The Grand Man – Part II

grand-man-main-1-4-postby George Hunt Williamson

Now, before we leave this discussion of what an electron is, let’s include in our concept what would give rise to this more or less circular standing wave undulating to and fro. This can also be thought of as a manifestation of the vortex or electro-magnetic field. This effect can be pictured by imagining the wave effect of two series of vertical rows of fish passing uniformly between each other at a ninety-degree angle and then backing up. Would not this motion in rhythm give the effect of a spherical undulating wave? In the case of the atom these waves are produced by parallel lines of force passing between each other at right angles with a rhythmic “breathing” resulting from the positive-negative strain. The positive lines of force are composed of positively charged particles, and the negative lines of force of negative particles intersect them at right angles forming a flux effect. This intersection, when the lines are of equal density and vibration, forms an atom consisting of protons and electrons and an electro-magnetic field. It is because these two kinds of lines of force have different speeds that scientists have recently discovered that the speed of light is not constant at 186,000 miles per second.

Several months ago, a naval research engineer said he and four associates photographed a spot of light moving across a cathode ray tube at 202,000 miles per second, faster than the recognized speed of light. (more…)

The Grand Man

grand man mainby George Hunt Williamson

“In the Universe of infinite entities and infinite variety, Man is found manifesting in many degrees from Microcosm to Macrocosm. In the theory of Paracelsus, the Microcosm was man, as if combining in himself all the elements of the Macrocosm or great world. This theory in turn reminds us of Swedenborg who spoke and wrote so often about the Creator as The Grand Man of the Omniverse containing all the elements of the Microcosmic world. From the smallest unit of Creation to the most gigantic, there is a spiraling, circular progression. Early explorers went West to get East; and so in the Microcosmic world lies the answer to what the Macrocosmos is like.

Darwin said: “An organic being is a Microcosm, a little Universe, formed of a host of self propagating organisms, inconceivably minute and numerous as the stars in heaven.”

A. Bronson Alcott, in 1877 said: “Matter in particle and planet, mind and macrocosm, is quick with spirit.”

So, we find matter manifesting and vibrating from minute to the monumental in various degrees, but SPIRIT permeates through all! In the great world of the Macrocosmos is it not logical and entirely possible that there may exist worlds so large in comparison with ours that their individual total masses may be millions upon millions of times that of Earth? And, if we grant that, is it not reasonable to say that in the small world of the Microcosmos we will find the direct opposite? In other words, atomic worlds containing real intelligent beings who live, work and love even as we? (more…)

The Woman Who Solved Crimes

The-Woman-Who-Solved-Crimes-main-4-postby Mabel Love

The taxi driver, becalmed in a New York traffic jam, fell to thinking about his own personal problems: should he sell his house in Bellcrose, take that job in Detroit—things like that.

“Don’t give up your job, son, your wife would not be happy out there,” a hearty voice boomed from the back seat of his cab.

“What the—what goes on here?” Shaken, the driver turned to size up the smiling middle-aged woman who seemed to have read his thoughts so accurately.

“You a mind reader, lady?”

“Something like that, only my gift is called extrasensory perception.” (more…)

Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part I

Mans-Greatest-Fear---Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

life-and-deathWithout question or doubt, the greatest single fear so far as the general races of humanity are concerned is the fear of death and taking a secondary place of importance, though not one of fear, is the concept of birth. How strange then it is that mankind lives in fear of death, anticipates with joy the events of birth, yet knows nothing of the basic facts which relate these two events so closely together. Only when we understand the scientific application of knowledge as it is applied in the factors of evolution called reincarnation, do we substantially increase the knowledge and ascertain for ourselves the direct relationship between these two important events. (more…)

Secrets Of The Shamans ~ Part I

Secrets-Of-The-Shamans-Part-I-main-4-postby Vincent H. Gaddis

During the winter of 1866 a group of Sioux camped in the Powder River country, near Piney Creek in Wyoming. Food was low, and the tribesmen tramped through the deep snow in a desperate attempt to find game. After a disappointing hunt they returned to the camp, but many of them were snow blind, unable to see from having looked too long at the glare of sunlight on the snow.

The blind men were taken to a medicine man who had learned healing through dreams and visions. The shaman placed snow over the eyes of the afflicted men, then he sang a song he said he had learned in a dream. Next, he placed snow in his mouth and blew some of the flakes upon the heads of the men. Immediately their blindness went away. Snow blindness is usually temporary, but severe cases can last a considerable time, and sight returns gradually. (more…)

A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity ~ Part III

A-Spaceman-Speaks-Overcoming-Gravity-Part-III-main-4-postby Dino Kraspedon


Q: Shall we one day be able to journey through space and visit other planets?

