Unariun Wisdom

The Grand Man

by George Hunt Williamson

“In the Universe of infinite entities and infinite variety, Man is found manifesting in many degrees from Microcosm to Macrocosm. In the theory of Paracelsus, the Microcosm was man, as if combining in himself all the elements of the Macrocosm or great world. This theory in turn reminds us of Swedenborg who spoke and wrote so often about the Creator as The Grand Man of the Omniverse containing all the elements of the Microcosmic world. From the smallest unit of Creation to the most gigantic, there is a spiraling, circular progression. Early explorers went West to get East; and so in the Microcosmic world lies the answer to what the Macrocosmos is like.

Darwin said: “An organic being is a Microcosm, a little Universe, formed of a host of self propagating organisms, inconceivably minute and numerous as the stars in heaven.”

A. Bronson Alcott, in 1877 said: “Matter in particle and planet, mind and macrocosm, is quick with spirit.”

So, we find matter manifesting and vibrating from minute to the monumental in various degrees, but SPIRIT permeates through all! In the great world of the Macrocosmos is it not logical and entirely possible that there may exist worlds so large in comparison with ours that their individual total masses may be millions upon millions of times that of Earth? And, if we grant that, is it not reasonable to say that in the small world of the Microcosmos we will find the direct opposite? In other words, atomic worlds containing real intelligent beings who live, work and love even as we?

For some time now scientists have been well aware of the fact that there is a Universal pattern of form in the minute that is duplicated exactly in the colossal of Creation!

Space visitors have said: “It is not right that man should destroy his brother by utilizing the powerful forces of atomic energy, but the destruction you witness is minor, indeed, compared to the enormity of chaos created in the Microcosmos by the release of such energy!” When an atomic bomb is detonated, literal Microcosmic worlds containing created life are destroyed. Of course, these worlds are in other dimensions of time and space: what we think of as a minute may be the passing of a million years to the Microcosmic citizen.

Infinity covers a lot of “territory”, and we can easily have worlds and life so minute that we aver-age five-foot eighters cannot possibly see them with our organs of sight. If we accept this fact, we must also agree that there must be bigger worlds and bigger life forms. In fact, these forms could be so large that we couldn’t possibly see them . . . and that brings us back to the Microcosmos.

In considering the present space visitations to Earth, we encounter Saucer occupants similar to ourselves in size and form. We do not find spacemen coming into Earth’s atmosphere landing their craft on a pin head or Saucer pilots so large that they displace all the water in the Atlantic Ocean if they decide to take a dip. The reason certain space people are here and not other inhabitants of the Cosmos is because our Infinite Father has sent those brothers to us who are most nearly like ourselves in appearance and bodily size. After all, contact is difficult enough in a corporeal world without adding to the problem by sending a highly developed being who would have to announce the Universal doctrine to us from that pin-head or lovingly lead us like a Swift in Lilliput! The space friends here now may be far ahead of us in spiritual development, but they are probably more nearly like us than other dwellers in the Cosmos.

Before the consideration of similarities existing between matter and energy from the subatomic (microcosmic) through the astronomical (macro-cosmic) levels is discussed, it is important to conceive of what matter and energy are. Very recently, it was taught in our universities that most of the atom as well as most of the starry Universe was empty space. Now, finally, physicists are uncovering the facts that show matter and energy to be the same thing, though they cannot really understand how such a situation can exist. Their facts confuse their theories and they find themselves forced into retaining theories they now know to be inconsistent with the facts, for lack of any better theories.

Empty space is a dead concept, for where is there no starlight? Yes, even starlight is matter and exerts pressure. Science has discovered that the famous little particle called an electron sometimes exhibits itself more as a particle and sometimes more as a wave. This is true also of the other so-called particles of the atom and of the Universe.

A particle can be an electron, other atomic particles, an atom, a moon, a planet, a sun, a solar system, a galaxy, a super-galaxy, and so on, ad infinitum. All creations (particles) in the Universe are similar because:

(1) All of them discharge energy. This might be considered as reference to fields of force; emission of rays; waves; frequencies; vibrations and forces. Briefly then, how can one picture something having both particle and wave properties at the same time? It is done by thinking of them as shells within shells. Some of these shells are visible to the eye as the Earth’s crust, the layers of an onion, the skin of the body, or the “wheels within wheels” of Saucers. Some are visible with instruments which have determined the wave nature of electrons and other particles which emit quanta of energy. Some are detected by special photography as the four known fields of vibration around the human body and the atomic and molecular structures of various crystalline bodies as obtained by the British physicist, W. L. Bragg. The kind of motion that these shells exhibit, determines what the effect of that energy is to be. Heat, for example, is a wave pattern made up of a series of particles given off in quanta by an electron. It might be called pure energy moving with a peculiar kind of motion. The nature of the motion determines the effect produced, which can be any of the following: Nonvisible light; visible light measured as heat, or cold light. Remember that visibility and invisibility and the sensations of heat and cold are only sensations of the physical structure. Thus the real meaning of the term light is far beyond what is visible to the eyes. The term light is used to designate the wave nature of all matter, its energy and its motion.

(2) In order for bodies continually to discharge energy they must continually absorb a new supply of energy. Thus the Universe consists of constant interchange of energy resulting in:

(3) A perpetual rhythmic expansion and contraction. For example, it is only possible for comets to travel at their terrific speeds for long periods of time because they are constantly replenishing their energy through their tail, and this energy is from a sun.

