ability to serve. They lose their ability to serve when the grating is clogged or disturbed. Bear in mind . . . life does not exist in the body but in the field removed from the body. It serves the body by means of this surround. If the channels from the universal field are kept open and free, and the area between the grating and the physical form and this golden grating kept clean and pure, disease germs could not find lodgment in the body at any point. When the cell life is kept under control and domination by the mind, as in spiritual healing, then as transmutation takes place the unwanted material is instantly dissolved. You see, my daughter, only when there is proper adjustment between the inner and the outer can the magnetic forces of the universe flow freely.

“Child of Earth . . . healing is merely changing the state of illness to a state of health through spiritual osmosis. Spiritual healing is a true science. The truest of them all. To inject vile pus [vaccination] into the body is to create future vileness. To put clean plasms into the body is to create a lasting healthy state. When your scientific minds turn away from pus and turn toward cosmic psychics—then will they find the many answers that elude them today.

“Inspired vision is the harbinger of events to come. One of the great revelations of your day came when you were told to erect a healing shrine on this strip of hallowed earth. Countless miracle healings will take place here. Many who come to visit will be carried away on waves of spiritual ecstasy. Others will experience newly awakened minds. There will be a few to whom illumination will come. In the days ahead this holy shrine will be one of the contact points between the Planet Venus and the Planet Earth. Many will hear the voices from other spheres.

“My daughter . . . the sacred incandescent flame enkindled in you before departure for our land of glory will be likewise enkindled in others. I say to you, keep the incense always burning. Keep the fires alive on the inner altar of your mind. You will then be able to see our beacon lights. You will be able to communicate with us. Moreover you will know GOD in the true light of knowing GOD.

“I take my leave now, my daughter, for I have much work to do on other planes. I work not only on the concrete planes of existence, but in the etheric worlds as well. I go now to my etheric home on Ether-Cana.

“I shall return—but in the interim of waiting, carry on your work with an enlightened heart. Fear not the setbacks that will be strewn in your path. The door to transcendental realizations has been opened. Use your potentialities to the utmost limit. When in doubt—you will always find the answer here in your desert sanctuary.

“God bless you, my earth child . . . till we meet again.” ~ DIANE

Excerpt from Diane – She Came From Venus