A: Yes, it will be possible, as it is, in fact, at present. There is now much talk on Earth of journeys through space and of conquering other worlds and their inhabitants but before running the tremendous risks involved, one needs to know all the laws which govern the planetary system and the peculiarities of each one of the planets. If one were ignorant of these laws one would be destroyed before leaving the rarefied matter that surrounds the Earth; and if we are to have the pleasure of being conquered we should hate to see you come to grief without having got beyond the gaseous envelope of your own planet! There is no visible doorway into space, but it is shut to those who are ignorant of the fundamental laws that govern it.

Knowledge is the key that opens it.

But in view of the state of Earthly knowledge, this is as yet an impossible dream. Science will not be able, in one fell swoop, to achieve the conquest of space when it knows nothing about what happens more than 300 miles up. (more…)

Solar Cyclic Effects On Human Activity

Solar-Cyclic-Effects-On-Human-Activity-main-2-postby David Hyde and Ben Davidson

“Life is a phenomenon. Its production is due to the influence of the dynamics of the cosmos on a passive subject. It lives due to dynamics, each oscillation of organic pulsation is coordinated with the cosmic heart in a grandiose whole of nebulas, stars, the sun and the planet.” ~ Alexander L Chizhevsky

Solar energy and cosmic radiation have electrical influences over a multitude of human activities Alexander Chizhevsky 2 postincluding human health. Mainstream science has begun to accept these effects, and to investigate the topic in a serious way, but the science itself is by no means ‘new’.

At the December 1926 annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Russian Professor Alexander  Chizhevsky presented the paper Physical Factors of the Historical Process. The paper examined the cyclical variations in the sunspot number of the Solar Cycle in order to create a mass index of human excitability throughout history. He found that revolutions and periods of intense fighting seemed to occur during Solar Maxima – the period of greatest activity in the 11-year solar cycle of the Sun – while cultural flourishing and social cohesion tended to occur during Solar Minima. (more…)

Past Life Therapy: The Many Faces of Fear

Past-Life-Many-Faces-of-Fear“Nearly everyone has one or more fears that appear to have no logical cause. For example, many people have nothing in their background that would account for their unreasonable fear of the dark, water, bugs or being entrapped in a closed space. Yet, when they confront circumstances that trigger these fears, they often freeze in an immobilizing panic attack, which can be accompanied by sweating, fainting and/or shortness of breath. Although these fears usually do not present a real danger to a person’s life, they often can cripple them to the point whereby they are unable to function in a normal, healthy manner. Because of this, these people feel endangered. As a general rule, most of the devastating fears my clients have encountered are traceable to one or more fleeting, yet extremely traumatic events in their past lives. The one exception to this is the fear of being in small spaces, which I’ve found frequently is caused by long periods of entrapment in a past life.

Regardless of how long my clients have suffered, or how gruesome and frightening their past-life experiences may have been, their fears can be easily neutralized in a matter of a few minutes during regression. Something worth mentioning again is that as the regressees relive the casual events, they do not feel any actual physical pain. By simply releasing their long- suppressed feelings associated with these incidents, they’re freed from the pernicious and often debilitating consequences of their long-forgotten past. (more…)

The Grand Cosmic Web

When astronomers look at the universe on a grand scale—when they step back to view the arrangement of galaxies on a scale of billions of light-years—they see that galaxies are aligned in a web formation. (more…)

Cosmic Mind Receivers

Cosmic-Mind-Receivers-main-4-postby W. Gordon Allen

It is a strange world that we find in the laboratories of our Western science for if we cannot weigh it, see it, measure it, or get a specimen of it, it does not really exist. Research, renowned for the civilized gadgets which it puts on the market as advertised items before an eager public, is much to blame for this misconception. The sale of an intangible is pretty tough; the sale of an intangible reality is in our Western world nearly an impossibility. But that appears to be our problem.

For our next subject, let us talk to Mr. Ouspensky a bit about dimensions. We recommend P.D. Ouspensky’s A New Model Of The Universe to the reader who would like to delve more deeply into one facet of the problems of reality. (more…)

Magnetism: The Universal ‘I Am’

magnetism-the-universal-I-am-main-4-postby George Hunt Williamson

“In the discussion of The Grand Man of the Universe, we have shown the similarity, or oneness of all Creation from Microcosm to Macrocosm.

When we previously mentioned an electromagnetic field or vortex, we were referring to the Fourth Great Primary Force, or the Resonating Electromagnetic Field (RMF) which present day science knows nothing about although they suspect its existence.