Now let us consider the tremendous likenesses exhibited by primary bodies beginning with the smallest we can detect, the sub-atomic:

Sub-atomic particles (and when we say particle, we must think of particle-wave for the two concepts are inseparable in speaking of basic structure) are to be considered in this discussion as particles that science can know only indirectly by their behavior Thus, heat energy given off by an electron might be comparable to satellites of the electron. Thus the electron gives off electro-magnetic radiation, which produces effects on varying portions of the spectrum depending on the kind of motion.

Perhaps these particles are those quanta of electromagnetic radiation which have been called photons and/or gamma rays. These rays, like X-rays, are without an electrical charge and are therefore not deflected in electric or magnetic fields. Gamma rays are electro-magnetic radiation of very short wave length, and high energy. Photons or energy vary in their velocity and thus energy according to the kind of radiation to which the matter emitting the photons is subjected.

If the radiation is in the high frequency end of the spectrum, then the photons will have a higher energy. In other words, the energy of the photons emitted by an electron subjected to electromagnetic radiation is related to the energy of the radiation, but the energy is emitted in distinct quanta. Photons are too small to detect experimentally in the high frequency portion of the spectrum. They are only detected in that part of the spectrum below visible light.

Photons or gamma rays by interaction with atomic nuclei have been converted into pairs of electrons and positrons (positively charged electrons). This materialization is a good example of the equivalence of matter (mass) and energy.

Scientists have divided the sub-atomic particles into two classes. The first class consists of particles which cannot occupy the same shell or energy level. These include the proton, electron, positron, neutron, neutrino and mu mesons. The second class consists of particles which can occupy the same energy level. Photons, gravitons, and pi mesons be-long to this class. The graviton is the unit of gravitational energy. According to the Unified Field Theory, gravity is just another aspect of electromagnetism like light, radio waves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

Professor Vaclav Hlavaty of Indiana University Graduate Institute of Applied Mathematics recently achieved solutions to mathematical equations in Einstein’s latest Unified Field Theory that revolutionize our concepts of energy, motion and matter.

Dr. Hlavaty’s solutions to the Einstein equations reveal that electro-magnetism is the basis of the Universe . . . which goes beyond Einstein’s attempt to unify gravitation and electromagnetism . . . the twin forces in which he believes the Universe manifests itself. If Dr. Hlavaty’s solution is correct, the basis of all cosmic forces–gravitation as well as matter and energy–is built up of an all-pervading, all-embracing mathematical field.

These theories will lead to the discovery of cosmic forces not even suspected today. Gravitation is not the basis of everything, but electro-magnetism is. Everything, including man, owes its existence to its electro-magnetic force field.

So-called gravity is created by the vortex of the particle itself and is related to the density and also the size of the vortex or electro-magnetic field. Thus the gravity exhibited by a sub-atomic particle may be greater than suspected at the present time. It is present as pressure toward the center of the field. Therefore, one might think of gravity as acting inward at right angles to the energy levels or shells. And to make a broader statement, we might say that all of the particles of the second class are acting at right angles to the spherical energy levels or shells, but the photons act outward and are given off as various forms of electro-magnetic energy. Both photons and gravitons modify the motion of their respective nuclear body in its role as a satellite to some larger body.

As electrons revolve about atomic nuclei in energy levels, so photons revolve around electronic nuclei, and when they are subjected to energy they are emitted as electro-magnetic energy in waves, the effect of which depends of their motion. For the possible effects glance at a chart of the electro-magnetic spectrum. The effects may be anywhere from heat on the far left, through radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, and X-rays, to the high energy gamma rays just before the section of the spectrum designated secondary cosmic rays.

Gravitons are “particles” acting inward pulling from the center due to the pressure therein resulting from the expansion and contraction of the magnetic field which is a field of electrically charged motion. Due to the particular kind of motion of the electron in the magnetic field, no sensation of electricity is felt. The latter results when the negatively charged electrons move through the positively charged solution called atmosphere with a frictional motion. Atmosphere as used here, refers to the electro-magnetic field, not just “air”.

“. . . The particles that go to make up the ethers can be thought of . . . as sub-sub-atomic matter . . . and as you ‘sub’ lower than that we go out of existence as far as the world of matter measurable is concerned . . .” (B.S.R.A. Special Report, 10-C-53).

Now let us consider atomic structure!

Although we could probably be more nearly correct if we regarded all the so-called particles as motion rather than substance, we retain the physicists terminology in order that those who are acquainted somewhat with atomic physics can judge for themselves what is stated.

The old classical idea of an atom consisting simply of a positive nucleus with negative pointlike electrons revolving rapidly around it is now found to be quite inadequate. Also, we are not so certain that there is a tremendous amount of empty space between these entities. For sub-sub-atomic matter would indicate satellites of satellites to a micro-infinity separated by the Infinite Light of the Creator, known to the Qabbalists as Ain Soph Aur, the Limitless Light.

The newer theory of wave mechanics envisions the electron as a standing wave undulating to and fro. When the electron emits energy its energy level or shell is contracted accordingly. When it absorbs energy the shell is expanded. The apparent mass depends on its speed. Since the electron rotates, we must now conceive of this undulating more or less spherical shell rotating or spinning. This rotation is brought about by the effect of flux set up by the charged solution in which the electron is found. The rotation brings about polarity, magnetism, gravity, electricity, etc.”


See The Grand Man – Part II