The Four Forces are: Static-Magnetic Field (SM), as in a bar magnet; Electro-Static Field (ES), as in a charged capacitor; Electro-Magnetic Wave (EM), as radio waves, light, heat, etc.; Resonating Electromagnetic Field (RMF), like that of all celestial bodies (operating in a vortex), space craft propulsion field, the basis of life, the elemental life.

Throughout space are positive and negative parallel light lines of force running between each other at right angles and consisting of charged particles vibrating at varying rates producing a rhythmic wave effect of bands. These lines of force also vary in the number of particles they contain in a given distance, that is, they vary in their density. When negative and positive lines or bands ( equal to the diameter of the particle to be) with equal densities and vibrations cross, a vortex is set up which condenses the positive particles and these become substance as nuclei . . . either a proton (atomic nucleus), or a comet (early evolutionary form of a planet), or a sun (nucleus of a solar system). The negative particles are condensed as the Resonating Electromagnetic Field (vortex) of an atom, a planet, or a sun. (more…)

Gamaliel of Hermes: Philosophy Through The Ages

Gamaliel-of-Hermes-Philosophy-Through-The-Ages-main-2--postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, dear ones; this is Brother Gamaliel. It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am bringing you one of the last and 1-Gamalielclosing chapters from Hermes and the city of Aureleus. It has been with a good deal of pleasure that we have been able to be of some small service to you, as you have personally met and listened to the various interpreters of the earth science and philosophy, as they have existed in your more recent time. It is assumed that by now the interest of the reader will have reached a point where he will have searched the libraries and discovered to his own advantage and amazement that a great deal of wonderful history and truth can be gained by reading these books. It is also quite obvious that, numerous as our trips and discussions have been, we have presented to you only very small fragments and portions of these numerous lives and pages of historical events, as they were portrayed in the thousands of years of time in the sequence of evolution in the earth histories. (more…)

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Early Evidences Of An Inhabited Solar System

Early-Evidence-Of-An-Inhabited-Solar-System-main-2-postby Daniel Ross

Venus, Mars, and the Moon are important in that they are our closest neighbors, and the habitability can easily be determined. Our space program of the 1960s and 70s probed and photographed them extensively, since these planets were known to be the homes or bases of the UFOs. Life beyond the Earth should have been published as an established fact years ago. Two things prevented this from becoming our rightful knowledge; the inability, and often the refusal, of the orthodox scientists to go beyond their shared perceptions; and secondly, the absolute secrecy and censorship by the top-level authorities in charge of the space program.

But what about the other planets in our solar system? Are they inhabited also? And are their environments Earth-like, or similar enough, that we could travel to them and step out on their surfaces? (more…)

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The Road To Jerusalem: The True Events Of Palm Sunday

The-Road-To-Jerusalem-main-2-postThis is vision twenty-seven as received through the mediumship of Alexander Smyth of the true events in the story and life of Jesus of Nazareth.


Three days had elapsed since the events transpired as represented in the last vision. The sun had risen high in the heavens, denoting that it was about noon. The day was bright, clear and fragrant with sweet odors, and the foliage of the mountain scenery was beautiful to the sight. The palm tree was in its full bloom.

This was the day appointed by Judas for Jesus to make his last visit to Jerusalem under the false representation to receive the addresses and condolence of his disciples and friends – the expression of their grateful and loving hearts, and to sympathize with each other in the fears and hopes pertaining to their good cause.

Judas, under the direction of Saul, made great preparations for this day, as they intended to play their most important part, to entrap their virtuous and unconscious victim into the meshes of their iniquitous designs. A great deal of money had been expended in bribing certain persons to perform acts deemed necessary to their scheme of treachery; also for the sumptuous provision of an evening banquet, so that no labor or expense had been spared to render sure their contemplated plot. (more…)

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Remarkable Achievements Of The Lemurians

The-Remarkable-Achievements-Of-The-Lemurians-main-2-postby Wisher S. Cerve

Aside from the unusual psychic development or spiritual unfoldment attained by the Lemurians and which gave them unusual advantages in a purely personal and individual sense, the people as a race and as a nation attained a high degree of development in the arts and sciences and in the mastership of worldly problems.

When it is said in modern writings that the ancient Egyptians attained a degree of civilization and intellectual mastership that was superior to our present day attainments, this is generally said in a relative way, for it is only relatively true. When we say that the Lemurians reached a higher degree of civilization then we have reached, it is likewise meant in a relative sense, although there are some evidences of attainment that were actually beyond the scientific achievements of modern times. (more…)

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